Roman Rebellion SU


Two Thousand Club

Well I am finally getting around to posting the sign up and once I get at least six members I will start the RP.

For information on the Rp:




Position in Society:

Position in the Rebellion:




* Reminder women were still viewed inferior to men and that should be shown in this Rp... A couple of guys who view women as equals is fine but everyone having the mindset doesn't really work.

Name: Soul Kuriko

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Position in Society: Commoner

Position in the Rebellion: Leader

Personality/History: Soul grew up among the mortals with his mom. His mom used to be of a higher class but was forced to become a commoner when her husband at the time saw her with another guy which happened to be a god. The God was Zeus himself. Soul acts like most "Heroes" do, when in battle he inspires those he is in charge of, when not he is kind-hearted, loyal, and always tries to do the right thing but does try to stay out of the spotlight and such to keep himself hidden from being branded as a member of the Rebellion.

Rebellion Look, Normal looks

2 of these Gladius's, and a longbow
alright, i edited and finished, let me know if i need to change anything.
Name: Spurius

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Position in Society: His Father is a Senator so he is a member of the Senatorial Class but he is currently an Equestrian (business men) who owns a few a blacksmith shops. He occasionally works in his shops and hosts the meetings of the rebellions there.

Position in the Rebellion: Leader with Soul

Personality/History: His father is a Senator so he sees first hand how corrupt the government is. He doesn't agree with sending commoners away to fight in a war they do not agree with and he has lost some of his best black smiths to the army.


Other: Tita is one of his father's slaves and he is kind of like a big brother to her.

Name: Tita

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Position in Society: Slave

Position in the Rebellion: Spy

Personality/History: Tita's mother was Venus and her father was a simple commoner. When she was shown to the Paterfamilias he did not accept her and she was thrown on the streets. This angered Venus and she cursed that family killing off everyone in it. Venus protected and raised her by coming to Tita in the form of an elderly women. When Tita turned 13 Venus stopped visiting because she was angry with the priests who were not paying their dues to the Gods. Tita was forced to sell herself into enslavement and hope the eventually she could afford her own freedom. Since then she has been working for Julius a Senator as his personal assistant. During this time period it was not uncommon for men to openly have mistresses however women weren't allowed the same "right." Tita goes to dinners with him and plays coy and does his bidding but she always reports back to Spurius. She has no idea she is a Demi-God.

Appearance: Her hair is darker than this woman's but this is the basic idea: I know it is a costume but whatever :)
Name: Amaryllis Adoxa

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Position in society: Noblewoman/Demigod

Position in rebellion: In charge of weaponry

Personality/History: Amaryllis had a comfortable sheltered life growing up. She longed to be a craftswoman since they were not treated like they were better than human beings. Everyone was human and everyone should be equal. Those are her thoughts. Though she feels it is wrong to fight she wishes to fight for everyone's freedom peasants and slaves alike. She is a gentle seductive woman. She is quiet fierce despite her non fighting nature. Her mother is Athena her father a Nobleman.

Appearance: Amaryllis has platinum blonde hair that falls just above her waist, her skin is snow white, and she has grey uninterested eyes that hide her emotions. She is well fed but not fat, just average. She is average height at 5'5. Most of her height comes from her long legs even though she is perfectly proportioned.

Other: She is slightly smarter than average and is very good with weapons

Accepted but she can't be psionic because no specific God has that skill and it doesn't say she is a demi-god. Also can you give some detail as to what she is actually in charge of. Thanks :)
Can i make 2 Charaxters?

Name: Yasra Lubdo

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Position in Society: Foreign Visitor

Position in the Rebellion: Unofficial, but still supports the rebellion

Personality/History: A foreigner from the east, from india, Yasra has always had a fondness for traveling, from simple things like tagging along with her father to the temple or market, to playing with her brother and friends in their vast rice fields, which often got her into trouble.

when she was 20, Yasra was betrothed to a young roman man, Gladius Eliqurius, a centurion, offered by the vilage elders as an offer of good will, so the foreign soldiers would have no reason to attack, and possibly even to open trade.

Even though Yasra's feelings weren't taken into consideration, Gladius felt he should get to know his future wife before the wedding, she taught him Indian and he taught her some very basic Roman, over time, as the romans and elders deliberated on the terms of the marriage, Yasra and Gladius grew closer and closer, eventually falling madly in love, however this was not to last.

During the night, a force of approximately 80 assassins snuck into the roman camp, and then proceeded to kill every single roman soldier in their sleep, or silently if they were on patrol, while this was happening, Yasra was still living with her parents, the wedding was to happen in 2 days.

after this, Yasra felt a passion to go to Italy, or even Rome itself, and see the land that her former love came from, maybe to find his family and tell them he is dead, maybe to secure a relationship with India and Rome, or maybe find love again.

Personality: Strong willed, Wise (not the same as "smart") defensive and curious.

Appearance:[]vector-standard-anime-bleach-yoruichi-shihouin-99856-trofikabinet-preview-b3af7793.jpg (for anyone who doesnt know who this is, its Yuroichi from Bleach)

Strengths: Pursuasion, assasination, seduction, use of poison.

Weaknesss: open combat, she cannot use a sword, spear or bow and arrow, she is also a hopeless romantic which can get her in trouble.

She is skilled in silent takedowns, Seduction and Manipulation, she can get a roman officer alone, kill him, and walk right back out, preventing any guard or soldier getting suspicious by saying "he's out like a light" with a wink.

She is also armed with several small knives and a short blade hidden in the bags carried by her horse, which once belonged to Gladius.

Name: Lin Gao

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Position in Society: Foreign Visitor

Position in the Rebellion: Unofficial supporter

Personality/History: Lin Gao, born to the rich Gao family, the owners of 5 rich mines with over 8000 slaves.

Lin was never in line for inheritance though, since shes a woman, instead her brother Bo Gao, a drug addict and womanizer gets the inheritance.

Lin spent her life like many rich chinese girls, being taught etiquite by an old woman she hated, being set up with men three times her age to bear his children and more, of course none of those men got far, she was thrown out of their houses on the first night... whats so bad about her wanting to slap him? shes a sadomasochist after all
xD but this little "kink" of hers got her in hot water with her father, who sent her to train under his brother's former teacher, so she may be taught dicipline and beaten into shape, like the men there.

she dominated the ring, leveling entire teams of boys in mere seconds, of course being a 16 year-old girl constantly high on her own adrenalin, her stares at the boys sparring shirtless earned her many beatings from the old monks teaching.

one day though, an imperial messenger was sent to her school, and the monks were told to find their strongest student through a tournament for a mission from the emperor himself.

after the tournament, only Lin was left, stending shakily covered in bruises and both her own blood and the blood of others.

the mission was to investigate the Roman Empire, to see it's strength, to learn it's language and see if its worthy of allying with, invading, should be ignored or just left alone, at this point, she was 19

on her journey to the Roman Empire, she was set upon by bandits and captured, that is where she met an imprisoned Yasra.

even though they couldnt understnad each-other, Lin was able to work with Yasra to break out of the bandit's cages and escape into the night.

to today, Lin and Yasra wander the roman empire, discovering wonders and inventions that simply drop their jaws, but one thing is unnerving... not th fact they have slaves, but the sheer ammount of slaved the romans have, and the fact that there is such a huge gap between the higher and lower classes, Yasra and Lin both agree, if this country's people were happier and richer, then this empire would be richer, and that would mean they would be better for the Chinese and Indians as trade partners

Personality: Quirky, Obsessive and To-The-Point, she still doesn't have a full grasp of roman society.


Strengths: Sword/Spear fighting, freerunning, climbing.

Weaknesses: infiltration, pursuasion
and she tends to get sidetracked.

She is an expert at both hand-to-hand and staff fighting, which also doubles to spear-fighting, Lin has an intense fascination with Roman battle tactics, she loves how the "tourtoise" formation cannot be broken unless the enemy sacrifices cavalry to knock the soldiers back or use artillery (catapults ect...) she is borderline obsessed with roman inventions, like aqueducts and she can never resist breaking into wineries and stealing bunches of delicious grapes.

unlike yasra, she has absolutely no skill whatsoever in pursuasion, she instead relies on her fists and legs, which can easily become deadly weapons, she is also a skilled free-runner and infiltrator.
BettsyBoy I like your character but could you make them a little less "undefeatable" maybe add a few weakness... Thanks

I just realized that I have been using Greek Gods instead of Roman ones so Zeus is Jupiter, Ares is Mars and Athena is Minerva. If you have any other questions just message me. :)
Name: Noctus Vurroctas

Gender: male

Age: 28

Position in Society: XIII (13th) legion's general

Position in the Rebellion: has conflicting feelings about killing his own people

History: Noctus's mother was the daughter of a senator. she was a gorgeous women and mars the god of war noticed this. One night he visited her and won her love, this led to the birth of noctus. After her father learned of the boys father he made sure he was well takin care of. At the age of ten his grandfather started to teach him the ways of war and trained him how to use weapons. when he reached the age of 16 he joined the XIII legion.

After 6 years of fighting barbarians and other threats to the empire, he was given command of the 13 after the original commander was killed in battle. A few months later he was to move his legion to the african continent to crush the rest of the middle eastern armies. His campaign had been successful in the middle east and many took notice of this in the senate, he was recalled to then deal with the rebels that where sprouting up across the empire.


what he looks like

armor he wares

Other:has about 1200 legionaries under his control, always has his cane corso with him (war dog), his main weapon is a spartha sword,

spartha's are just longer swords used by calvary

cane corso

------------------Second char

Name: drake

gender: male

age: 22

Position: second in command of the 13th

rebellion: thinks they are traitors and the deserve to die

history:little is known about him but he was appointed by the senate to watch Noctus, if he ever decided to take his legion and commit a Coup d'état against the senate drake was to kill him and take command
Name: Damien Archadius Cesar

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Position in Society: Son of a wealthy Judge, promised the thrown by his father by ANY means necessary. Currently serves as an escort and guard in the palace.

Position in the Rebellion: ((What's available? Any leader spots open? :S ))

Personality/History: For always being given what he wanted, he is surprisingly unselfish and moral. Rarely does he ever had to do for himself, and when he does, it is efficiently executed. He knows his father is a deceptive, manipulative human being--yet, he accepts it. His mother died while in labor and his dad is hardly ever around. He cannot remember the last time he'd been denied anything, for even women--knowing him by family name--will succumb to his charm without mention of retribution. He frowns upon whores, and will pay for them but reject their services for fear of disease. He is a scholar in many fields, and likes to deal with weapons. He's created a large variety of hand-held weapons, be it daggers or concealable bows.

Appearance: 6'1"; Short, curly dark brown hair; pale blue eyes; olive skin; fairly muscled.

Other: Exceptional fighter; excels in politics; in tune with the emotions of those around him.
Accepted there are no leadership positions available but he can be part of the rebellion's army.
Name: Kaze Satari

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Position in Society: Guard (if accepted)/Commoner

Position in the Rebellion: Weapon Forger/Trainer

Personality/History: Kaze was born a commoner but when he was only 5 his mother was technically bought to be some rich man's wife, this caused Kaze to move with his mother to a bit higher standards. Kaze learned from his mother to stay on the man's good side which Kaze didn't even have to try for. As Kaze grew older and older his step-father loved him more and more, this allowed Kaze to have access to training with the guards in which he eventually became one. One day his mother was struck down by a roman soldier along with his Step-father but he managed to escape thanks to a Hooded Man (Soul). When kaze got back the heads of the Guards denied any involvement in the attack and it must have been the start of the Rebellion.

Rebellion Looks (The Middle One), and Roman Looks

Other: Rebellion Looks: everything in the picture, and Roman Looks: Everything in picture

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