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Fandom Rise of the Pokepeople

Crystal closed and locked her door. She sighed and laid down on the bed and closed her eyes. A small robotic bug crawled out from under her bed and crawled onto the bed and onto Crystal, crawling over her body till it got to her neck. A small needle came out of the bug and injected Crystal with a serum before crawling back into hiding.
Grace was sensing something and she shifted into a pokeperson and gasped at Ender "Something's on the boat " She said to him" Something dangerous and I cant make out what it is Ender stay by my I will make a health bubble " She said with that a pink glowing bubble was around them
" I don't know but stay in the bubble *Gasp* we have to find Cecily and the babies NOW!" Grace said to him" This might be able to kill the babies" Grace said running of with Ender in his own bubble
Grace found Cecily " Cecily where are the babies there is something on the boat that can kill them I think its an infection" Grace said  
Grace made a health bubble around everyone she could and she gasped" I know what it is and it has Arc and Crystal" 
"Pokemites they eat your insides and you bleed to death and I know the cure but we don't have it on the boat you die in three days the antidote is Moltres feathers" Grace said looking worried for everyone
" I will go get Arc you go find Crystal " Grace said looking tired from the health bubbles and she ran off

When she found Arc he was choking and she had to put her bubble down to get to him when she did one of the bugs tried to get her but she grabbed it and turned it off she needed that sample and she levitated Arc and put her bubble back up with Arc floating behind her facing down so the blood could dribble out she took him to the infirmary
Grace layed down Arc and she went to work with the robot when she got to the serum she analyzed it

( sorry got to go)
Grace went up to Arc " ARC NO THINK ABOUT CRYSTAL!!!!" Grace screamed at him and pushing on his chest doing CPR" Ender why don't you kick down her door we need to see her NOW!" Grace said to him half sobbing
Ender nodded and ran to his sister's room and kicked the door open. He ran and picked up Crystal's unconscious body bridal style. He then ran back to the infirmary. "She's not as bad as Arc but she's out cold." Ender said as he put Crystal on a infirmary bed.
" She must have been infected today " Grace said Levitating Arc so blood will seep out his mouth " If I had more time we could make an antitoxin" Grace said looking at Crystal and her legs gave out because she was weak from the power she had to use on everyone and she sat in the chair at the desk with the broken robot
Ender sat beside Crystal, worried for his older sister. They hadn't talked a lot lately and he didn't want her to die with them barely talking.

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