Roman Wang | Doctor

Shadow Alpha

Senior Member

Name: Roman Wang
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual

Considering the serious occupation that Roman is in, he's surprisingly goofy and hates when things get too serious but will instantly tone it down during surgeries. His positive and fun loving demeanor can lead to unintentional flirting that he's not even aware of which has led to some pretty interesting misunderstandings. A person can only be so happy and he has his own inner demons just like everyone else. Roman has an overprotective side that masks his quick temper that can get out of hand in the simplest situations. It't doesn't help that he's 6'4" and can appear quite imposing but he's basically a giant teddy bear to people that know him well enough.

Roman Wang was born and raised in Hong Kong until the age of 6 when his parents decided to move to the states because both of them had been job positions in their field of expertise in a small town (Acorn Ridge) where they felt they would be needed most. 4 years had past, Roman had comfortably settled in with the other kids and had a younger sister that was 6 at the time. Roman was the perferct brother that really did enjoy spending time with his sister and watched over her. It was all going well until Roman's sister was starting to be bullied and it reached a point where she would come home with scratces and mild bruises. She wouldn't them what was happening and it only fueled Sebastian's anger even more. How dare someone hurt his little sister. One day, Roman overheard a boy in his talking about how he beat up a little asian girl everyday because she couldn't fight back and it made him feel better. Something snapped internally in Sebastian and he leapt at the boy in a blind rage. He was already somewhat fit and pinned the boy beneath while he pummeled the boy's face and ribs resulting in a black eye, bloody nose, and a cracked rib before 2 teachers could restrain him. Roman snarled while they hurriedly took the boy of the classroom and began to shake as the fury tried to leave his body. After the incident, Roman had begun to take kickboxing to deal with his anger and to stay in shape so that no one he cared about would ever get hurt again. His compassion soon led him into the medical field like his parents that now own the hospital and attended Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville so he could be close to home. Roman returned a licensed doctor and has since worked in his parents hospital.

A ragdoll kitten named Lily and a female ball python named Nyx 


Animals, helping others, music, stormy weather, naps, playing around, nature, and fruit (especially pomegranates)


Losing control of his anger, hot weather,bees, birds, and  seeing the people he care about getting hurt


Holly Prudence Merigold - Best friend





Has a tattoo on his back with a flower starting on his right shoulder and ending around his left hip like the picture below


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