Remilia Scarlet

Count Gensokyo

Super Smash Bros. Melee is a Fair & Balanced Game
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)



Appearance: (Image Gallery)


Appearance Details: In Embodiment of Scarlet DevilImmaterial and Missing Power and Scarlet Weather Rhapsody's official art, Remilia has red eyes, short light-blue hair and a light-pink mob cap with a red ribbon decorated with white stripes. She wears a light-pink dress with a red ribbon on both sleeves (is seen with red trimmings in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil), a large red ribbon behind her waist with white stripes and a necklace featuring a Caduceus-like centerpiece. She also has a pair of large black bat-like wings on her back with a wingspan wider than her height. In Imperishable Night, she is seen without the necklace. Her height is "short" and is of a child not having reached the age of 10 (around 120 cm/4 ft).

Name: Remilia Scarlet.

Nickname: The Vampire, The Scarlet Devil, Remi (only by her friend, Patchouli).

Age: About 500 years old.

Sex: Female.

Femininity/Masculinity: 3.

Personality: While she tries to cultivate the image of a mysterious and frightening vampire aristocrat, Remilia is as childish as her appearance suggests. However, she is surprisingly polite. Her long lifetime has only served to make her prone to boredom and as a result prizes anything she finds novel. In Silent Sinner in Blue, she allows herself to be manipulated by Yukari Yakumo simply because the alternative would have been boring. The other residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion spend much of their time catering to Remilia's odd whims (including numerous parties), though she does make an effort to appreciate and respect their patience. Remilia is respected by most youkai of Gensokyo and so she's said to have a charismatic personality. However, in reality, this is only because of the fear they have for her kind. While she can act in an overblown and grandiose fashion, she usually only does it during incidents or for important matters. Otherwise, she tends to exhibit childish behavior. She enjoys novel things and isn't above playing along in silly games or allowing herself to be manipulated if it means staving off boredom. Her behavior may be due to the fact she actually has the wisdom of a 500-year-old being with the personality of a bratty child. Yet, it remains to be said that she has an overflowing and charming personality that even makes most fairies stick around as employees despite their freedom to leave at any time.

Vices: Pride, Deceit.

Virtues: Provision, Bravery.

Actual Abilities:


  • Claws/Punches
  • Kicks
  • Danmaku

Ranged Attack: Danmaku non-spells.

Area Attack: Spell Cards.

  • Critical "Heart Breaker" : Remilia forms a long, red spear of danmaku in her hand and hurls it towards the opponent.


  • Midnight Sign "Demon King's Cradle" : Remilia leans forward and slams into the opponent with a great boost of speed, sending him or her flying into the air.


  • Scarlet Sign "Red the Nightless Castle" : Remilia forms a cross of red danmaku which blasts the surrounding area.


  • Midnight Sign "Bad Lady Scramble" : Remilia bursts backwards through the air, stops, and speeds into her opponent like a bullet.


  • Destiny "Miserable Fate" : Remilia summons red chains of danmaku that chase the opponent.


  • Divine Spear "Spear the Gungnir" : Remilia summons her massive danmaku spear, "Gungnir", and hurls it toward her opponent.


  • "Millennium Vampire" : Remilia surrounds herself in a red aura which allows her to absorb life from her opponent with every attack.


  • Demon "Remilia Stretch" : Remilia leans back and builds up strength, then slams her claw into the opponent, sending him or her flying back at a comical speed.


  • Scarlet Devil "Scarlet Devil" : Remilia summons a massive red danmaku pillar which bathes the entire area in scarlet fury.


  • Midnight King "Dracula Cradle" : Remilia leans forward and shoots into her opponent, sending them soaring through the sky.



  • Remilia encourages her ally to fight harder, giving him/her a morale boost.

Wind Up:

  • Remilia calls out a Spell Card before using it.


  • Remilia crouches down childishly and holds her arms above her head to block incoming damage. She's actually incredibly sturdy, though, which makes this seem redundant.


  • Remilia misdirects the attack away from her ally by forming a thick cloud of scarlet mist in front of the attack.


  • Remilia catches the opponent's arm/leg and sinks her claws into it , finishing the counter with a bite to any one of the opponent's veins.
  • Remilia flits away by propelling herself with a gust of air with her wings, knocking the opponent off balance. She then stops in midair and shoots forward into the opponent with a high-speed airborne body slam (like doing flipping around at the end of a race pool).


  • Remilia surrounds herself in scarlet mist.


  • Walking Casually.
  • Flying Using Her Bat-like Wings.


  • Surrounding the entire area in a thick, sickness-inducing red mist, allowing her to leave without being pursued.
  • Disappearing into a swarm of bats that scatter away.
  • Simply flying away.

Use Item:

  • Remilia pulls the item out of thin air, much akin to a cartoon character.


  • Theatric Boasts.
  • Misdirection.
  • Flirtation (In the case of a male character).


  • Remilia walks around without a care with her hands clasped behind her back. While it just looks like pacing, she's reading the opponent's fighting style and looking for openings.


  • Aversion to running water - A stream of water causes Remilia to focus more on avoiding the water than on the opponent.
  • Aversion to the sun - Remilia focuses on finding a shady place.

Other Weaknesses: N/A.

Stat Abilities: 

  • Vampiric
  • Healthy Lv. 1

Stat Weaknesses:

  • Selfish (It's basically her nature).
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@Captain Gensokyo I'm debating how to set up Natural Abilities/Weaknesses, but I do know the anime/manga spirits will equalize Natural Abilities/Weaknesses. I guess I'll use Natural Abilities/Weaknesses as methods of Attack, Block, Area Attack, Etc. You gave me a good idea, and I'll most likely change the character sheet template. 

Example: I'll do this instead of Natural Abilities/Weaknesses.

Attack: Danmaku description, Etc.

Heal: Drains the health of another opponent, since they're a vampire. (Note: Not in the OOC mechanics).

You could use manipulation of Fate as an Attack option, when it's a finishing move. Let me edit the character template sheet, and I'll get back to you.
@Captain Gensokyo Alright the edited character profile is up, so change your profile according. I will list examples, since you put the effort into creating your abilities.

Tremendous Physicality - Could work as an Attack/Block/Protect/Etc.

Flight - Could Work as a Move/Flee/Option to diversify attacks/blocks/etc.

Shapeshifting - Could work for anything really, but probably more so Flee/Move.

Immortality - No one can die in the RP, but you can use it as a reason for your quick healing, after someone heals you. You don't need to list it as an Actual Ability/Weakness, but you're free to use it to describe a post.

Manipulation of Fate - A finishing Move, or any Move that leads to you winning the fight. Example: You succeed an attack on someone with 1 HP, so you win the OOC duel; therefore, you can use Manipulation of Fate.

Danmaku - Attack/Area Attack/Wind-Up, if you want to do a ritual thing first.

The Sun - Clumsy Action, she drops her parasol, so she's unable to act, etc.

Running Water - a Random droplet of rain, or she feels like water is coming her away, so she messes up.
Here we are--an updated CS for Remi! I was a bit unsure on how to correlate her ranged/area attacks and wind up to make sense canonically for a while, but I think it turned out OK for the most part.

Alright, your character's approved. @Captain Gensokyo. You don't need to have a specific attack right now, but whenever you do deal an area attack, or ranged attack, just write it down in your CS.

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