Robin Del Mar


Bird Brain

Name: Robin Del Mar

Age: 17

Personality: Robin is a bit stubborn and standoffish sometimes, often throwing in a sarcastic comment or thinking bitter thoughts about things. He is one that can and will act alone, and often will succeed if the situation and his own abilities allow for it. Often disliked or frowned upon, even, for being harsh and straightforward, he doesn't think much about the effect of his words or actions until AFTER the fact. Even then he doesn't always apologize for them. However his heart is in the right place and he only wants what's best for people; even if it doesn't show on the outside all that often.

Height: 6' even

Skill: Resourceful, a good fighter even without a weapon or ability, quick-thinker, can confident and persistent, acrobatic -to an extent, of course. It's not like he's the next Robin or anything GG SO FUNNY-

Ability: The trinket allows Robin to control smoke and fire (though more so smoke), commanding it almost perfectly to his will. He can manipulate it to cover his weapon and make it more devastating, or have him do face-paced movements. Robin eventually learns to do more but, as expected, they're not going to be the strongest thing in the planet (they're not weak, either) unless he over does it. He can't be harmed by fire UNLESS it's stronger than he is.

It allows for fast healing, as if he himself were made of smoke, but it's not infinite; if he gets hit too much at once it WILL wear down and start to fail. He can "recharge/refuel" so to speak, with anything smoke or fire related (though fire is harder to consume) and can't be held onto for too long, so it's usually for a faster recovery or stronger hit.



His trinket is a simplistic dog tag necklace with unidentifiable tints to it; the tints are suggested to take a shape, but no one knows what.



His weapon is a long, sturdy, steel chain that's usually wrapped around his right wrist. It can be used multiple different ways, like as a whip or used for stronger punches, or even defense if you can hold it tight enough.

Background: The city where Robin was born and raised in was one that was ravished by the Falling, and was doing its best to recover. When he was small, everything was as normal as they could've been, and there didn't seem to be an issue. However, when he was roughly six years old it became apparent that his father, Robert Del Mar, wasn't well anymore. Even Robin could tell that something was wrong, and after a few days of noticing this, his father suddenly attacked him. The Cringon Soul wanted nothing more than to feast on his life, but after a few (failed) attempts - one due to Robin screaming and slipping away, another because Robin hit him in the head with a remote - was eventually stopped by a neighbor who had heard the screaming and came to save the kid.

Naturally, Robert Del Mar wasn't killed, but he did manage to disappear.

Robin was ultimately forced to live with people he didn't care about, growing more and more jaded as the years went on. Once he deemed himself old enough to fend for himself, he lived out on his own, on the streets with very little. He got into so many fights during that time, especially as it earned him money from time to time. He was, in fact, strong enough to take a better course of action for himself.

Genetic enhancements?: Now here's the weird thing. While some people have mechanical body parts, or organs, or super strengthened limbs or WHATEVER, his deal was a little more...experimental, if you will. If you were to look at an X-Ray, you'd see that Robin has these weird sort of thin tissues within his chest cavity, seemingly connected to his lungs. These are air sacks, ones that primarily "recycle" a held breath within the lungs or allow for a longer breath when needing to, you know, hold your breath or something. Since the human body isn't designed to hold more in the chest than it already has, there's always a compromise for when these sacks inflate within his body; it's a little harder on the heart, everything else in his chest has a hard time accommodating for the new sizes, and other things like that. Not only does it help with stamina, but he can spend a good bit of time under water or high up in the air; his record for underwater is 20 minutes -without exceeding a certain depth. Time shortens otherwise-

Anything you would like to add?: He has a legitimately pretty face and has the hardest time with physical contact.

Some people are afraid of him, or disgusted of him because of one wild and impossible reason: that Robert Del Mar was "infected before conceiving Robin". So people just assume that Robin will turn like he did, or has some of that Cringon Soul in him. Which he absolutely does not.

-I can change the backstory thing, cuz I don't really know if that's how that works XDD-

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