Roleplay Reboot Area


The last survivor of the Freelands
December 24th, 2000. Sixteen Years ago...

Walking down the snow laden streets of Chicago, a young man was walking towards the Red Square Cafe and Lounge, a briefcase in his hand. Walking into the building, towards a waiting man, The male would take his hat off and bow lightly. " Pakhan Igor. Hope you are having a good day. "He said to him.

Igor would look up, nodding his head before speaking. "I am Heinrich. You got good news for me, da?"

Heinrich would nod, before placing the briefcase in front of him, opening it and showing him it's contents. "This is just the last weeks take." Heinrich said, a grin on his face.

Igor would chuckle lowly, before closing the case. "Business have been good lately, huh?"

Heinrich would let out a chuckle himself, nodding. "Yup. Going to celebrate with Gwen tonight, over at the Union League. "He said, before placing a expensive watch in front of him. Traditionally, a watch was given towards male Russians as a gift, and Heinrich was nothing if not a traditionalist. "Here, for all you've done for my family...Merry Christmas, Boss." Heinrich said, tipping his hat.

Igor would take the watch, and nod. "Merry Christmas."

Heinrich would walk out of the building, before walking south of the place. He would stop in front of a Penelope's, Steve Quick Jeweler, and a Sorelle, where he saw his wife Gwen. She looked tired, but immediately perked up when she saw him. Running over, Heinrich would lift her into his arms, giving her a quick peck on the lips. "Hey baby." He said, before looking around. "Where are the little ones?" 

Gwen would sigh, running a hand through her hair. "They are in the Ally, Troy is playing Ball with that Andrew boy, and keeping an eye on Sophia. I thought the noise was going to drive me nuts. " Gwen said, before she spoke in a playful voice to him. "My friend is watching them tonight though..."

Heinrich would laugh, and move in to kiss her again, but both of them were sent back by an explosion. Recovering from the blast effects (they had not been close enough to seriously hurt) Heinrich would look up to see Sorelle was in flames! Someone had bombed one of their businesses!

Gwen would slowly get up, a look of horror on her face. "Oh my god....My boy and baby girl! "She said, trying to quickly stand. 

Heinrich would just look in get up quickly. "Jesus! Where the hell are the cops? I thought the boss had them on the take! "He said, before he started running with his wife towards the Ally. However, as they were running over, a pair of mercenaries would run in front of them, and hit Heinrich in the stomach, grabbing him and his wife. They'd throw them in a dead end, leaving Heinrich to get up as they saw them.

The Mercenaries would then just step to the side, as a male wearing suit walked up. This man also had a distinctive pin on his chest. A Rose Pin.

He was a Rose Executive!

The male would throw the cigarette to the ground, stepping on it to put it out, as the two mercenaries would walk to his side. "Sorry Heinrich. Gwen. It's just business. " He said, sighing, before looking towards the two next to him. "Give it to 'em." The male would say. The Two mercenaries would then just raise their weapons, before they began firing. They'd unload their weapons into the two, until their clips were empty, and they were both on the ground, full of holes.

After a bit, the police would finally arrive at the scene. The small group of people that came to see what happened would just gasp or stare in shock at the scene of the murder. Finally, a little boy and girl, the boy six and the girl two, would arrive to the scene, the boy holding the girl. The Little boy looked ready to cry. " Mama....Papa....?"

A hand would reach over, and turn away. It was Igor. " Don't look. " He said in a stern voice. the boy would just struggle for a bit, before Igor would straighten him up. "Stop. Now, do you know who I am?" He asked.

The boy would just slowly nod, before trying to struggle out of his grip again.

Igor would grab him again. "Save your anger....Save it! You have a sister to look after! "He said, as the boy would stop. "Now, come with me. When the time is right....When you're old enough....You will have your revenge. "He said to the boy, taking his hand, and leading him away.

The Boy would just adjust his grip on his sister, as he'd take one look back at his parents, before following after the male.

August 21st, 2016, 7:34pm, Present Day

A Russian man would be walking to the 38th floor of the Sears Tower. He was wearing a UPS uniform, carrying a small package. As he walked through the hallways, he heard snide remarks from the corporate executives about the poor being here. Finally walking towards the room of the Deputy Administrator, a woman by the name of Henrietta Stronakai, head of Stronakai Trading International.

The secretary, a woman named Audina, would stand. "Excuse me sir, do you have an appointment?"

He would speak in a concealed russian accent. "I was sent to deliver a package to Mr. Stronakai. The Lady at the desk downstairs told me to bring this up real quick." He said, handing it to the Secretary. 

She would take the package, before taking a small letter opener, and cutting it open. Inside....was a note.

"Make a sound, and you die."

"What in the world..."

The woman would then feel a gun barrel to her head, as Troy spoke clearly. "I told you not to say anything." He said, before firing a silenced round in the back of her head, her body falling through the doors.

Henrietta was standing in front of her desk, having been in the middle of packing up. She would turn around suddenly at the town, her eyes widening. "What in the world.....who are you?!"

Troy would hold up his pistol, the hat moving to reveal his face. "Papa Ivan is not very happy with Traitors, Henrietta." He said, before firing one round into her lower left torso.

Henrietta would fall to the ground, holding onto her side, as she'd look up. "Guard dog...." She said, clearly terrified. When Troy raised the pistol up, she would up a bleeding hand. "Wait! Please! Let me explain!"

"You're a problem....I solve problems."

Pft! Pft! Pft! Pft!

Troy would lower the gun, as the woman, now dead, slumped to the floor. Walking towards the desk, He'd pour the contents of her briefcase on top, before pulling out a small bottle of lighter fluid. He would then pour it all over the desk, before lighting a match, and setting it ablaze. Any evidence against the family was now quickly erased.

Troy would take the stairs down, as he heard the fire alarms go off. Taking the elevator would've been a bad idea. Once on the ground floor, and outside, Troy would pull out his phone, and dial a specific number- His godfathers confidant, Alen. They both grew up together, and Troy saw Alen as a big older brother. He knew he could be trusted. Dialing the number, Troy would lift the phone up to his ear, as he got into his car, driving away.

"Brother Alenheim....Job is done. I am to meet with Papa Ivan at the Red Square now, Da?" Troy asked. Troy was hoping this was to be promoted. He had been trying to earn his way to the top for years, so he could wage his war against the Rose Corporation. Alenheim beat him to the position of Papa Ivan's right hand, but he could still reach the rank of captain.

He just had to prove he could do this.

Meanwhile, on Lower Wacker Drive....

A street race was nearing it's end. Four cars were nearing the finish line. However, a fifth car was coming up. On it's hood however, it bore the symbol of the Dead Walkers, the newest gang on the rise. They had control of most of Lower-right Chicago, and were one of the only groups to get their hands on military grade equipment. This car? No exception, it was built with military grade parts.

Soon, the fifth car would pass the others, it hitting the Nitrous at the exact right time. Passing the finishing line, the racer would stop, before stepping out. It was Andrew, second in command of the dead walkers. He held a look of triumph on his face, as the other racers all came out. This was meant to be a symbol- that a Dead Walker would now dominate the racing scene. Andrew himself felt it was too flashy, but when your boss asks you to do something, especially when it was your best friend who could have you by the neck or by the balls (in both ways you think), you do it.

Andrew just wished she'd do it more carefully.

Counting the dough from the race, which was one hundred and fifty grand, Andrew would pull out his cellphone, and call her. "Race is over....You really have to ask the result, Hun?" He asked.

@Kumori Yurei @Robyn Banks 
Connor wasn't doing much, he was just taking Rudy out for a walk. Rudy, of course, wasn't on a leash. But he knew better then to stray to far away from Connor, and Connor made sure that he wasn't left behind. The Dead Walkers didn't have anything for him to do, and he didn't feel like starting anything. Especially after his mom and grandma had chewed him out when they found out about him being with the Dead Walkers. Luckily they didn't know that he had killed someone already because of them, that would just be more trouble for him. Right now, all they knew was that he was with them. They probably thought he was doing drugs and banging women and nothing else. Well that was wrong, because he had made a promise to himself that he wouldn't touch drugs, and he wouldn't want to bang a woman he didn't know or care about. He's classy like that, though others call him a pussy for it.

But what was he supposed to do? Just lay down and have people walk all over him just because he wasn't as rich as they are? Yeah right, that makes total sense. And since he's from a poor neighborhood that happens to have a bad rap, he can't get a job so he can't get money to move out of the neighborhood. Making the only way to make money is making money the illegal way. That's why he joined the Dead Walkers, they paid him, nothing else. Right? He wasn't afraid to make some noise to make sure everyone knew they were still there. But he wasn't willing to go on a crusade to tear everyone down and put himself on a podium. That just wasn't right, and wouldn't get them anywhere in the end.

He shook his head, clearing it of the train of thought that had invaded. No, he was just doing a job to help his mom and grandma get out of this neighborhood. Especially his grandma, she deserved to live somewhere better then here. Their lives had certainly brightened up when Rudy came in, but it could be so much better if they just agreed with him and moved out while he stayed behind and helped pay for whatever they decide to get. But they were both so stubborn that they didn't want to go unless he went to.

'Damn it, I got to think of something better.' he thought to himself as he got more and more frustrated with his life. Maybe if he stopped by a club or something that'd help.

Alenhiem Ulfharfn



Alenhiem was in the middle of looking over the shipment of weapons, goods, stolen and purchased art, and other items that were to be shipped to the American branch of the Braginky family. As he checked off items that were on the dossier his phone rang. He sighed slightly and answered as he continued his count. "Ah brat Troy, good to hear from you. I am glad to hear our family's stolen documents are destroyed. Papa did say for you to meet him, yes. He said for you to get there as soon as you are able and to be sure you are not followed. I will be back in a few days. Tell papa I'll have a surprise for him." he said and hung up.


Alenhiem finished up his count and after ensuring that the shipment was in order he thanked the main branch and headed to acquire a special gift for Ivan.





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