Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold (Juvi and Horinde)


Junior Member
(Lol the title I got from the way you described Ciel being)

It was early one morning in the Phantomhive Manor, but of course the demon butler was already up getting ready for the day. Sebastian was going to get the tea ready for the young earl who was still asleep so it would be ready for him when he awoke. There was soon someone at the door with a letter from the queen about some murders going on, that of course would be solved by the earl of the manor. Sebastian knew though that Ciel had another agenda to take care of, finding out who caused the fire and killed his parents, but he would make sure to alert Ciel of what the queen was asking of him. He went and knocked on the young boy's door to see if had waken yet, slowly opening the door even though he had yet to hear an answer. "My lord, it is time for you to wake up.."
(I love the title! ^^ Thanks for making this thread!)

'Hmmpf, Sebastian, refrain from speaking out loud in the early morning....' Ciel groaned in the covers, hugging his pillow tight and burrying himself so he had an excuse to not face the day. He never felt like it to face a day, because each and every day began with work, and ended with work. Alway promising him when he finally retired to sleep that he would relive all the horrors from thát night all over again. And just as each morning he felt exhausted, having had no sleep at all while watching all those nightmares like theatrical perfomances stuck on the replay button.

But he knew Sebastian would always get in his way while he craved for just a little móre rest. Ciel decided to play stubborn as a normal child of his age would do. Sebastian never faced any challenges, but this would definitely be one of them.
(You're welcome :3)

Sebastian gave a slight chuckle at Ciel's words and went and opened the curtains letting in all the sunlight. Then he went and pulled the covers away from the young boy. "Come on now, I have prepared the tea already and the queen has sent a letter for you this morning." He disappeared for a mere ten seconds and returned gracefully holding a silver tray with the tea and note from the queen on it.
Hmpf, a letter? That's the only thing he decided to persuade himself with to get up?

Ciel tried protecting himself with the covers, pulling them back a bit, although never matching his Demon Butler's strength. His other hand outstretched, beckoning Sebastian to hand the letter over, when he saw the silver tray and in an instant realised how his Butler would proceed in making him leave his beloved warm bed.

'Sebastian, step forward please. I can't reach it.' Ciel caught his gaze; most humans would be terrified to maintain eye contact with those reddish dark eyes who promised your darkest wishes coming true, and his smirk confirming that:)

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