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Colosseum ROLEPLAY RUMBLE!!! Lore Archives


Dreamer of the Impossible
Here, you can post lore explaining properties of your characters' universes and RPs that affect how they fight. This includes techniques they use, Power/Magic systems, etc.
Astra: The "Magic" of Alabastor
Astra is a mystical energy that flows throughout the universe, and those who can learn to use Astra are capable of superhuman or supernatural abilities, such as controlling the elements, creating weapons out of energy, summoning powerful creatures to assist them, or altering the aspects and properties of themselves or the world around them. However, Astra, and mortals interacting with Astra, fall under a set of "laws", much like how the laws of momentum and gravity affect the physical world. These "Laws of Astra" are as follows:

1) One can gain access to Astra through months of training and meditation, or by being exposed to enough Astra for the body to adapt and surviving*(1)

2) Astra can also be used by the general populace when crystalized, though there is a limited amount of Astra in these crystals, and they shatter when they run out.

3) The basic activation and harnessing of Astra alone doubles the harnesser's strength, speed, and durability. This boost can grow overtime, as the body becomes more adept at using Astra.

4) Astral Components, of which there are seven (Alteration, Construct, Destruction, Elemental, Illusion, Restoration, and Summoning), each max out at a score of 10. These scores act as both inventory space for techniques*(2), as well as an indicator of skill in their respective component.

5) The combined scores of Astral components cannot exceed 30.

6) Astra Techniques can take up to three points from a component, though they can also draw from multiple components to function

7) The more power a technique is, the higher the Astral Score cost.

8) Mark II conditions are optional, but a technique with a condition is generally stronger than one without.*(3) The stricter the condition, the more powerful the technique becomes.

9) The body's Astral Balance System causes it to automatically regulate the amount of Astra flowing within the user, but can be outpaced (either by using too much Astra too quickly, or drawing in more than the system can handle).

10) The ABS's Standard Limit (SL) is the amount of Astra the user's system maintains generally. The Absolute Limit (AL) is how much they can keep within their bodies without suffering from Astral Overload*(4).

*1: The likelihood of having your Astra unlocked via exposure is very low, as is surviving the procedure.
*2: Let's say for an example that an Astra user has 7 points in the Construct component of Astra, and he wanted to learn a technique that required 3 points from that component. He would have 4 left to dedicate to other techniques.
*3: examples of conditions include but are not limited to a technique that is stronger during the day and weaker during the night, shedding a certain amount of blood, being able to only use the technique a certain number of times during a given period of time.
*4: Astral Overload is a bodily condition where so much Astra is being contained within the body it begins to break down and be destroyed by it. It has the potential to be crippling, or even lethal.

NOTE: The Elemental Component is the only one split into sub-categories (Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, and Earth), and only one can be chosen should a user invest in it.

The Astral Components:

Alteration: Changing the aspects or properties of one's self, allies, enemies, or environment (boosting someone's strength or speed, or lowering an enemy's, telekinetic abilities, changing the properties or chemistry of metals, etc.)

Construct: Creating tools or objects out of Astra, from the simplest tools to the most elaborate devices (making a sword or shield to defend yourself, or tools to get a repair job done).

Destruction: Using Astra to destroy in every manner of the word. (dissolving something within your grip, firing kamehameha-esque beams of Astra to blast away obstacles)

Elemental: turn your Astra into an element, and manipulate the elements around you, so long as it matches the element you're trained in. (Fireballs, Lightning Bolts, Conjuring blizzards and water, reshaping the ground, etc)

Illusion: Bewitch the mind, ensnare the senses, and trick your opponents with these mental arts (creating an after-image or visual halucination, telepathic abilities, playing with your opponent's senses)

Restoration: Restoring what was damaged, tainted, or lost back to it's former state. (Healing, purifying water from blemishes or pollutants, repairing a broken weapon)

Summoning: Calling forth creatures and tools from the Summoner's Ground, an alternate plane of existence, to aid you.

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