Roleplaying here!

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Toki Tobashi

once Chiasa announced herself toki's eyes briefly opened with an irritated look. "We know who you are Chiasa calm down..." he yawned loudly. "Where are the Jonin, or do they intend us to spend our first day as genin sitting in the academy classroom?" He kicked back in his chair propping his boots on the table. 

"You see our sensei out there while Chiasa?" He asked as if he were out of patience already.

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 Hisashi walked towards the 

academy slowly but still being excited. She ignored the others comments for a while. She sighed and thought for a moment. She was thinking of putting the bell assignment aside and leave it for tomorrow because they had a mission. And from the looks and sounds of tsukikage, it was really important and critical. She didn't really get the details but she didn't want to seem suspicious one. She looked at her profile cards that she was given with the genin's information on them. This is going to be tough and for once she was glad that she glad she got an assistant. The three slowly walked towards the academy with the other jounin. "Here goes nothing." She rolled her eyes slightly and opened the door to the academy. She heard a really loud noise from one of the rooms which ringed in her ears. She opened the noisy classroom door. There where quite a lot of genin. She took another look at the profile cards, and then back to the classroom. She spotted her team immediately. The teacher seemed to stand up and tried to grab everyone's attention. Of corse hisashi looked a bit annoyed because she wasn't used to such a crowd.

mentions: @everyone's jounin and team 1 genin.



[SIZE= 14px]Kai, still had her head down. It didn't startle her at all when another genin 'introduced' herself to the whole class. She was still sitting down with her face down when others where looking up. Her sensory was really good so she could see others without needing her eyes it looking around. The blind girl sighed and ignored the fact that her really long hair was spilling around her desk like a waterfall. She yawned under her breath and tried to drift back into her own world but now it was too loud. Besides the jounin where here and the teacher was waiting their attention so even though Kai could see the senseis without looking up,  she still looked up to let the sensei know that  she was ready. She would do an eye roll if she wasn't blind and her eyes wherent under the bandages. She still had her hands in the same position and ignoring what others where saying.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]menstions: @everyone's jounin[/SIZE]
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'finally im here' sora had finally arrived at the academy he decided to try and get in through the window and slip into the crowd and try to avoid being noticed he scaled the wall and got to the window but they were locked 'damnit why is everything going wrong today' looking through he notices that just about everyone is still in the class 'maybe if i can get someone's attention they'll let me in' he began to know on the window 

@any genin
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While Kai kept her head up, she noticed quite a bit of things like conversations and other things. She had nothing else to do so she just kept silent until she heard a knock. Without turning her head she already knew who it was of corse not personally but it was another genin. "Who was crazy enough to go through a window?" She mumbled under her breath to herself and tilted her head down a bit. She sighed and decided to ignore it but it was getting just wat too annoying. She couldn't sit and think with all the knocking in her ears so she sighed few times to calm herself down. She slowly stood up and faced the window she was sitting next to. She walked over to the window and opened it. Then she went back to her seat. She leaned her head down again now that the noises where gone from her ears.


Mentions: sora @FoxLord (let others catch up now)

~ Hoshino Yori ~

Yori entered the classroom after Hisashi and let out a low whistle as she saw the rambunctious crowd of genins. It seemed like most didn't even notice the arrival of the Jounins'. Yori glanced sympathetically towards the Teacher as he tried to calm the class down and gather their attention. It seemed like he was failing at it though, but he was still trying his best since the Jounins' have all arrived. Yori couldn't help but let out a laugh when she saw Hisashi annoyed, "Ah same old same old, huh Hisashi-chan?" Yori sent her a grin and then scanning through the class she tried to remember who her students were. Deciding on just calling their names out when her time came, Yori walked towards the center of the classroom to stand alongside the teacher. She felt somewhat bad for the teacher, plus she just wanted to get things over with. Clearing her throat a bit, Yori lifted her hand in the air and snapped her fingers, using a bit of her fire affinity, a small firework exploded right above her head. She grinned as it caught the students attention. She then gestured for the Teacher to begin speaking. Yori went back to stand besides Hisashi and Eizan, she grinned at the two while saying, "Now we can get things started, ne?" 


Mentions: Hisashi @Iryxa and Eizan @Loki Odinson

~ Yukino Hiyori ~ 


Hiyori was a bit startled to sense a presence of another genin sitting right near her seat. She would have turned her head around to see who it was but decided against that as she didn't want to be thought of as rude or odd. Instead she opted to just stay still in her seat and let herself space out once more. Though her attention was on the rather loud introduction of one of her fellow genins, it was a girl with chocolate brown hair and ruby red eyes. Hiyori lifted an eyebrow at the girl's rather loud way of introducing herself, though she decided not to say anything since people are different in their own ways. She almost let out a sigh when something else caught her attention. Really, spacing out and being able to catch things out of the corner of her eye was such a contradiction, even she herself didn't understand it half the time. This time another genin was climbing through the window just in time for soon enough the doors to the classroom opened and while the teacher was attempting to quiet everyone down, all the Jounins' entered the room. Hiyori's eyes scanned over each teacher and wondered who would be her teacher. She wondered how they decided on which genin though she did have a vague idea of how it works. She assumed it was depending on the jounin's specialty and from there they would guide genins similar to the jounin's specialty so as to further strengthen that genin or perhaps it would be the other way around the jounin's specialty would consist of a completely different specialty from the genins. Either way Hiyori was beyond curious of who her teammates are and who her teacher is. As she became more and more attentive, Hiyori's eyes were shining as she looked at each Jounin. Two caught her attention in particular. One was a brunette who looked quite annoyed while the other was standing next to her and was laughing while looking around the classroom with amusement dancing in her amber eyes. 


Mentions: Chiasa and Egaku @Thalia_Neko  Sora @FoxLord Hisashi @Iryxa and Yori 
Kenta Akado


Kenta just sat in the back silently. He didn’t have anyone to talk to, and he didn’t really desire to converse with anyone anyways. In fact, all he really wanted to do was train. It didn’t take him long to give into this desire. It couldn’t hurt to practice my clan’s signature style a bit. He closed his eyes and began focusing chakra into his arms. Not long after, the team leaders walked in, and he quickly shifted his attention towards the front of the room. He then watched Sensei Uzumaki’s feeble attempts to get the class’ attention. He crossed his arms annoyed at the fact some his peers could be so disrespectful to their sensei. His eyebrow started twitching in annoyance, and he was just about to shout himself when one of the team leaders used some sort of firework justu to get the class’ attention. He listened closely to what followed. This was a defining moment in every ninja’s career. He could only hope he got strong teammates.

Akio Uzumaki


Akio Uzumaki sat in his seat at his desk. Thankfully for him, the team leaders were even later then he was. I wonder what could be holding them up. I heard some of them are Anbu; they're not usually ones to be late. He looked at his students. Many of them were chattering away. Usually he’d silence them, but this might be last time many of them saw each other for a while. After a little while, he pulled out a book and leaned back in his seat. On the outside it read “Teaching the Next Generation”, but that was just a cover. In truth, inside the large book he had smaller book called “Icha Icha Paradise”. It was the first book of an adult romance series he’d started reading. The contents left him blushing slightly as he read through the pages, and he quickly lost track of time.

Suddenly, the Jonin teachers walked in. Akio almost fell out of his seat in surprise. Some of them looked familiar, but he doubted any of them remembered him. He hadn’t been particularly close with anyone besides his team members, and he’d been off the field for a couple of years now. Then again, Akio had become a bit well known at the time. He quickly shut his book and placed it on his desk with a sigh. Just when it was getting good.  He stood up. “Class, it appears your teachers have arrived. I will now...class?” He paused and looked around in confusion now realizing few were listening to him.He also noticed one of the female Jonin looked quite annoyed by this. “Uhm...class? Excuse me, class...hey guys.” He waved his arms a bit to try and get their attention while keeping a friendly but nervous smile on his face. His nervousness grew as a different female Jonin walked up to him. I hope she’s not about to chew me out or report me or something. Despite the fact that he took his job very seriously, it didn’t always seem like it, so it had happened to him before. Some of the more...traditional Jonin disliked how laid back he could be. However, instead she used her fire chakra nature to get most of the class’ attention.

Akio blushed slightly, put a hand to his mouth, and cleared his throat. “Thank you.” He responded to his helpful peer. However, he was still a bit embarrassed that she’d felt the need to help him in such a way. He turned to his class. “As you know, as of today you are all ninja. You’ve faced and passed many tests and trials to get here and earn that honor. However, this is only the beginning. You have many more tests and trials in front of you, but I know with hard work and dedication you can all become the kind of ninja you hope to be. So forge ahead!” He pointed forward. “Let nothing stand in your way!” He lowered his arm. “And, no matter what path you may choose, I will be proud that you once called be Sensei.” He smiled at all his students warmly. While this might not get through to all of his students, it was quite obvious he really meant it. After a moment his smile was gone, and he got a much more serious look on his face as he picked up a paper off his desk. “Now you will all be assigned to teams of three. Various factors have been taken into consideration in your assignments including strength, scores, and how well your abilities complement each other.” He looked down at his paper and began reading it off. “Team one, Your leader is Hisashi. Your assistant leader is Eizan Mizuno. Your members are Kenta Akado, Saito Namikaze, and Yukino Hiyori. Team two, your team leader is Oshino. Your members are Egaku Watashi, Kai, and Toki Tobashi. Team three, your team leader is Yori Hoshino. Your members are Chiasa Arashi, Riyoshi Nihoma, and Sora Shikigami.” He went on to list all the other genins’ teams.

@pretty much everyone

Tokubetsu Jounin - Assistant Teacher for Team 1



Not that he had anything against the Academy teacher or anything of that sort, but Eizan was currently feeling vindictive enough to snicker at Akio's attempts to quieten the brats in his class. In but a scant few minutes, three of those aforementioned brats would be partly his responsibility. Hence, he was wringing amusement out of whatever he could right now. Better enjoy this moment before the agony comes, right? In the short walk from the Kage Tower to the Academy, he had resigned himself to his fate. There was no running away from it this time, he supposed, and how badly can one fail at teaching, anyway? He could follow his jounin-sensei's example, and while Rikuo-sensei had died before Eizan and his team made jounin, the three of them were doing rather well. The shurikens laying idle on his finger started spinning again as the class eventually quietened and the teams were called. It was easy to pick each trio of genin out as their reactions clearly gave them away, no matter how carefully they though they hid it. So when his team was the first to be called, his eyes darted to each one, scrutinising them carefully. A still picture and words on paper could only tell one so much, after all. 

At first glance, he thought the genins on his team looked rather docile. Or at least, they weren't the type to jump around and buzzing with unlimited energy. Instead, the three of them, while seated a fair distance apart, were all paying their teacher a good amount of attention. Whether or not this level of focus was the norm remains to be seen in the very near future, he wager. It took only another few minutes for the rest of the teams to be called, and he waited until Akio had truly finished before ambling forward. No other jounin seemed inclined to make the first move, and he had wasted enough time standing around in the Tsukikage's office. As Yori said, let's get things started.

Ambling forward so that he was beside Akio, Eizan allowed the shurikens to make one last twirl before he snapped them to a stop, the clinging of metal on metal ringing shortly over the quiet chatter. It succeeded in silencing some of the talking. Pulling his left hand out of his pocket, he gave the class a vague wave - more like a light flap of his hand - and made sure his gaze lingered on each genin as he called them. "Yo, morning. I'm Mizuno Eizan, here to collect Yukino Hiyori, Akado Kenta and Namikaze Kaito. Come on down, genin-hopefuls, clock's ticking."

That said, he stuffed his hand back in his pocket and sauntered back to Hisashi's side, weapons spinning again. "So, Hisashi-san, let's take Training Ground Fourteen, how about it? It has pretty diverse terrains within that rather small space and I've quite a few...fond memories I wouldn't mind re-enacting. With me on the other side this time, of course." 

Interactions: Yukino Hiyori @AiAi , Akado Kenta @CactusJuice , Namikaze Kaito @backlash , Hisashi @Iryxa
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Egaku, sitting next to some Genin, paid attention to her sensei sitting at his desk. She pulled out a paper, then began to make a rough sketch of him sitting there reading a book. A book she noticed was called 'Icha Icha Paradise', from the title on the cover. It took only a moment longer, before the Jounin showed up, and snapped their fingers, gaining the attention of the students. While, her sensei stood up there, making a stirring speech, Egaku quickly sketched him standing tall, and proud, beside the Jounin. The sketches were very poor, with stick figures, and only a few small details here and there. She'd fill them in later, with colors, and actual stronger details, from memory.

Then it came to the naming of teams. Oshino.. Her leader for their team. Toki, and Kai. Kai was the bling girl nearby, and Toki was the boorish boy who had shouted to the girl she ran into the room with. Good to know. Her spruce eyes looked about the room to acknowledge where everyone was. She didn't recognize the name of her leader, though.

Nearby: @CactusJuice @AiAi (Yukino Hiyori)

Team: @Samurai Jay @Jefferson @Iryxa

Chiasa looked back at a boy, and gave him a glare, with a pout. "Oh, don't be that way, Tobi!" she hollered up to him, "and use your eyes!" She pointed towards the front of the classroom, where the sensei and the Jounins obviously were. It was slightly annoying that he had attempted to ruin her fun. Not to mention, was he blind? No, that other girl was.. Kai, right. Rolling her red eyes, she focused forward.

The second passed, and the Jounin managed to get the attention of the rest of the class. Then their sensei began a speech. Chiasa leaned forward, swallowing, and freezing in place. She kept her red eyes wide open, staring right at him, hanging on every word. His words were quite incredible. Or at least she thought so! "I'm proud to call you sensei, too!" Chiasa squeaked, hopefully not interrupting anything. He was so cool. So inspiring! She'd definitely miss him. She caught the name of her team's leader: Yori Hoshino. Who was that? Her eyes looked over at the Jounin. She couldn't tell simply by looking at them. Darnit.

Her team members.. Wait. Riyoshi Nihoma, was the boy right beside her! She turned to him, and grinned, saying, "Yo," again; after it was announced they'd be on the same team. Coincidence! Then there was Sora Shikigami.. Wait, who was that again? She looked around, trying to put a face to the name.

Arashi, Chiasa



Team: @AiAi Yori Hoshino @backlash Riyoshi Nihoma @FoxLord
'so riyoshi nihoma and oh god why did i have to be teamed with her she easily one of the loudest people in class' he glanced at his teammates 'do they even know who i am' then he looked at the jonin 'i wonder what our teacher specializes in' his eyes widen 'come to thing of it i've never even heard of this person and i know just about every ninja in the village' he looked back over to his teammates 'do they even know what my real face looks like' he began to laugh quietly 'i hope it bothers them as much as their going to bother me' he looked towards the window he had entered the classroom 'i need to thank that girl that let me in earlier maybe some ninja wire and a medical bag' he began to panic 'their looking at me quick think of something' he walked over the his female teammate "so you must be chiasa arashi im sora shikigami it seems we're going to be on a team together"

team ---->@AiAi @backlash @Thalia_Neko
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[SIZE= 36px]Hisashi.[/SIZE]


Hisashi sighed. She thought for a while and it was obvious to her that her new assistant was quickly coming up with ideas. Then she rolled her eyes when she calmed down. She had to get used to teaching the kids but whoever ended up with hisashi, will get some harsh rules.  "Why not." She said.  she had few minuets until the ANBU mission but she still had to get the genins out.  "Alright team one! Let's head out." She said with a grin. Her team was honestly no different from the last few teams she had taught a year back from the looks of it. But she hoped she was wrong. She headed out and tried to get herself ready both physically and mentally. She hoped that nobody would try to do a prank. She had a lot to teach the kids which is pretty much a head of stress to her; kids. Although she felt overwhelmed already, she kept a grin in her face which was pretty hard for her.

Interactions: Eizan @Loki Odinson and team .



Kai yawned. She leaned her head on her hand and yawned. To her, lectures where awfully painful. While she looked only forward she could see all around her although she didn't care much. She could easily see what her sensei was reading which sorta grossed her out and send a shiver down her spine but she ignored it.  'This is just boring.' She thought and was actually happy that her days as an academy student. They repeated the same justu over and over again which got boring in the middle of the academy. She wondered what kinds of things will their sensei show them now that they are genin. She hoped it wasn't something they repeated a thousand times like substatution justu or aim training with kunai and shurikens. Prephaps they will learn how to walk on water? Or some new cool justu? She was gone in her own world again.

mentions: @nobody really

~ Hoshino Yori ~



Yori gave Akio a kind smile and merely stepped back to let him do his speech or whatever he wanted to say. She stood besides Hisashi and Eizan and watched as Eizan walked forward first to gather his genins. Her mind made a mental list of her students and could only hope she can handle them. Yori wasn't much to be strict nor was she one fit to be a teacher, really she needed to talk to the Tsukikage and ask exactly what about her was teaching material. Yori wondered if it was due to her wanting to retire from Anbu. She let out a small sigh as she went up to gather her genins after Eizan walked back. She gave him a quick pat on the shoulder and merely grinned at him. Once standing in the front of the class again, Yori smiled lightly and waved her hand rather lazily as she said in a calm tone, "Ehem, my name is Hoshino Yori so anyone who was called for that team come forward." Yori's eyes scanned the room and she saw three students react more than the rest. She immediately knew who were her students and she merely watched their reactions to having a teacher like her. She even wondered if they knew who she was, then again she is well known but at the same time not really due to her always being away on Anbu missions. Yori's face was calm as she merely watched her students with a small impish of a grin on her face. 

Mentions: Team 3 genins  @Thalia_Neko @backlash @FoxLord

Interactions: Akio @CactusJuice and Eizan @Loki Odinson


~ Yukino Hiyori ~



Hiyori gave a soft smile as she listened to her sensei's speech. She always did think Akio-sensei was a very kind person. Her ears perked more when she heard the mention of her team assignments. So she was on team 1 and her teacher or well teachers to be exact were...? Hiyori's blue eyes trailed towards the male with bright hair and watched him walk back to a brunette. Hiyori could only assume that those two were her teachers, then what about her teammates? Akado Kenta and Namikaze Saito...Hiyori's eyes scanned the room before she gave up on trying to figure out who they were and stood up slowly. Her snow white hair bobbed slightly as the ornament in her hair made a small sound as she stood up. Hiyori kept a calm facade as she slowly made her descent down the steps towards her teachers. Seems like she was the first to step up, regardless Hiyori kept walking forward and standing in front of her two teachers, Hiyori looked up at them with big blue eyes and lightly bowing she politely said, "Hello, my name is Yukino Hiyori, I will be in your care from now on." She stood by her teachers and turned around to see her two other teammates. Her mood was rather on the more calm side at the moment since it was still the morning and well morning Hiyori is the sleepiest thing on earth really. 

Mentions: Team 1 teammates @CactusJuice and @backlash

Interactions: Team 1 teachers @Loki Odinson and @Iryxa
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Oshino smiles under his mask before appearing in the room where the genin are assembled using a mist body flicker before speaking in a stern voice. "I am here to collect genins Watashi, Kai, and Toki for my genin squad. You three will,meet me on the roof in no less then five minutes if you take this choice of being a ninja seriously."

He bows quickly before vanishing in another body flicker to the roof where he had set up a few cups of tea and spiked all three of the ones his students would be drinking from... After all he prefered to get this test out of the way rapidly and efficiently as his past trained in the samurai arts often taught him to get these things out of the way rapidly.
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Riyoshi heard the that he was going to be on the same team as this girl sitting next to him and he could not control his smile anymore. Turning to look at Arashi, Riyoshi smiled at her.

“Hey there. It will be awesome to be on the same team as you.” Riyoshi spoke out as he kept his smile towards Arashi.

That was when the other member of the team walked over to them. Riyoshi could not help himself but show his emotion of curiosity.

“Nice to meet you, but can i ask you something?” Riyoshi spoke out as he kept his attention towards the mask.

“What is up with the mask?” Riyoshi asked as he tried to not sound like an ass.

@FoxLord @Thalia_Neko
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Kenta Akado

Kenta couldn't help but blink in surprise for a bit. He really hadn't expected to be called so quickly. He listened for the names of the rest of his team mates. His eye widened a little. Yukino Hiyori? That's a girl's name isn't it? He shook his head. Even if there was a girl on his team, there was nothing he could do about it. After all the teams were called out his team leader's...assistant? told them to come to the front of the room. He found this strange; none of the other teams seemed to have had assistant teachers. A girl stood up and walked to the front of the classroom and his heart sank a little. It wasn't that Kenta had anything against girls; it was quite the opposite actually. Times like these were one of the few times he cursed his social ineptness. Not only is she a girl; she's quite pretty as well. He shook his head once again clearing his thoughts a bit. No, I must focus on my training! A look of determination crossed his face. I'll bring fame to the Akado Clan's name even if I die trying! Nothing else matters! He rose and walked up to the front of the class. He clapped his hands together and bowed deeply to each of his soon to be teacher. "Hello. I am Kenta of the Akado clan. It appears from this day forward you will be my superiors. I look forward to the learning experiences each of you will provide." He said in an even and formal tone. Despite his impassive outward appearance, he was quite excited.

Akio Uzumaki

Akio Uzumaki barely managed to hold in a chuckle as Chiasa's outburst. [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]I hope I have one or two students as lively as her in my next batch. After calling out the last of the team assignments, he gave a small sigh. While he was proud of all his students who'd managed to make it this far, he was still a bit sad to see them go. Even worse, the [/COLOR]Tsukikage had forced him to take some time off before he was "assigned to his next task". Of course he knew he'd just be assigned to another class of soon-to-be ninjas, but what bothered him most was all the free time he'd have for the next couple of days. He really had nothing to do. Most of his friends were either dead or thought him a coward. Akio really couldn't fault them for this. They're not exactly wrong.I guess I can finish that book...  He looked around at the group of kids that had just become ninja.  ...and maybe I'll go check on some of my older students. His eyes widen as an idea came to mind. A small, somewhat mischievous smile appeared on his face. That might work. His smile quickly spread to a warm and friendly one, and he turned to his fellow Jonin. "I could be wrong, but I think I see some new faces here. If any of you would like advice or something similar, feel free to come talk to me." He offered. Akio hoped someone would take him up on his offer, but he wasn't exactly the best at hiding his intentions. No matter how hard he tried to hide them, he often found his real emotions would bleed through.

Saito was one of the last kids to enter the room, but he was one of the first that had been called. What a turn of events to hit him once again. As his name was called with the other two in his group, he watched his teammates proceed to the front of the room and introduce themselves.

I guess it is my turn. Saito thought to himself.

Standing up and walking to the front of the room, Saito looked at the squad captains and took in a deep breath.

“The name is Saito Namikaze.” Saito spoke out as he turned his gaze towards the other two gennins upon the team.

“It is nice to meet you.” Saito continued.

I wonder what their skills are. Saito thought to himself.

Tokubetsu Jounin - Assistant Teacher for Team 1



As Yori grinned and gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder, Eizan flashed his fingers quickly - at a speed which genins wouldn't be able to catch clearly - in jounin hand-signs to communicate "good luck with your team". He could empathise with her when it came to teaching, really. At least he wasn't the main leader of the cell, unlike her. Yeah, she definitely needed luck, especially with kids this boisterous. As he waited for his genin-hopefuls to come down, Akio offered to be a sounding board for advice and questions and whatnots related to teaching, and Eizan couldn't help but raise his left hand halfway up, wriggling his fingers to draw the Academy teacher's attention.

"'ll be seeing quite a bit of me, then, Akio-san. Provided this lot manage to become full-fledged genin." He drawled, putting his hand down and smirking lightly, eyes tracking over the three genins as the last one finally stepped before Hisashi and him. 

The smirk stayed on his face as each of them automatically introduced themselves as soon as they approached. A little too early for that, he believed, as he wanted to get out of the Academy as soon as possible and get this introduction thing out of the way at the Training Grounds. Although, it was rather amusing that two out of three seemed to think that Hisashi and him would be their teachers until they managed to reach chuunin. However, the fact remains that they can and will be sent back to the Academy if they failed the jounin-sensei test. After all, they have yet to receive their hitai-ate, and this not considered full-fledged genins yet. Not until their jounin-sensei personally presented the headbands to them. Oh, their expressions when they learned they still had the bell test to pass would be truly hilarious! Hmm...he could see why his own jounin-sensei got so much enjoyment out of teasing and torturing the genins under his command. It was therapeutic,[SIZE= 1.3rem] if nothing else. [/SIZE]

"All right, come on then, little ducklings." Eizan beckoned with his shuriken-laddened finger, turning his back on the three before tilting his head in deference to the leader of the team. "Shall we, Hisashi?"

The question was mere formality, as they were of the same rank, but it was expected respect towards the team leader. Not looking over his shoulder to check if they were following, Eizan exited the building, starting on the more-than-familiar path towards Training Grounds Fourteen.

Interactions: Hoshino Yori, Yukino Hiyori @AiAi , Uzumaki Akio, Akado Kenta @CactusJuice , Namikaze Kaito @backlash , Hisashi @Iryxa


Egaku leaped up, after being told her team. All the other Genin seemed to be doing the same; heading towards their respective groups, and their new senseis. It was time for the small, petite girl, with the cold, callous, empty gaze to do so, too. Oh, there were quite a few senseis, and many students. Not to mention the similar sounding names, students and senseis both. Confusing, but oh well. She listened hearing her surname called, by some knightly-looking man. Heh, he'd make for a good drawing.

He explained that they needed to meet with him up on the roof. Easy enough. Not even waiting on her own teammates she moved quickly. The girl with yellowish-green hair did take being a ninja seriously. She was going to show them all her strength.

Quickly, she found herself bursting out onto the rooftop, the morning sun greeting her in its warm, blazing glory. Momentarily shielding her spruce-green eyes, she looked up. There he was, her sensei. She calmly walked over, seemingly first of her team to arrive.

@Samurai Jay @Iryxa (Kai) @Jefferson

Chiasa's question was answered quickly. "Oh, you're Sora Shikigami! Haha.. I.. momentarily forgot!" She ended with, lying. She hadn't remembered this boy at all! Oh well, he was on her team now. So, she'd get to know who he was quickly enough.

"Hehe, time to gather up the team!" she said to the weird boy, before rushing over to her sensei. The 14 year old girl stared at the woman. Gosh, she was pretty! This was her sensei? Chiasa found herself in awe, and quite amazed. "Wow," she actually said aloud, standing right in front of the woman, staring at her. She shook her head. "Ahaha.. whoops! I.. I was just enthralled. You are very pretty!" she complimented. "Anyway, I'm Chiasa Arashi!! Pleased to be on your team, sensei!" she said, dipping her head.

Arashi, Chiasa


@Jefferson @backlash @AiAi (Hoshino Yori)



Hisashi rolled her eyes at the two and just started going out side. As the team moved along, hisashi was starting to think on what should their first training session be. But the mission was pretty soon so she would probably leave the training to Eizan for today and leave before she late like she is usualy. She was already busy with missions but recently there where no signs of one being just popped up so it sorta bothered her. She shook off the thought off of her mind and continued to the training grounds. It wasn't long before the two jounin and the genin came to their destination. "We will be spending most of our training here. So if you don't like it, you better get used to it." She said. The training grounds where pretty much the same as they where in all the others; plain or and open field with three targets on wood pieces. There was also a forest around the open place that would let them practice justu. First things first, they had to introduce themselves to everyone better and that's what Hisashi started off with. "Alright. First, let's get to know each other better!" She said with a cheerful smile. She folded her arms and said "just to get to know what we are working with here." She looked down at the three genin. She waites for one of them to start off.

Interactions: Eizan, Akado@CactusJuice, Saito namikaze@backlash Yukino Hiyori ( @AiAi)




Kai sighed when she heard her name called. She observed her sensei and his behavior and she understood it would be tough for her. She wasn't the type that cared much about her future although she did want to become a ninja and proove that she could be one even if she was blind. She still hesitated a bit but after a girl from her team left she followed her with a small skip. As she skipped up, her hair was jumping up and down too. The other girl was the first one to be up, and apperantly Kai was only the second one to show up although she followd the other girl step by step. She sighed and yawned to herself a bit without hiding hr boredom. She really hoped their sensei would have something really cool for them to learn. Something they haven't already learned in academy which she wouldn't call 'alot'. So the blind girl waited for the last teammate to come up. She did t want to wait long or else she would probably just fall asleep from  boredom,
Plutia woke up from her recent nap. Arms stretched out and mouth open for a long yawn. "Is it....Morning already?" She asked herself. Slowly sliding off the bed she got up and yawned again with arms stretched out. "What....Should I do today?" She asked herself. The purple haired girl though about her options. She could go back to bed and sleep the day away. Or she could go out and do something. "Hmmmm...Maybe I should go.....And annoy sensei." 

Plutia grabbed a doll that looks like Oshino and contains a knife in it. She then grabbed her Katana. Plutia opened the window and jumped out to a roof-top. "Maybe.....He's at a roof top." Plutia looked around and noticed Oshino on the roof of the academy. She jumped from roof top to roof top. Plutia jumped on to the Academy roof top. "Good afternoon.....Sensei." Plutia said. 
@Samurai Jay

~ Hoshino Yori ~



Yori was watching the reactions on each of her fellow jounins' faces' when a young brunette came running up to a halt in front of her. Yori looked down at the girl in question as her ruby red eyes stared at Yori for a long time. Yori cracked a smile and tilting her head she was about to ask the young girl what is on her face when the girl broke out speaking. Yori blinked a couple times as she finally registered what the girl was saying. She touched her wysteria hair as she let out a small chuckle, "Well thank you Chiasa-chan. I do hope I will be a good sensei for you and your teammates." She looked over at the other two and grinning slightly Yori gestured for them to follow her, "Alright kids, follow me." She began walking out the doors and headed towards a certain training ground that she has in mind. Soon the four arrived in an open clearing with some large logs on one side and a couple trees and whatnot on the other side. She turned around and smiled at the three and said, "Alrighty~ Well...let's see. Oh! Introductions, yes yes that is quite necessary. Hmm I guess I will start."  Yori went to one of the logs and sat on top of it while crossing her leg, "Okay well my name is Hoshino Yori, you can call me Hoshino-sensei, Yori-sensei or even Yori. I really don't care ahaha. Hmm I am of Jounin rank, uhh for hobbies I like relax? I dislike...mmm not exactly sure. Uh my goal not sure. Alright, next~" she smiled at the three and awaited for one of them to start. 


@Thalia_Neko (Chiasa)

@backlash (Riyoshi)

@FoxLord (Sora)



~ Yukino Hiyori ~



Hiyori stared blankly at her supposed assistant teacher as he smirked and nudged them on as if they were a herd of animals. Her eyes slightly narrowed at that but she wouldn't dare say anything back as he was her teacher. Instead she opted to look over at her two teammates and see what they were like. She noted that both were male and of course taller than her. She noticed one wouldn't quite look her in the eye, though she just brushed it off. Soon they arrived in a clearing and Hisashi-sensei began to speak. Hiyori looked around and noticed that no one was going first and so she decided to just get it over with. Hiyori raised her hand gingerly and spoke up softly as she stood between the two boys, "Um, I can go first. Well nice to meet you all, my name is Yukino Hiyori, I guess you can say I specialize in ninjutsu and dojutsu...also a little bit of medical ninjutsu as well. And well my affinities are lightning and water." she tilted her head as if asking her sensei if that was enough of an introduction. 


@Iryxa (Hisashi) 

@CactusJuice (Kenta)

@backlash (Saito) 
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Egaku hadn't really seemed to be all that acknowledged by the armor-clad man, despite being one of his Genin to train. That was a bit disconcerting, but oh well, whatever. He'd speak up soon enough she was sure. It just let her get a better picture of him and the surrounding cityline to paint later. When, someone else landed up on the rooftop. A girl. Her big bright spruce-green eyes observed the woman coming over. Hm. Egaku would continue to silently observe this new interaction.

@Samurai Jay @Iryxa (Kai) @Jefferson @Plutia

Chiasa laughed and watched her touch her hair. That was so cute! "Eep! Oh, I bet you will be sensei! Erm. I mean, I know you will be! I can tell! I mean, if you're beauty is anything to go by, then we're in good hands!" It wasn't clear, what the correlation of ninja-training and being beautiful was, but hey, Chiasa's mind didn't really seem to work like most. She could draw conclusions to things like that in a heartbeat.

Following her sensei, the girl was swelling with excitement. Finally. Finally, they were out of that stuffy boring classroom! Sure, she hadn't exactly mastered the jutsus... Or any jutsu. Or even got close to even performing even one right, but for one reason or another, Chiasa seemed to have some subtle hints as a future shinobi; so she had been passed to start her Genin training, and she couldn't be more excited!

Once out on the plains of the training grounds, she turned every which way, to take it all in. "OOooooo. Wow... Awww... Cool..." she continued to breath out every single step. When, they were there, her eyes followed her sensei all the way to the log where she sat, and crossed her legs. "Kirei..." Even though the woman's introduction was lackluster, Chiasa was hanging onto every word, giving a nod at each stop in her breaths. "Ohmygod, I love that too. Oh, yes. That's also something I don't like. I can totes relate to that goal..."

Uh, what? The woman hadn't said anything really, yet she was agreeing with it? Anyway, Chiasa leaped up, "Miss Yori-sensei! I've already introduce myself, but it's K! I'm Chiasa Arashi! I'm so super freaking goshdarndang excited to finally be a Genin! I cannot wait til I'm a Chuunin. And I even cannot wait even less..more? More? Less.. Oh whatevs, yo! I want to be a Jounin like Yori-sensei! Did I mention just how gorgeous you are sensei?! I swear, you're like the prettiest woman I've ever seen! Can I be like you? Please?"

Arashi, Chiasa


@Jefferson @backlash @AiAi (Hoshino Yori)
Oshino smiles seeing one of his students appear and his old apprentice appearing also. "Well there is two out of the three genin I'm getting and my old apprentice." He shifts from where he was sitting enough to pour some tea into a few tea cups no movement wasted and wish what seems to be practiced ease. Before he speaks with a little humor in his tone "So while the other one come how about you introduce yourself to me and my apprentice... Who was kind enough to show up today without alerting me... So she will help out with your genin test today."

Nearby a young fox sits and keeps an eye on the genin and the apprentice. This being one of Oshinos summons who is keeping an eye out for genjustu.

@Thalia_Neko @Iryxa. @Plutia
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Riyoshi Nihoma

Riyoshi was the second gennin out of his team to leave the school and follow after his new sensei. As the team walked towards their destination, Riyoshi pondered about their team leader and what kind of place they were headed. When they got to the training grounds, Riyoshi just exhaled a sigh of disappointment.

I was at a place like this, this morning. Riyoshi thought to himself.

Peering over at the sensei as she made her introduction and then over to Chiasa as she made her long winded introduction and Riyoshi just exhaled deeply and he had rolled his eyes. As she finished up her introduction, Riyoshi took a step forward and took a breath in.

“The name is Riyoshi. I am from the Nihoma clan and we hail from here. My goal is to be the most powerful shinobi that ever walked the lands and my hobbies are that to compliment my goal.” Riyoshi spoke out in a firm voice as he looked from Chiasa to


@Thalia_Neko @FoxLord @AiHime


Saito Namikaze

Saito was the second one to raise his hand and speak out.

“Hello. My name is Saito Namikaze, and before you ask. I am not sure if i am related. No records are kept. My skills are based on ninjutsu with a hint of weapons. I am not sure if I have an elemental affinity or not.” Saito spoke out as he looked at Hisashi.

Saito knew the lay of the land pretty well. He understood the basics of why the new sensei picked this spot for training. Would they put this new team into the fastest paces or would they keep a more relaxed pace? Would this sensei have it in them to

keep the team alive, or would they just throw the team to the wolves for slaughter?

“It is very nice to meet you.” Saito spoke out after a long pause.

@Iryxa  @CactusJuice @AiHime  @Loki Odinson
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taking one final glance at his old seat he began to follow he teacher only replying with "you'll find out" 'eventually' when they arrived where ever their teacher took them he sat down on the nearest log and as he waited for his turn he turned his eyes to the open sky until he began to notice no one speaking he turned his eyes towards his teammates and noticed that they were staring at him waiting for him to respond "my name is sora shikigami my dream is to become the next tsukikage my hobbies include elemental training and cooking" he then waited for a response 

@backlash @Thalia_Neko @AiHime
"Ehhhhh! Do I really...Have to? That sounds.....Really boring. Can't we....All play? Even OshinoJr agrees." Showing the plush doll of Oshino to him. 

Plutia only wanted to annoy/play with Oshino. She didn't expect to help him with his test. And she didn't want to do anything that involves a lot of movement.

(Maybe I can talk my way out of this.) Plutia thought to herself.

@Thalia_Neko @Iryxa@Samurai Jay

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