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Fantasy Rifts: Cataclysmic Twilight

Kirito Kei

One Thousand Club


Out of Character Chat
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Whew, I think I may be going a tad bit overboard with the character creation. Still not even finished with the Combat Cyborg O.C.C...
As a matter of fact, how detailed would you guys like me to get when it comes to things such as world building and character creation?
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[QUOTE="Kirito Kei]As a matter of fact, how detailed would you guys like me to get when it comes to things such as world building and character creation?

For me, as detailed as you want. I read massive rulebooks for fun, I can handle whatever fluff you can type up.
@Fezzes Your thoughts on the Combat Cyborg O.C.C, then? I still have to add a lot more bionic systems along with some other things.

Shit, I just realized that I'mma have to list down all the possible forms of transportation along with the armor and weapons that you guys will be able to use...
Kirito Kei] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18168-fezzes/ said:
@Fezzes[/URL] Very observational. It definitely has the possibility of becoming a Dice RP, if you guys want.
I'd be perfectly happy keeping this a regular RP.

You know, I tried a thing like this, once. Tried to change a tabletop RPG (Scion) into a regular RP without dice. Never got off the ground. But this, this is awesome. Especially since there's already at least three (hopefully) dedicated players. I'm kinda stoked to be RPing Rifts. Heard so much good stuff about it.
Fezzes said:
I'd be perfectly happy keeping this a regular RP.
You know, I tried a thing like this, once. Tried to change a tabletop RPG (Scion) into a regular RP without dice. Never got off the ground. But this, this is awesome. Especially since there's already at least three (hopefully) dedicated players. I'm kinda stoked to be RPing Rifts. Heard so much good stuff about it.
Yeah, but the hard thing about Rifts is that there is SO much material that I have to transfer over to the rp. It's going to take a whole day just to get character creation finished.
[QUOTE="Kirito Kei]Yeah, but the hard thing about Rifts is that there is SO much material that I have to transfer over to the rp. It's going to take a whole day just to get character creation finished.

True, true. I'm a patient man, and it's not like I've got anything better to do besides wait, thanks to my injury. Once character creation is ready, I'm probably going to be pouncing with twenty zillion characters.
Mitchs98 said:
Tbh I haven't looked yet at all so..
S'okay. I'm not the one who's going to rip out your intestines and garrote you with them.

I'm just messing around, right? Right? Riiiiiiiiight?
I will probably only be doing one character. I'm having a hell of time dealing with bullshit at work.
Atm I'm preparing something that should give you all a good idea of the world and the things that's going on.
BOOM! World Overview posted! Later, I plan on expanding the world overview even further by adding additional info on the creatures of the wilderness, going into more detail for each state,and the Magic Zone, as well as go into more detail regarding the Coalition States! Don't be afraid to post any questions, comments, or concerns below: Rifts: Cataclysmic Twilight - Lore
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