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Colosseum Rise

[QUOTE="Serious Face]*Zaph frowns "Yes, I know when I've lost." He says "now let me up." He adds with a hint of annoyance in his voice.*

*Flavius extends his hand to help up Zaph.*

"A shield may do you some good, my friend. I once knew a man by the name of Ajax who wielded a shield as tall as a siege tower and a war hammer twice the size."
*With a small grunt Zaph grabs Falvius's hand. "A shield could come in handy, but I think I'll stick with just my axes".*
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[QUOTE="Serious Face]"A shield could come in handy, but I think I'll stick with just my axes".

*As Flavius pulls him up,*

"Very well then. I owe a GG to you, my friend."
*Zaph nods as he goes to pick up his smaller axe.*

"You fight well, good luck in the arena."He paused and grinned. "Hopefully not more luck than me."
[QUOTE="Serious Face]
"You fight well, good luck in the arena. Hopefully not more luck than me."

*Flavius smiles*

"Well, Mr. Trinity. Perhaps neither of us will be in need of luck."
*He chuckles as he picks up the practice axe from the ground. "Well your right about me not needing it." He says as he puts his axe away. "but I thought you could use the help."

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