

Unofficial Mayor of Wizard Township
Name: Rolf

Aliases\Other Names: The Black Bear

Age:  34

Race: Human

Gender: Male


Height: 6'3"

Weight: 250 lbs

Rolf is a big man. pale, with dark green eyes and oily, unkempt black hair and a full beard. He has a somewhat large nose, large eyebrows, and a scar on his chin. He generally wears dirty tattered clothes, as he spends most of his time living in the forest.

Character Alignment: Neutral Evil

Religious Alignment: Agnostic. Doesn't worship gods and doesn't much care whether they exist or not.

Reputation: His alter ego (The Black Bear) is fairly notorious in some parts, but he can generally slip in and out of towns and villages undetected.

Criminal Status:  Wanted for various crimes including: theft, horse theft, murder, arson, kidnapping, and poaching. However, his crimes are almost always committed in disguise (and quite often with no witnesses left afterwards) so few lawmen could immediately identify him at a glance

Organizations\Affiliations: No membership in any organization. A few contacts throughout the criminal underworld.

Class: Bandit

Relatives\Family: Two parents and a sister. He hasn't seen any of them in over a decade

Personality: Rude, crude, and selfish. Rolf doesn't care about anything all that much. He doesn't even really care about getting rich. He's primarily a bandit because he enjoys the lifestyle and the challenge and couldn't really go back at this point, even if he wanted to. He can be quite sociable if he wants to or needs to be, but he cares about very few people, viewing most as prey or pawns he can use to further his own ends. For all his easy confidence, he's paranoid to a fault and can never fully trust anyone. He can be very unpredictable, lying often to get what he wants but generally preferring a more direct (and violent) approach. He loves violence, rarely shying from a good fight.

Dreams: Rolf has no long term goals whatsoever. He lives entirely in the moment, doing whatever he wants on a whim and seeing where it takes him next.

Fears: Magic: Rolf is, at the very least, extremely distrustful of most magic users. He is also deeply unnerved by magical/supernatural beings and will go to great lengths to avoid them, only choosing to fight if there's no way to escape.

Likes: Women, alcohol, violence, food, stealing.

Dislikes: Magic, complexity.

Backstory: Not much to tell. Rolf is the son of simple peasants who decided he didn't want that life as a teenager and went outlaw.

Weapons & Armor: a leather jerkin over a rust spotted chainmail vest, a pair of tattered forest green trousers, leather gloves, a leather cap with a flap that hangs down over his neck, and a red bandana to cover his face while he's robbing people. He wields a steel dagger in his left hand and a steel hatchet in the right, with a pistol for ranged attacks.

Items & Personal Belongings: A small drinking cup, a leather backpack, a cloak, dice, ammo, a whetstone, a pouch with some coins, a few health potions, some food, a wine skin, and smoke bombs, for getting out of tough situations.

Skills & Abilities: Physical strength, high pain tolerance, decent at trapping, good at reading a situation and thinking creatively, decisive.

Spells & Magic: N/A
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