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Fantasy Roaming Souls

Scottish Cupcake

The Ruler and Savior of All Cupcakes

Jayson walked in the middle of the street not caring what happened in his boring after life. He just wanted something to happen anything.

(This is just to start things someone else needs to post before I do anything else. So that means I need someone else to post before I make a real post.)


When someone dies and doesn't go peacefully they become attached and can't let go of the things, people, or memories that they must leave behind. These spirits have grown attached to these things and feel as if leaving these things behind will make them disappear forever. Leaving them alone and broken....


The story takes place in Pennsylvania.


1 - RpN rules

2 - Play nice with others

3- Not TOO demented or dark

4- No bunnying

5- No Mary-sues/Gary-stews

6- Keep the cursing to a down low

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Meredith sat at the Children's playground, watching the lone child run around like a madman. She smiled slightly, though she didn't understand why the boy's parents were absent. He ran into her, and she spoke. "Hello." The boy eyed her sword and ran away, seemingly scared; Meredith sighed, standing and turning to the road. She saw another spirit there - Jed or Jay or Mason, she couldn't remember. She watched as he walked before speaking. "It's really not advisable to walk in the road, you know."
Jayson looked in the direction of the voice only to find Meredith another spirit. He glared her direction " And just why should I listen to you Meredith?" he said turning to face her " I suggest you try and remember I can't die because I'm already dead." He said walking towards her. " Why are you all alone anyway? Don't you have anything better to do than sit on the swings and stalk children?" he said sitting in the swing next to her.
Meredith shrugged, indifferant at his hostility.

"It would hurt a lot if a car actually hit you. Just not advisable, really. I'm... alone, because most spirits think I'm mental. It's a bit troubling, isn't it? That and the fact that you think I'm stalking children." She frowned. "I just... like kids. Most other spirits don't like them. They try to hurt children." Sighing, she looked into her lap before looking back up. "Most spirits don't like me because I look human... some of them have tried to kill me. And we both know the only thing that can kill one of us is another spirit's weapons." She bit her lip, leaned back and almost fell off the swing. "What about you? Why're you alone?"
" I don't think you're mental and I was joking about the whole child stalker thing. Spirits hate most humans well except for the attachment's they have with humans. Like me and my mom I really want her to get out of her coma someone with a soul like her's should have a good life. She shouldn't have to live that sorry excuse for a father," Jay said pointing at a man standing across the street watching all the children playing. Jayson looked down at his feet and began slightly swinging " I'm alone because the only spirit who likes me is the crazy Kyle dude. He was my stalker when I was alive he's such a creep. The other spirits don't like me because I can take the form of a human and besides they're all boring," he said before falling on his back and off the swing. " Now you seem like an interesting spirit Meredith. What do you do for fun?" he said looking over at her.
"I..." Meredith was lost. "I like to practise with my sword...? And heal things that need it? I don't really... do things for 'fun'. I more just hover around the Earth, lost in thought. What about you?"
"How much time do you have? I mean since I can take the form of a human I go drinking, I play with the kids who live in my old neighborhood, I do lots of stuff," he said standing up and walking to the merry go round sitting on it " I've been to a fair! They're pretty cool maybe you should go to one. I mean seriously I want to meet a spirit who knows how to have fun! Or one who at least tries." He said standing up again this time walking back to the swings.
Meredith listened, tracing the hilt of her sword.

"I don't know... I mean, I look human, but..." She looked down at the sword. "Lupe seems to frighten people, you know. Apparently it's not normal for a girl to have a blade. If you think we can get past that, I have all the time in the world. Literally. So... What do you think...?" She looks at him suddenly, her blue eyes bright, illuminated, almost blinding. "Do you think it could work, that I could do things?" Her eyes fade, much of the light dissapearing, leaving only a normal eye.
" Of course!" Jay shouted throwing his hands in the air " You could do tons of things! But unless we go to a renaissance festival I suggest not bringing the blade," he said pointing at Meredith's sword. " Meredith you could do a lot I mean even when I'm in my spirit form I can still do a lot of things! People think I'm weird but I can still do things!" he yelled gaining the attention of the man from across the street . " I just look a lot more normal in my human form," Jay said looking at his father " There's no doubt that some would recognize me though."
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Meredith's gaze followed Jay's.

"I... I can't leave my sword behind. Perhaps we could conceal her or something." She paused. "Do you know that man?" She had asked more out of curiousity than anything else. After all, no-one she knew had been alive for over a century. I didn't realize Jay was so young, she thought, watching him carefully for his expression.
" Yeah I know him," he said still watching his father " He...He's the man who killed me....Also the man I grew up calling 'Father' or 'Dad' but he's no where near that to me. He could careless living things but when he called 911 after I stopped breathing. He dragged me out to the front yard and told them that he found me bruised and beaten when he got home from work," Jay looked at the ground " But he didn't when he got home I had lock myself in my room and started crying. I was scared for me, for my future....for my mom," he said looking back up at him " I could kill him in my human form but I want to see what happens to him when my mom wakes up. I want to see if - once she founds out I died - that she'll finally tell the police the truth about my 'father' and how he treated us," he said still watching his father until his father looked back at him causing Jayson to look down.
"Well... that's..." Meredith fell into silence. "...sad." She finally said. I heal, she'd wanted to say, but if he'd wanted healing, wouldn't he have said so? Most spirits would simply gather a few of their friends if they needed something healed, and they'd force her to heal whether she wanted to or not. She thought of her sword, and she unsheathed it, her left hand's fingers prancing along the edge of the blade as she laid it into her lap. "So that's the story of your death..." She mused, not meaning for him to hear. It occoured to her that he must've, due to his proximity.

"I'm sorry..." She said, before her attention was redirected to her sword. "That was insensitive. Right, Lupe?" She smiled. Jay was one thing - he was infamous for the fact that he wouldn't even kick a puppy dog. But if any other spirits were watching... they had to think she was crazy, not a threat. It'd kept her alive before.
" You shouldn't be sorry it's not you're fault," he said taking a deep breath. " So back to talking about your sword. What do mean we could uh 'conceal' her right? How would we pull that off? I mean I'm not doubting you or anything but how?" he asked changing the subject away from his past. He looked at the sky and smiled " Where did you get the sword anyway Meredith? They don't exactly sell them just anywhere. Well I don't think they sell them at all anymore," he said looking back at Meredith.
"Well, we could conceal her, maybe in the back of my shirt -" She started, freezing at his questions. "I got the sword... from the man who... who... killed me." Her voice broke, obviously it was a... touchy subject. "He hurt me, and then he murdured me with Lupe. It wasn't her fault, though. That was a... long time ago." She said, her voice quiet. "I killed him for what he did to me, and I took Lupe with me." She sighed, her voice returning to normal, though the same haunted look remained in her eyes. "You said you could... mingle with humans...?" She asked, attempting to change the subject.
Jayson had noticed the way Meredith's emotion change when she had talked about her past. She didn't have to say anything if she didn't want to. He told himself before smiling " You know you've got balls telling me about your past even though it's not the safest subject to...mention," he said leaning back a little " Well now to your question. Yes, I can 'mingle with humans' but I don't necessarily like talking to people in my own age group," he said watching as the marry go round sat still. It bothered him he thought of his mother again " I can show you if you want," he said a monotone voice again staring at the marry go round.
Meredith nodded.

"Allright..." She said, smiling slightly. "I think I'd enjoy that. It would be... interesting. I'd like to learn how to... talk to people. Where do you want to go? We could talk to anyone... people generally think I'm insane. They stay well away from me, so I can't make conversation usually. Maybe with you around they'd think me less frightening?"
"We could just go down to the bar a couple of blocks away if you want if not we could go somewhere else," he said as he began swinging slowly. " We could visit my mom at the hospital. Though you probably don't want to do that. Do you?" he began humming the song InSaNiTy from Vocaloid singing the lyrics in his head as he continued speaking " Where do you want to go?" he said looking over to her. 
(( Sorry it took so long to reply!))
Meredith bit her lip.

"I like hospitals." She said. She paused, silent for a few seconds before again speaking. "I'm a healer spirit... I could... hep her. If you want..." She trailed off. "...Or if you don't..." She shrugged. "It doesn't matter. I just sort of want to do something." She looked at Jay curiously. "...What kind of music is that?" She didn't say it rudely. It was definately a question.
" Then let's go to the hospital," he said with a smile " And it's Vocaloid or J-Pop. The song is InSaNiTy my favorite," he chuckled as he stood up." C'mon slow poke! We don't want to get there after visiting hours!" he said as he began walking.
Meredith shook her head, confused, but stood and followed him. What the heck is Vocaloid? She thought, but she said nothing about it. She walked after him, examining the man on the street. "...Visiting hours...? What do you mean?"
"They limit the time when you can visit patients don't they? Hmm, maybe not," he said walking on the sidewalk " What did you say about you being able to heal my mother?" he asked looking at Meredith." I'd love you to but are you sure it'll work?" he said with a desperate tone in his voice.

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