Rika Yoshida/Gambala

[SIZE=20.0pt]Magical girls[/SIZE]


Name:  Rika Yoshida

Age: 15

Grade/Occupation: High School Sophomore/Con Artist

Regular appearance:

 Yuki Face Claims.jpg


Personality: Rika is a classic tomboy who tends to go out of her way to make everything she does into a game. She is always thinking positive and can make any bad situation into a happy one in her mind. She can be clever at times and tends to find some way to make things go her way. Rika can be rather cocky and thinks that she can’t be beat, this is mainly because of her powers affecting her image of herself. She has a problem with not being able to have things she wants. Because of this she uses her powers outside of Witch fights to make things go her way.

History: Rika grew up having a great early life being raised by loving parents and growing up with great friends. However, her life took a bad turn once she turned 14 and entered high school. Rika’s father was re-assigned to a new job in a new town and as such, Rika and her family had to move. In her school, Rika was alone. No one wanted to be friends with her and became a loner at her school. However, Rika was approached one day by a nice and popular girl at her school and the two became friends. Rika and the girl did everything together and after a few short weeks, Rika felt things were starting to turn around. Shortly following this, during a school trip their bus got into a terrible accident while driving to a museum. The girl who befriended Rika was killed because of it. After the accident, Rika went back to being shunned and feared by her fellow students because of how only Rika’s friend was killed during the crash. Rika’s life kept getting worse from there. She would get mugged, assaulted by the boys in her class, and mistreated at home by her mother. A month after her friend was killed, Rika fainted in the hallway of her school. When she woke up she was in the hospital and had been diagnosed with a fatal disease and she only had another year to live. This crushed her, and she lost the will to live. On the way home from the Hospital, the car that Rika and her parents were in was hit by a semi-truck and her parents were killed instantly. When Rika woke up in the hospital confused about why she was back there she was visited by a strange cat like thing. It introduced itself as Kyubey and told Rika her parents fate. Rika was destroyed, at that moment Rika felt like dying. That’s when Kyubey spoke to her. “Some bad luck you have there~ How about I change that for you~” it said to her. Rika was confused but without a second thought she blurted out her wish. “I WANT MY BAD LUCK TO DISAPPEAR!’ Kyubey granted her wish and turned her into a magical girl and vanished out the window. Shortly after the doctor came in to check on her and was surprised to find that Rika’s disease had vanished. Rika was released and was met at the door by a strange man. He handed Rika her parents will which left Rika with all her parents money as well as the large house that she was living in. She was surprised at how her luck had changed immediately and thought that Kyubey was some sort of guardian angel, That’s when she was introduced to being a magical girl. One year later, Rika is now the most popular girl at her school and is a very skilled magical girl.

Likes: Card Game, Sweets, getting her way, Betting, Friends

Dislikes: Losing, Spicy foods, Frogs, Cars

Fears: Friends of hers Dying, Clowns, Spiders,


Wish: “For her Bad Luck to Disappear

Magical Appearance:

Soul Gem: Diamond shaped gem on the card on her hat

Magical Girl Outfit 2.jpg

Weapons: Cards that turn into various weapons. Each card is tied to a specific weapon and her cards get weaker or stronger depending on what card is drawn. The weapons also vary in strength depending on which suit the card is in. The strongest suit is the diamond followed by spades, then hearts, and finally clubs as the weakest. Each weapon has their respective suit on them somewhere

ACE: Rapierlambent_light_by_jackarage-d58vdut.png

KING: Short SwordsSword.jpg

QUEEN: GlaiveDonaldCalabro_Glaive_Normal.jpg

JACK: Dual PistolsAce Of Spades.jpg

JOKER: StickStick.jpg

Powers: Increased Luck

Abilities: Increased Agility (moves faster as a magical girl)

Card Clone: Rika can make a dummy body out of her cards to take hits from her. These clones use up s lot of her cards and cannot be used repeatedly. The clones card do all the things Rika can do.


Name: Gambala

Labyrinth: Gambala’s Labyrinth is a distorted version of a Casino that is filled with various games normally found in casinos or in common arcades. The casino games summon minions of Gambala; while the arcade games suck the magical girl into them and won’t let them leave until they either destroy the game or beat it.

Appearance: Gambala is a large Witch with coin for a head. Both sides show distorted pictures of Rika in pain. The head flips as she moves. Her body is made up of cards and is in a permanent crossed legged sitting position. She was four arms that are doing different things. Her two lower arms are infinitely playing a game of Solitaire that Gambala cannot lose. Her other two arms are free and are made of poker chips that are constantly shuffling and cutting decks of cards to be turned into minions. Her legs are flat and take the shape of a blackjack table where Gambala plays her game. In the center of her chest is a roulette table the dispenses more minions as the ball is infinitely spun around the wheel.

Type: Card-Game

Nature: Playful


Card People: Sentient cards that fight for Gambala. Each card is either an Ace or a face card and wield the weapon that Rika would summon from the respective card. They look like the card people from Alice in Wonderland but without heads. They fight to allow Gambala to finish her game.

Roulette Balls: Roulette balls that are covered in crying eyes. They have no limbs and instead roll at enemies to guard Gambala so she can finish her game
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Ah, so it's like Mami making ribbon clones. That's okay!

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