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Realistic or Modern Reminiscent of the Stanford Prison Experiment

So I started reviewing the personalities of the accepted characters so far and I don't have Ben's, but other than that, we've got a pretty diverse group of characters!

Chimney Swift Chimney Swift Ben's acceptance is being revoked until I get the answers of the personality quiz, so send them ASAP please!
hey i wondered if maybe we didn't fill all the character slots, whether we could use a couple of NPCs? i'm not sure whether we're gonna get enough people.
So I started reviewing the personalities of the accepted characters so far and I don't have Ben's, but other than that, we've got a pretty diverse group of characters!

Chimney Swift Chimney Swift Ben's acceptance is being revoked until I get the answers of the personality quiz, so send them ASAP please!
I didn't see the quiz. Sorry!
I just found it (it's in a weird place that i'm not used to having important information in. It kind of looks like part of your signature or something) but I'll get it done.

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