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Realistic or Modern Roleplay 1x1

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[div class=bkgd]

[div class=pic][/div]

[div class=title]lost souls[/div]

[div class=underline][/div]

[div class=role]deadly desire[/div]

[div class=line][/div]

[div class=sub1]whatyousee[/div]

[div class=sub2 style="display: none;"]peerinside[/div]

[div class=sub3 style="display: none;"]historyhurts[/div]

[div class=sub4 style="display: none;"]looseends[/div]

[div class=tabs][div class=tab style="left: 205px; top: 100px;"]1[/div][div class=tab style="left: 205px; top: 154px;"]2[/div][div class=tab style="left: 205px; top: 208px;"]3[/div][div class=tab style="left: 205px; top: 262px;"]4[/div][/div]

[div class=one][/div]

[div class=two][/div]

[div class=three][/div]

[div class=four][/div]

[div class="tabsContent tabsContentWhatyousee"][div class=bodycont][div class=body]
[div class=tag]name[/div] Aspen Olsen

[div class=tag]nickname[/div] open (but she might not like it)

[div class=tag]age[/div] 20

[div class=tag]gender[/div] female

[div class=tag]sexuality[/div] heterosexual

[div class=tag]role[/div] Lead

[div class=tag]occupation[/div] Detective

[div class=tag]hair color[/div] blond

[div class=tag]eye color[/div] blue

[div class=tag]height[/div] 5' 4"

[div class=tag]weight[/div] 116 lbs.

[div class=tag]body mods[/div] none

[div class=tag]attire[/div] dark jeans with a blouse of some kind With her black trench coat

[div class=tag]faceclaim[/div] Amber Heard


[div class="tabsContent tabsContentPeerinside" style="display: none;"][div class=bodycont][div class=body]
[div class=tag]personality[/div] Quiet - Mischievous - Whitty - Kind - Caring - Protective - Jealous - Insecure - Cunning - Smart - Passionate

[div class=tag]strengths[/div] Connecting Dots - Lying - Wound care - Running - Interrogation - Singing - Guitar - Piano

[div class=tag]weaknesses[/div] Patients - Jealously - Selfishness - Reclusiveness - Attitude - Innocence

[div class=tag]likes[/div] Animals - Piano - Music - Romance Novels - Horses - Running

[div class=tag]dislikes[/div] Spiders - Being alone - Bad music - Jerks - Loud noises - Stupid people - Anxiety

[div class=tag]habits[/div]She stutters when she is nervous - She stays up most nights to work on cases instead of sleeping - She sings to make herself calm - Her hands shake and form fists before she is about to get violent

[div class=tag]quirks[/div] She enjoys romance books - She loves animals and talks to them in a soft voice - She is a hopeless romantic - HATES disorganization

[div class=tag]fears[/div] Fire - Being alone


[div class="tabsContent tabsContentHistoryhurts" style="display: none;"][div class=bodycont][div class=body]
[div class=tag]history[/div] She was brought up in a strict home but it was a good one. Her father was the captain of the police force until he was killed when she was 7. Her mother started woking full time so she was alone most of the time even though her mother made sure she knew she was loved. She vowed to solve her fathers death so she started to train for the police force at age 15. She got in as soon as she finished high school and quickly rose to the position of head detective.

[div class=tag]family[/div] None

[div class=tag]education[/div] Part of high school, caught up to her Sr Year.

[div class=tag]relationships[/div] my lover: Open

my nemesis: None

my soulmate: Open

my partner in crime: None


[div class="tabsContent tabsContentLooseends" style="display: none;"][div class=bodycont][div class=body]
[div class=tag]theme song[/div] never not by lauv

[div class=tag]favorite food[/div] Chinese food

[div class=tag]favorite drink[/div] Apple juice

[div class=tag]favorite book[/div] The lucky one

[div class=tag]favorite movie[/div] The Prince of Persia

[div class=tag]gallery[/div]





[/div][div class=credit]code by sox[/div]
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