Ria Tsurara [Pending]


New Member
Character Sheet

Member Form

Member Name: ~Jellal~  IndraWhat do you expect from RP's?: I expect proper character development, progression of plot, impact of a character and surprises. Above all I expect enthusiasm!! lets all be lively!
What do you expect from THIS RP?: As a fellow RP'er I expect as stated above. Enthusiasm, we need to have full of positive energy not only on the IC but as comrades.
Plot progression where the story is interesting which collabs with Character development. Anything else should be surprising where it makes us WOW!


What kind of Experience do you have in RPing? : It's time and thrill but not just time but the moments.

What genres of RP do you like?: Adventure and Mystery
What times are you available?:My timezone is GMT+8.
I am available during 4pm to 10 pm when classes are present if not, I'm 24/7.

Are you willing to contribute in World building? If so, in what way? : Any will do. I love KINGDOM OF LANARK, THE BEST KINGDOM EVER!
Would you be willing to play a role already setup?  : I will reprise my old character and remodel it as of now. I am more than willing for other roles too.

Would you be willing to play an Antagonist? : Yes I am!

Would you be willing to GM certain events?  : Yep!

General Traits

Character Picture:

Character Role: ( Main)

Character Name: Ria Tsurara

Meaning of Name: Snowflake in a river

Alias: Winter Punisher

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 18


Height: 5'5

Weight: 140 lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Onyx

Body Marks: Tsurara Clan Insignia on the middle back


Birth Place: 

Date of Birth: Finallar 25, 979 C.Y.A.D


One can't simply judge a lady based on looks alone, it is the actions that justify the character. Ria keeps a cool demeanor, keeping an open mind and is sometimes "stuck" in her own world, a space out zone where she views things slowly in order to get a clearer picture, she calls this Ria Vision. She restrains herself from killing and values life but if murder is needed then it shall be enacted, not to mention she hates conflict and dislikes arguments but is quick to get herself into arguments with people of the opposite personality when it comes to things she is not cool with. 

2 Positive Traits: Open Minded and Laid Back

2 Negative Traits: Self Pride and Inconsiderate 

Weaknesses: She hates to admit that she is wrong even in the worst situations. Stamina, while she is agile, she often gets to the point of being put put out of commission. Easily manipulated.


Life Skills:

Material Possessions

Clothing and Attire: Her attire consists of shorts, long sleeved shirts, boots, the basic needs, scarf and protective gears on her arms.

Personal Items: 

Combat Section

Character Class:

The Character Class Helps to determine the affinity your character has to certain Elements. It also shows what the Types of artes you can use.

These Classes are purely for OoC purposes and have no meaning in the IC. You may choose to have your character behave or act like your class is described.

The Character Class' are as follows, Please choose one and delete the rest:


Description: Combateers concentrate on close range combat, and are masters of attack and defense. They are self reliant always having others depend on them rather than vice versa. While they excel both in group and single combat, when engaging large numbers it may take some time to deal with all opponents.

Elements Affinity: Fire / Earth / Ice / Steel

Types of Artes:  ATK / DEF / EHM / SPT

Base Stats: HP: 6 / SE: 15 / CCA: 3 /


Description: ShadowKhan's are revered for their stealth, cunning and reach, being efficient in both long range and close range combat. They dispatch enemies with Haste not wanting to drag this out. Because of their great emphasis on assault, they tend to neglect defense a great deal.

Elemental Affinity: Fire / Wind / Wood / Darkness

Types of Artes:  ATK / EHM / SEAL / PNM

Base Stats: HP: 5 / SE: 15 / CCA: 3 /


Description: Mages always guard your back. Although not on the frontlines Mages support their allies with great prowess in support and showering the enemy with grand Artes from long distances. Count on them to use specialized artes and healing to turn the tide of any battle.

Elemental Affinity: Fire / Ice / Lightning / Wood

Types of Artes:  ATK / SPT / HEAL  / FLD 

Base Stats: HP: 4 / SE: 25 / CCA: 3 /


Description: Spiritualist are considered Pacifists. Instead of beating their opponent into submission with force, they focus greatly on discouraging action by overwhelming them with impenetrable defenses and a wide assortment of healing and sealing techniques.

Elemental Affinity: Light / Water / Wind / Lightning

Types: of Artes: DEF / SPT / HEAL / SEAL

Base Stats: HP 4 / SE: 20 / CCA: 4 /

Custom Class:

Description: (FILL IN THE BLANK ) You can create your own class aside from the four main classes.

Elemental Affinity: Please choose 3 elements

Types of Artes: Please choose 3 types

Base Stats: HP 4 / SE 15 / CCA: 3 /// Please add 1 to each of the Types of artes you have chosen.

Special Ability: An ability that can be used outside of combat and is another facet of defining your character.

Runes Artes:

For a detailed explanation on Artes please go to this Thread

I really need to talk to you Shin on stuff I need to modify and attune. I leave it as a WIP. I see that either a Mage or Shadow Khan fits Ria like in the original due to moments with Ukuku(Sennin713) Question, how does a Khan using ice make even sense?
Yeah notice on how I majority blank. I was like woah, no Lanark? We might have some long chat.

This version is set 6 months before the last journey. As such all returning vets agreed to leave behind existing characters in favor of new ones to even things out with new players. Later on old characters may return but for now they are off in their own. 

The way the rp is directed is not the long questing type anymore. As there are lots more members monthly storyline arcs were preferable to split up the groups and allow more interaction between players. 

You will find everything is much more indepth here, especially combat. But old vets have adjusted well and the new ones too. The war against Lanark is a bigger issue here, which is why No characters are from there. Only through a special condition can it be allowed.
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