Roleplaying here!

[SIZE=30pt]Kenta Akado[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]Kenta found himself surprised once again when their assistant sensei called them “ducklings”. He quickly shook it off. [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]They may see me as no more than a duckling now, but one day I’ll grow into a phoenix. Just you wait and see sensei. [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]He followed after the jonin. His gait was a bit awkward due to his weights. He still wasn’t quite used to them. He noticed the girl on his team looking at him, and he quickly looked away. The training area they walked to looked pretty similar to his own. Albeit, some of his targets were crude in comparison.Their Sensei asked for them to offer some information about themselves, and the girl spoke up first. Kenta curiously listened to her. [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]I should probably say something similar. [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Then duckling sensei introduce himself. Kenta put his hands together after deciding he’d go next. He bowed deeply to the jonin. “I am Kenta of the Akado clan. While I don’t have any natural talents, I’ve trained extensively in taijutsu, and that training has made me one of the best hand-to-hand combatants in our class. I also know how to use the ninjutsu of my clan. I do not know my elemental affinities, but I will train with all my might to become stronger.” His determination in his words were clear. Kenta was not a quitter, and he would give his training everything he had to achieve his goal.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 36px][FONT= 'Comic Sans MS']Hisashi~[/FONT][/SIZE]


once she knew more about each student. Looked to her like they have been tough the basics. She decided to introduce herself after everyone went. "No running away now." She sighed with folded arms and closed her eyes for s second and looked st her three genin again. "My name is Hisashi and I will be your main jounin. Although as you may have noticed, we have an assistant here." She pointed at Eizan slightly with her thumb. "Not all people know, but iam an ANBU along with some other jounin so I will sometimes run off on missions. And he will continue your training. But before we rush in too far, we have a test for you guys." Hisashi said and seemed to be finished with her intro. 

Now she hoped the three would pass unlike some of the other teams she tried to teach a few years back. And also she hoped they wouldn't go too out of hand. Yelling was not her skill mans she didn't want to do it. She looked st the three genin again still having her arms folded. The time was dripping by little by little. At least she knew the introduction would be done before she runs off which she already mentioned. she snapped her fingers as she looked up. "Well, I will have to leave you guys, here. Eizan will get you for the test. I have to run to a mission." She said with a smile and jumped off. She didn't say anything else like when she will be returning or where she was going. She just jumped off into her room to get her ANBU gear on.



Kai didn't budge as she listened to the introduction. She sighed and decided it was going to be her turn and she started "iam Kai maaka. She said as she brushed the hair out of her face a bit even though it didn't bother her in the first place. "As you see Iam a bit blind. But I have a better range of sensory in the academy." She somehow didn't sound sassy. Although she had no intention of showing her eyes. She thought for a while "Iam mostly good at ninjutsu and taijutsu." She said like she had a mouthful of air in her mouth.  She didn't really have a lot  for her introduction so she guessed that would be enough. Besides, she wasn't the type to tell everyone who she was.

now that her introduction was over she felt relieved although all of what she said was pretty much true. She had a big range of sensory. Above than expected but she could easily get wrapped up in a genjutsu not because she goes for an attack but because she usualy stays out of everything. 

She ignored the girl who came in earlier so she just slipped in. Seemed to her like she would be hard to get off the tail. Whatever I was going to happen, she was mentally prepared. She wasn't that easily surprised anyway. Now as she knew should be a test or something like that. She knew because the two had mentioned it. Kai was curious to know what's the test going to be but didn't ask or speak.

Assistant sensei of Team One - Tokubetsu Jounin


“Take care, Hisashi-san.” Eizan called towards the jounin’s retreating back, complete with a small hand-wave even if he knew she wouldn’t turn around to look. It was manners, nothing more.

The moment she was out of sight, he whirled back around to face the three genins, a small smile on his face that was perhaps filled with too much glee to be considered friendly. Team One was certainly shaping up to be quite the combat squad. With Hiyori as the typical combat medic, Saito the support and Kenta the close-combatant. Any doubts he had against the Tsukikage for siccing this lot onto him ebbed slightly now that he personally heard from them the techniques they incorporated into their fighting styles. Between Hisashi’s skillsets and his own, he was pretty sure they covered all the bases regarding what their genins can learn to improve.

“Right then, let’s get down to it, shall we, ducklings? For the record, just call me Eizan-sensei. Mizuno-sensei sounds weird.” Eizan placed a hand on his hip, resting his weight on one foot as he addressed the kids. “Before anyone asks, yes you did hear your sensei correctly. The reason you were not given a hitai-ate upon graduation is because you are not official genins yet. Not until you have taken one final test. Pass this test, and you will be genins. Fail, and you will be sent back to the Academy.”

He paused to dig into the pocket of his vest, silently gauging their reactions as he pulled out the two bells. Ah, the Bell Test was nostalgic. He could remember participating in it with his teammates all those years back as clear as though it was just yesterday. Pinching the bells by the end of their strings between thumb and forefinger, he allowed them to dangle before his face. The bells tinkled quietly in the soft breeze.

“See this? Your objective is to take them off me. One for each person. The one who fails to acquire one will go back to the Academy. The other two will be apprenticed to Hisashi and I. We will begin shortly as soon as I say so and you will have until noon to complete it. That gives you a good three hours, I’m sure that much time is more than enough.” Eizan proceeded to tie the bells to the loop at his left hip while he continued to speak. “Rules…well, use whatever you have at your disposal and you may even come at me with the intent to kill. However, if you kill or deal a critical injury to your teammate, you will forfeit becoming a shinobi ever again. Do you understand me?”

Preparation done, Eizan cast a quick glance up to determine the position of the sun before returning his attention to the genins. “Before we start, any questions?”

Interactions: Hisashi @Iryxa , Team One genins @backlash, @CactusJuice, @AiAi



S-Rank Kiri Missing-nin - Akatsuki Member



The length of time spent watching the Academy and the students within was more than enough to garner the approximate skill level of each brat. In a few years and provided they didn’t get themselves killed by doing something foolish, a number of them had the potential to be strong jounins. But that was still a long time away, and Akatsuki would hardly wait so long for more stronger opponents to flourish and block them from achieving their goals. It was too bad. Nonetheless, Katashi’s interest in the kids was but a flitting thing. As soon as the group of jounins entered the classroom, his interest peaked, eyes already studying those he deemed to be problems. There was a fair number – approximately four – that he would like to fight against. Each jounin he identified to be worth bothering about seemed to specialise in slightly different areas, and that alone was enough to incite his bloodlust. However, it was with a firm hand that he pushed the urge down with a reminder that this was a scouting mission, nothing more.

Katashi only stayed in the tree long enough to see the teams form and the first person walk back out the door. As soon as the teams came trickling out, he shunshin from his hiding place to the southern-most side of the Village, where there was practically no one about. He didn’t bother saying anything to Haruka before moving. If the kunoichi was good enough, she could follow him here. Without further ado, he dispatched three henged lightning clones to follow and observe the other three jounins he noted while he made his way slowly towards the closest Training Ground housing Team…Three, if he remembered correctly. The jounin, Hoshino Something, seemed at first glance to be one of those ninjutsu support types, but one couldn’t be too sure. Jounins usually were all-rounders, or at least specialised in at least two areas. Knowing only one speciality about an opponent – any opponent, really – could prove fatal. Hence, he took it upon himself to check. If he was lucky enough, he could see her fighting style to determine her strengths and weaknesses.

He had just came across a good vantage point overlooking the Training Ground when he felt one of his clones abruptly dispelled. With a frown, he cocked his head towards the general direction before a tight grin surfaced.

“Well, well. Yukimura, looks like we ran out of time. Or someone got lucky. ANBU will be here soon. Pity.” Katashi wasn’t too worried about one of his clones getting nicked by a stray – or possibly stray – shuriken. In a shinobi village, one would be hard pressed to find the owner of the clone if it was henged. And he was fairly confident his faint signature wouldn’t give away his presence just yet. If it did, he would always welcome a bit of action this morning. “Shall we play with the Masks a little? It’s still rather early. How ‘bout some exercise?”

Interactions: Yukimura Haruka @AiAi

~ Hoshino Yori ~



As each of the genins to be introduced themselves, Yori gave each a little reaction of her own. When Chiasa spoke up, Yori held back a small chuckle as the young girl's enthusiasm was quite an amusing sight. When Riyoshi spoke next, she could tell this one was a bit more...affirmative of his goals to which she smiled at. Lastly, at Sora's introduction Yori nodded her head, there always was a genin who wishes to become the next kage. Not that she would ever discourage them of it. Once all three were done with their introductions, Yori spoke up with a clap of her hands, "Alright! Nice introduction you guys! Better than mine ahaha. Ehem, anyways, unfortunately, before you three can be considered my students officially..there is one final test." she paused to let this sink into the three's minds. Her eyes glinted slightly as she jumped off the log she was sitting on and stood in front of her three perhaps soon to be students. Reaching into her pocket, Yori took out a pair of bells. She dangled it in front of their faces while saying, "So basically, it's such an old tradition, but to pass and become official man I hate doing all the formalities eh anyways, to put it simply, just try and get a bell for yourself. If none can get it by...hmm I will give you about three hours, if you can't get a bell by then...well you will be sent back to the academy...okay?" she lifted the bell and gave it a slight kiss and with a wink she said, " your best!" she stood in her spot and with a smile she added, "Oh, and you guys can begin anytime now~" She stood waiting for them to begin.


However, Yori's gaze went past the three and into the trees surrounding them for the briefest of moments. Her eyes narrowed by a fraction of a centimeter as she felt a chakra signature, it wasn't strong, but somehow she felt something about it. Perhaps it was her sixth sense speaking out to her, but for the meantime Yori kept her guard up and her eye out. Though just to be safe, Yori placed a genjutsu surrounding their area just in case a little mice tried crawling its way in. Her face never changed except for the slightest narrowing of her eyes as she focused back on the kids. 


Interactions: Arashi Chiasa ( @Thalia_Neko ), Nihoma Riyoshi ( @backlash ) and Shikigami Sora ( @FoxLord ) 


~ Yukino Hiyori ~



Hiyori watched as Hisashi-sensei flickered away to her Anbu mission. She silently wondered if Anbu's were supposed to even tell their students or anyone about well them being in Anbu? She shook the thought away as she focused back onto her other sensei, Eizan-sensei. Hiyori's wide blue eyes stared unblinkingly at him as he explained to them about the final test to become a genin. Oh so that's how it was, how expected of them to give them one more test before they can finally pass. Hiyori saw Eizan take out two bells from his pocket and tie it to his hip. She tilted her head slightly at it while he explained the rules. She looked over at him and mulled over her thoughts. So they basically had to take that from them? But wait. Her eyebrows slightly furrowed as Hiyori stated out the obvious, " only have two bells, and you just said that each of us must obtain one? Then one person will be left out...right?" Hiyori could only assume that was the sole reason for only having two bells yet there is three of them. Her mind began whirling as she began to wonder if there was more to the test than just obtaining the bells. She glanced at her two teammates and wondered what they thought of the test. 


Interactions: Mizuno Eizan ( @Loki Odinson)  

Mentions: Namikaze Saito ( @backlash) and Akado Kenta ( @CactusJuice)


~ Yukimura Haruka ~



Haruka was growing bored as she sat on the bench underneath the tree. The two have been there for but perhaps ten minutes or maybe a little longer, but she was already growing restless. The Jounin teachers have all entered the Academy and now they were waiting for them to reemerge once more after the Jounins have gathered the genins. Haruka's ears perked up slightly as she heard the doors to the Academy opening and out came the first of the Jounins. And soon all the students and the teachers have exited, each heading to their own certain destinations. Haruka felt Katashi's presence disappear and she let out a small groan as she hurried up to catch up to him. It wasn't a hard feat, but she was more open to the Jounin's view than Katashi was so leaving without causing suspicion was a bit of a pain. Haruka easily caught up to him and found him entering a training ground. Appearing next to him, Haruka leaned over and looked at what he was looking at. She saw that it was one of the Jounin's that caught her eye, then again this was the one she also felt the most uncomfortable with, the piercing stare that Haruka felt earlier was still in the back of her mind. She snapped out of her thoughts when she felt Katashi stiffen slightly next to her. She glanced over at him and was about to ask him what was wrong when he spoke up. She stayed silent for a moment before a grin blossomed on her face. She smirked while answering him with utmost confidence, "Hehe, sounds like fun. I'm so in." she awaited for Katashi to make the move first, but she was more than ready to have a little fun, it will be fine as long as they don't go off killing them...right?


Interaction: Kurosuki Katashi ( @Loki Odinson)

Mentions: Team Three
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Oshino smiles seeing one of his students appear and his old apprentice appearing also. "Well there is two out of the three genin I'm getting and my old apprentice." He shifts from where he was sitting enough to pour some tea into a few tea cups no movement wasted and wish what seems to be practiced ease. Before he speaks with a little humor in his tone "So while the other one come how about you introduce yourself to me and my apprentice... Who was kind enough to show up today without alerting me... So she will help out with your genin test today."

Nearby a young fox sits and keeps an eye on the genin and the apprentice. This being one of Oshinos summons who is keeping an eye out for genjustu.

@Thalia_Neko @Iryxa. @Plutia

"Ehhhhh! Do I really...Have to? That sounds.....Really boring. Can't we....All play? Even OshinoJr agrees." Showing the plush doll of Oshino to him. 

Plutia only wanted to annoy/play with Oshino. She didn't expect to help him with his test. And she didn't want to do anything that involves a lot of movement.

(Maybe I can talk my way out of this.) Plutia thought to herself.

@Thalia_Neko @Iryxa@Samurai Jay



Egaku looked between her sensei and his... apprentice? As he called her. The cold, collected, very introverted girl realized it was her turn to speak. Sure, the apprentice voiced that she didn't want to help out... Which was whatever, but this was training to become a Genin. Or better than a Genin. Time to get with it.

Ignoring the whines of the apprentice, Egaku stated her introduction easily and flatly. "I'm Watashi, Egaku." That was it. Nothing more, nothing less. She only nodded once to the blind girl.

@Samurai Jay @Iryxa (Kai) @Jefferson @Plutia

Chiasa nodded to the other two 'Genin' on her team, before her attention was completely drawn in by their alluring sensei. The red-eyed girl hung onto the woman's every word. "Bell! Need it! Three hours! Be sent back -boo!- Got it! Mkay!" Then her sensei kissed the bell cutely, and Chiasa's eyes widened. A blush crossed her cheeks, and she felt her heart skip a beat.

"OH EM GEE!!! K-k-k-k-k-kkkkkkkisssssseddd b-b-by sensei?!" I want that! "THAT BELL IS MINE!!!" she shouted, extremely fired up. The wink her lovely sensei gave was the icing on the cake. Chiasa would have that kissed-by-lovely-Yori-sensei bell! "YEP! OKAY!" Chiasa instantly dashed towards the woman holding the bell. It would be hers immediately!

Arashi, Chiasa


@Jefferson @backlash @AiAi (Hoshino Yori)
Oshino smirks and hands each of his students and his apprentice a cup of tea. "Lets drink up and relax before we get to the test. Nothing good happens by rushing things."

He takes a sip out of his cup and brakes a pill in his mouth swallowing it along with the tea.

(And the set up for my test is almost done if @Jefferson doesn't show up ill have his character fail my test and we can take the next person who joins as anoyher genin)

Riyoshi listened to their sensei as she spoke. Everything that was going on now was new to him and he needed to be sharp and on his toes. It was at this point that she had mentioned that only two of them were going to pass and one will fail that rang

throughout his mind for a second before his ears were assaulted with the voice of his teammate. Glancing over at her just as she had nodded in his direction.

“You think that you can pull your own weight?” Riyoshi spoke out to Chiasa.

“If you can, then you better get one before i get them both.” Riyoshi spoke out as he followed behind Chiasa.



Saito was not shocked to hear that there was going to be one more test, but he did not care. He was wanting to become a great ninja and this is just one of those stepping stones.

“You got it.” Saito spoke out as his shinobi teacher got down speaking and looked at them once again.

But this was spoken mid leap. Saito was already making his move towards the teacher and the bells location.

“If it is to take the bells from you, then we will win no matter what!” Saito exclaimed as he reached into his pouch and grabbed out two kunai and gripped onto one of them tightly.

As his right foot made contact with the ground, Saito threw one of his kunai towards the teacher in hopes that it would be enough of a distraction.
'the bell test how unoriginal altho i though only konoha used this outdated form of team testing' he launched himself towards the tree line 'now all i have to do is find my teammates and hope that they' his train of thought was interrupted by a loud scream of "YEP OK" 'and of course she's already attacking lets try and find my other' and then he noticed that his teammates were already working together 'man i need to pay more attention to my surrounding in the time it took me to find a hiding place they already made a plan' 'now all i have to do is swoop in and make a heartfelt speech about teamwork and we pass' he then ran through a few hand signs and "Fūton: Renkūdan" (wind release drilling air bullet) and fired it directly above his teacher 'there goes 90% of my chakra now all i have to do is wait'

@backlash @Thalia_Neko @AiAi
"Nice to meet you....I'm Plutia! Egaku....That's such a cute name." Plutia smiled. "Ummm....If you want....I can make a doll of you." Plutia took a sip from the tea.

Looks like Plutia will have to help out her teacher. This is a negative to her. However if she can make friends while she's at it then it becomes a huge positive.

(I hope I made a good impression to her. Though I wonder if she can display emotions.) Plutia thought.

@Samurai Jay @Iryxa @Jefferson
[SIZE=30pt]Kenta Akado[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]Kenta examined his sensei with newly found interest. [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]So she’s an ANBU member? [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]This surprised him a bit. He expected ANBU members to be a bit more...serious. Kenta himself had considered trying to become a member. The intense training wouldn’t definitely benefit his skills, but the clandestine nature of their work meant it would be hard for him to gain much fame. It would be hard to make his clan well known if no one knew his name. Still, he was quite excited to be trained by her, but then she left, and it was only them and duckling sensei. Their possibly avian obsessed sensei informed them there would be another test. [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]I thought it’d been too easy. [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]He immediately looked around their training grounds for the best places to hide and ambush someone. Judging from his rank alone, Kenta knew he couldn’t take his sensei in a fair fight. The girl...Yukino Hiyori he believed pointed out that one of them would be let out. This did seem a little off to Kenta, but in the end it didn’t matter. He would make sure he wasn’t that one. He tensed waiting for the moment his teacher would say they could start when suddenly his team mate...something Namikaze attacked preemptively. It was a stupid move in Kenta’s opinion, but it would allow him to gauge their opponent, so he had no complaints.[/SIZE]

@backlash @Loki Odinson @AiAi
Kokuto Kaminashi

Kokuto stared out towards the village, and sensed the chakara of his two Allies within Akatsuki. Never really close to either members, interaction was still easy with him despite being so closed off to them. He decided to move towards the two, rather easily considering his speed was up to snuff with the other members. Silently he appeared next to them. Yukimura Haruka, a rather powerful kunouchi, he's always made sure to take careful observation of her. And Kurosuki Katashi, a skilled swordsman and even more deadly shinobi than you'd think. But it would be expected, from Akatsuki to bring forth such powerful Ninja. Kokuto soon made his presence known with a soft "hmmph", clearing his throat. He lazily drooped his eyes, and crossed his arms, listening in on the last sentence Yukimura had said. 

Interactions: Yukimura Haruka @AiAi Kurosuki Katashi @Loki Odinson (Hope you guys don't mind me pushing my character in like this!)



αѕ híѕαѕhí jumpєd σn, ѕhє mєt mαnч єчє cσntαctѕ αnd єvєn ѕαw thє σthєr tєαmѕ. ít wαѕ α lσt σf ѕpríntíng tσ dσ frσm thєír plαcє σf trαíníng tσ hєr hσuѕє. вut σncє ѕhє wαѕ ín, híѕαѕhí quícklч fσund hєr ANBU gєαr αnd chαngєd íntσ ít. tαkíng hєr tígєr mαѕk αnd α fєw ѕwσrdѕ wíth hєr, ѕhє jumpєd σff tσ thє tѕukíkαgє  вuíldíng. ѕhє hσpєd thαt єízαn  wσuld hαvє thє kídѕ undєr cσntrσl fσr ѕσmє tímє αlthσugh thє вєll tєѕt wαѕn't ѕσmєthíng tσ fígurє σut єαѕílч. αt lєαѕt ít'ѕ truє mєαníng. ít wαѕ juѕt tσ tєѕt thєír tєαmwσrk. ѕhє hαd hєr hσpєѕ up thαt thíѕ tєαm wσuld pαѕѕ. ѕhє єvєn prєpαrєd thє híddєn mσσn fσrєhєαd prσtєctσrѕ αlrєαdч ín cαѕє thєч pαѕѕ thє tєѕt. αѕ ѕhє gσt clσѕєr tσ thє tѕukíkαgє mαín вuíldíng, ѕhє cσuldn't hєlp вut wσndєr whαt kínd σf chαrαctєr ѕhє ѕєnѕєd єαrlíєr thαt dαч. ít ѕєєmєd αll dαrk αnd unwєlcσmíng líkє mσѕt í'm thє mσσn víllαgє,



kαí lσσkєd αt thє gírl wíthσut turníng hєr hєαd. nícє tσ ѕєє ѕσmєσnє wíth α pєrѕσnαlítч líkє hє'ѕ вut ín αnч cαѕє, ѕhє hαd tσ gєt ít tσgєthєr ín cαѕє ѕσmєthíng вαd αt trαíníng ѕtαrtѕ. ѕσmє pєσplє thínk вlínd íѕ αn αdvαntαgє ín вαttlєѕ ѕσmє thínk ít'ѕ α díѕαdvαntαgє. ѕσmєtímєѕ ѕhє wσndєrєd thαt hєrѕєlf. thαt dσll gírl plutíα  ѕєєmєd q вít crєєpч mσѕtlч вєcαuѕє kαí dídn't líkє dσllѕ σnє вít. ѕhє nєvєr hαd σnє αnd nєvєr wαntєd σnє αlthσugh ѕhє híd hєr ѕuѕpícíσn frσm thє gírl fσr α whílє thínkíng ѕuch fєαr íѕ prєttч ѕtupíd fσr α ѕσσn tσ вєcσmє gєnín. ín αnч cαѕє, kαí kєpt σn líѕtєníng tσ thє σthєrѕ tαlk. lσσkѕ líkє thє thírd σnє wσn't mαkє ít ín ín tímє. вut ít juѕt mєαnt ít wσuld вє єαѕíєr fσr hєr tσ вєcσmє α gєnín. ѕhє nσw wαntєd tσ hurrч up wíth thє trαíníng αnd thαt αnd αt lєαѕt gєt tσ thє fun pαrt ínѕtєαd σf juѕt tαlkíng ѕєnѕє ѕhє wαѕn't thє tчpє tσ вlαв hєr mσuth σur líkє crαzч.

mєntíσnѕ: @Thalia_Neko @Plutia @Samurai Jay @Jefferson



tαkíng α ѕmαll pєєk hєrє αnd thєrє, αríα rєfuѕєd tσ hídє hєr prєѕєncє ín αnч cαѕє ѕhє wσuld вє αвlє tσ put α gєnjutѕu  σn αnчσnє whσ ѕєєѕ hєr. thє αkαtѕukí ѕhσuld α lσng fσrgσttєn tєαm σf ѕhínσвí  вut thєír lєαdєr dєcídєd tσ mαkє ít hαppєn α σvєr αgαín ít juѕt hαppєnєd thαt αríα вєcαmє σnє σf thєm duє tσ hєr fєєlíng σf rєvєngє. αlthσugh ѕhє wαѕn't thє tчpє tσ tαlk αlσt ѕhє hαd α lσt σf jutѕu dσwn hєr ѕlєєvє. ѕhє lσσkєd αt thє híddєn mσσn víllαgє σncє mσrє untíl rєαlízíng thαt thєrє whєrє ANBU αll σvєr вut αll σf thєm ѕєєmєd tσ вє hєαdíng σnє wαч; tσ thє tѕukíkαgє вuíldíng. whєrє thєч gσíng σn α míѕѕíσn? wєll tσσ вαd fσr thєm íf thєч run íntσ αríα. ѕhє mαч ѕєєm líkє α nσthíng ѕhínσвí tчpє вut ѕhє cαn mαkє thє líttlє kídѕ crч fσr thєír hєlp. 
Oshino sighs seeing that his third student hasnt shown up.

"Ok try to hold your puke in I would rather not have to clean my armor"

He smirks and quickly makes sure at least one part of his chakra touches most of them before makeing a singke Tiger handsign and they all vanish in a puff of smoke before appearing in Dojo with the Uzimaki swirl on top.

"Now we will begin your test. You two and my apprentice need to get me out of this circle, anything goes."

We walks over to a 4 foot in diameter circle and shifts so he has his katana still held in its sheath and gets into a basic stance the katana held pointed towards the ground in the middle of his body.
Eritio Senju


They say that even an Owl has a better chance of waking up in the morning, rather than Eritio. For the most part, it was true. His Alarm had rang for the 17th time now, and Eritio had finally woken up instead of slap the snooze button half-asleep. "Ah... What time even is it? Its like 3 in the morning..." Eritio yawned, taking a second look at the clock. 10:02. Eritio yelled in horror, falling out of his bed. "Crap, Crap, Crap! You've gotta be kidding! I overslept?! Today of all days?!" He spoke to himself like a complete dolt while throwing on his shinobi gear. After getting ready in two heartbeats, he bolted out the door, running as fast as he could towards the academy. Running through the streets, he kept bumping into the mass amounts of passing civilians, slowing him down. "There's gotta be a way to travel faster than this! Hmm... Got it! Henge no Jutsu!" Eritio realized to himself, weaving the Dog, Boar, and Ram hand seals. The boy was suddenly replaced with a white cat, running quickly through the crowded streets. As he finally arrived at the training academy, he wasted no time sitting around, and ran inside, releasing his Jutsu. 

"Excuse my tardiness!" Eritio apologized as he swung open the door to the classroom where all the Genin would meet. As he opened his eyes and looked in the classroom, it had appeared empty. He was in the right room... but the teams had already been decided, and all the students were cleared out with their respective Jonin. "You're kidding..." His heart sank, falling to his knees as he looked at the ground, being dramatic. "What can I do? If I'm not even on a squad, how can I be ranked up and become a Chunin? If I can't become a Chunin, or a Jonin... I could never be..." He thought to himself, shaking his head in defiance. "No way! Where would they be now? If I can find one of the Jonin, they could probably help me find my squad! It would definitely be awkward but... there's no other way!" Eritio decided, standing up and running out of the room, heading towards the first place he'd expect at least one squad to be. Out in the Training Grounds. He chose the one that matched his age, running towards Training Grounds 14. To his delight, there was a singular squad, yet to partake in any actual activity yet.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!" Eritio yelled as loud as he could, appearing over the distance, waving at the squad. However upon closer examination, he saw one young boy throw something at one of the Sensei', meaning they already started their training. Eritio began to deeply regret yelling towards them, hoping he hadn't distracted one of them too much. Even worse, he had a great chance at attracting negative attention, something he didn't need any more of. He continued to curse himself out in his head for being late in the first place, but what was done was done, and he continued to jog towards the group despite his or their actions. "I may look idiotic now... and probably hopeless... but I've gotta make sure I can become a Hidden Moon Shinobi! No matter what!" Eritio gritted his teeth thinking to himself, more determined than anything to make up for his mistakes and achieve his goal.

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Ue kaguya


Ue kaguya former anbu squad commander currently sat quietly in his apartment waiting for something.After a while he opened his eyes and got up from his meditation position,he looked outside to see the sun had already risen.Genin selection,today was the day that a new batch of elite academy students were sent to their senseis.The rest of the genin were put in the reserve.He shook his head lightly begore going to take a shower and brush his teeth,he took his timr while doing so.After his shower he made himself a breakfast consisting of an omelette some toast and some Shi tea.Shi tea was something he made himself.It was basically the condensed chakra of his assasination victims.He sipped his tea while slowly savoring it.

Hmm tastes peacefull,warm accepting and kind,must be from the girl from the merchant clan I was ordered to kill.Yes he rememebrered that mission,there had been a merchant clan that had been funding one of their enemies and he had been ordered to kill her the heir to the merchant clan.She had accepted her death easily and all through it she smiled.He chuckled softly begore shaking his head lightly to clear his thoughts.He looked down at the table to see that the food was already gone.He chuckled lightly begore getting up and opening his wardrobe.inside were mutiple casual oufits as well as a shinobi outfit,anbu outfit,and his jonin outfit.He grinned as he looked at his unique jonin outfit before grabbing it and putting it on.(its the above picture)When he was done he went on to the roof of the apartment.Looking over the village he saw its beauty in the early morning sunlight,appreciating it more than others since he had seen the dark side of it.He smiled softly this was the village he had promised to protect,he truly did not regret that decision.

He looked towards the training grounds before turning into a blur that even jonin would be hard pressed to see.After 30 seconds he arrived at the academy.Stopping right infront of it,he quickly went through some seals before silently whispering meisikagure no jutsu.He seemed to melt into the air as his chakra signature was erased.Using his commander Anbu skills he sneaked into the class that was hosting the new genin's unnoticed.He would stand on the sealing still invisible and take notes on the genin.As he heard the name oshido he turned to see the samurai standing infront of the class.He would watch the interaction before following oshisdo onto the roof.As he got their right after oshido he released the jutsu begore saying “im your new assitant,I expect that you were informed of this.He would not wait for an answer before reactivating the jutsu.A second later a petite girl with stoic expresion on her face came out,after her a boy with blue hair and orange eyes.
Ue expected them but he didn’t expect oshidos former apprentice to appear.Silently observing their conversation on the roof he would watch as they dissapeared in a puff of smaoke.A moment later he would feel their chakra reappering in training ground 13.He would immediately run their arriving just as the test began.Still unnoticed by anyone except oshido he would go and sit on the tree behind oshido,while wondering where the third genin was.From that moment he would observe the genin exams and take notes on what they needed to work on and his suggestions.This would of course be up to oshido to decide.

~ Hoshino Yori ~



Yori merely smiled and stood there as the three began to approach her all at once. She let out a small giggle as she saw Chiasa's reaction and her immediately come running towards her. Yori's amber orbs glistened as she looked at the ruby eyed girl and noticed that Riyoshi was right behind her. He was fast she noted, but another thing the two should know is...but her thoughts were cut off when her head snapped up to notice a wind release jutsu heading straight for her from Sora. Her mouth was opened in surprise and before she could even say or do anything, the wind bullets began to slice through her body.


Or well it would have if her body didn't dissipate into thin air and was soon replaced by a tree branch. A tinkling laughter was heard as the real Yori sat on the log just a few feet behind where she was originally standing. Her eyes twinkled a bit in mischief as she grinned and said, "Oh my, that was quite the jutsu you had there Sora-kun." She smiled coyly at the younger male and then glancing over at the other two she said, "Hm? What's stopping you two? Already done trying to get the bell?" she lifted her index and gestured for them to come at her and she said teasingly, "Now now you three, the game is just starting...." while speaking Yori stood up and said, "Now come at me...with the intention to kill me." her eyes glinted at the mention of the word kill as the air around them just got a bit colder. Of course Yori was showing hundred percent of her capabilities, not when she knew she had a couple 'guests' spectating their show. She stretched her arms as she waited for the three to come and attack her again. 


Interactions: Shikigami Sora ( @FoxLord ) , Arashi Chiasa ( @Thalia_Neko ) and Nihoma Riyoshi ( @backlash ) 

Mentions: The Akatsuki spying on her team


~ Yukimura Haruka ~



Haruka's excitement dwindled down by a little when she felt another presence appear next to her and Katashi. She didn't even glance over as she heard the familiar voice of their other Akatsuki member, Kokuto. She lifted an eyebrow at his sudden appearance, wondering what kind of reason he had to come and approach the two former Kiri-nins. She wondered briefly if the leader had something to tell the two and so she asked, "Ah...Ku-chan...what brings you here? Shouldn't you be with your partner? Aria-chan isn't here you know." Though Haruka didn't really care if Kokuto was here or not, after all she knew of Kokuto's tendencies to just do as he pleases. 


Haruka glanced over at Katashi to gauge his reaction, she knew if anyone would be bothered by another Akatsuki member's appearance, it would be him. Her eyes slightly glinted in mischief and delight at the mere thought of seeing Katashi peeved by anything. It was always an amusing sight for Haruka; to see anyone's buttons being pushed was her favorite pastime after all. 


Interactions: Kurosuki Katashi ( @Loki Odinson ) and Kaminashi Kokuto ( @Ginko The Mushishi ) 

Mentions: Aria ( @Iryxa ) 

Tsuki Uzumaki

Beep..beep…beep,the sound of an alarm going of could be heard.This was the 36th time this alarm had hone of but its purpose had still not been completed.As it let out its final beep a loud shriek would be heard.

Oh shit im late!goddammit!Tsuki uzumaki had finally woken up from her slumber.As she jolted out of bed she immediately fell on the floor causing her to groan in pain before she got up and rushed to finish her morning routine.She quickly grabbed her usual clothes and horridly put them on.She ran down stairs out of her room.She was greeted to the sight of her breakfast sitting on the table.

Thanks mom! she shouted as she grabbed her food and ate while running out the door,she didn’t have time to waste.She ran quickly towards the academy as fast a She could.After a few minutes of running she arrived at the academy,her dirty plates sealed a way in a seal usually ment for her kunai.As she ran inside she could here her name being called inside the assignment room.As she was entering the corrider that the class was in she heard a mans voice saying that her and her teammates should be on the roof.She watched as her teammates ran out the class and up the stairs.She being tired from all the running leaned against the wall to take a breather before walking up the stairs expecting her teammates to still be up.As she was about open the roof door she felt their chakra signatures disappear and reappear at training ground 13  which was a quite far away from the academy.

Uuuh come on!she roared as she charged back down the stairs towards training ground thirteen.As she was arriving she used her chains to pull her forward and arrived in bowing position infront of the teacher.Soory for being so late sensei!I forgot about the time and by the time i woke it was late!I tried to catch up but you kept moving away!Sorry sorry sorry!She rambeled away quickly while still in a bowing position.She looked up to see her sensei in a circle in a combat form.She bent her head down and said "sorry for being late for the test!"Tsuki was not happy today at all,this was not the impression she wanted to make.
Kenji Kariudo, a former ANBU now Elite Jonin watched this year's batch of Genin Prospects from a good distance away as to not disrupt the tests they were currently having, so he watched quietly studying the prospects as he munched on a stick of dango "Quite a few have potential this year" He mumbled "though it seems we have some late-comers, tsk tsk" He chuckles "reminds me of certain people" He added as he sat in his hiding location and watched

'shit it wasn't enough i shoulda used the hidden mist jutsu first now i gotta think of a new plan' he snapped his fingers 'that's it' he pulled a black pill from the pack on his left hip 'i hope this works'

he popped it in his mouth gagging slightly 'good to know the taste is the same' his chakra became visible for a few moments 'i only have 3 minutes but that should be just enough' running through the required handseals he yelled out "Kirigakure no Jutsu (hiding in the mist technique)" the majority of the training ground was blanketed in a thick gray mist this is when he ran though his next set of seals "Hijutsu: Kirisame (Secret Technique: Mist Rain)" a cloud began to form covering the area over top of the mist soon it began to rain chakra absorbing water 'now we wait' he then promptly fell on his ass from exhaustion 'now i just have to hope my teammates actually know what there doing' he then closed his eyes 'i think im gonna take a nap' he then fell asleep in his hiding place of the treeline

(im just gonna use the excuse that he is so used to using these jutsu's that it dosen't take as many hand seals or as much chakra that and solider pills help) 

Plutia felt sick in her stomach. However she managed to hold from puking. When the nauseated feeling passed, she looked at Oshino with a frown. She heard him mention about making him leave his circle. However that didn't matter to Plutia much. What mattered to her is that she felt like she was being completely ignored. All interactions with her former mentor all felt completely one sided. Not one sentence was responded from him, and this was pissing her off.

"Are you...Ignoring me?", Her frown became lower.  "You're starting...To Make me angry!" She glared at Oshino unsheathing her Katana. Her charkra felt a bit funny, but for now she paid no mind to it.

@Samurai Jay  @Thalia_Neko @Iryxa
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Kiyoshi Ao


Hermit... Sort of

Strike. Slash. Cut. Kiyoshi drove through the movements over and over. His kenjutsu was good enough to be called a pro, but it still wasn't enough for him to call himself a master. It was a few hours before the break of dawn, three to be exact. Kiyoshi woke this early everyday for the past 5 years, it was habit, one that wouldn't break soon. After a few more sets of kenjutsu training, Kiyoshi began his regular endurance training. Taijutsu followed after that. Then ninjutsu. Before he knew it, the day had started, hours had passed and genin were in need of training grounds. What else could he have done? He was is in there place only a few years ago. Without a word, Kiyoshi had vanished in thin air before them and reappeared across the lake underneath his usual tree. He watched with a slight smile as they stared in awe at the spot he was once in.

Kiyoshi situated himself on the grass under the tree, beginning to meditate. He didn't plan to be interrupted so soon after. Kiyoshi opened his left eye sitting in the shade and keeping his body relaxed as he absentmindedly watched the group of young shinobi face off against their sensei. He noticed that another shinobi had appeared across the lake. Kiyoshi didn't know which training ground he was currently at but he didn't think he'd find any other lone shinobi. He watched as the dark haired boy yelled for the attention of other genin, it looked like he needed something. The boy seemed to give up after his first attempt at getting their attention. No one else had seemed to give the shinobi the time of day, so Kiyoshi decided he would.

"Wait... So you're not a shinobi?" Kiyoshi had asked him as he appeared in the branch of a tree nearby, only catching the last bit of what the dark haired boy said. He had body-flickered his way over to the boy. "Where were you for the whole selection thingy? You should definitely look into an alarm clock." Kiyoshi added before the boy could say anything. He toyed with one of his swords as he dropped from the branch and began to stride over to the boy. The sword was unsheathed and in his hand, the pointed end placed against the tip of his own finger. Kiyoshi had a very observant look in his eyes as he examined the young genin.

Talks to: @Erin Shintetsu
Eritio Senju


Before he could reach the group of Genin and their Sensei, Eritio was approached by a Shinobi quite older than him. Upon hearing his words, Eritio got a little flustered. 

"What do you mean I'm 'Not a Shinobi'? Are you blind? The proof is right here...!" He trailed off, pointing to his forehead before realizing none of the Genin, including himself, had earned Hidden Moon Headbands yet until after examination. "W-Well! Yeah, I'm a Shinobi! In fact, you're gonna have to call me Lord Tsukikage before you even know it! Even if its on my own account, I'm not gonna let my own tardiness prevent me from becoming a Shinobi along with the rest of the Genin!" Eritio explained, confident in his own resolve.

"Anyways, I should really go... but I can't help asking... who are you?" He added, noticing the blade in the stranger's hand. The craftsmanship was awfully similar to that of Konohagakure's Shinboi Issue Blades, much like Eritio's own Tanto. Could it be possible that Eritio wasn't the only young Shinobi who was formerly from Konohagakure?

Mentioned: @VMGrey

Talks to: @VMGrey


Ao Kiyoshi


The Sort-Of Sage

"I'm glad you asked! I am the one and only Fukuro Sage of the Leaf, Kiyoshi Ao!" Kiyoshi grinned brilliantly as he tossed his hands into the air as a grand gesture, tossing the sword high into sky. His hair was long and unruly, his face very naive in it's expression. It was obvious that he didn't look like much, but looks can be deceiving. Yet that was one of the first lessons to be taught inside any ninja academy. The sword came barreling down as Kiyoshi began to lean towards the side slightly, lining up his empty sheath. The sword fell into the sheath, a glint coming off of it's blade before it was concealed completely. When his eyes found the yet to be shinobi, they held an even wilder more animated look than before. 'I hope he buys it!' Kiyoshi thought to himself as he waited for a reply. 

What Kiyoshi told the boy before was more of a half-truth. It was true that Kiyoshi had trained under the Fukuros in their home. He was trained to balance his chakra and to have it become one with the nature chakra that surrounded him. Before his training, chakra control was something Kiyoshi could barely manage, he didn't believe that he needed it. Kiyoshi had been born with a large chakra reserve, but he always over-expended himself on missions. When he had lived with the Fukuro, he had learned the true dangers and how to better control his own chakra. After a while under their tutelage, Kiyoshi was proficient in their kata, the only problem was Kiyoshi's failed attempts at activating the senjutsu. The Fukuro explained it as a mental block and spiritual block that prevented from unleashing the built up senjutsu, and that Kiyoshi would overcome this with time. Since his departure, he meditates in a desperate attempt to activate his sannin-mode, failing miserably every time.

(Fukuro means Owl in Japanese)

Interacts with: @Erin Shintetsu
Eritio Senju


Before Eritio could run back to the group after positioning himself to dart back, he stopped dead in his tracks when he heard 'Fukuro Sage of the Leaf, Kiyoshi Ao'. He quickly turned around and faced Kiyoshi dead in the eyes. "A Sage... from the Leaf?!" He fanboyed over the Shinobi. It was almost too good to be true. Someone who was from the Leaf, and a possible candidate to begin learning Senjutsu from?

"You're kidding! I knew you had to be from Konohagakure! You must know tons of Senjutsu after learning from the Fukuro, right? Alright then, Kiyoshi, I've decided! After I've gotten through this mess of a morning, you and I are gonna hit the ground running! My Senjutsu training starts no later than sunset, tomorrow evening at this very spot! Got it??" Eritio grinned at the boy, not taking 'no' for an answer. Before he even gave time for Kiyoshi to respond, Eritio had already continued his race towards the group of Genin and their Sensei, a stupid grin still plastered on his face after such a fateful encounter.

Mentioned: @VMGrey

Talks to: @VMGrey


Ao, Kiyoshi 

The Almost Sannin


"No no no." Kiyoshi wasn't opposed to teaching the kid what he knew, but he needed to lay some ground rules before hand. Kiyoshi quickly caught up to the boy and stopped him by placing a finger against the genin's head. A dead serious look in Kiyoshi's eyes that weren't there before would serve as a way to intimidate the boy.

"We start at four in the morning, every morning unless I say otherwise. Also, I am not responsible in the case that you die while training under me.", Kiyoshi asserted. He didn't know how the boy would react to the information, but if he wanted to master senjutsu then he would need to run the risks. 

With all the formalities out of the way, Kiyoshi removed his finger and began to walk away, hands behind his head. He was excited to pass down what he knew to someone younger than him, and all the attention definitely fed the shinobi's already inflated ego. "See you later Eritio!" Kiyoshi yelled to him as he body flickered away, leaving the genin's ninja ID card on the ground where he had stood a moment before. 


Kiyoshi arrived in apartment with a bed in one of it's corner and a kitchen parallel to it. 'Home sweet home' he quipped to himself, while the truth was that he didn't interact with many people, the Tsukikage was actually one of the few he did. Knowledge of Kiyoshi's ability is what places him on A ranked missions, and while they were nothing too action-packed, Kiyoshi didn't have to worry since he didn't go on them as much as a jonin would. Being a chunin had it's perks for a guy like Kiyoshi. Especially if a guy like Kiyoshi likes to spend his time meditating. Sadly, there was a risk of being promoted soon, so Kiyoshi decided to make himself extra scarce to avoid being relied on so heavily.

Interaction: @Erin Shintetsu

Mentions: @Erin Shintetsu
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