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Romance RP Hetalia (Wales x New Zealand)


New Member
Aph Wales and Aph New Zealand

So I saw some pictures of Wales and New Zealand. (They're so precious together!)

So here's my idea (it's mostly romance):

Imagine Wales got a huge crush on New Zealand but Wales is too oblivious to see that the kiwi is madly in love with him. The Welsh tries to get his attention which the kiwi give him a lot. They're spending much time together without knowing about the others feelings. They think that the other has a crush on someone else. But then suddenly they got a fight one day and one of them accidentally confesses their love for the other.

They both fell in silence till one of them came closer to kiss the other. After that I don't know...they live happily ever after and maybe marry one day? ^ω^

You can text me or leave a comment if interested c:

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