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One x One Rift Jumper



Character Sign-Up

Use this page to design and give backstory/details about your character. be as detailed as you wish, as it can only help things to develop. If your character uses rifts in a certain way, try and explain.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/all_along_by_fdasuarez-d5ukq8t.jpg.6157ff1a07f8e7d146707b3d62fa0e2a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83942" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/all_along_by_fdasuarez-d5ukq8t.jpg.6157ff1a07f8e7d146707b3d62fa0e2a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jewel Konstantine


Time with powers: 12 years

Jewel grew up traveling from city to city, not really having a home. When she was younger, her parents learned about her ability to create rifts and were terrified by the fact that their daughter was different. Once day, when Jewel was only 12, she came home to find her house empty and her parents gone. She used her ability more and more to try and find them but never had any luck. After a few years, Jewel gave up and stopped caring. Taking jobs here and there and living on the street, Jewel did her best to keep her ability and identify hidden. At the age of 17, decided that she could try and keep a rift open and see what would happen if she kept moving back nd forth through it. Once the rift lost power, she lost her pinky finger. That night Jewel would of died from shock but a group of homeless kids like her, found her and took her in. There she met David. David was a rift jumper like her but he used his for business. David taught Jewel everything he knew and started entering her into a rift jumping races. In the area, Jewel was known as a campion and professional rifter. On the side, she would use her power to break into banks and stores. Over time, Jewel has become over confident in her power and never minagined that it might bring her the wrong kind of people.

Jewel has blue black hair and dark blue eyes. Her hair is kept in a short bob so any time she races, she can keep her hair out of the way. She is considered pretty but doesn't like to reply on looks to get her anything. She has a strong runners build and is average height.

Jewel has the ability to split open multiple rifts and control others as well. She can hold them open for long periods of time and move through them easily. Thanks to the racsing, she is also able to see where a rift once was if it was recently closed. A problem Jewel has is thinking she can do more when she can't. Several time she has brought herself to the blink of death trying to prove to David that she is better then he thinks.

Jewels personality is one that can be better. She is considered cocky and prideful because of her winnings. Behind the scenes, Jewel is very loving to the kids in the house she lives in and believes they are her responsibility. She has a hard time getting close to others and fears one day that her over cockiness will get her taken by the government. Until then, she does her best to provide for everyone while David stays gone for months at a time.



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Character Name: Lavender Mullery

Age: 22

Time with powers: 14 years



Background: Lavender is from a small rural town in England. She prefers colder climates and much prefers the snow and rain to the limited sunshine her area sees. She is fairly experienced with her abilities now, though she tries hard not to be seen, to avoid any awkward or dangerous situations. She takes up odd jobs such as house cleaning, nannying or animal siting jobs. She currently attends a Journalism course at University and is in her final year of study; the new term beginning in a few weeks.

She uses her rifts in an almost parkour method, opening and closing in rapid succession to travel quickly, and avoid obstacles as need be. She is fairly quick, though does have a habit of taking dangerous routes at times.She is capable of maintaining 3 to 4 rifts at once, though becoming more unstable the more are open. She has also begun to learn how to take rifts opened by others. Lavender is fairly polite but does not tend to make clos friends, preferring to keep people at a small distance from herself.

She is slender, with minimal curves and takes great pride in her appearance. She has a not so scret love for jewlerry and small expensive knickknacks, especially crystal animals.

Details to be added as Rp happens.
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Name: Mason Grey

Age: Unknown

Skill: Fire and electrical control

"We will create a weapon."

"Yes sister, very good. Something stronger."

"Correct sister, very good idea."

"We will break and rebuild."

"The previous one has figured it out."

"Is that a matter anymore?"

"Not with this one."

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