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Rising From The Ashes

Andros was aghast when he read the pamphlet that Emperor Indigo had published. "A monster?" Andros thought as he walked to out of the tavern he had been staying at "Eloria is many things but I know for a fact that she is not a monster or she would've been overthrown by now,". He hailed over a carriage, payed the man, and got into the carriage, and headed to Ingis palace. He'd been staying in city while looking for work and now with this insult, he knew this could lead to war and for a mercenary, it was a gold mine.

When he arrived at the palace, he began to walk toward the throne room with two guards standing in front of it with a man in the middle. Andros sighed and thought "This'll be fun,". He walked up to the man and said "Excuse me, sir, but I need to speak to the emperor and his guest, it's urgent,". He then showed the man the pamphlet from Indigo and said "You'll understand once you read this,".

@Raizel @xEmoBunnehx
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The guard looked warily at the man rushing at the steps of the Old Fortress. "Is that so? I'll be the judge of that." The guard grabbed the pamphlet, and started reading. His face grew whiter and whiter as long as he read. "You wait here." He ran inside to the castle, then barged in the dinner room where his emperor and Thoris' empress were having lunch. "My lord! This is urgent!" Galandor looked startled at the guard. "Calm down, Mawen. What's wrong?" The guard handed him the paper. Galandor started reading, his face growing more and more worried. He then handed the paper to Eloria. "Guess he IS as dumb as you thought. And if that's true, he's possibly coming here to settle this dispute." He raised from the seat, and rushed outside. "Amphora! Fetch the Jiangshi who are on Koterra. Spread through the entrances to the town. Evacuate the ports! Somebody fetch my armor!" Galandor started throwing orders left and right, then noticed the man still standing in the front door. "You're the one who brought that paper to me, right? What do you know about this?"

Andros cleared his throat and said "Yes, I was the one who brought this to your attention. My name is Andros Braxden, Captain of the Fireorder Company, and I thought you might find this interesting,". He saw the men rush off to their tasks and said "Well, I guess we're in a state of emergency then, Your Grace. My men are able to help you as, well, I've always found Indigo to be a mad dog in need of being put down,". He looked over the emperor's shoulder to see Empress Elroia. She had a face that was as cold as winter but yet still was quite elegant. However, he knew it wasn't the time to think and said "I assume this is Empress Elroia, I assume she'll be staying here since Indigo has the better fleet?"

@Raizel @xEmoBunnehx
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Iuadago "Indigo" Adaicate Bellarum

Indigo was almost at the shore of Ignis, with merely only his royal navy, but in comparison to other fleets, it is a storm. Several ramming techniques have been developed by Wynchester, and Indigo was not going to let anyone forget that fact. As he saw the ports of Ignis, he readied a pen and paper and fervently wrote as quick as he could. He ordered a halt, and then, he bellowed,  "Galandor! Show yourself, for I, Indigo am not here for your head, but I am here for that damned demon!" he was obviously referring the Eloria, as he continued, his words became noticeably more slurred. "For her crime again-- *hic* against humanity! Her punishment will be dealt out by God himself!' he continued to spout nonsense. "And, if you are not aware, this is only my royal navy! I have several more fleets to call up-- *hic* upon, and I will be ready to deal with your men, if you choose not to coope--- *hic* cooperate! So I believe it is in your best interest to hand her over."  Indigo's words began to become more slurred.


Eloria would look toward the flustered guard, confused by his actions. What was wrong? What was happening? Galandor took the paper and read it, his face seeming to grown in concern before his handed it to her. Eloria took the paper, but before reading it she would nod toward Galandor. "I warned you." She said before looking down and reading what foolish words could be said on the parchment. Eloria found herself smirking, her face amused by what she read. The 'king' tried to use propaganda against her? Claiming such false accusations. 


Once Eloria's eyes reached the part about her being a demon, she could hold back her laughter no longer. The Empress, who had been quite reserved all evening, burst into hysterical laughter. "W..WHAT M...MANOR OF NONSENSE..IS THIS?!" She shouted between laughs. Eloria had not read something so amusing before, so this..this was quite the day for her. It took several seconds for her to calm her laughter, but eventually it was quelled and Eloria rose to her feet and walked to were Galandor stood.


That was where she saw the very heavily armored man who must of bought this to the attention of the guards. Eloria had a brilliant smile about her still, but her eyes rested on the man before her then looked to Galandor. "You needn't worry. I shall keep him away from the ports, just get me there quickly and I'll show him just how much of a 'witch' I am." She said, her confidence booming as another bit of laughter escaped her.


Iuadago "Indigo" Adaicate Bellarum

Indigo was prepared to land his men on the shores of Ignis, but a unique ship approached the royal flagship, "Fools! Our Imperial Majesty is Drunk!" said the envoy from Rohkea, his Imperial Majesty was furious, "Who the dickens said that! I'll have your head the minute you show yourselves!" he raised his right arm high as if he were to attack, but he wasn't holding his lightning sword. He was holding a bottle, labeled, 'Thorisian Beer' he was confused. He looked at the bottle, then at the man. Then, as if it were a dream. He snapped awake. "...Wait. I was..." he was flustered, as he realized he had committed a series of mistakes. "Oh... Merde..." were his last words before he passed out. 
Andros nodded to the empress and said "Alright then, let's see your magic, does this place have cannons of any sort because we might need them,". He then ran to the balcony to scream at one of his men and shouted "Get pikemen on the shore right now!!!". The man nodded, ran off, and Andros turned around saying "Well, are your highnesses ready for war because right now, you are officially at war so enjoy it,". He then saw to other kings and said "Well, if you got men, I'd suggest you line them up on the shore with spears,"

@DeathValley105@xEmoBunnehx @Raizel
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Galandor smiled wickedly. "Just the ports? I believe there's a place where we can have a bigger advantage point." He turned to the man. "Alright, show me what you got. Head to the port and rendezvous with my guard." He rushed to the Magma Forges, then returned with his full Ebony Armor, minus helmet. His sword was glistening with Fire magic, and his shield, brandishing the emblem of Ignis. He stepped outside, then gave a sharp whistle. Waiting a few seconds, he waved to the flying beast hovering Koterra skies. Landing right in front of him, the griffon nuzzled Galandor. "Good girl, now, it's time to work." He turned to Eloria. "This is Plume, one of the few griffons that still live. She's ready to fly." He extended his hand. "Come. I don't know when Indigo will arrive, or if he'll arrive at all, but we must head to the port as quick as we can." He turned to Fenrir. "Oh, King Fenrir and King Leon. I'm sorry for all of this commotion, but there's the danger of attack from Wynchester. I believe you must know King Indigo. I know we haven't been introduced yet, but, may you lend a hand on evacuating the citizens from the port?" He climbed on the griffon and awaited Eloria.

Iuadago "Indigo" Adaicate Bellarum



"Oh dear... What happened...?" said a confused Indigo. His Imperial Guardsmen explained everything, Indigo's face turned from pale, to red with worry. He assumed this more regal, and more firm stature, which was indeed his true nature. He thought of the most rational solution to this problem, "...Under these circumstances... We must show we are not an invading force. Raise the banners of the Dove." he got up and dismissed the guards. "...A drinking game. A damned drinking game caused all this. Note to self; Never. Buy. Beer. Ever." he took off his armour and looked at his ledger. He was almost driven to tears as he saw all this preposterous nonsense he had come up with. "Demon...? Witch? Devil?" he almost wanted to laugh, but his Wynchesterian Disciplines had refrained him from doing such. "I'm going to have to explain a lot don't I..." he stepped out of his quarters on the ship, and above deck. "...My people, the attack is off. Drop all hostilities, and I will perform the diplomatic manners." then he faced the port, "I, Indigo, am not planning any attack of any sort. My ships will return to the homeland, and I will explain this diplomatic faux pas." he did order the men who were playing along this "drinking game" they did to come on the flagship. Indigo was very peeved, but as his ships began to leave, he awaited their response.
Andros began to laugh when he heard Indigo calling off the attack and called it a faux pass. "Is... Is this a fucking joke?" Andros laughed "He sailed his entire army across the sea just to call it a faux pass?! God, this is a trap if I ever seen one,". He turned to Eldora and said "Your Grace, I'd recommend you go on ahead and freeze the harbor over so we can attack them, I mean, this has to be a bloody trap that is meant to capture the two of you besides, you two will need compensation for the amount of trade that has been blocked off and I believe a fleet of ships full of men are enough for payment,"

@DeathValley105@xEmoBunnehx @Raizel
Iuadago "Indigo" Adaicate Bellarum


"I owe her nothing. I've only been here for..." he'd take out his watch, "A mere 10 minutes. And don't give me this 'It's a Trap' shtick because I'm serious. Also, those pirates going after her haven't even done squat. So I believe instead of fighting over who owes who what, how about I go down there and we talk about diplomacy like the civilized beings that we all are?" he was really growing tired of what he had caused. "What does it take to convince you that I am not going to attack?!?" he was really confused at this point. He was showing he was not attacking in all of the Wynchesterian ways, dismissing ships, raising banners of peace, and even saying he isn't going to launch an attack. What an incompetent man he was, was something that Indigo thought about him. "Out of all the things he could have thought this was, it was a trap. When a person waves a white banner, isn't it an international sign to say, "I Surrender"? What else do you want?" Indigo was losing his patience.



Galandor took upon his own chopsticks and quickly filled his plate. "That's the main mystery, right? I'm sorry not to discuss that on the letter. I wanted to see what kind of person you are before doing something like that." Galandor took a bite from a meat dumpling, still steaming. "First of all, I thank you for accepting my invitation. I know it was kinda sketchy, since I didn't contact any country before. My Conquest Campaign 20 years ago, driving out the barbarians from the country, probably didn't paint a great picture of Ignis' behavior too." He took some time to eat more. "The main reason to have invited you here is to show you that we're as peaceful as one can be, and to see if your majesty is interested in creating an alliance. My home has been secluded from the rest of the world for too long, and it's not going to take much time before they want to know what lies over these walls... by force. I want to let the world know that, although I was made by the people who participate in the Thousand Year War, I'm not like them. I don't want war. Although I never saw the war with my own eyes, I know how much suffering the world endured because of it. Even today, there are still echoes of that time. So me and the Jiangshi," He says, pointing to Amphora, "We decided to start contacting the other countries, and try to strike a mutual agreement, whether is by commerce, research or even labor." He looked at one of the butlers, and the man clapped his hand. A tray, much like the one with Thoris' symbol near Eloria but with Ignis' emblem, was brought near the empress. The butler took the cloth off of the tray, revealing 10 shiny bars of the purest black. It was difficult to see the contours of it, if not by the light shining on the edges of the bars. At the top of it, a decorative dagger could be found. "This is my offering to Thoris. Ebony ore is a special kind of alloy made in the Magma Forges. It's highly resistant to the elements, and incredibly durable. Although is weak against magic, and doesn't handle enchanting quite well, it's a great material to forge. I would like you to accept it, as a form of good will from Ignis to Thoris." He said, smiling.

(P.S. I repeated the post form the start of the lunch, to be honest I don't want to lose this :D)
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Eloria nodded along with his words a swell as ate. The food in Ignis was spicy, but..not a bad spice..more of a heat that came with exquisite bits of flavor; something Eloria found herself enjoying a lot. "Galandor, you may drop the formalities. Call me Eloria." She said with a kind smile his way before returning to her food and listening to his words. The man spoke about the Great War, one of which Eloria knew all about. She had seen the terrors and horrors that was the war..she knew all too well.. but Galandor was right..there was still that presence in the world and it had to be dealt with. 


When he showed her the dagger, Eloria took it from where it lay and held it in her hands. The warm ebony stood out against her small pale hands, but as she looked the dagger, she could tell just how much time and effort was put into such a beautiful weapon. Eloria had always loved fine craftsmanship like this..it was just so astonishing to her that someone could create something so..deadly yet elegant. Eloria's eyes wondered the dagger for a bit more before she she looked up to him, a soft smile on her face. "I will gladly accept this..and in return, I wish you give you a gift as well, unfortunately I am unsure where it was taken after I entered the palace." She said with a small sigh. Eloria had confidence in her gift to him, and just has he did, she would explain why it personified her nation. 


   How long has it been since the last attack? The man wondered his heavy footsteps echoing across the halls. How many were in there party? Had it been an all out attack or just an attempted break-out the man pondered before reaching large oak doors. The two guards immidietly began to open the gate after a brief bow and salute to there King. Stepping inside King Fenrir Bloodfist looked over his Grand Council, each member had an importance to The Kingdom of Thalien and as served her well more many years. 

   As King Fenrir walked in the room immidietly became silent except for the two guards behind closing the doors. Walking to his throne Fenrir set his crown on the arm of the chair not bothering for Royal Precautions in there meetings. Gazing around the long table he looked over his council twelve in all six from King Leon's Party the others Fenrirs. Amongst the crowd were The two Generals Tiagria and Denous, His Wife, Lord Matulalia The Elephant Mage, Crimson Captain of the Royal guard, King Leon, Lord Drew of the Tundrean Mountains and the Captain of the Guard there, and The Sea Lord Carion a Shark Humanoid, over the years the fish lords of the seas have learned to store water in seaweed and draw them over there gills so they could breath on land. Including several other members. 

   Sitting down Fenrir finally began the meeting "As most of you know our maximum security prison in the Tundrean Mountains has recently been attacked, the reason why we don't know yet but hopefully Lord Drew can give us the run down of the situation afterwards we can discuss the topic." he said simply watching as Lord Drew stood and addressed the gathered Animals and Men/Women

 "Yes this is true as King Fenrir has stated but surprisingly enough it was not one but almost all of our prisons attacked in the past month. Each held a great number of prisoners some from other lands that have not been asked to be returned other criminals or rebels from our lands. None the less this is most interesting just of the fact that they were all attacked yet it didn't seem to be a jail-break." he said taking a breath his eyes cloudy and a far away look in his eyes, as if recalling something terrible in the past. We're the attacks really that bad? Taking a shaky breath he continued on 

"It seemed as if they were planned coordinated attacks groups attacked the tunnels and walls that connected the prisons or the actual prison its self. It was utter chaos but luckily there meager equipment couldn't help they breach the walls. What we don't know is why. It could of been to rescue others or for revenge yet I sense something else is wrong. A disturbance in the land to speak."  he said nodding to Fenrir and sitting back down. Right as he was about the speak Matulalia stood his soft gaze turning to Lord Drew "I for one can agree with Lord Drew here, the other mages and I sense something is coming your magesty, it could be another Great War or could just mean something else. But something is blooming which we all know of, as of the attack I am sorry for the loss of your soldiers but we can possibly suspect that they were looking for The Pages..." he said in his deep voice letting the words sink in as he sat back down saying his peace. It was now Leon's turn to stand "Friends I think it is time that we seek out allies, if this is true about something coming up then we should be prepared for anything. If it's true as you say Lord Drew then these coordinated attacks could mean something else. Words travels that the Empress of Thoris is meeting with the Forge-Birn King of Ignis for what reasons we don't know of. But I think we should travel there and talk to them of a possible alliance. Our Strength, Thoris frost, and Ignis Fire  we could be a huge faction in any up coming wars." Leon said sitting down gazing at Fenrir 

   standing up with a wave of his hand he called for ink and a pen. The meeting was over and he had a letter to write. Once it was done he inspected it, it read:

To the Forge-Born King of Ignis 

it has been learned that you are

meeting with The Empress of Thoris

at the time being for what reason we 

know not or do we wish to acknowledge 

without yours or hers approval. But I 

wish to strike a meeting with you and

the empress. If you could ask for her to

stay for a few weeks or days we could

come to discuss. All we ask if permission

to dock if you approve with a small group of 50 

soilders including three representatives to come on

your shores. Sincerely King Fenrir Bloodyfist

King of The Kimgdom of Thalien.


After deeming it done he tied the message to the leg of an messanger bird and sent it to Ignis where it would hopefully be acknowledged once it arrived. The Royal Seal marking it a possible "must immidietly see" message.

@Raizel @xEmoBunnehx


Aldon didn't say a word as she spoke, he merely took it in. A forgotten temple... paladins, not a common sight in their lands anymore, investigating, numerous paladins and priest.. Had she attacked alone? No, she wouldn't have... Surely she did not, but she said she got lucky and cornered him.  But she wouldn't, well, no, he wasn't sure what she would or wouldn't do any longer. He winced at the word impale.. by a silver blade. A normal impaling would have done little but annoy a vampire of her bloodline, a silver blade? How had she managed to get it out? How had she managed to do much of anything? Why did she have to do that in the first place? 


His hands clenched and relaxed, she hadn't managed to get it out. She had stumbled out, he could almost see her, holding onto the page, her blood pouring out unable to heal or regenerate like normal, blindly stumbling through the foliage until she collapsed. Fate, a single twist of fate and it would have ended so much worse. Her servants had summoned him, it wasn't even her. She would rather be face paladins and be impaled then call on him to gather the pages he was seeking. Aldon closed his eye in a mixture of pain, regret and anger. Mere hours ago, she was laying out, her life hanging in the balance... Why? Even when he locked himself away, secluded himself, still people were dying, or getting near to it, because of him. It was as if the world mocked him, knew of his ambitions and desires and sought to dash them as a child playing in the sand. 


Don't worry about her. Yes, that was so easy to do when she walked around getting herself impaled because of him. Aldon's back straightened at her last words, it was worth it just to see hope in his eyes? What would have happened if she had died? Did she understand what it would have done if she had died trying to pay for his own sins? He had a debt to pay, he had a mistake to make right... it was his burden to bear, no one else's. He had enough grief to last a dozen lifetimes, he didn't need more... he couldn't bear anymore. 


"Never again," Aldon said, his voice was harsh even to his own ears, "Never again, Lilith."


He rose to his feet, anger fueled by fear and pain overriding any real ability to examine the situation, "You should have come to me. I would have dealt with this, I would have... You wouldn't have been harmed," He said, his voice almost bitter, it was childish, a part of him knew that. Lilith was strong, one of the strongest beings he had ever met. She could likely beat him in a confrontation, but that mattered little to him at the moment.


"My happiness means nothing Lilith," Aldon said, "It is my burden, my price to pay, no one else can... no one else should," His voice said, cracking just a moment, he wasn't sure who he was trying to convince, but it didn't matter, he needed her to understand. This was something he had to do. He had to do it. He couldn't let someone else... Couldn't let her die for this. Die for his failures as a husband and father, as if to sum up his thoughts, he paced back and forth, "Never again, Lilith. You're never doing anything like this again alone... I will handle it. I... I will not bury another one."




Lilith watched him closely, the emotions that were coming from him were nearly tangible. She knew he was mad but also hurt. Lilith knew it was killing him to hear her story as she told it, even more so when she told him she had nearly died, but it was for a worthy cause in her eyes. His happiness was everything to her, not that she would ever admit that to him. Aldon didn't need to know why she was so insistent on helping, it was something she would hold from him forever if she could.


Lilith watched as Aldon stood up and finally spoke, telling her to never do it again. His tone was harsh, something she expected. However, what came next was not something she expected. The way he talked about himself, then told her what to do. No. He would not do that. Anger boiled in her as she too rose from the bed and walked to him, pacing a hand on his shoulder. "Aldon. You will not tell me these things. You will not tell me how I will live and die. I am capable of tending to myself as well as fending for myself." Her hand gripped his shoulder tightly as she walked to stand in front of him now, her eyes cold as she spoke in a harsh tone, "You will not tell me what I can and cannot risk my life for. Hell I don't have a life! I am my own persona and I have my own reasons for helping you find these cursed pages."


Lilith took a deep breath, unneeded, but a habit from long ago. "I will not let you bear your burdens alone! That is not how this works, it has never been that way. You carry so much pain Aldon..and it is extremely painful for me to see you destroy yourself trying to do this on your own! You will die before you are ever able to cure her if you do not allow me to help damn it! I will not see you struggling anymore!" She shouted at him, her hands on him tight, inhumanly tight as tears nearly welled in her eyes. Lilith lowered her head, her long pale locks of hair falling to cover her face.


"Your happiness is not nothing.." She whispered, her voice steady but she felt as though it would of cracked if it could. Lilith could not bear to see this man tear himself apart over this anymore. The hope that was just in his eyes..it was something she had been longing for so long. Aldon could not do this alone anymore. She would allow him to. No longer. She would help him at the cost of her own life. 






" Yet again , Rhayr , you have managed to bring another interesting report to my attention ... " Alar muttered with a rather amused tone , as he was reading his loyal messager's plain report , which yet again ,  has failed to impress him , as nothing special has been ongoing in Telduria , a fact , not to be blamed upon the poor Rhayr , for he does all  his power reside him to . However , unknown to Rhayr , technological researches have been ongoing  for quite a while in Mershar , a fact only known by Alar himself .


" Now , my friend , would you be so kind and leave me to my own thoughts? " without even bothering to answer , Rhayr , bursted out of Alar's chamber at once , slamming the wooden door firmly shut behind him .


The following weeks , were , of course , uneventful . At least, that's what a common man may think  , Alar has been preparing for a journey to the realm  Ignis , as quite interesting events have been taking place there , events of which Alar has been almost completely absent . Before heading straight on the seas  , Alar had sent a high priority letter to His Highness Galandor , informing him of the upcoming arrivel of King Alar and his Royal Guard escort .



Unknown to most of the folk  , Alar's beautiful and kind sister  Aelia  , is also joining her brother on his way to Ignis ...











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Iuadago "Indigo" Adaicate Bellarum


"...Are they even going to show up... I might as well land my men and recall my ships. They must be planning something." he'd take out his Dei' Lamina, and would prepare to send down lightning strikes. "...Hmm... Galandor is nowhere to be seen..." Indigo would walk into his private quarters and take out a map. "I have some very good mapmakers to thank for my maps... I shall be every grateful..." he examined the map, "...If I cannot see him here, then he cannot be here. There are no places to hide in a mile radius." Indigo though about attacking for a while... "I can recall my fleet, I have the best navy, so I can ensure no one gets out... But is war what I desire...?" he began assessing the situation. "I would be victorious... but at what cost... I bet there are men hiding amongst the shadows..." he looked outside, and he saw the baying of some 50 men. Indigo walked out and spoke to his general, Alexander,

 "...Yes, I will call upon the retreating ships of the royal navy and the 1st and 2nd fleets. If you do not come back safe in 30 minutes, we will enact the plan and see this as a declaration of war from all the parties who keep you captive." Alexander had whispered back.

Indigo smiled, "I can always have faith in you, Alexander."  Indigo had walked out, and boarded the lifeboat, with some men who would operate the vessel, and would row towards shore. "If you do not see this as a surrender, and my demand to have a diplomatic talk with your monarchs, I do not know what will. Oh, and please be grateful to these men, and to me. I mean no harm." Indigo said in the most pleasing manner.

Lauri managed to find his way to the meeting room after much searching and the guidance of his guards, but he figured that he should have received an escort there. He had nothing to complain about though, since he was kind of barging in without permission, but he figured that he was needed in this situation, to examine what is going on and if this event would affect his people(He still has not heard of the semi-declaration of war from Indigo.) He decided that the best option was to open the door and be as polite as possible, to avoid creating tensions between him and the other leaders in the room.

"Sorry if I am intruding, but I'm arriving on short notice based on the events that have recently unfolded, and I felt that if something bad happened here, it may affect my nation, so I beg you to excuse my rude arrival." he spoke as he gestured his men away, to chat with the other guardsmen to gather information on the situation. 

@Raizel @xEmoBunnehx

[Von Nelheim]

The chancellor looked at the envoy with a startled expression. He had plenty of faith and the two men that were accompanying him, but if he was plotting a naval invasion of Ignis, would he be saved in this situation. He figured that the best course of action was to wait here, to send the Rohkean army could definitely create a war if there wasn't one already, or perhaps intrude on Ignis' land without their consent. 

"Sailing for Ignis now, would be a disaster. We could create a war if there wasn't one already, potentially aggravate Ignis, a neutral to Rohkea and prompt an invasion from elsewhere based on the aggression of our two Kingdoms. I trust my Marshal to fend for himself anyway, he did during the Great War, there's no reason why he can't fend off a couple soldiers with the help of the Ignis army. " the Chancellor finished, after much thought and concession, he realized that he didn't want to halt negotiations despite the tense situation with the two kingdoms, and his Keisari potentially in the crossfire. It was quite scary really, it felt like it could result in another war. He wasn't afraid of the war itself, rather, Lauri's reaction to it or potentially, a naval blockade preventing technological advancement in their weapons. They still needed time. 

@Iuadago Adaicate Bellarum
Iuadago "Indigo" Adaicate Bellarum

"...Huh, so this is Ignis." Indigo had said when he left unboarded the ship. He saw a man who had rushed up to him, he assumed he was someone who was going to point him toward Galandor. He extended his right arm and opened all his appendages on it. It was an offer for a handshake. "Je suis reconnaissant que j'ai finalement mis les pieds sus votre nation." he said in the Wynchesterian Tounge. "I am honored that I have finally stepped foot on this great land. I am Indigo, Emperor of Wynchester, Liberator of the People, and the Emissary of the Dove." Indigo was very curious of this land that he visits. He does indeed have a map of this land, made by Wynchesterian Mapmakers themselves, but he has yet to see it with his own eyes. The buildings were different, not a speck of metal in a building. He was amused, how such an ancient style survives. 


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Dinner was amazing. Now onto more interesting matters. Buh'roham had heard the Ice Queen was having lunch with Galadon..."or was it Galador? Ah who cares! Well, he does probably." Anyway Buh'roham had a plan. He would sneak in and eavesdrop on their conversations for signs of Necromancy. He needed to know how much of that evil practice still existed which meant he would need to do things that are probably illegal. Sure he could be killed! More fun that way.


He made his way to the palace after finding a map and copying a rough sketch of it in his journal. Sneaking past guards was easy when you're a cat. After circumventing the guards

Buh'roham had absolutely no idea where to go. Probably should have asked that nice tour lady for a...well a tour. Ah well.


After Lion knows how long he found the room in which they were dining, climbed out a nearby window and (with great care) made his way to the window of the dining area. He opened the window as quietly as possible and started listening.


He wrote down everything he heard.


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Aldon fumed, she nearly got herself killed doing something she shouldn't have done alone, much less have done at all in the first place, without even so much as thinking of asking him for assistance and then she said he could not order her about? Last he checked, while he was not overly fond or even had a whole lot of use for the title, he was Lord of the North and she was, thanks to having her land in the north, a 'lady' of his court... even if she spent almost all of her time elsewhere. So, in that sense of the word, not only could he order her, but really, he was supposed to be. "Apparently you are not adept at fending for yourself, you nearly died because you rushed into it!" Granted, he likely would have done the same and likely faired worse since, unlike her, his luck was never... well, what luck he had happened to point in the other direction entirely. 


"And you think you dying on a fool's errand, my errand, will help me?" Aldon retorted, although it was hard to stay mad when she was... cheating. He could handle anger. Handle disappointment, but kindness or concern was... not something he was ever truly prepared to face down. It... It almost wasn't fair. How did someone tell someone else to not help them? To... It wasn't a position he felt he had any shot at 'winning' from and it was incredibly frustrating. Especially when she looked like a small, hurt child... well.. no, child was certainly the wrong word for it, but it was incredibly hard to stay upset with her even when, by all rights, he should be.


"When we save her, I will be happy," He said, although he never put much stalk in happiness any longer, "I cannot stop you, but if you find a page, tell me before you go. Even if it is a rumor and you are unsure," Aldon wasn't sure when he moved to the bargaining stage, but he also knew it would do him little good to really wonder why.




Lilith groaned at his words. Gods he was eternally frustrating. The man was as stubborn as she, and it we becoming extremely difficult for her to get him to see that he needed her help, as well as the fact that Lilith could careless if she died. In fact, she wanted to die. She was so tired of living..being one hundred and forty-five..that was a long time to live and most of it was under this retched curse that she hated so much... but she couldn't tell Aldon that..he'd never let her help if she told him she had a death wish.


So..with a sigh Lilith raised her head, his last words giving her some hope that he would allow her to help. Why wouldn't he in the first place..she had found a page and a lead on another. What had he done? What had he accomplished? "I was foolish in attacking alone. Yes I know this Aldon, but you shouldn't bare this 'task' on your own. Hell it shouldn't be only your's to bare in the first place! Kharis gave you the damn book. Is she even helping?!" Lilith kept her tone a hushed shout, but in all honesty..she was right. This was party Kharis's fault, and the woman didn't seem to be helping him at all. 


And that is what truly frustrated Lilith to her core. The fact that the infernal woman, who gave him the cursed thing, seemed to do be doing nothing to help the poor soul find the pages. God how that angered her, but she only shook her head and pulled away from him. "Aldon. I will tell you before IF I am capable of doing so. With this past page I was unable to do so because of the sheer fact that they would not be remaining much longer and I had to act immediately." She sighed deeply. "Like it or not, I got the page. That is all that matters." She said as her arms crossed themselves over her chest.




"I don't search places alone! I go with numerous Wights and occasionally a few of the other... apprentices," He said the last word slowly, still not likely the sound of it in his mouth or what it implied, but really, Aldon wasn't sure what else to call them that would not sound so awful. Disciplines sounded worse, made it seem he was almost starting a new belief or something, "The pages are rarely left undefended, if not by other explorers, they often attract... monsters or even raise the nearby dead with their own power. That is why I never go searching alone, something you would have known if you had talked to me first." He wasn't sure why the pages did that, perhaps it was simply power, or perhaps corruption, attracted more of the same? A beacon unseen save for through the eyes of beast and those so magically attuned they are inseparable from this 'other world'. Although, this was the first time he had seen, or even heard of, holy members searching for them.. or perhaps searching for something else and stumbling upon the pages and likely had planned to seal them away once more in somewhere more 'secure'. 


"My actions caused it. My desires. My anger. My will," Aldon said, "I caused this and so I must, I will, save her." How could she not understand? He had done it all, he had. Kharis had given him the Tome, sure, but she had never told him to unleash a great plague upon the land. That was him, his own... will that drove him. 


"No, she isn't helping me. I told her I did not want nor need her help, and unlike you, she respected my wishes," Aldon shot back. Although... he was also sure if he had asked,  the help she would had offered would simply have been rumors through spies and various agents as she was too tied up in running the Electorate to scramble from place to place, and he had a hard time picture her walking through dusty and forgotten tombs. He also strongly suspected she simply did not care. 


"Paladins do not up and disappear," Aldon growled, "That is the nice thing about the clergy, they tend to gather together in their cathedrals and holy strongholds. We could have recovered the page... and you would not have been so..." He did not finish the sentence. He did not care if they were likely based in another nation, he would have taken a force of the dead to recover it. He didn't care if it had sparked off another war, the borders, those little lines arrogant nobles drew on maps meant nothing to him compared to his daughter. 


"No, what matters is you nearly died doing so, if you must go alone out of pride or time, at least bring some men and women along with you. I will give you Wights if you lack solders yourself, unless the whores have begun to pick up swords that didn't come from some revolting man's pants?" He knew the last part was unneeded and, more ever, uncalled for, but it slipped out before he had time to consider them. 




Another groan came from Lilith. Did this man nit understand anything? Did he not know Kharis had manipulated him? By the gods how frustrating Aldon was, so much so that Lilith began to pace. For the first time since the civil war, Lilith paced. Her long pale lilac hair gently flowed backwards as the sound of her feet lightly tapped along the stone floor of her room. What manor of nonsense was all of this. Her own stupidity of going alone, his anger towards her. What was this going to accomplish? Nothing. Lilith go alone every time if she had to. She had a death wish, and before she had contemplated how she might die and whether or not she would do it herself. Actually she had planned on doing it herself, but then the rumor of that page reached her..and that's when she found another cause she would die for, or actually..live for. If Lilith could not live for herself, she would live for his goals. 


The sound of her pacing seemed to echo around the spacious room, bouncing off the walls. So..what did she say? On the topic of Kharis? She'd have to be careful. There wasn't much that Kharis didn't get word of. Talking bad of her would only get Lilith killed, and as much as she craved death..she wouldn't have it at the hands of that woman. So.. that left her with what he had said. She could do as he said and told him of the pages and the information before hand. That..wouldn't be a problem..but did he not understand these pages? Sure he could read them and tell if they were real or not.. but did he know of their alluring pull? Of their sweet voices that littered the mind? Did he not know that they could change a person? Perhaps they had even changed him..


That singular thought got her to stop and look at him. Her face was completely unreadable and emotionless. Her slate grey eyes held nothing in them, her lightly tinted red lips in a straight line. A look he might remember from the Civil War when she was in deep thought. Her eyes wandered his entirety, almost as thought she was thoroughly looking him over, and she was. Her entire demeanor had changed now, she was the infamous General now. Or at least was acting more like her. Still..silence from her end as she went back to pacing. One could swear she might erode the very floor from all her pacing.


Another few minutes passed before she stopped again and looked to him, her eyes trying to find his eyes under the damned hood he wore. Frustrating. Why was he still wearing that? "For the sake of my sanity, remove your hood. It's quite annoying not to be able to look you in the eyes." Was all she said in reply to every one of his words. 



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