Roman Rebellion


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Tita woke early slipping out of the bed Senator Marcus's bed. He had taken her to a Senatorial dinner last night but afterward he had requested her "services." His wife by now knew of his relationship and luckily she did not bother Tita much about it. If anything she pitied the girl and tried to protect her. Tita looked around the room trying locating her clothes tossed in the corner, rubbing her arms as a chill passed through her body she felt disgusted with herself. She knew that would she did was all for rebellion but she still felt under appreciated at times. The only thing that kept her going was the fact that the information she acquired usually helped the people.
Soul sat in a corner of the market in the darkness as he lay hidden due to him being chased by the guards for his recent attack of stones thrown at them. why do you get yourself into these situations?. Soul shook his head as he saw the guards pass by and head down the street and turn right, he then left his spot and headed into the tavern a couple of doors down keeping his hood up. After he entered his didn't order anything like usual and sat in his normal spot in the back in the dark part of the seats.
Yasra and Lin rode through the streets, their exotic shades of skin turning heads, as many had never seen such people before, especially not ones like Lin.

they stopped at a crossroads, as a group of guards, the ones chasing Soul went around the corner

"well" said Yasra, "it seems this town is even livelier than the last, what did they call this place again?"

"Roma i believe" replied Lin, seemingly emotionlessly.

"Roma, so this... ah! we're in the capital!" she exclaimed in indian "how wonderful"


they conitinued to ride their horses a bit further, untill they came across a group of guards, the first ones to stop them, the guards bloked the roads

"halt, foreigners!" the guard captain exclaimed, Yasra replied

"ah, good day sir guard, my friend and i have traveled quite a way, we would greatly appreciate any directions to an inn"

"not so fast, you dark-skin foreigner, what business do you have in roma?"

"we are travelers, sir, and writers! we hope to write tales of our wanders in these beautiful green lands, and to possibly learn how some of these fantastic machines your culture uses works, like the plumbing system and how the bath houses work, they would be of great value in our home countries!"

The guard thought for a minute, these 2 were odd, but they seemed to be just foreign visitors, but are women aloowed to wander like this

"do you have a man with you?"

Yasra wantd to facepalm and scream out "i'd like a man in my bed, but i dont need one every second!"

but she didnt say that, she just smiled innocently

"why yes, he stopped to help a centurion with a broken leg a few hundred metres back, he said he said to find an inn or tavern nearby, and to hitch out horses outside for him to find"

the guard nodded, believing them.

"okay, there is a tavern just further down the road, with an inn next to it"

"thank you sir"

Yasra and Lin rode on, Lin looked at them all, focussed, lie a lioness ready to strike, while Yasra rode with humble confidence, looking ahead.

Yasra and Lin entered the tavern, the music stopped as they looked at the 2 strange women

"don't mind us, boys" called out Yasra, giggling a bit as she took a seat

"two wines, our silver and gold is good, and we've had a long journey!"
Noctis road threw the city on his house with drake by his side. they stopped and tied there houses up infront of a building. Noctis got up and walked to the door and pushed it open. He looked around and shouted

"senator Marcus!"

he stood in the doorway waiting for a reply
Tita began the lengthy process of retying her elaborate white and blue toga. Senator Marcus liked his women to wear the highest fashions at all times and Tita did not mind the nice clothes. As she tied the final knot there was a banging at the door. Jumping Tita quickly checked over her shoulder making sure the Senator was still asleep. Yes, she rushed to the doorway passing through the dining room to grab a lantern. They kept the house lit with candles but she needed a little more light. Who could be calling at his hour? She wondered opening the heavy wooden door as quietly as possible. The first thing she noticed was the hulking breath of a huge cane corso beside a man whose face was shrouded by the dark. It too all of her strength not to reach out and pet the large beast. Most people called the dogs fierce beasts but she loved their menacing face. Turning back to face the man she asked, "May I help you?"

"where is marcus slave girl"

he laid his hood down and looked around the house disgusted with how the senate was living a life of luxury

"tell him that i have returned with my legion and i need to talk to him about the so called rebels"
Tita bit back a sharp reply and simple asked,"Please come in, do you require his presence at this moment or would you rather me ready a guest room so that you may wait for his waking?" She opened the mahogany door wider so that he may enter. At the moment she heard footsteps coming down the corridor. She turned raising her lantern, it was Spurius.

(Does Spurius know him? That would kind of be cool if they did)
(yes he can if you want 8P)

Noctis squinted his eyes trying to make out who was coming down the hall when he finally saw that it was sparius he let out a loud laugh

"well if it isnt little sparius how have you been!"

he said slapping him on the back laughing
"Little Spurius isn't so little anymore," he said grasping Noctuis's hand in a firm handshake. "How have your campaign been going?" he asked taking the lantern from Tita. She had obviously come from his father's chambers because she was dressed to nicely.

Tita stepped back bowing her head hands clasped behind her back.
Damien strolled towards Senator Marcus's dwelling, leather shoes scuffed by the rocks as he dragged onward, preferring to walk on such an occasion. Rarely did he have to venture from their lofty countryside abode into the bustle of the city and then further to the home of the powerful man. He enjoyed seeing the people, hard at work, oblivious to whom he was unless deeply involved in political affairs--which many were not, and few lurked outside. The clatter of hooves as citizens rode by were overwhelming, and the roar of gathered peasants collaborated to make an enveloping symphony of chaos--something his life drastically lacked. Hands at his sides, a letter on fine parchment rolled up in one fist, he found himself loitering by stands of fruit and small knickknacks, purchasing useless material after useless material. By the time he'd emerged from the crowded roads and managed to arrive at the senator's home, he had now a large crate of apples and toys and books and paper pinched under one arm. The sack of coin that once bounced against his thigh was considerably lighter, but it had hardly put a dwarfed impression in his vast savings...which troubled him. It was dark, he'd left quite late and his dawdling had made it even worse. He felt bad about being so rude. At the open entryway he could see many figures, servants and well known political leaders. He recognized a few from court, and others not so much. Tita, however, was a face he'd seen one too many times, pointed out by women and men alike, gossiped about for sharing a bed with senator Marcus. That thought prompted his reason for being here; his father needed to speak with the senator, for what he did not quite know, and it was apparent that others requested the presence of the man as well. He would have to wait, he assumed.
Tita shuffled to the door and began to close it seeing as everyone had entered the corridor but wait someone was outside. Straining her eyes she leaned out of the doorway a bit, "Hello?" she called trying to get the person's attention without waking the rest of the household. This evening had been an odd one, the dinner had been full of discussions of wars that were completely unnecessary and now two visitors in one night. She was always aloud to sit in on the Senator's dinner meetings because she was deemed a stupid uneducated slave woman.
(i hope Bettsy doesn't mind me doing this)

The Owner of the tavern was about to yell at them to get the heck out of there until they brought a male with them but felt a cold glare from the hooded man in the dark corner and instead said "have a seat at that table there", he pointed into the hooded man's direction and table.
he looked back at tita and whistled at his dog to come over by him. he then pulled out a golden dagger with Arabic designs on it

"lets just say that the middle eastern campaign was less then enjoyable, the senate keeps intervening with my plans making the men slaughter entire villages of people that had no way to deffend themselves" he said under his breath to sparius

he walked over to a chair and say down petting his dog

"whats happened here sparius, why are people rebelling against the senate?"
Yasra looked around, seeing the man in the corner

"hey, Lin, what do you thik of that man in the corner?"

"bad trouble..."

thats lin for ya, short, simple answers.

Yasra got her drink and took a sip

"wow, being a woman in this country is sort of like back home... men dominating everything, women not having the rights we deserve, we squeeze those men out, and what do we get? nothing!"

luckily she said this in indian, so no-one understood her.

she god several harsh glares from various men in the bulding, she decided to shut up and take another sip of her drink

"Yasra, we shouldnt draw too much attention to ourselves, i can sense a murderous intent... or just a rapist intent, in which case"

"what'll that be, 18 would-be rapist tackles cut off?"

"closer to 24"

"meh, still, any man tries that with us, he can forget having kids, like those bandits a few days ago, those ones that wore wolf-skins!"

the 2 girls started laughing, both speaking in indian only, but if the men around the place would understand them, they would go pale and flee.
"would you shut up, your drawing to much attention to yourself even speaking Indian" the hooded man said in Indian, he was about to enjoy their shock at him understanding.
the 2 girls looked at him, Yasra was supprised but neither were shocked

"fine, let them look at us, two foreign girls, it doesnt matter if we talk or not, everyone here will still look at us, it makes no difference"

Lin leaned in

"Yasra, i think we should take his advice, this place is getting more and more hostile, i fear we may have a confrontation on our hands at this rate"

Yasra sighed, she never got to let loose, always having to remain quiet when she wanted to be loud.

Yasra looked at the man int he corner and tok another swig of her drink

"i think that man could be of... interest"

"how so?"

"mysterious strangers always know more than the guides or guards, the hidden details, you understand?

Lin nodded, then looked at the man again.

"should we invite him over?"

"no. he's waching us already, we have to lure him in slowly untill he comes on his own"

Yasra glanced over to him again, and gave him a cheeky wink
"Fair evening, I trust, miss," remarked Damien, for now that she'd spotted him he wouldn't have to announce his presence so vociferously. Gallantly he swept a hand before him in a slight bow, brows angled upward quizzically as to why she would be outside at such a time. However, it was none of his business. "I've been sent to pass a message to the Senator, is he in?" he rasped, voice a supple, almost graciously admiring monotone.
(ok so they aren't siting by him?)

The hooded man looked at the one that gave a wink and probably did something but his whole face was shrouded in darkness.
Spurius sighed rubbing his temple with his rough, muscled hand. "They don't want to capture the neighboring lands. The people are content and rightly so because even if we gain any land from these battle it won't help them and they will loose some many men. The battles are pointless but very profitable for the rich," he said angrily. He had already lost multiple black smith to this war and a very prospective apprentice. He turned as Tita spook to someone outside but returned his attention to Noctuis.

Tita raised the lantern higher hoping to get a better view of the person. She almost laughed when he called the evening fair but she once again contained her bitter tongue. "He is in but considering the time you shan't be surprised that he is still sleeping. What is your name?" she asked hoping to gain an idea of why this is so important.
"Damien Archadius Cesar, son of Judge Octavio Cesar," he remarked, not quite understanding why she was nearly to laugh at him. "And your name, miss?" he breathed, voice still poised and tranquil despite his abhorrence.
Nodding he wasn't some plebian considering his toga and he had named a very high class but not necessarily well-known judge. "I am merely a slave of Senator Marcus and you may use the Feminine form of his name Marca. You may come in although the Senator will not be up for hours," Tita opening the door a bit wider. It was customary for female slaves to go by the feminine form of the owner's name but the Senator preferred to call her Tita. She was not sure why maybe it had something to do with her old family.
"Mmmm, thank you, but I prefer Tita," he cooed, slipping inside, looking around inquisitively as to where he could possibly set down his purchased goods. He'd never really grown use to the high-class ways of Patrician society and preferred to be quite informal, especially in the company of slaves and servants. "So I assume you and I will have to entertain ourselves until the Senator awakes, no?" he asked, admiring the fine architecture and the way in which the facility was crafted to emphasize the power that the Senator held. Nevertheless, he wasn't entirely impressed. It lacked a great deal of Romanesque, for at its entrances and gates resided unpure alloys and inferior building materials. It was rather upsetting to him, though he refrained from expressing such grief.
For some reason Tita was shocked when he used her proper name. She shook her head trying to ignore his tone, the woman stepped back as he entered giving him more room. "Master Spurius is in the dining hall with another official, I will go ask if you are welcome in their company," she said in a detached manner. She ignored his attempt to socialize with her it would be improper on both their parts, Tita was surprised he even mentioned it. Her eyes narrowed in suspicious closing the door on the immense garden.
Yasra smiled when she turned back to lin

"different approach"

she got up, and walked over to the hooded man, she sat on his table, smiling to him

"hey cutie, whats someone like you doing sitting in a dark, dank corner? my friend and i would be happy if you joined us at our table"
The hooded man lightly shook his head no. after a few seconds he said "I can't, they'll find me here-..." his 'here' was mostly mumbled.

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