|| Remy "Poppy" Poplar - The Gelatinous Witch, Veḷir Pēy ||



 || Sally's excellent exorcist job application ||




 "A few questions before we start... "


N A M E || Remy "Poppy" Poplar


P H Y S I C A L   A G E || 20 years old


E T H E R E A L   A G E  || 212 (he's kept strict count)


H E I G H T || 6'0"


B O D Y   T Y P E ||  Ectomorph; skinny with lanky limbs and long fingers


"What sort of things do you think you can bring to the work force?"


P E R S O N A L I T Y ||  A very cool-headed individual with astonishing intelligence and experience to boot, Remy, or commonly referred to as "Poppy", can come off as slightly- well, cold

It is rare for him to express any emotion other than disinterest, but don't be misled-- while Poppy may seem apathetic, he's just terribly afraid of expressing his emotions.

Despite that, everything else about this individual screams 'efficiency'. Poppy is incredibly organized, whether it regards his wardrobe, his work space, or even his speech. Everything is carefully calculated and placed in order-- as you may have guessed, this behavior stems off an Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder that Poppy has fallen victim to. Although it may seem slightly debilitating at first, Poppy has grown rather accustomed to his obsessive behaviors and lifestyle, which enables things to be more accessible for him in the long run anyhow.

Additionally, Poppy is an easy person to confide in for advice. While he may seem too serious to worry himself with such things, he takes mental health very seriously and rather enjoys helping those who need it.

On the other side of the spectrum, while Poppy doesn't snap and is not angered easily, he can hold a sure grudge for a hundred years if he has reason to.

Hell hath no fury like a Poppy scorned.




"Very good! What makes you believe you are qualified for this position? No offense... but things can get quite dangerous here."


S P I R I T ||  The Gelatinous Witch, Veḷir Pēy (Jelli for short)


S P I R I T   A S P E C T S || 



P O W E R S || While Miss Jelli seems like an awfully cute and harmless ball of goo, her abilities are far from adorable. She grants Poppy the ability to secrete a gelatinous substance from the pores in his hands, and with that comes the ability to form spikes and shards as strong as diamonds from said substance. Poppy is capable of creating shields, swords, shurikens, staffs, and much more with this ability. While Jelli cannot enhance Poppy's physical strength or reflexes, the gelatin he produces can easily be made toxic, which can stun and immobilize lower level spirits. It causes lots of abdominal discomfort if ingested as well, which you should heed if Poppy ever prepares a meal and you've... disgruntled  him.


"What were your previous experiences like? You know... before you applied here."


B I O G R A P H Y || There is not much to Poppy's story, other than the fact that he used to be a completely different person when he was truly alive. A fighting spirit, over-zealous and optimistic-- Poppy grew up a farm boy in 18th century Britain for the majority of his life. Survival was easier as a commoner, but it started to become a struggle with the ever-changing times and industrial revolution. The Poplar family soon moved into town, away from their farm and old country life. Since Poppy was the only man in the house with his three younger sisters and mother, he was sure to work to support them all, as every young man was obligated to do.

Poppy began work in a mine, and every day was just suffocation and darkness for the people stuck down there with him. 

On one of those very suffocating and dark days, Poppy was the unfortunate soul that was crushed by one of the crumbling corridors. He was the only one who hadn't made it-- except, he very well had, with some help from The Gelatinous Witch, Veḷir Pēy. Veḷir Pēy, or Jelli (as nicknamed by Poppy himself) had no particular reason for saving his life; she was peculiar like that. Either way, you could imagine how thankful the boy was. However, Jelli explained that he was not going to fulfill his life as he had before-- his duties were elsewhere. 

Poppy left Britain under the guise of his death as instructed by his spirit friend, and soon sent on travels all over the world, before he ended up in Adensville where he currently resides.





"Well that, that sure was an interesting tale... let me look over this and I'll get back to you!"


E X T R A || Don't call him Poopy unless you like toxic goo in your food.



Congratulations you are hired! You are qualified for the position of DESK ATTENDANT (A-Rank).




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