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Rising From The Ashes



Aldon had expected her to fire back, to engage in another round of yelling, but instead she said nothing. For a moment, he wondered if his comment on her... profession had pushed the line too far. His eye followed her back and forth... back and forth. So, for lack of anything better to say or lack or something from her with which to retort, Aldon sat and watched her try to wear a trench into the defenseless floor. He could feel as much as see her demeanor change from... well, it had changed numerous times, but now she looked more set. He wasn't sure what thoughts were going through her mind, but he was also sure he didn't want to know.


He tensed when she finally came to a stop, Aldon prepared himself for another confrontation but she merely stared at him. He had to fight down the urge to ask her what she was looking at, but he held his tongue as her eyes trailed up and down him... before she started pacing once again. Whatever it was, it looked like she didn't see it or see something worth sparing the floor for at least. After another few minutes, although it felt so much longer, and once more, she swept her eyes over him, but this time she spoke. She wanted him to pull down his hood... why?  Aldon preferred to have it up, it was more comfortable for him and the people around him. It wasn't anything Lilith hadn't already seen, but it was an odd request. Still, she had seen his face at its worst, so there was no real reason he could not honor her request.


"My eye, you mean," Aldon said as he didn't have 'eyes', not any longer. He only had the one. He pulled down his hood and ran a hand over his face, feeling the numerous ridges and scars that ran across the bottom portion of his face, mangling it until he no longer looked like he used to not that he was remarkably handsome before. 




"Thank you." Was all Lilith had to say, for now. Her mind was quite the jumbled mess, and honestly she didn't even care for his comment about her 'street walkers'. They were a useful cover for what Lilith had been cooking up. Her brothel and tavern the perfect excuse. The working ladies more than just prostitutes and hussies. Spies is what they really were. Lilith liked to stay well informed on Kharis as well as the rest of the nation. She wanted to hear about everything thing and detail. So, Aldon just assuming they were street walkers was a actually a good thing. 


But Lilith shook her head at her thoughts, bringing herself back to the real world. Once back, a knock came at the door which directed Lilith's attention from Aldon to the sound. "Madame, food is ready." The calm voice said, this time a female. "Thank you darling. We'll be down in a bit." She called back to the voice before her eyes moved to look Aldon's face over. Even after the little spat, she still found herself daring to touch that rugged one eyed face of his. Hell..she could still picture the day Kharis brought him in. Broken, bloody, in need of serious medical treatment. That was a time when Lilith was quite..different. She could remember a man so hellbent on saving his family and was willing to do what it takes. What happened to that man? 


With another shake of her head, Lilith would only sigh. "Fine." She started, "But. Remember this, I have gotten further than you have in just a short while than you have in months. I think a 'Thank you' or something along those lines are due to me." She said, her voice no where near as harsh, but rather exasperated. She had gave on her end, deciding now was not the time for this. Not when eyes or ears could be listening. No. She still had unsaid words, that much was very obvious, but she would save those for another time. 




Galandor looked at the door, as if Eloria's words were a cue for his aides to enter. A tray, just like the one that Galandor used to give Eloria her gift was placed near the empress, a cloth with the symbol of Thoris covering its contents. "I guess that's your gift. I'm curious of it's content." Galandor ate some more, waiting for Eloria to present the gift however she wished. "Although I don't require gifts for visitors, as that would be rude and disrespectful, I enjoy receiving them. The surprise is good." He smiled.

After a few days of travelling, an emmisarry of Ignis arrived in King Fenrir's homeland. Its mission was simple: To deliver a letter to the ruler. The man wore a simple yet elegant kimono, traditional for Ignian diplomats. The contents of the letter were simple:

"To the Thalien King Fenrir:

I'm pleased to know that you are interested in our gathering. A nation as great as Thalien is always welcome in Ignis,

The arrangements are already made for your arrival. An escort will be provided to make your arrival as pleasant as possible.

I hope that you will find our humble country as enjoyable as it can.

With regards,

Emperor Galandor Thurion Maxwell"

The letter had a royal crest wax seal, to ensure that it was as genuine. The diplomat arrived at the court and humbly presented the letter to the king.

The port was large, since it was the biggest on the empire, and one of the garrisons for the Blaze Guard, the capital's guard. The soldiers carefully inspecting the loading and unloading, some even helping, made sure that the peace and order reigned on that commerce place. The port was lower than the inner land, making it an irregular half moon, a large space for the ships to maneuver. From where the Empress stood, she could see the whole port. The constructions on the ring of the port were more shops, and only one or two of them were open, selling common items, such as a blacksmith with some weapons and a jeweler, selling fancy baubles. A large staircase, with sparse trees surrounding it, could be seen on the dead center of the half moon, leading to the outer circle of the city, and standing tall on the landscape, the imposing Mt. Joelark. A large tower jutted from its side, definitely The Old Fortress, the core of the empire and the Emperor's house.


Suddenly, a group of 5 guards approached the Wynchesterian emperor's group, along with a man with a delicate designed armor. The man and the soldiers bowed to Indigo, and the man started talking. "My name's Arwen, your imperial majesty. My emperor extends you his welcome, and his deepest apologies for not greeting you here, as scheduled. He wishes to invite you to The Old Fortress, as he had some... urgent matters to attend. These soldiers will escort you to the Fortress." He shouted in a foreign language, Elmari, Ignis' native language, barking orders to the soldiers and some workers that were in the vicinity. They saluted the emperor and awaited the newcomer to start walking. Arwen bowed and smiled. "They will treat you well, and show you everywhere on Koterra, our beautiful capital, if you wish." The man excused himself as he made sure the other ship, with the Teldurian emblem just arrived to the port. He stood at the fromt of the ship, waiting for King Alar to disembark, to extend him the same warm welcomes.

(PS.: I repeated the last post, mainly because it's the best description of the port there is. I hope you understand).

Iuadago "Indigo" Adaicate Bellarum

Over in the distance, a flagship bearing the Blue Banner was approaching Ignis's Port. The crew was disgusted at the sight of it, the buildings, they thought, looked like they made out of clay. "I never knew the Ignisians live in Teapots!" one sailor joked. Most of all, the mountain, it was 'out of place' to them. They were not used to the unkempt streets of Ignis, where moss grows, and patches of grass come out. In comparison, Wynchester's buildings were made out of brick, with more "Cemented" roads. Wynchester was far away from the Medieval Times and was more Victorian. Indigo sighed, "How does a place, so unruly survive? No matter, I have come on a diplomatic mission. An unruly, an uncultured, and an uncivilised nation... is still a nation, and I must force myself to see it that way." Even though the people on board detested the infrastructure, they were intrigued by the fashion. It didn't rival Wynchesterian clothing, but it was decent enough for them to overlook it.



The ship began to dock. Indigo prepared to disembark, as he signaled several men to carry the gifts he had brought over from Wynchester. Gold, some clothing, and more gold. When 5 Imperial Guards came to greet him, he was impressed by their discipline. He was pleased with the service he was getting, even the greeting Arwen gave him was decent enough to, just barely, pass in the high halls of Wynchester.  "Je suis Indigo, l'empereur du peuple, liberateur des mes citoyens," he would step off the ship, and translate for them, "I am Indigo, Emperor of the People, liberator of my citizens. I am grateful that I finally get to set foot on your great land." as he would usher the guards who saluted him, to lead the way, with the gift bearers close behind.


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"I've also not been impaled and nearly killed in those last months," Aldon retorted, his pride stung at her words... even if they were, technically, correct, there was no reason for her to say it outside of snubbing him, and while he said that, he also would have gone for the pages even if he would have ended up impaled, but unlike her, he highly doubted he would have survived it. Silver or not, a large piece of metal lodged through his intestines tended to be poor for his health since, while he barely looked it, he was still very much a human, "But... thank you, Lilith."


He was more then grateful that the servant had come earlier to tell them the food was ready as, after that spat and his... showing of gratitude, he no longer desired to be in her personal chambers, not that he was entirely comfortable form the start, and he could use a distraction, as well as, hearing what she knew about the other potential page. Aldon rose to his feet and reached for his hood to pull it back over his head, but stopped, there was little point in doing so and it would probably just aggravate his 'host' more, so he  left it where it lay, hanging from his shoulders. He assumed she would tell him more about the second page over the meal, and so was more then ready to go back down, but.. he also had no idea where that place was given he had never really been around this castle much, so he would have to have Lilith, once more, show him the way, not that it mattered since she would be going down as well, "After you," Aldon said, motioning to the door, "Unless there was something else?"




Lilith turned on her heel, her hair flowing out behind her slightly, along with the short gown, as she walked toward the door. His gratitude wasn't really what she wanted, but..it was all she could really have from him, as she severely doubted her other desire would come true. Once she was at the door, her placed her hand on the iron knob, but hesitated before leaving. Something else? There was always something else, but instead of saying something too foolish, she replied to his very first statement, "Being impaled is not the worst thing that has ever happened to me.." Her voice was low, almost impossible to hear, but in the quiet room it would be amplified a bit more. Then she opened the door and left, just like that. 


Lilith knew more about Aldon's life more than he really knew about her's. The most she though knew was the basics, really and other fairy-tales she made up about her past. No one needed to know the truth about that. Not now, not ever. Lilith made her way back though the Grand Hall, down a hall way or two, then found her way into the dining room. The dinning room was a huge spacious area with a table big enough to fit 30 or so people comfortably. As the theme was, the table was made of ebony wood, the chairs to match but with dark purple cushions on them for comfort. At the head of the table lay Lilith's chair, one that was far different than the rest. The chair was made of yew wood, making it a bone white color. There were intricate designs carved into it to match it's beauty. Lilith of course could really care less about how fancy the chair looked, it was just given to her by an old friend after the war. 


Lilith made her way to the chair and sat down, gesturing for Aldon to sit where he pleased. Once the man would be seated, one of her servants would come out and place a plate in front of him with a top over it. The servant would pull it off to reveal a very fancy dish with venison and various vegetables. The smell was delishous, and made Lilith quite jealous. She longed to eat food like that once more. She could now..but vomiting was not on her list of things to do today. "I'm sure you have burning questions to ask me, so..I will answer them." She stopped to give a small smirk as another servant came out with a fake silver chalice and sat it before her then poured a deep red wine into it. Once the servant had done that, she walked to where Aldon would sit and set him down the same chalice and poor a different wine into it. "But. My answers come with a price. The more you eat, the more I will answer." She said, knowing full well that he would eat good if he wanted decent answers.




Eloria thought for a moment, how could she present this in an interesting factor? Hm..She thought for a few seconds before getting a small smirk. She set her chopsticks down then lifted her hands up so they were level with one another, then she began to move her fingers. At first the movements were coordinated, but soon both hands were doing something else. In an instant, the liquid in both her cup and Galandor's were lifted clean from their places and lead over to where her gift was for the man. The liquid lifted the small yew wood chest and the cloth that was placed under it. In an artful manor the liquid would spiral itself under the box in a manor to show off, just a little before coming to rest before Galandor. Gently it came before him, resting a foot or so away from him, but just under eye level. Some of the liquid would flow up the side and turn into a small hand that looked much like Eloria's. The hand would pull off the cloth, letting it gently flutter to the table as the yew wood chest was now visible to Glandor. 


The hand then flicked the latch open, then very carefully lifted the top of the chest open to reveal a neatly folded Mythril chain-mail. The collar was lined with silver scales, and the Mythril looked almost opalescent. Under the lights that lit up the room, the Mythril looked golden with a few tints and shades of red, pink, yellow, and an iridescent white. "Mythril chain-mail to represent Throis. We may look weak, but we are one of the strongest nations. We are capable of understanding even the most intricate spells, but rarely are we easy find." She said, a small smile on her face as she awaited his reaction.





'It didn't make it acceptable', was what almost slipped out of Aldon's mouth. He had been through worse as well... it didn't mean it was good to be nearly killed again, well, he wouldn't care one way or another about himself as he has something he needs to accomplish, but he didn't wish to see her die. He didn't have many people left, he couldn't afford to lose anymore.... not if he didn't have to. But.. saying so would only lead to another spat and he wasn't ready, or up to, another round, so instead, Aldon fell in step behind her, keeping his eyes up and over her shoulder as they walked through the halls.


Aldon stopped and took a look at the large hall... it was.. nicer then his. Smaller, but he had to sit more people in his hall then, but hers was... elegant. The table must have cost a fortune alone. He knew how some of the northern nobles mocked him, well, safety behind his back they did, about the state of his own fortress in terms of creature comforts, but it worked. Still he had to admit there was something... lacking in feel in comparison. Aldon chose the chair to her right, close to her. He had no desire to try and yell down the large table to converse or ask questions.


The moment he sat, the servants stormed in, he was unsure how they knew exactly when he was going to sit down or if they had incredibly good luck, but then, servants always did seem to have a... way about themselves. The various plates was stacked with venison and various vegetables... far too much for any one person. What did they do with the rest? He hoped the servants ate it rather then simply throwing it out as he knew some nobles did. Aldon reached out to take a small carrot lightly in his finger and popped it into his mouth, chewing slowly as she made her demand. He already said he would eat, and he did what he said he would, but... given his state, he couldn't really be mad at her for making a simple request.


"Alright," Aldon said after he had swallowed the carrot, "What do you know about the other page?"




Lilith grabbed her chalice, holding it between her middle and ring finger, before taking a sip. Bittersweet..as usual. She would watch Aldon eat..but that was rather..creepy and unnecessary. After swallowing, she would look over at him. Her eyes met his one, as she opened her mouth to speak, "I know it comes with a nasty price." She answered vaguely. He wanted details then he'd have to get more specific, that was how this game was played. Vague questions, vague answers. Simple. 


Lilith sat back in her chair, resting her elbow with the wine on one of the arm rests. She almost looked like a ruler, sitting on her throne with a fancy chalice and regal looks..but Lilith never likes seats of power, which is one of the reasons she refused to be an Electorate. She also deeply hated politics and it was certainly not her forte. Lilith preferred action over words, swords over debates, blood over writing. Just how she was, but that was besides the point. She was glad Aldon was eating, or at least going to. No doubt if she was human again, she could pick him up easily. There was no telling if the man had ever had a true meal since he found his daughter and set out for the cure. Gods know he needs a caretaker..which she might actually do..if he would let her. Hell, there was no telling what his castle looked like. Oh gods..his study was likely a mess of papers everywhere.


Lilith could almost picture it. His desk covered in parchment, ink, who knows what from the floor to the ceiling. The thought brought a small smile to her face. This man..he was a damned mess..yet she couldn't help but..well..love him. Lilith took another sip of her drink, awaiting another question. 





"And that is?" Aldon said already growing annoyed with the 'game' she was starting. Kharis often enjoyed doing the same, but, to Aldon, it was incredibly frustrated and a waste of time. Why did they do it? He knew it was some kind of game, a way to show off their intelligence or waste the day away since most people who played it had little else to do besides sit in a chair and sip from their glasses attempt to look superior to the servants scuttling around who neither knew nor cared what they were saying and more just looking forward to the day ended without their positions being terminated, being sexually assaulted by their 'lords' and got to go home with their measly pay?


Better then say what was on his mind and break the temporary peace that was established, Aldon speared a small strip of venison with a knife and chewed slowly, trying to drive away the frustration with the repetitive motion. Perhaps if he concentrated on eating, he could bear the games they liked to play? Not that he had a lot of choice. He needed the information he had, and really, would sit through whatever she desired, he just wished it wasn't so.... grating on the nerves. There was a reason he tended to avoid 'court' after all. Half smiles and half truths irritated him. Speak or don't speak, but it had better be worth saying, and more importantly, worth listening to. 


Not that he didn't have a lot to do, outside of finding the pages, researching a cure, 'leading' the north, training the other necromancers... he also had.. a lot of.. cleaning he still needed to do. Last time it had taken him two hours to find a report he had just written having made the mistake of setting it down upon his desk with the rest where it quickly seemed to grow a mind of its own and disappeared to join its fellows. He had to clean it, as Aldon didn't trust just anyone in his study or chambers scrounging around his work, what if they threw away something he needed? What may appear useless to them could hold a vital piece of information for him. Either way, he had much to do and never enough time to do it.


   The embassy was greeted with opened arms where he/she was quickly brought to King Fenrir, reading the letter with a thoughtful expression King Fenrir handed the note back to the embassy "Thank you, we will be leaving in a few hours, if you would like to come then you are welcome to, or you can go on ahead and tell Galandor's escort to meet us at the half way point, we will have three ships two full of Soilders of all kinds if your king likes war fare and all that and my ship for the gifts and other 'royals' will be aboard." he said as kindly as he could to the foreign man. Secretly he admired the clothing the man wore. Not giving the man time to answer squads of Thalien Soilders and Animals quickly boarded the ships along with several Tundrean Soilders, Lycans, and Iron-TeethWitches including the other cavalry.

    Making his way to the ship King Fenrir adjusted his armor, crafted by Ore strong as steel and very magic restrictive. His  swords, bow, dagger, and of course Warhammermace came along with him all ways expecting an unexpected attack. Approaching the ship he spied the five figures talking on the docks, Zylvia, Tiagra, Matulalia, Crimson, and Leon all were coming with him except Crimson who would be the temporary King of Thalien until Fenrir and Leon had returned. Walking over he noticed all the others had there weapons and armor attached on them as well Bowing and giving a nod to Fenrir Crimson left the docks and added for the caste, looking back at the group he asked "Is everyone ready? I expect the Ignis to be interesting and very joyful but just in case of attack be ready we don't want to show everyone that our military is not all that it seems yes?" "Fenrir you worry to much all will be okay, you should enjoy your stay here and actually relax and shy away from your kingly duties the rebels won't be at Ignis waiting for us to land. Now come aboard were about to set sail." Leon said before walking up the boarding plan and walking to the wheel where the captain was, no doubt making sure on how well prepared they were. Soon they would arrive in Ignis 

   It has been ten days since they set for the shoors of Ignis, and now the wait was o'er or they ships were about to land. Waving the white flag next to the Thalien flag (a Onyx Wyvern on a red background) showing that they were coming in peace and were not planning on attacking. Soon they would land and make there way to the palace.



Lilith swirled her wine around in the chalice, looking into it rather than watch Aldon eat. His question, she knew it was coming..the issue was..she couldn't quite remember the entire riddle. She had it written down somewhere..in her study..on her mess of a desk..but that was far away from where she currently was. Lilith's brows creased for a moment, trying to recall details.but all she could remember was two things needed that had really..stood out to her. "The blood of an innocent.." She said, in a small-ish mumble.


Lilth was actually quite irritated at the fact that she was unable to recall the entire riddle, as it was extremely important when it came to the tomb of an old witch. Who knew what secrets lay in that? How very frustrating. "There's more..but I can't recall details. However, I have the riddle written down and stored away in my study. It will be given to you after you have eaten." She said, clearly have forgotten already about her little game. Honestly..what was even the point of it? Aldon needed this information, and surely he's likely thought of running her through with a sword for playing with him, and lying to him. Both of which Lilith was not proud of. 


Unknowingly, one of her hands had come to rest over the spot where she was ran though, as though it might of been hurting her. It could be actually, but she was so lost in thought about the damned riddle that she wasn't really paying attention to it at all. In all actuality, Lilith hadn't even seen what it looked like yet. She had no idea if it was healed at all, a scar, or still a gaping hole in her abdomen. Any of those were really plausible answers.



"Gifts? What is this, an important meeting between two world leaders, or a date?!" Buh'roham thought to himself. Buh'roham would continue listening while admiring the structure he was perched on. Thanks to his amazing sense of balance he could do this all day, not that he wanted to. He hoped the meeting would end soon, he was a very busy cat and had a lot of things to do and places to see.

Iuadago "Indigo" Adaicate Bellarum

"...Oh, Galandor is... not feeling well?" an Ignisian Soldier informed the party, "...Alright. I hope he gets better soon. Perhaps I should go to Nosgrade?" Indigo would signal a nearby Wynchesterian Envoy, and then he would leave the port posthaste. "The North of Nosgrade looks lovely this time of year. Time to perform a diplomatic mission there I suppose." Indigo would walk back to his ship, and his foot would once more step on the wood of a Wynchesterian Ship. He had taken out a map and ordered the sailors to set sail towards the central mainland-continent.



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Buh'roham thought about going to the Ignis Empire but decided to follow the Imperial Majesty of Wynchester.

"If I'm ever going to learn anything about current events, I need to know what he's up to. First: a disguise spell!"

The disguise spell would last 24 hours between casts. However, any gear the person the caster is disguised as, but the caster themselves do not have, will appear to be there but in fact is not.

If one were to touch the nonexistent gear, their hand would pass right through it.


It was a risk he was willing to take.

Besides, it's more fun when it's dangerous!


After casting the spell in an alleyway near the docks, a "Royal Guard of Wynchester" came out and boarded the ship.

"Wow these ships are nice! My people weren't to fond of water. Too many ways to die." 

He thought to himself as another thought suddenly came to him.

"Wait! Why am I doing this!? I hate water! Ah well... can't let it show."

His face went from awe-filled to terrified to blank as he readied himself for the deception.



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Iuadago "Indigo" Adaicate Bellarum



His Imperial Majesty was upon his ship and was setting sail towards Nosgorade. He passed the land labeled, "The Cape of Good Hope" as he labeled it, and he plans to set up overseas territory there. Although, first things come first, and his diplomatic mission to check out the views of others came first. "Time to set up relations around the world, don't want another damned Millenium War to happen.." and as he was talking to himself, he pulled out a map. It showed a plan of expansion, "...Let's see, this new place that we have found... Doesn't seem that there is anyone living there..." 'Casanada' was the name of this new land. (Totally Not America, Am I Right?) He'd put away a map, and took out a list; "Let's see, let's see... Tea... Yet again our number one cost. I should start to crack down on it. Perhaps I shall find another drink?" he continued to ponder the problems of the kingdom, "And our armies, I know as a more... 'Liberal' ruler in the eyes of my people, I've yet to really press people into the army. That said, we have a healthy amount of volunteers..." he would continue to ponder these problems while on the ship. Not too loud of course, but if someone were to be eavesdropping, they may overhear what he had said. @TheCountryWarrior (Totally Doesn't Concern You) "Most importantly... My heir." he took out a list of possible consorts, "...If I were to die now, my country would collapse into chaos.as he remembers from the Millenium War he had stripped all of the nobility of their roles, and if he were to die, they people had to elect one of them back into the throne. This would mean the feudal system would be reborn, undoing all he had done. "I need an heir, I need someone to take my place. Even if... I am... 'immortal', who would rule while I was... 'dead'?" he played with this question, and then he shook his head. He now looked at a map, marking where they were at sea, and how far they have to go 'till they reach Nosgorade.
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Lucky for the Cat he was standing nearby, yet not near enough to be inconspicuous.

Thanks to his excellent hearing he could be farther than a human, yet hear twice as much.


"An heir, huh? Surprised he doesn't have one already. Most Nobles make a priority to keep the ruler-ship in the family.

Of course from what I hear Bellarum isn't fond of the word Nobility. Even though that's what he is.


Go figure."


Iuadago "Indigo" Adaicate Bellarum


The ship had now passed the land of "Picardaux", a land that all Wynchesterians had hated. The were at the coast of Aquitainia, a Picardian Vassal, who colonized all of Wynchester when Richard the Two-Faced invaded the isles. The Wynchesterians eventually united and rebelled against the Picardians, which was the first phase of the Millenium War for the Wynchesterians, as it took 100 years to wrestle free of their grasp. "Oh, how I hate their red banner, thinking they are so great. Thank god that he has put a moat between the continent and our isles..." he continued to think of a way to solve the kingdom's problems after he recalls what had happend in the Millenium War. "Perhaps Alexander can fill in my shoes... But I question his loyalty, as he is... 'distancing himself' from me..." he continued to ponder, "Or perhaps... I should give my crown to the people of Nosgorade, as we had close ties before... Even my people originate from there. No... that is a bad idea, I don't like their policy on how they treat the common folk." Indigo stood up and saw the capital of Wynchester and a blue banner with a crown raised over the port. (It's London.) "Funny, how time flies by as I plan. Time to speak to the public..." as he began to disembark.



Buh'roham Jarho followed the Ruler out as inconspicuously as possible all while thinking about what he'd heard. And what he had felt as they passed the "hmm what are those lands called? Picardo? Pickard? Pick-something." He felt a wave of hatred from the Wynchesterians as they passed the country, the likes of which he hadn't felt since the Millennium war. 


It worried him. 


Yet he couldn't do anything about it for now. They had arrived at the beautiful capital of Wynchester. 


Iuadago "Indigo" Adaicate Bellarum

Indigo stepped upon the stage that was set up for his arrival, as he plans to reveal his plans to the country. This is to make sure that the people have some transparency to what he is doing. Once everyone was settled down, he began to declare, "In the event of my death, I have selected an individual to succeed my throne. He is not Wynchesterian, but he does date back to the Nosgoradian origins we had started from." The public was a bit disappointed, but curiosity took them over as he continued, "I select the Duke of 'Annovau (Hannover) to rule in my stead. I will affirm this with the Nosgoradian Electorate, and once this matter has settled, the Duke of 'Annovau shall be the heir to Wynchester. From our reports, he is an able ruler and knows as much as I do in diplomacy. I pray he will treat you as I have treated you, with dignity, and trust." Indigo's decision was met with a form of a good response. As they all remember the origins of the Colonization of Wynchester. It stemmed from Nosgorade Tribe, the Sahxens, who have colonized most of the isles. "I shall speak to the electors of Nosgorade today, and when month is over, I can assure you that the problem of succession will be solved!" as he finished, he began to re-embark his ship. As sailors took the time to re-supply the ship, he begins to think,  "This will easily strengthen relations, and maybe bring our two nations closer." as the royal ship and a few other ships that are coming along as decoys to protect his Imperial Majesty, sailed towards Nosgorade.




Eloria had already been aboard her royal ship, returning home after a rather..unsuccessful meeting with Galandor. She wasn't really disappointed, but rather..she knew his struggle to maintain his empire. She could only wonder how long it might take him to become free once more, and if she does then perhaps she would invite him to Thoris to view her beautiful empire. Galandor would be the first outsider to step foot into Thoris since the borders and barrier went up. Eloria had not allowed entry from anyone unless they underwent her empire's strict 'greeting' process. Most people never got passed that, but those who did eventually just moved into her country. Which wasn't really a big deal, unless they got in her way of finding the pages, then there would be hell to pay. 


The pages were her's, she'd have each and everyone of them..and then once she did..she could finally archive her goal...but that was far from now. Right now Eloria needed to return home, and from the ways the sea was right now..it would be a bit. So Eloria decided to 'relax' in the best way that she really knew how. Playing with her magic. Something she had not had the freedom to do in many years. For some reason it was always quite comforting to play with her magic, to use it to just..create rather than destroy. Right now was actually the perfect time to test and see if she could calm the raging waters that crashed against her valiant ship. 


So without a single care in the world, Eloria rose from her chambers deep within the ship and walked through the hull, making her way toward the deck.



Kharis leaned back in her chair, her eyes washing over the dancing nobles that filled the room, her mind not truly there. Aldon had gone somewhere, it seemed, which was unusual. She liked him where he was, inside his dark little chambers and not causing a ruckus, was just easier. She wasn't sure where he had gone... at least, where he had gone yet, but very few things, or people, could prompt the stubborn man to move and she knew she hadn't done it. Had a page turned up? Perhaps. 


Kharis tapped a long painted nail against her lips, but lowered her hand when a dark armored figure materialized to her left and laid an envelop upon her hand rest, quirking her brow, Kharis picked up the little envelop and opened it, using her nail to break the wax seal, she scanned it once then twice... then another time just to ensure her eyes were not deceiving her.  Aquilia Wynchester's ruler desired a visit? That, itself, was not what surprised her, it was the fact this letter was stating his intention and arrival and not requesting to arrive. Those were two different things. One did not simply tell another they were coming over and barged into another's home, they asked permission first. Kharis let out a slow, annoyed huff, it was as if the newer generations had no understanding of politics or decorum. Did this arrogant man think he just snapped his fingers and other nations rolled out the carpet? It took time and preparation to do something like that, more over, he was going north, to Aldon's lands.. 


Waving her hand, she summoned a servant from the shadows to bring forth quill and ink and she quickly scratched out a message to be delivered to the north, they would redirect their ship to the east, to her lands, "When these... people arrive," Kharis said to the awaiting servant with a pause as if she had to think about the right word, "Put them.. somewhere; some minor nobles house, a shack, a whore house, I truly do not care where until I am ready to deal with them." 




Blood of an innocent, yes that made since. It wasn't the first time a recipe from the book demanded that. It held extra power, it seemed, or was somehow more potent then normal blood. Aldon chewed slowly as he watched her rub her stomach, if she wasn't a vampire, it would have struck him as... awfully close to the motions his own wife used to do when she was pregnant with their daughter. Rubbing her stomach... of course, Lilith couldn't have children and was impaled there recently, so if anything, it was a perversion of that, but... the thought persisted. 


"Has it healed well?" Aldon asked for lack of better... anything or etiquette in how to properly speak to someone over a dinner table. He didn't know for sure, but he was fairly certain asking about recent wounds wasn't acceptable ballroom behavior. At the very least, acceptable or not, it would keep his mind off the riddle that hid the location of the page from him.




Lilith had been quite absent minded, almost forgetting where she was and what was going on as her hand rubbed the rather..sore area and her mind anger-ly etched away at herself for forgetting the riddle. But..at the very least she had it written down somewhere..the object of finding in her own mess..well that was another task. She could send a servant after it, but her office was off limits to anyone but her or guests she allowed to enter. Lilith was the only one with a key to the room anyhow. 


It wasn't until the man next to her said something that she was pulled from her thoughts. Lilith blinked then shook her head slightly as her eyes fell back on Aldon's only eye. His question made her feel rather..guilty, but still she would give him an honest answer. "I truly do not know. I have yet to asses the wound myself. I assume from it's rather sore nature that it isn't very healed at all. One might compare this to being ran through with a scorching fire poker, only..it did not instantly cauterize." She explained before dismissively waving her hand. "But you needn't worry about it. In a few weeks or so, I shall be fine." Or so I hope. Was the last bit of words to that, but Lilith couldn't say that. Not to Aldon. Truthfully the man probably already knew that the wound would be fully healed, if Lilith actually feed instead of barely sating the hunger that stirred inside all the vampire. 



As he crawled out of the caverns he smelled the fresh air.


"Air! Air! How long since I last tasted air!?"

"Who I'm I? Why am I here?!

Sister? Mother? Father?! Bro-"


And he remembered. He had been imprisoned in there. His own brother imprisoned him in there! Why!?


That's why...

 He looked for signs of smoke that might lead him to civilization, or what these creatures thought of as civilization.

He stumbled into a village in some land that was strange to him. The locals all looked at him as though they had know clue what he was!

"What are you looking at?! Don't you know the The Predator? The Hunter? Don't you know Am Brodan?"

They said no.

"Impossible... You are mere villagers! You're lucky we let you live!"

They didn't care for that. They started gathering around him with pitchforks, rakes, some had daggers and swords.

"Really? You point sticks at me and expect to win? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! no."

He pushed them away with a blast of Levitation magic and unsheathed a dark bladed sword which hummed as wisps of darkness flew off it.

Some tried to run, others fought as best as villagers could but to no avail. He deftly avoided the blows as he regained the hang of combat and cut the villagers down one by one. When he ran out of defenders to slay he turned to the ones that ran into their homes to protect their families. How adorable! He killed all he could find.

One of them was mortally wounded. He cried out "Who? Who are you, why are you doing -cough,cough-" He was cut off by a blood filled cough.

"Because I'm free from captivity and needed to stretch my legs, spread my wings. But you don't know what that's like.

Would you like to know?" He said as he grabbed the man's leg and it started to change.

The villager screamed as he lost the ability to move his leg, than his torso, than his arms, and finally his head, trapped forever in look of horror.

Dar'vange proceeded to petrify all the villagers living or dead, turning the village into a museum.

He saw a giant city in the distance.

He didn't know it, but he was heading for



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Iuadago "Indigo" Adaicate Bellarum

"Well here I am your majesty, I've informed Nosgorade that we came." his envoy said once they landed. This spooked Indigo, "Informed them.... that we came?" he was distraught, then he looked at some men who came for them, "Great job, because of this diplomatic faux pas, we're all dead. When I mean, 'Informing others of our Presence', I mean to ask for permission!" the men who came forward will ill intent started to surround them. Indigo for once in his life, barked at the men on the royal flagship in Wynchesterian Tounge, and like that, they sailed away godspeed. "Time to own up to the consequences, and next time, I have to be clearer when it comes to giving orders..." Indigo saw that the men who approached him arrested him, and took him, a select few guards, and the envoy away. Although deep within, Indigo was pleased, as all things were going to plan. He wanted to commit a diplomatic faux pas, to start antagonizing Nosgorade, as Wynchester isn't the, "Most Beloved Nation" because it is the tax man incarnate towards other nations.






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