Roleplay Area

Willow nodded in a greeting as she usually had. "I have arrived as I was called here." The woman responded kindly. She glanced nervously at Andrew, her gaze then flicking quickly back to the ground. A rise in ranks. She thought nervously. Both unnerving but exciting. At least I get to do more for the Dead Walkers. 

Finally, she pulled her hands out of her pockets. The wind lifted her cloak a bit off the ground, but dropped it within moments. She'd been nervous about this day, and it finally arrived. Despite being glad about being raised from her previous rank, nervousness pricked at her.

@Andraus @Robyn Banks

Jiang Family Office Visit


Sun has just arrived in his flawless moonless Mercedes Maybach car, along with his most trusted bodyguard in his jet-black suit. Keeping his right hand by his temple as his eyes examined the outside through the tinted window. The dull monotone office building Sun is looking upon is owned by a respectable affiliated family of the Western Dragon, known as the Jiang triad.  Sun Bojing arranged a meeting with the Jiang's before arriving Chicago to speak over matters of reorganizing their stance within the family.  Sun exited his car along with his bodyguard and began to approach the office building which seemed defenseless from the looks of the outside, but was certain the inside would say otherwise. Barely approaching the front office door, the door swiftly opened with a member greeting with great respect to Sun Bojing, Sun didn't pay no mind to the greet and walked right by pass him inside with no smile at all to be spotted upon him. Sun's eyes hawked the room which was filled with luxury furniture's and at least eight men standing, four on each side of the entrance greeting already towards Sun as he walked in while the head of the family standed right in front of his desk giving his respects as well.


" It's a great  pleasure to finally meet you Sun Bojing, Deputy of Western dragon"


Cao Jiang's words spoke with his words with a stitched smile upon his face, hard to tell if it had a any meaning  to it all. But nevertheless, Sun, approached Cao with a nod as his hands where glued within his pockets, so did his bodyguard.  Just as the greet was over the men just stood where they where, so it seems they where ordered not to leave there positions until the meeting was over. Sun and his guard sat in the first two empty metallic seats in front of Cao Jiang's desk that soon followed Cao sitting as well.


"Cao, I didn't come here to waist time on seeing what have you been doing, I came here to change  your operations that would be best suited with our new doctrine that would help the Western Dragon Triads mundane revenue, times are changing and we have to adapt to these changes to stay in competition with local rivals.  I do understand your family handles the gambling business, along with porno industry. But that has to be put to halt for now from your guys handling, reason why is because I'm putting your family handling the weapons trafficking business. You have a very respectable history fo bringing in money in whatever the family put you in, I'd want you to handle this larger operation from now on."


 Cao Jiang was a bit speechless to know that Sun has entrusted his family to take on a bigger piece of operation to improve the income of the family.


"I completely understand Sun Bojing, what I can do to help the family, and let me say it's an honor for you to entrust our family to handle this side of the business."


"Just don't fu-"


A vibration was trembling within his jacket with an ambient ringtone echoing though it. Sun paused for a movement and reached his cell to see who it was and saw it was his boss Tian, the head of the Western Dragon family. He answered it immediately with a pause to hear what importance his boss has to share with him. Sun spoke a few words back of acceptance and hanged up. He looked back towards Cao after setting his phone on the desk with his fingers interlocking with each other on his lap. Sun finally since arriving, had a smile upon his face.


"Cao, I'm gonna need a few of your men for some business I'm gonna have to attend right away."

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David was standing at another red light, like usual, when his phone beeped. It was a text from one of his associates "Have you seen what the Dead Walkers done last nigh? Go on youtube. RIGHT NOW!". Normally David wouldn't bother wasting his time with things like this, he decided to make an exception since the Dead Walkers were involved with this. He opened up the youtube app on his phone and went to the trending section. Immediately he saw a video titled "This is what happens when you fuck with us" the video had 500,000 views which was a fourth of the population of Chicago. He tapped on the video and an Ominous voice started speaking "Hey Kids! Want to watch some fire works?" The camera was pointing at one of Rose Corps warehouses. Davids mood changed, he didn't know what they did yet but if it was this popular he knew it must have been something big. Within seconds the warehouse erupted in flames. He turned of his phone before the video got to the end. Did they really think they could fuck with Rose Corp and not expect consequences? They stuck their nose in matters that they had no involvement in and now they started a war that they could not win. As soon as the light turned green he drove the car right around. With one hand on the wheel and one on his phone he texted his boss "Jackson the Dead Walkers have bombed one of our warehouses, I'm heading to the scene now, what do you want me to do? I think they need to be punished but its you call." he attached the video to the text.

When David arrived at the scene he was surprised that it was so empty, no cops or anything. But thats a benefit of having the entire CPD in your pocket. He got out of his car and started looking around the scene for anything that the Walkers might have left behind while waiting for a reply from Jackson.



Carter had just pulled into the garage where he left his 1984 Lincoln Town Car. The black beauty laid in its triumph in the dimly lit garage, on the second floor up. Since he drove away from the red cafe, he hadn't been tailed nor encountered any problems. Not that he had expected any.

Carter bit the inside of his lip in shame. He had done something stupid as a way of release- a cathartic act of injustice to a neutral gang. The Braginsky family had no immediate ill intentions for the Dead Walkers yet. To cope with his anger, Carter reached into his baggy pants pocket and pulled out a small vial. His favorite drug for a bad day - the forget-me-stick, as he calls it. He popped a whole Xanax bar into his mouth. For good measure, he added 2 Percocets (30 mg). Finally, he snorted another whiff of blow in his other container. Mission accomplished.

Carter parked the taxi cab next to his car. The door could barely latch, as it was broken. He left the car running for a moment as he opened the door of his Lincoln and sat down. Reclining in the chair, enjoying the buzz, Carter closed his eyes.

"10-4 Oscar Bravo to Dispatch. Drivers license match, yellow taxi cab..." "Okay 141. Roger that."

Carter's eyes shot open. A cold shiver ran down his spine, slowly trickling down to his ankles. He turned his head to the right, the taxi cab in view. The car was still running. Carter turned his head slightly more. A police officer was standing behind the car, his gun pointed and his hand on the radio. "10-4 to Dispatch. Checking the vehicle now, requesting backup." "141 roger sending backup."

Carter was unseen because his seat was reclined. He crept his fingers slowly into his bag on the floor of the passenger seat. Unzipping the duffel bag, ever so quietly, he grasped his submachine gun. The cold metal was slippery in his sweaty hands. The officer slowly walked toward the front of the taxi cab. Carter was now directly aiming at him. The officer peered into the window of the cab. He reached for his radio when Carter unloaded 8 rounds in less than a second into the officer, the recoil riding the gun up, as the Lincoln's window glass shattered, as well as the taxi cab's driver window. Blood gushed from his back, neck, and head. The officer dropped to the ground like a rag doll, his firearm clanging to the floor of the parking garage. "Aw, shit!" Carter wailed. In a moment, there was no sound; only an eerie hush after one final gunshot echo, deep down inside the parking garage.

Quickly opening his door, he ran out to the other side of his Lincoln. Glancing around, Carter observed no police cars - the son of a bitch was on foot, thank God. Carter grabbed the officer and threw him in the taxi, pocketing the fallen revolver. Shoving a rolled up newspaper into the gas cap, Carter lit the end of it, hopped back into his car, and floored it out of the garage. Moments later, a loud explosion was heard.

Carter pulled out his cell phone, dialing his boss. @Robyn Banks"Hey," he spoke into the phone, "I'd like to meet up with you. I made a good haul today but I'm more interested in the Revenant aspect of my job. I'm itching to take out anybody. I'm willing to take any risk." He flipped the phone closed. Knowing that his life was in danger, he decided more danger couldn't hurt. And it was his second day out of prison, too. Carter drove to his friend's body shop - a special body shop.

An hour passed, and Carter was now equipped with bulletproof windows, a super fine tuned engine, and hidden body armor inside the car. His next stop was to the armory, where he picked up a bulletproof vest, and a jamming/bug finding device. With this, he could stop a signal from a device used against him, as well as track the location of any such devices. He had spent a pretty penny on his shopping today, but Carter was certain that his issues with the Braginskys was just starting.

Copkiller. The word echoed in his head. He shook it off, and enjoyed his high. He was now on his way back home.

What if my boss texts me back? Carter thought to himself. He pulled into a driveway of a random place to await her response. Looking in his rearview mirror, Carter noticed that he was parked at a tattoo parlor, with a Russian name. Just then, a text message was received on Carter's phone. This was the first time he learned of the explosion, a text from a fellow Dead Walker. The corners of his mouth turned up as his eyes reflected the red blaze of his phone screen; the video of the explosion was playing. "A little late for the Fourth of July," he chuckled to himself.

@Andraus@Victoria Bradley@Cheshire Grin@Fenris@LoneSniper87@Broncos
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Desiree patiently waited as the man who invited her was on his way. The man kept his identity a secret, but Desiree knew who it was anyways thanks to her training. Any thought she had of that place she wanted to bury, but she just couldn't. Something inside of her just seemed to never let go of her memories. She still wanted them gone. Once the man entered the room, guards stood up stiffly in sign of respect. Desiree, on the other hand, stayed in her spot. The man deserved no respect. Plus, it was a comfortable spot after her long day. "Hello, Magnus," she told him in an almost taunting voice. "Or should I say Magma?" she smirked, addressing his alias. Desiree and Magnus went back to when she was first sent to Chicago. He was the one to make her join the Western Dragon Triad. Though she appreciated his actions of forcing her to join the Western Dragon Triad, she still despised him. Some feared him, but that was the least of her thoughts.

The dark, flicking lights were the only light source, so it was hard to see his face. However, Desiree could see Magnus's face anywhere. He didn't look pleased, but she kept her smirk. After a long pause, she dropped the smirk and finally asked what he wanted. Magnus was not a man to invite someone over to catch up or have a drink with. There had to be a catch. Then, he wordlessly handed her a black folder. "I was expecting words," she teased as she opened the folder. Her face remained still and almost emotionless as Desiree examined what was handed to her. A picture of a tall, mostly chubby man was the first thing she saw. Instantly, she understood what she was to do. "How much?" she asked. Desiree wouldn't do something without reason. At least she took pride in that. 


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Lunch With The Braginsky's (I)


Damien Mical

Damien stared down at the busy streets, his legs dangling over the buildings edge as he watched the teeming crowds, each unenthusiastically floating off to whatever boring task they had to do for the day he bet. Sighing loudly as he adjusted himself so that one of his legs were underneath him, the boy used a fist to prop up his head. How could they do it? LIVE with it? Knowing they were gonna end up doing the same thing everyday, possibily for the rest of their lives! Damien had made a choice long ago and he was better because of it in his eyes. It was either stay in the vicious cycle that sapped everyone of their primal urges to MOVE, or do get off and go against societies standards. A profession who's main goal was to actively oppose the norm. So, he joined a gang.


It wasn't surprising, given his enviroment, but it was good enough for him. The perfect job for a thrill seeker such as himself.


Damien only begin to perk up as he notice one of the customers, who wa strangely enough wearing a bandana across their face, rush out an scream something, although he could only make the word 'Russian' before dashing off, another customer following him as far as a few feet outside before stopping. He must not have been worth the time it would have taken to chase him down. His eyes tracked down the male once more noticing him down the street, jacking a cabbie for their cab. Chuckling lightly to himself, Damien went into his pocket and whipped out his phone, scrolling through his contacts till he found one simply listed 'Mancer'. It was short for Necromancer, but it didn't take anyone with half a brain to figure that out. Especially if they suspected he was with the Deadwalkers. Clicking on the contact, Damien began to type out a messae as he stood to his feet and made his way to the creaky fire escape, descending the stairs.


'Some salak just ran out of a cafe, on Red Square, I think, screaming about Russian's. Guessing it's got something to deal with the Braginsky's. Just a guess. No solid information. Checkin' it out now. Şimdilik Tata, patron.' 


Damien finished the last bit and, having sent his message, pocketed his phone before beginning his slow descent down the ladder. At the ladders base, Damien took a moment to fix his vest and tux jacket, effectively hiding the large Deadwalker symbol on his chest. If the commotion had anything to do with a rival faction, even a netural one, he wouldn't learn anything. He wasn't that known amongst the factions, having only done small jobs and very little when it came to interacting with other families. The only thing that gave him away was his tattoo's, primarily the one on his chest. The skull and bones weren't anything huge. After securing his pistols, the boy made his way across the street, nonchalantly making his way past the two patrons speakig at the door and inside, where he sat down at the counter and waited for someone to come around to take his order. He made some glances aroundn admiring the cafes decor, before his eyes briefly landed on a large Russian male. He decided not to linger, the full gravity of what he'd gotten himself into having fully hit him.


It was the Pahkan, Ivan Braginsky and the Siberian Warhound. Both. In the sameplace. A waiter eventually came around and he irdered a small decaf coffee with a plate of triangle sandwhiches. He appeared reserved and calm, but there were still some jittery moments when he felt he was garnering attention just BEING there...



Salak - Idiot

Şimdilik Tata, patron. - Tata for now, boss.


Yua looked at Jackson wondering why he didn't take the paper out of her hand. He had a weird look on his face. "Jack?" Suddenly he snapped out of it and took the paper and she crossed her arms. As he was reading it. She took out her phone checking to see if there was anything she needed to get done. It didn't look like she had much but it would be up to him if she had anything he needed taken care of. She then suddenly looked towards Jackson slightly surprised by his question. "Relax? Oh well if you think it's ok. Are you sure there isn't anything you need me to take care of?" She walked over and grabbed herself a piece of toast. This was nothing new him having a pretty clear day with not much to do but normally she had a lot to take care of. But she wasn't going to complain.

"Of course, I'll shut get my-" began Jackson when his phone buzzed. He took it out to see a horrifying message. "No," Jackson mumbled as he looked at the message. It was a text from David and it said that one of their warehouses had been blown up by the Dead Walkers. Rage was in Jackson's eyes as the drum began to beat. They had just declared full scale war with the Rose Cooperation and Jackson would make them pay. He then coldly told Yua in a stern voice "The Dead Walkers have just attacked our warehouse. They have just declared full scale war. I want every high ranking official in the meeting room now. Spread the word,". He then ran out of the room

Jackson scurried down to the slave quarters to find Lara. She was his slave who he had captured after taking down her family's gang. He continued to run down the stairs and violently knocked on her door and shouted "Lara, get your guard suit on! We're in a code red emergency!". He then sent a text to everyone saying to report to Rose Corp HW immediately

@animegirl20 @2PM @Victoria Bradley@anyone involved with Rose Corp
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Lana Gracietta




Lana was sitting on her bed, staring at a picture of her and her three brothers at her sixteenth birthday party. Tears moistened her eyes. She missed them so much. They, along with her mother, her father, and everyone she had ever loved, had been gone for a little over three years now. She couldn't believe it had already been three years since Jackson Taildawn had murdered them. That it had been three years since he'd enslaved her. Three years since she'd suffered through the utter hell that was La Rupture. Lana brushed the tears from her eyes and set the picture on her nightstand, taking out her journal to finish her entry from yesterday.


She jumped when she heard someone knock violently on the door. She scowled when she heard Taildawn's voice on the other side, ordering her to dress in her guard suit. Muttering angrily to herself, Lana swung her legs over the edge of her bed and walked to her dresser. She took out the leather guard outfit and slid it on, sliding her sunglasses onto her head and buckling her boots. She hated the way the leather outfit molded to her body and accentuated her curves. She knew Jackson's choice in outfits was deliberately for that purpose, which only made her dislike it that much more. Sighing, she clipped her guns into her thigh holsters and headed out the door, brushing right past Jackson as she headed for the meeting room.




Yua finish her toast and was getting ready to leave. She went to grabbed her suitcase when suddenly she heard Jackson go silent. "Get your what?" She turned to see him reading a text and he looked pissed. "Jack something wrong?" She walked little bit towards him but stopped when he started speaking. But what he said she really wasn't expecting. "The warehouse? Right away sir!" She yelled out as he ran out of the room. She walked over to the dresser quickly grabbing her phone when she noticed someone out the window. "Kim?" Was she back or leaving? She wasn't even sure if it was her but it looked like her. She thought it would be better if she went and checked just incase. She quickly headed out of the room making phone calls and texting telling everyone to come to the meeting room quickly as she headed out of the building. Once she reached outside she looked around not seeing her anywhere. "Crap guess I was seeing things. Sure looked like her though. Then suddenly her phone rang. "Hello....yes I know I was just informed he wants me to collect everyone now......" She continued talking and looking around incase anyone else showed up and didn't get her messages.





@Victoria Bradley
Jackson was running through the building straight for the meeting room. "I'm going to kill those bastards," Jackson said as he ran to the room "And put them all through the La Rupture and break them. No one will get away with this,". His thoughts were full of rage at this point and you could tell that he was pissed. 

He slammed the office door open as he came in. The office was a big room with a large table and a screen. The room was also blood red, just like his room. He immediately activated the nearby computer and activated the screen, showing the entire city. He put an X over the sight of the explosion and waited for them to show up. He also made sure that Lana would be standing outside on guard




@Victoria Bradley

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@Robyn Banks

Sick of waiting for a reply, and antsy about the Russian tattoo parlor, most likely a Braginsky, Carter shifted his car into drive. If he had waited a moment longer, he was sure that an angry mob of suited Russians would charge him with shotguns. Revving his engine, it's sweet, powerful, tuned sound coursing through his legs, he turned down the street and headed for home. He would be crossing a nice area, possibly as classy as Rose Corporation residentials. Although slightly heavier with the hidden armor, the old Lincoln was nonetheless much faster. Her new paint job made her like a modern car inside and out, but it had cost him thousands upon thousands of dollars, along with the bulletproof glass.

Carter lit a cigarette and rolled down his window, the hot air feeling much tamer while in motion; it was a gentle breeze. It was an absolutely beautiful day. Carter noticed the difference in the environment, and it was painfully obvious that he was no longer in the South East Slums... he was in the North West. When Carter pulled up to a traffic light, he pulled his folder from his bag, and found the Rose Corp. members. Jackson, first in command. Yua, second in command. He kept going down the list of names.


Finally putting down the list of names, Carter lit another cigarette. He was slowly approaching a girl, who was on her cellphone. "Sweet ass." She seemed like she was going to do something very important. He passed by her, and looked in the rear view mirror.


It was Yua! Yua Heart, The Rose's Thorn... Carter's heart raced. Dropping his cigarette out the window, he grabbed the folder next to him and checked the second in command again. He looked at the photos. Then back again at his rearview mirror. There was no mistaking it; It was her. She was looking at her phone. He slowed down until she caught up. He took off his hat, splashed water in his hand and fixed his hair. He almost looked gentlemanly.

"H-hey!" he faked a nervous hello, making sure that she saw him fixing his hair. He stared coyly at the attractive girl, pretending to be starstruck. "I-I am kind of new in Chicago, I live on the other side of the city, first month in Illinois actually... can you give me directions to the bridge? I'll give you a ride if you point it out on the map.. Aha!" Carter grinned, faking nervousness. He hoped that he was conning the girl real good. He hid his bag of guns under his seat, but kept his pistol in his belt.

@Andraus@Victoria Bradley@Cheshire Grin@Fenris@LoneSniper87@Broncos@2PM@Robyn Banks@Cheshire Grin@TheMilkMan@AvidElmV2


Yua continued talking on the phone when suddenly she heard someone speaking to her. She turned around her phone still to her ear. She looked the man up and down then raised an eyebrow. "You need something?" Apparently this guy was knew here and needed directions to the bridge. She spoke into her phone. "I'll call you back let Jackson know I'll be up in the meeting room in a few mins." She hung up. She didn't answer right away, she was thinking. She stared at him.....haven't I seen his face before....she couldn't place maybe he just looked similar to someone she knew. "The map isn't needed." She said finally speaking up. She then walked next to him and pointed down the road. "Alright see that street there?" She explained to him where to go then after she was done she looked at him. "Do you got that?" As she was looking at him she couldn't help but wonder who the heck this guy was. He looked familiar but....."Hey what's your name?"

@Public Enemy


Carter's smile turned into a frown. This woman was not entirely a fool. But then again, she wouldn't be second in command of the Rose Corporation if she were one. He eyed her up and calculated her thoughts. He had to think fast. Act normal. Get her in your car. Act normal. Get her in your car. His smile returned.

"Ugh," he rubbed his face with his palm. "I honestly haven't taken my ADHD meds, and I can't even focus. Forget the bridge, I don't really have anywhere to be. Buuut.... it seems like you have somewhere to be! Hah! So how about a free ride, and I'll introduce myself... maybe I'll buy you a drink later." He grinned invitingly, nodding his head in agreement. He looked at her hands and face, mimicking her expressions, to appear to be in sync with her. He looked at his watch obviously. "Come on! I have the A/C on full blast! I KNOW you're sweating bullets!" he chuckled.

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She looked at this guy and blinked. "Uh..." What was with this guy? He's acting like a bumbling idiot. She raised an eyebrow then studied him. "Oh! I see what's going on here. No I don't need a ride I'm at the building I need to be at. Look man how about not trying to pick up girls in broad daylight I promise there much more willing ones that you can find during the night." She crossed her clearly irritated. "What a waste of time. Unless you want me to call security I suggest you leave now." She lstood there watching him making sure he would leave. "Well go on I don't have all day. You got 10 seconds to scram. 10..9..8..7..6..5......"

@Public Enemy

Carter's blood boiled. His face turned red. He was in disbelief. This little monster had just given him two options. Lose his opportunity, or get violent. Well, she clearly had no idea who she was dealing with! His lips turned upside down fiercely, his eyes narrowing. "You little-" sitting up in his seat- Carter, in one swift motion, reached his hand around the back of her neck and grasped her, using the soft side of his other hand to clock her on the temple. He yanked her toward him, feeling her lightness. This course of events had no possible long-term outcome that served well for Carter, he knew this, but this was a chance he couldn't miss.


Ivan M. Braginsky


Location: Red Square Lounge and Café


Ivan smiled a bit, tilting his head slightly to Lucius respond. It was nice to hear close members doing well, it made his day go swimmingly. Ivan could help but to chuckle, being up the bit of trouble the police not accepting their generous offers now had trouble of their own. Ivan looked over towards Lucius, chuckling a bit before speaking, "I'm assuming you are talking about the destruction of the Rose Corp. warehouse?" Ivan asked before tilting his head slightly, his smile still on his lips. "Is there something you aren't telling me straight forward, my comrade?" Ivan asked arching a brow, blinking once as he tilted a bit more. 


before turning his attention of a commotion, his eyes narrowing slightly, seeing a young man scream the word fuck before making his way to the door. Ivan's massive hand gripped his pipe tightly, how disrespectful. Ivan's eyes narrowed slightly before he watched as the young man showed towards the people who were there, at least, the Russians who were there, Fuck The Russia. Ivan blinked his violet hues once before sighed heavily to himself, lifting the pipe and held it behind him. 'This is one of those times, I'm glad I'm not Irish.' He thought to himself before turning his attention towards back to Lucius.


The gall of some people, it's embarrassing. Ivan continued looking towards Lucius, saying he could end his life in one call. The Russian man thought for a moment, grinning before looking in the different from a familiar person walking to them. He blinked once, Ivan seen it was Troy, his godson and a guardian of the family, mainly his daughter, Anastasia. Ivan smiled before speaking to Lucius once more, "Bring him to me alive. I would like to play a game with him, get all the information you can." He spat with a sinister grin spreading on his lips. He then watched Troy give Lucius the protection money for his goddaughter, Sophia's, little shop. Thank goodness. Ivan would have hated to have to send someone to her shop to get the money. "Он идет хорошо, спасибо. Пришлось дать сообщение для конкурирующей банды, но ничего из ряда вон выходящим." Ivan responded, sighing slightly as he leaned back in the chair he sat in. His eyes soon shifted in the direction of the car Troy drove, his hues examined the car from the distance, turning his attention back to Troy as he asked him the question, "Я заметил фантазии автомобиль у вас есть снаружи. Я рад, что вы принимаете соответствующие меры предосторожности, чтобы защитить свою дочь, когда вы с ней, но ... Я не помню, как ты просить каких-либо частей, чтобы сделать автомобиль более сильным. Уход объяснить?" Ivan smirked, blinking once before looking towards Troy, wondering if he was going to tell the truth or not.




Russian Words

Он идет хорошо, спасибо. Пришлось дать сообщение для конкурирующей банды, но ничего из ряда вон выходящим. - It has been going well, thank you. Had to give a message to a rival gang, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Я заметил фантазии автомобиль у вас есть снаружи. Я рад, что вы принимаете соответствующие меры предосторожности, чтобы защитить свою дочь, когда вы с ней, но ... Я не помню, как ты просить каких-либо частей, чтобы сделать автомобиль более сильным. Уход объяснить? - I have noticed the fancy car you have outside. I am glad you are taking the proper precautions to protect my daughter when you are with her, but...I don't remember you asking for any parts to make the car stronger. Care to explain?
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Lana Gracietta




Lana swiftly folower Jackson up to the meeting room. She could tell simply by standing within ten feet of him that he was beyond livid. The rage practically billowed off him in waves. Lana took care not to speak a word in order not to incur his wrath. She understood his anger; his slave ports had just been bombed, and that was a lot of good money lost. But that didn't mean she was going to get in the way of it.


[SIZE=22.6px]Outside of the meeting room, Lana stood against the wall beside the door, one foot back against it either her arms crossed across her chest. Her guns stayed strapped to her thighs, but the holsters were unclipped so she could easily pull them out. She didn't dare refuse Jackson when he told her to stand guard.  Why would she when this was one of the only things he ever asked her to do that didn't hurt her.[/SIZE]





Victoria Spencer Argent


Victoria perked her brow at the Willow's  response, watching the girl take glances at Andrew. She snickered. "I'm sorry,  men have two brains;  one on the top and one on the bottom, he must've been using his second. You don't have the job... yet. I want to see if you're actually capable of it instead of making the cut simply because you're one of the undertaker's fuck buddies..." She paused for a moment before proceeding on "Maybe I could use you though since you're here. Andy take her to my office,  I plan to have a little get together with select members. Maybe she'll be great for our little plan."


She soon realized that she recieved a voicemail from carter. She wondered if he found anything or not but she decides it'll  be best when he arrived. "Smart Bar, right away. I'll be waiting for a full report and maybe you'll get what you want. " She texted him. 

Soon after she recieved a text on her own but not from the person she expected.


It was from Damien, enlightening her on the flaw of her seemily 'useful' recruit. She clearly told him to NOT cause any bad blood between them and know she had to clean up the mess he made. She was thankful that Damien was near the area,  she trusted him with everything that came her way.  "I know exactly who that is. Smooth things over with the family,  we don't have any time to deal with another enemy especially over a dumb move. Tell Ivan that I want to meet as well to apologize and discuss a few things. Also I have a gift for him. Come to the smart bar right after. We need to talk." She messaged him hurriedly. sigh aloud.


She knew that the other members we're already on high alert for any WDT or Rose Corps members on their turf, especially since she was the on that gave the orders. Patrolling the streets,  guarding buildings, heck she even considered letting them patrol smart bar yet she knew that would scare away customers. It wouldn't be favorable if they had to look out for Braginsky too. 


She retreated back to her office to see the  two getting settled. It was a vast room with more space than she could possibly need. She plopped onto her chair and put her feet on the desk." Since I already have you too here. You might as we'll have the first task,  Andrew already knows it and will fill you in on the way there. This will require some stealth which I think you Willow are good for, take as many walkers as you need for this mission. We might need to be embalmed as well since it'll be a matter if time before the tree huggers are on high alert. Any questions?" She asked but wasn't in the mood for answering. She had more problems to deal with. 


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The old Lincoln raced down the Chicago street. John Carter had gotten himself into something something so big there was no undoing. One hand on the steering wheel, he reached for his pocket, taking out a bottle of pills, and dumped the whole contents into his mouth, 6 various pills, he didn't even look. "WHOO!" He shouted in joy. He was on his way to the South East slums, the destination of his apartment.

In the passenger seat lay a 21 year old girl. Not just any girl - she was the second in command of the Rose Corporation. First a bombing of one of their warehouses. Now the kidnapping of a leader. Carter laughed maniacally, his drugged heart pounding with excitement and fear.

He had knocked out the small girl with one light hit to her temple. He had pulled her in through the window and nobody has seen the whole ordeal... in broad daylight. Carter was sure that he had signed his own death warrant now. The Braginsky's must have thought he had balls. The Rose Corporation was about to hang its head in shame. After all this is over, he was sure he had to skip town for good.

"I have the Rose Corp. Second in command in my car, knocked out. Kill?" Carter left a message to Victoria. He could only imagine her fury, but he at least wanted to save whatever position he had left in the gang - after all, he was doing this for them. He expected a handsome payment, pronto! The thought made him smile.

Instead of meeting his boss like she requested, Carter had disobeyed and disrespected her, yet again. Grinning as he looked at the passed out girl, he lit a cigarette and smoked it calmly, his eyes closing as he nodded off every so often from the pills. The girl let out a quiet moan, and her eyes squinted. Carter's heart skipped a beat, and he returned his attention to the Chicago street.

In no time, they had arrived at this apartment. The renegade gangster picked up the girl effortlessly and carried her into his apartment. He lead her into the bathroom, handcuffing her left hand to a hand rail next to the toilet, a part of the apartment that was there before Carter had moved in, mainly for old people to grasp something in the bathroom.

Carter slid down the wall and faced the handcuffed girl. His legs were splayed in front of him, he was maybe 6 feet in front of her, his back against the wall. She was leaning on the closed toilet, her arms limp and hanging, her legs by her side.

Yua Heart moved again, this time her hand reflexively rubbing her temple, as she let a groan. Her other hand tried to budge, rattling the handcuffs. The hand flexed and then became limp again. She became lifeless again.

The thug struggled to keep his eyes open, after a very long day. He had been drug dealing in the early morning, disrespected the Braginsky gang, jacked a cab, killed a cop, fixed his car, and now kidnapped a high profile rival.

Carter's eyes slowly closed. He was so tired and high, staying awake proved nearly impossible. He nodded off for a moment, then inhaled sharply and shook his head to wake himself up. The girl let out another groan.

@animegirl20@Broncos@Victoria Bradley
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The Viper~Anastasia


Ana looked down onto her latest prey contemptly, proud of another clean kill, and placed her family's trademark sunflower onto his chest. Standing and preparing to leave for home, her phone began to ring and she groaned, knowing she was in trouble. Letting out a long sigh, she brought it up to her ear and tried to sound innocent.


"привет мама."


"Анастасия, Светлана, я не могу поверить, что ты снова остался без разрешения. Вы знаете, что враги вашего отца хотят, чтобы ты умер. Или хуже," she said in rapid, angry russian.


"Да мама, я знаю, но у меня была работа и-" Ana started, only to be cut off by Diana, her mother's sister, whom had stepped in as a "mother" after her sister's death.


"Нет Буц Анастасия, я хочу, чтобы вы получите ваш завтрак в кафе, потому что вы пропустили его сегодня утром."


"но-" Anastasia tried again in a futile attempt to resist.


"поздороваться с вашим отцом для меня в то время как вы там."


Then Diana was gone, and Ana knew she needed to go.


- - -


Anastasia walked up to the Red Cafe and spotted her father and Troy talking inside. Smiling slightly, glad to have her father and best friend in the same place, she strode into the room. Walking over to their table, not caring that she was interrupting and knowing it wouldn't annoy either of them, she kissed her father's cheek in greeting and nodded with a comfortable smile to Troy.


"привет отец, как ты сегодня?" She asked kindly. Even if what they were talking about was important, her father wouldn't stop just because of her. Ivan had never hesitated to allow his daughter knowledge of the family's workings.


Translations: In order of appearance in the post


"Hello mama."


"Anastasia, Svetlana, I can not believe you left again without permission. You know that the enemies of your father want you to die. Or worse."


"Yes mama, I know, but I had a job and-"


"No buts Anastasia, I want you to get your breakfast at the cafe, since you missed it this morning."




"Say hello to your father for me while you're there."


"Hello papa, how are you today?"


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@Robyn Banks @Public Enemy @Nightraven @AvidElmV2

Andrew would just wait a moment, before busting out laughing. "Oh my god, you should see the look on your face, Tricky Vic....Priceless, I swear! " He said, reaching over, and pulling off the 'paint'. It was just a stick-to-metal decal he had designed, since the idiots never got a chance to properly paint the skull. The car was painted all black due to them trying to cover up the failed attempts. Andrew had, yet again, done this to simply get a rise out of Victoria. "You will never cease to amuse me, 'Toria. " Andrew said. She would know that Andrew only did this to try and get her to relax.

....Still didn't stop it from annoying her from time to time, which Andrew took pride in doing.

Upon mention of Willow's promotion, Andrew would speak up. "Hey, 'Toria, She and I ain't been in bed together, nor do I plan on it. Don't get me wrong, she's good looking when she ain't hiding that pretty face with a hood, talks real polite, uses her head, and doesn't annoy me half as much as the other drug-happy people we work with, But i'd rather not piss off someone that could likely kill me with a single round at two thousand yards, just because I don't want a relationship. "Andrew said, lighting a cigarette. Never piss off snipers. It was a life lesson Andrew learned the hard way, and he had the scar on his ass to prove it.

"I nominated her for promotion for a few reasons: She hasn't fucked up an important job, she's been with us for a couple of years now, she's made us good money, she's saved my ass twice at my last count, I still owe her a dozen beers for that, and she keeps calm under pressure. We need someone like that reminding people we mean business." Andrew said. It wasn't often he gave a glowing recommendation towards their members personally. Most were either drug-happy, arrogant, or acted like total idiots at times. Andrew really only got along with a handful of people, like Damien because they were both thrill-seekers, Willow because she used that brain of hers, and Victoria because they were friends since childhood. 

Upon mention of what the crazy bastard Carter did to the Braginsky, Andrew would wait until they were in her office, before speaking up. "Don't worry about the Braginsky. "He started to her. Guess it was time to fess up his connection. "I have a buddy who is pretty damn high up that can smooth things over. You remember Troy? Troy Conners?" He asked. The last time Andrew remembered Victoria saw him was the day his parents were gunned down, and their hairs-stylist business was destroyed. "He is a Boyevik, hopefully a damn Brigadier by now, and he works directly for their Pahkan, Ivan. He is the personal guardian of the family, as well as Ivan's god-son. Anyone can talk them down from conflict with us, It'll be him." Andrew said. He had absolutely no care that he was friends with a high-level Braginsky Family member, or that he kept this hidden.

One of Andrew's greatest flaws and character traits (depending on how you see it) was that when he made friends, he stuck with them. It was likely the full-blooded Russian in him, but Andrew had a code of honor he followed by. It was why he cleared the warehouse out of innocent people prematurely before blowing it to hell. Sure, It would've sent a stronger message, but Andrew was here because of a friend and because of the thrill, not because of gang-politics. Was he a crazy son of a bitch? Hell yeah, he'd kill anyone that tried to murder him, and loved watching things blow up, but randomly murdering people wasn't what he was all about. He cared about his people. It was why their Drug-Labs were outfitted with the proper equipment, not some stupid back ally bullshit. It was why he only took Chemists that were not hooked on their own supply, not some tweaking assholes more concerned with using. Did it cost more money? Sure, but it was Quality over Quantity.

It made them look good in the long run. Sure as hell better than what the Rose Corporation or the Triads did. Their stuff didn't kill you half as much.

"Although, He DID insult my people and my home country.....But the good news? He still needs to be canonized! And guess who is going to be canonizing him?" Andrew said, cracking his knuckles. Just because he had done good didn't mean he wasn't going to skip over his initiation ritual. 

Victoria then walked in, telling Andrew the details he needed. Andrew would then clap his hands together. " 'Bout time you let me test out the formula. I need to field test it to make sure it works properly. If it does, then Tian Mao is about to get knocked out of our territory. " Andrew said. He was always trying to come up with better concoctions than Mao and the Western Dragon Triad. It was a matter of competitiveness to him. Andrew actually respected the man, but that didn't mean he wouldn't try to one-up him in the drug market. "Speaking of which, We need to hit the warehouse first. Got the location of where they were holding our people before they tried to break them. I plan on taking them back- with my new party popper. "He said, walking outside, and looking into the car. Pulling out a large weapon case.

Andrew would then walk back in with it, getting another Dead Walker stiff to help him. " 'Toria, you're going to love 'this' little party popper. Managed to grease a few palms back on Arsenal Island. They gave me a nice parting gift. "He said. Inside, was singlely the most dangerous weapon Andrew had gotten his hands on since he started working with the Dead Walkers....A bonafide Russian RPG-7, complete with four rockets.

Andrew had absolutely NO regards for his personal safety, it was like he wanted to get killed...

@LoneSniper87 @Smoaki 

@Cheshire Grin @Fenris

Troy would bow his head. "They should learn not to mess with us. We keep things nice and orderly, then all of a sudden the Corporation starts muscling in on our territory, and they forget who kept it in check when the Police failed. " He said to him. He would then hear him bring up his car, before rubbing his chin, trying to figure out how best to explain it. "I have a....friend, who has connections to the Military. He supplies me with proper gear, and I make sure he doesn't get killed if he enters our territory by mistake.....I knew the guy since we were little, so he can be trusted. " Troy said, revealing that he knew who was supplying the Dead Walkers with gear. "I only will expect the best when it comes to Ana. I would never let anything harm her. " Troy said, before turning red in the cheeks.

It was a well known fact that Troy had feelings for the girl....except to Anastasia herself, but that was actually just because the Higher ups in the Braginsky family had a betting pool on how long it would take for him to confess. So far, it was up to $783. But that wasn't why he was he was blushing.

He was blushing because JUST as he said that, he heard the same beautiful voice behind him.

Immediately getting up, Troy would walk over, take Anastasia's hands, and kiss both her cheeks, a typical greeting between family members. It would be disrespectful to not greet his superior after least that is what he reasoned. "Hello, Детеныш. I take it your....mother, let you come out?" Troy asked. Another thing, one that was kept on a slightly lower key (he had only confessed it to Ivan) was his disdain for Anastasia's mother. It wasn't that he didn't understand her intention, she wanted her daughter safe, but she couldn't control the girls life. Living as a Braginsky could easily become a gilded cage, so it was best to live it up while you could.

(Translation- Hatchling. She calls him pup, he calls her hatchling xD)

Transliteration- Detenysh)
As Jackson walked back in forth, rage fumed in him. He knew the Dead Walkers did this out of vengeance for the hundreds he had enslaved. They would pay, and any prisoners they took and their leaders would be put through the La Rupture and break them. No one would go unpunished

After a few minutes, he began to wonder. Usually, Yua was quick on her feet and got to places quick. She hadn't come back which caused Jackson to worry. With the bombing and him actually caring for Yua, he was getting worried. He sent her a text and if she didn't text back, he would most likely track her phone. If anyone took or killed her, well...


[SIZE= 20px]The Viper~Anastasia[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px]She glared mockingly at him, pretending to be offended by her nickname, and rolled her eyes at his mention of her mother. As she pulled away, she could still feel warmth where his lips had met her cheeks, and her kisses had left small, deep red marks on his from her lipstick. Breaking into hearty laughter at this, her mood immediately lifted.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px]"I'm afraid that isn't quite the truth shchenok," she responded, quickly turning to her father to explain," but I was on a job, and she said it was alright for me to come here."[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px]Ana had never understood why she was treated like fine china by most of those around her other than her brothers and Troy. She could fight just as well as the rest of them, if not better, but she was always cooped up in her home with Diana watching over her like a hawk. Ana wouldn't be surprised if the paranoid woman would put cameras in her room next.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px]"I heard there was an explosion in Rose Territory earlier," she said, lowering her tone," everyone of ours is alright, right?"[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px]"[/SIZE]если они пытаются идти за нами рядом, я клянусь, что я буду ..." the rest of her words were lost under her breath.


Her family was her life, no matter how much she disliked parts of it, and if any of them were hurt by the other gangs... well, they might have members start popping up with poison in their vains.



"If they try and go after us I swear I'll..."



(Mobile device)
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Ryan nodded, ending the call and walking back inside, glancing to the familiar Russian once more before he sat down. "So." He said to the Russian, not looking his way. "You a Cubs fan?" He asked, sipping his drink, then silently showing the waiter what he wanted. A few minutes later his food arrived, a plate of mild wings and some fries. He ate a few fries, then turned to look at the Russian.

 "Cause if you are I have a spare season ticket if you want it." He offered, producing one from his pocket and setting next to his plate, then continued to eat his fries. "Ryan Walker, Chicago PD, who might you be?" He asked, holding out a hand to him. He had his drink in his other hand, taking a long drink before setting it down, then shifting his weight to sit facing the Russian's booth.

( @Fenris i dunno if you saw this)

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