Reno [Scavenger]


An Apostle of Ghan with Fiendish Intent
Roleplay Type(s)

NAME: Reno
AGE: 21
GENDER: Female
FACTION: Scavengers
APPEARANCE: Weighs about 110lbs, 4'11", a small ball of fury. Missing a few molars.
MARK: Left side of her right ankle.

Everybody fights for something.
It doesn't have to be something profound, something admirable, just a goal. Reno wanted to live.
She needed to live.

You must fight for yourself before you can fight for those around you.
She had to be strong to live.

There is no-one left for you here.
Unfeeling. She had to be unfeeling. Willing to embrace her solitude.

She knew she was not a martyr.
And she did anything she had to to stay alive. Being cold. Withdrawn. Hateful. Whatever it takes.


She was used to surviving.

Her home was fine. It was good, actually, a nuclear family with a dog, a cat, and a car. Her brother was ten years older, sure, but things were good.

For most of her childhood, she went to school, played outside. Loved to get dirty and play in the mud.

Her brother shot himself when she was eleven. Everything went sort of crazy after that.
She didn't know why he did it. Maybe a hatred of life, maybe tired, maybe weak. So weak. Left me here alone.

Her parents, though, wouldn't leave her alone. Always around. Always hovering.
Couldn't go out with friends, be a child, be a teenager. No parties, no alcohol, no boys (or girls).
Just school, home, school. Repeat.

She just had to survive.

She panicked, about her brother, sometimes. Panicked, was angry, was tired.
She was put in therapy. Which was fine. Good, actually.
She hadn't been close to him. Maybe that's why it was so bad.

Couldn't be like him. Had to survive.

It took time. She moved away, started going to school, wanted to pursue a philosophy degree. And then this.
Moving away from her parents had been liberating. She could go out. Have some friends. Went to reenactments, dealt with history, lived the past. The past that was not her past.

She'd been in her apartment getting ready for a reenactment when.. well, when whatever happened, happened. Her replica sword was strapped to her thigh. She had on her backpack. And there was nothing.

She walked. She scavenged. She fought.

Not long after the event, a member of the scavengers came after her, probably (she thought) for stealing something or other of his or someone else's. She was a good thief - quiet, quick - but even the best should switch up their haunt.

He wanted to fight her.
So she did. A couple teeth got knocked out, she was bloodied up, disarmed. Kept throwing herself at him. Kept fighting. Finally, finally, it stopped.
"Girl, if you come with me, you shouldn't be needing to steal our shit."

1. Endurance - Reno has a physical and mental endurance rivaling most of her peers. She can take her punches, prides herself in her ability to keep moving, even when bleeding or worse.
2. Speed - If there's one thing to say about Reno, it's that she's goddamn fast. Goes with being small and light.
3. Humor - She is a woman who loves to laugh. Ill-timed jokes, standup comedy, dark humor and sarcasm. You either laugh or you cry.
1. Pessimistic - The world won't get any better. Progress is a farce. The world has already goddamn ended.
2. Suspicious - Reno doesn't think of the best in people. Probably a side effect of living in a wasteland, if she had to guess.
3. Physically Weak - Comparatively, anyways. The wielding of her short sword is the most physically demanding activity she manages to be passable at. Her punch is laughable, and she isn't likely to take anyone down quickly,

Calligraphy - Reno enjoys creating stylized writings, quotes, and calligraphy. She keeps a small book in her pouch to do so in.
Singing - Is it a skill if you're bad?

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(And thank you for making this image to use for character approvals!)

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