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Fantasy Remnants of the Past (OOC)


♰Mors. Obitus. Decessus.♰



"Remnants of the Past"
is a role-play based in a massive magical land known as 'Malidorn'. Malidorn's history draws back in the Dark Crusade where the war broke between all races of many kinds ranging from Humans to even Shapeshifters. In the 1st of Frostfall, the everlasting peace between all have broke ties and caused many to take action into their own hands. It was churning into a midlife crises - assassination, murders, small battles and brawls and other violence regarding every other race. Now, since then, a black mass of Darkness dwelled within the land and consumed many and all souls for their own selfish desires. They destroyed many by severe illness -- this gotten the Council Order's attention. It was noticed that all races should put their differences aside and join forces to defeat this darkness and drive back the demonic force into the netherworld where they belong.


I WILL be playing as the Darkness against everyone who joins AND playing with you guys as a Character of my own. Please understand that you are free to do whatever in this thread In-Character. (Within limits, of course.)


I will make the ACTUAL role-play after several people has applied here.





Humans are the normal basis of the world itself. They are normally the ones who have moderate brain smart and know pretty much anything ranging from Blacksmithing to Tailoring skills. Humans can also learn magic but they will have to learn it from another master who already knows it enough to use it in a heat of the battle. They are 40% immune to any cold magic and can use their ability 'Battlecry' to give them and their allies strength to kill any small or moderate demonic creatures dead in a single blow.


Dwarves are hardy people but are remarkably strong for their size. They are most advanced in the lands and carry powerful enchanted weaponry for their future wars. They believe that having magical weapons would 'crack them a new one' when bashing their opponents in the skull with their warhammers. Dwarves also are well armed and are pretty much the Tank in the group. They enjoy their interest in pints of wine every now and then but give other guests the feeling of being protected. Nonetheless, they are warm hearted people.


The D'lin are shapeshifting hybrids between Man and Wolf. They are incredibly beautiful people with beautiful characteristics and are wisest of them all. D'lin are huge when they are in their wolf form - possibly the size of a man but a little larger and stand taller when even sitting on their hind legs. They are rare to find and are all about Magic and Knowledge of others. Past, they cease to exist because many sought them as 'too much to handle' types. They are extremely warm hearted and care about others more than they do themselves.


A'ilgel are holy angelic people from the skies above whom live in a kingdom of peace and harmony. They were part of the Council to help keep peace throughout the land until the Darkness rolled around. Like the D'lins, they are beautiful to look at but are very skilled when it comes to combat. A'ilgels usually mix magic and weapons at the same time which pretty much gives them a title 'Battle mages'.


Dracos are large, massive Dragons that live far off in another part of Malidorn. They tend to keep their intentions to themselves and do not like to bother others unless they suddenly feel the need to 'feed' themselves. Dracos are also powerful and can take a lot of damage from large demonic creatures regardless of what it is. If they choose to, they can be friendly towards others gradually since they are normally tyrants to most.

NOTE: Only THREE can be Dragons. Too many Dracos will possibly make the role-play too much for other platyers.


Nylleans are hybrids between man and Vampire much like the D'lin are with the hybrid phase between man and wolf. Unlike the D'lin, the Nylleans are more in the dark side of their lives and practice the basics of Necromancy. They can summon creatures ranging from Undead to even a demonic creature of their own. If powerful enough, they can take a form of a demon themselves to scare off unwanted foes.

(If you request another race, please post here and let me know.)



No God-Modding or using OP abilities/magic.

No taking control over other people's characters or stealing their ideas.

PLEASE respect one another and be nice to each other.

PLEASE have a lot of fun! (:3)

Character Sheet:5/5:

(If you want to join this role-play, please fill this out and post it here. You can use images to describe your character more elaborately.)











This will be MY character to join you guys in the role-play. I hope to have fun with the lot of you! (^.^)











Bright, Glowing Blue.


Very long, Midnight Blue.


Nasrailthel is a warm-hearted D'lin parting from a secluded cave he once lived in but was soon raided by local bandits. He left and ventured throughout the land in hopes he could find himself another place to continues his lonely life learning the basic life of every other race known to Malidorn. When he was young, Nasrailthel learned all of his magic capabilities from his own Father whom once ruled over his people eons ago but also passed away. Now, Nasrailthel may be the living last D'lin race in the entire land and must pass on his people's legacy to another soul. His only goal is to gain trust and friendship instead of hate and unwanted.
Last edited by a moderator:
Hello Xepraria! I see that you are new to this site so a warm welcome to you~

Now I see that you said you'll make the actual roleplay once some users have shown interest and filled out a character sheet which is not bad but if I may point out you have already created the roleplay. The thread you have created is under the Fantasy board already. What you may have been aiming for at the moment was to create a thread in the Fantasy interest checks.
Aggghhhhh.... crap it. This is a big mistake on my part. I apologize, I'm still trying to get use to the place.
Xepraria said:
Aggghhhhh.... crap it. This is a big mistake on my part. I apologize, I'm still trying to get use to the place.
No that's fine :)

It's understandable how confusing it can be at first. Just let me know if you need help~
LifeNovel said:
No that's fine :)
It's understandable how confusing it can be at first. Just let me know if you need help~
I may have to move this over to the right designated forum today then... thank you for letting me know, Novel. You've been a big help. (:

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