Restless Asylum


Pounce Ninja

Restless Asylum

  • Plot Summary

    A group of high school students are taken on a field trip to Mystic Falls Psychiatric Hospital. What starts out as a history lesson turns into a persons worst nightmare as the group finds themselves trapped in a haunted asylum filled with ghosts both sane and mentally unstable. In order to escape they have to try and puzzle together a way out while trying not to die.


    Status: OPEN FOR SIGN-UPS!


    Writing:1-2 Paragraphs Minimum

    Genre: Modern / Mystery

    Tone: Haunted / Horror

    Focus: Character development in a high stress environment

    Inspired Series: Corpse Party (Not connected in any way)

    Mechanics : Fate Rolls

    Type: Dice

    Who: DM only

    When: Encounters, situation

    Modifiers:Conditional / None

    Bonus: Given based on background, inventory and previous actions in the RP

    Scale: 1d10 (1 - Bad : 10 Excellent)

    There will be times where I will leave the outcome of an event, such a finding an item, the maliciousness of a spirit, etc. up to the literal roll of the dice.

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