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Romantic, Adventure Plots!


New Member
I would like to roleplay something with romance, adventure, and drama. If anybody would like to roleplay or help me out with some plots, I would really appreciate it!
Hey!! I'd love to roleplay with you. I'm new to the site so forgive me if I don't understand some things, but I've been roleplaying for five years on various websites so I at least have experience with that.
elizalou said:
Hey!! I'd love to roleplay with you. I'm new to the site so forgive me if I don't understand some things, but I've been roleplaying for five years on various websites so I at least have experience with that.
Me too, I've been roleplaying for a while & I'm also new to this site so you're not alone! I actually have no idea how to start a roleplay...also, I'm not sure if I can PM yet, because I don't think I have 10 posts.
Yes definitely!! I'm just trying to finally make ten posts lol. I think this will be my seventh.

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