Roleplay Rules


Personified Salt Shaker

Roleplay Rules

The following are some general rules for the roleplay. Don't break them :)

  • Post once a week. The week starts on Monday at midnight Central time and ends whenever I go to sleep on Sunday. Does that mean the end time for the week is inconsistent? Yes. Is it a tactic for discouraging last second posts? Yes.
  • Do not to excessively post. Due to life, not everyone can drop what they're doing and read/responds to posts in the RP Thread. Try not to post eight times while having a conversation with one other player, especially if it involves clues or plot elements.
  • No one liners. There's no real requirements on posting, but give your fellow roleplayers something to work t
  • Put forth effort. This is a Mystery RP, meaning not all will be handed to you. Before you start asking for help from Grand Master Parotus at least try to piece things together.
  • If you want to leave, let me know. We'll work out a way for you to leave the RP without harming other player's ability to continue the RP.
  • This RP will not be perfect because I am human. Call me out on mistakes. Seriously, this is untested waters for me, so let me know if clues are too easy or too hard, pacing feels wrong, or I narrate something that conflicts that with established lore. Sometimes, I make mistakes. Other times, it may be a clue...

How Clues Work


  • During certain sections, I will indicate that there are clues to be found. I'll mention points of interest in the post, and it will be up to the players to decide where they first look.
  • You can only indicate what you're examining, not what you found. I will indicate in a post what you found and what you know about it.
  • If you aren't tagged on the clue, you don't know about it until the player who did find the clue announces the discovery. Try to reveal the clue as soon as possible if you found one.
  • Everyone will not know everything about every clue. Give another player a chance to solve the clue, especially if it ties to their CS (I will mention that someone else knows about the clue in the post, so you have an idea of who to take the clue to).
  • There will be a separate post that lists all clues and what is currently known about them. I will update the post should relevant information be mentions or discovered. If you think I missed something, mention it in the OOC chat, and I will either add the info to the sheet or say the information is not relevant.
  • Interviews with NPCs are simple. Ask questions you want answered in a single post, and I will answer all of them, in the order they are asked. You may list follow up questions; to indicate a follow up question, put the words "Follow up" in brackets, followed by a colon, followed by the criteria that causes the follow up question to be asked. Multiple criteria needs a semicolon separating the follow up questions (example: [Follow up: yes] What's your favorite cake?; [No] Why don't you like cake?). List follow up questions immediately after the question they are following up. Do not be afraid to only ask one or two questions without a follow up. Sometimes, thinking of a good question to ask can yield better answers than a follow up.
  • If, at any point, this current system is doing more harm than good, let me know ASAP. I can rebuild the system to try another method of gathering clues and information, and I would much rather rebuild the system than kill the RP.

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