Register a Student! [Toulouse Academy of Refinement~Year 2]


Queen of Broken Hearts
Choose a power from the listed ones in the "Powers" tab in the info section for the character. Then fill out this sheet according to which year you are enrolling.

Year One Students:


Age: (15-18)


Appearance: (picture is preffered but will accepted a description)

Personality: (A paragraph)




Year Two Students:




Appearance: (if changed, if not)

Personality: (how they've grown)

Brief History: (give em the short version of the 'before school')

Summer: (how was their summer? Chaotic or relaxing?)

Power: (If you don't have a name for it, pm me or ask in the old thread.)


RETURNING RPERS PLEASE SEE THE SECTION IN INFO LABELED TEACHERS! (YEAR ONE's, it's optional to look.) For schedules, see the section in INFO labeled classes. It will explain the change there.

Dorm assignments, please check the map section! MUST have a dorm before playing.
Name: Akio Areali

Age: 16 on day back to school, 17 week after

Gender: Male


has a bit of a light stupple, his eyes which were a brilliant blue are now clouded Blind.

Personality: Still blunt but friendlier now. His rough edges seemed to have been smoothed and now expresses emotion better.

Brief History: Abused as a child by parents who didnt want him akio ran away at 13. Seeing emotion as weakness he was near emotionless until he met winnie on his first day at school, which was also the day it was burned down. After that he has grown into emotion and now has become a different man.

Summer: Relaxing, mainly training and visiting school mates

Power: Synergy and sound

Other: Theme song: [media]

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male most of the time

6' blond with large muscles, green eyes, and heavy set. most of the time

History. he grew up in a lab till he broke out with the year two students. was given a home at the school by Brittany because he had nowhere else to go, so he works it off as a an aide wherever hes needed.

Still has a random personality due to not really interacting with other humans much for 21 years of his life, also, he is

completely clueless to any advances made on him. he also defends those in need when he feels they need/deserve it.

spent the summer training with Logan and Brittany to help defend the school should the need arise.

Picnokinesis: control over his density, inclinkinesis: control over his body shape, and Aciokinesis: control over the sharpness of objects

other: theme is monster by skillet
Name: Winnifred Winters

Age: 17! And legally emancipated!

Gender: Female

At some point over the summer, she dyed her hair light, making it seem almost silver. She's still 5'4 and thin, lacking curves but making up for it with her charismatic personality.

Personality: Winnie used to be very uptight and distant, doing what was expected of her and never indulging. But being with her new family, she's changed. Instead of the constant insecurity she once his, she has more confidence in herself and who she is. She's easy going and friendly, not as judgmental as you think, and has recently learned to live a little. But she still holds some of her reservations, it's just who she is.

Brief History: Born within a government family, Winnie knew the ins and outs of society like the back of her hand. She had a brief, secret run with a mental hospital and continued like normally until her parents helped fund the school. There she met her boyfriend, Mika, and many other friends.

Summer: Most of her summer was spent with nearby school friends and getting back to normal life. Until she went on vacation with Mika. Many things happened, which will not be disclosed here.

Power: Cryokinesis-ice and snow, and Neurokinesis- thoughts and compulsion

Other: Red Like Roses Pt. II- RWBY
Name: Elsa Winters

Age: 1 year if technical, 17 if not. And emancipated!

Gender: Female

They got their hair dyed the same time ^^

Personality: Elsa is like her twin, Winnie, just a little less stuffy. She leans more towards the impulsive side and tends to snap more easily than Winnie. But their morals are the same and it's difficult to ever tell them apart.

Brief History: She was made during the forced kidnapping of the 2nd year students in a German lab, cloned from the original Winnie. After that, she lived with her sister, doing whatever she felt like.

Summer: Her summer was spent in Canada with a family friend.

Power: Same as Winnie.

Other: Fight Like A Girl- Emelie Autumn
Name:nichole kudo



appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/images-2.jpeg.bb06603f0de1d6fdc1e7c6b9549b1839.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28486" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/images-2.jpeg.bb06603f0de1d6fdc1e7c6b9549b1839.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> her hair is longer and she still wears glasses.

personality: still her same bubbly self, a bit mature now, knows when to be serious and knows when to play. She sweets and baking, often is found singing or playing with animals.

brief history: she came to toulouse a year ago. And she grew up with her adoptive family the Kudos.older brother is kouji kudo. Her older sister luna. Her mom is back in her life and tries to keep in contact with her when she can. They have a kinda stable relationship now.

Summer:her summer was spent with family, her loving boyfriend dimitri, her biological mother, and anime cons.

Powers: Hydrokinesis, florakinesis, and thiriokinesis

Other: We are believix is her song

Name:Luna kudo



appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/club-dresses-fashion-outfits-girls.jpeg.9e5b5e48d10e7255e693e06d1f3728c4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28489" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/club-dresses-fashion-outfits-girls.jpeg.9e5b5e48d10e7255e693e06d1f3728c4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>only her hair is black with red streaks

personality:comes off as a bit of a loner at times, spends most of her time with her sister and friends and her lover. Loves gardening and strumming her guitar and singing.

brief history:grew up with the kudos, died in a fatal fire. She became nichole's yami and her protector. But was given a second chance at life.

summer:spent summer with family, friends and her boy friend.

powers: hydrokinesis, florakinesis

other:sexy, naughty, bitchy me is her theme.



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Name: Mika Sokolov

Age: 19

Gender: M


Yesss, he cut his hair technically but only after some unfortunate events. He also started a sleeve of tats and gained a few more piercings.

Personality: His bad boy delinquent mentality is well under wraps for now. Mika is caring and responsible when it comes to the people and things he wants to protect. He thinks before he talks and is usually quietly intimidating instead of reckless and loud. Mika has an extremely bad anger and loses all of the self control he had gained through experience, unleashing Gypsy and X and a mystery fourth personality with a blood fetish, his mind getting jumbled and chaotic.

Brief History: With his parents being scientists in Russia, he was born in that sort of dangerous environment and was subjected to many experiments which resulted in X, who was originally a stone hearted soldier version of Mika that obeyed every command from the higher ups. To test the strength of the hold of the soldier-creating drug they ordered him to kill his parents. Something went wrong and Mika developed a certain animalistic type of bloodlust and he ended up doing gruesome and gorey things to them but got his memory taken away afterwards. Soon after he travelled a long journey full of gang related violence, homelessness, a playboy lifestyle, and a search to find the missing pieces of his past and himself.

Summer- Interesting

Power: Hemokinesis

Other: Blood by In This Moment
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Name: (just gonna put what she's called) Alex Sage

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.b2d1a5f321c3255b5b924f78257b308d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28494" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.b2d1a5f321c3255b5b924f78257b308d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She tends to be clingy to her significant other, but she doesn't care. She spends as much time as possible with him though she can be a loner at times. She still has her fiery temper but it's only grown and she finds tranquility in Axel. Feels that strangers judge her because he's....older lol

Brief History: parent were killed because of they're knowledge of her power. She murdered their murderer. She grew up and learned on her own.

Summer: She spent the summer with Axel and his son relocating. She went to Coney Island and on a cruise for a few weeks with helped her to relax. She learned to control her powers more. And she got a cat!

Power: Atmokinesis, Gyrokinesis, and Nixukinesis

Other: her theme is Bring Me To Life by Evanescence



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Name: Ari Sevan

Age: 18



Her hair grew and she got layers put in.

Personality: She is more patient now and doesn't speak her mind instantly. She also learned that she will always have a part of her heart that holds Mika up to a ridiculously high standard, but has learned to live with and cope with that because now she loves James just as much. She's quirky and funny, with a bit of a temper that's now more restrained.

Brief History: She was part of the international drug trade and met Mika when she first came to the states and shares a similar past as him with the exception of the mental issues and testing.

Summer: With James and helping fix whatever trouble Mika got into.

Power: (will edit)

Other: I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself by the White Stripes.
Name:yuki katoya



appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/White-haired-characters-anime-27506074-640-480.jpg.7cda7b8e9c1ee2dde4fd338a8250650d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28527" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/White-haired-characters-anime-27506074-640-480.jpg.7cda7b8e9c1ee2dde4fd338a8250650d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tan skin, emerald green eyes <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/vamp-boy-47130275454.png.ded25cf581467bc48124d56f6ea54c91.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28495" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/vamp-boy-47130275454.png.ded25cf581467bc48124d56f6ea54c91.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

he grew his hair out some ^^

personality:very brave, loveable, sensitive. He has a heart of gold. But mess with his family or celena and the beast comes out. Loves his ears being scratched and belly rubs.

Brief history:yuki was BORN a werewolf. Yep born. Not changed. His dad was killed before he was born. And when he was 7 his mom got killed by hunters. So he ran away. To where he hoped hed have a nice life. But it was not to be. A few years later he came upon toulouse. He liked it so he stayed but stayed hidden. He was later found by nichole and celena. Hes been with the group ever since.

summer:spent camping, spending time with friends, the beach, with his girlfriend celena.

powers:werewolf abilities and shapeshifting.

song:bad apple



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Name: Silas Sokolov

Age: 16

Gender: M


Personality: He's the old Mika personified. His motto is women, money, weed and he typically is a natural flirt. But underneath that he is more timid and shy to own up to his insecure feelings and anger towards his brother.

History: Ahhh, Silas Sokolov, only surviver in the Sokolov family massacre besides Mika. He witnessed it all at the age of five and was traumatized from it. He lived a life inside the lab till he was ten before escaping in search to get revenge on Mika, experiencing similar trials as Mika, but never finding anyone to depend on like Mika did. He wound up at the school after hitting rock bottom.

Powers: He can manipulate smoke and Clauditikinesis
Gr, forgot to edit again. But chronokinesis is taken already. And going to bed guys!

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Name: Celena Hayes

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: (if changed, if not)


Died her hair red, wanted to match her brothers (Phoenix) red hair.


Still the same old her but has become more mature and has started to show a sadistic side. Expecially with teasing Phoenix about Luna

Brief History:

Celena's family is very wealthy and they enjoyed traveling from place to place, unfortunately Celena herself didn't enjoy at as much as her parents did. When she was younger she had an argument with her parents and found out her powers for the first time. Her family accepted her abilities and settled down helping Celena hide her powers from others. One day Celena heard about the school and asked her parents to enrol her. Of course they did without any problems.


It was a nice summer, Phoenix and herself spent the summer with Yuki, Luna and Nikki

Power: Pyrokinsesis, Technokinesis, and Geo-Thermokinesis

Other: This Girl is on Fire by Alicia Keys

Name: Phoenix Hayes


Gender: Male



Cut his hair short, his hair used to go down to his hips. Furthermore his eyes change from red to blue time to time but he normally has purple eyes now.


Major little sister complex still there and has become more kind and gentle. Falling in love has changed him *winks* He and Celena also get into small arguments but it is fun to watch.

Brief History:

Phoenix was killed by his sister Celena but was brought back to life as she allowed his soul to enter her body. HE had forgotten everything though from before and only recently remembered everything.


It was a nice Summer, Celena and himself spent the summer with Luna, Nikki and Yuki

Power: Same as Celena's, but can also change into a phoenix

Other: He is also an assistant
Name: Dimitri Hirsch

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Personality: He's relatively remained the same country boy though he's grown a bit more possessive with his girlfriend. He's a good-natured, easy going guy who is quick to make friends with most anyone. Very protective of his family but rarely shows it since he knows they can take care of themselves.

Brief History: Lived with his dad, Axel, in Georgia until his half-sister, Winnifred, called him up needing help. He met all the students when they came to stay after the school was attacked and he's been with them ever since. His father had a brief affair with Winnie's mother, ergo Winnie and Elsa are his half-sisters.

Summer: Relaxing with friends, family, and his girlfriend Nichole until near the end

Power: Dermakinesis and Genekinesis

Other: Cruise by that one band xp

Name: James

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Personality: James, if anything, has gotten goofier. He smiles more and has a more playful nature, instead of his sarcastic and snobbish attitude. Don't misunderstand, he still has a pretty big head. But he feels deeper now, since he's come to terms with loving Winnie and screwing it up because he couldn't see past his own needs and has now fell for Ari.

Brief History: He was close to Winnie before everything happened so he was dragged into it. Lives in the United Kingdom, doesn't stay in one place, and his parents are overbearing. Not much back story to go on. He acquired his powers through lab testing while helping the gang.

Summer: No comment. He's glad to get back to school.

Power: Hypnokinesis

Other: S.E.X by Nickleback
Name: Nella Albero

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Well endowed and curvy, but short. 4'8. Her eyes are a light green and she has black-rimmed cat eye glasses.

Personality: Nella is, in all sense of the word, timid. Quick to stutter and blush, she's very socially awkward and finds it comforting to fade in the background. But leave her alone and she comes out of her shell, unleashing all of her pent-up creativity and is a rather sweet girl. Kind, caring, and fair, she tries to be completely honest even if it doesn't make friends but with her inferiority complex, she finds it difficult to stand up for herself.

History: Her grandparents came over as Italian immigrants and her parents raised her like an average Italian family. She's the middle child of a family with six, making her easily over looked even within her family, and she lived a realitively peaceful life in Massachusetts.

Power: Crystallokinesis and Captukinesis.

Other: Look With Your Heart in Love Never Dies.
Name: Mari simons

Age: (15-18): 15

Gender: Female


A small girl about 5'3

Personality: Kind and polite, friendly to most though many dont get to see her inner skin. She has lived a hard live and doesent trust others, she hates to lose and has a powerful drive to get what she wants done, hates Akio.

History: Mri has been around guns and violence all her life, her parents were both in gangs and died early leaving only her and her brother. Her brother and her were both supernaturals and her brother used his abilities to rise to the top of his fathers previous gang. He was killed as part of akio's massacre in boston leading her to have a intense hatred of him.

Power: Celerakinesis Odorakinesis

Other: Song: Your gonna go far kid by offspring
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First Year

Name: Evangeline Dulcine

Age: 16

Gender: Female



(Her eyes change to red time to time)


Has trouble talking to others and does not enjoy making an effort to go out of her way to do so. She enjoys keeping to herself and keeps herself entertained by using her powers. Although, she has never made a friend before and due to that she doesn't really know how to handle herself when presented in that sort of situation. She dislikes cute things and enjoys looking at boy things and creating her own image that hadn't been set up by her parents. She has a rebellious attitude towards things but once you receive her respect she will be very loyal and won't ever let you down. When it comes to fighting she is always the one that sits to the side and just watches. Unless it is someone she cares about Evangeline does not see the reason to make a fuss and go out of her own way to help someone that she doesn't care about.


Evangeline had grown up being detested by her mother and her other family members. She had been born from another woman and was never officially part of the family. Having always been locked up in her room Evangeline began to get bored and started to take up boyish acts climbing walls and jumping from trees to trees to get away from the house. But unfortunately she was brought back every time to get a beating. Not that she cared, if she had the chance to get away she would take it with both hands and the beatings never hurt any more. The scars from the previous ones had grown to thick for her to feel it. But on her fourteenth birthday she met Celena Hayes. She had grown fond of her and had only ever gotten close with the one person. It wasn't long after that Evangeline found out her power to manipulate blood. She had pricked herself on a thorn as she was running away and had decided to play with the drop of blood. Finding her powers through creating a sword from the one drop of blood Evangeline was then thrown further into the mansion not too be spoken about or talked to. After hearing that Celena had moved to the academy. She was eager to follow her and slipped the note of the academy under her parents noses and when they said they wanted to send her, she protested due to the fact that if they knew she wanted to go they wouldn't send her. Happy that her daughter was unhappy, Evangeline's mother sent her off to the academy. Happy to get rid of her un-needed daughter and her strange powers.

Power: Hemokinesis


Name: Saphire Tsuki

Age: 19 after her birthday

Gender: Female

Appearance: She normally wears blue-black cloth pants and a blue long-sleeved shirt, but when it calls for fancy wear or in her room she wears the Miko-style kimono in the picture.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Nisa.jpg.e9858b1227ea536488dd0d229ff7d821.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28664" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Nisa.jpg.e9858b1227ea536488dd0d229ff7d821.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her right palm has an outline of a moon framed by wings, and her left a filled in version of that. They are genetic symbols of her being the legitimate heir of her family, and symbolize the two halves of her family. This symbol, wings framing the moon, is her family crest.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c0461aebe_SaphsKitten.jpg.93604df9002b07dff1fdaa8b553658f6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28681" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c0461aebe_SaphsKitten.jpg.93604df9002b07dff1fdaa8b553658f6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Saphire is quiet. Not because she doesn’t have anything to say, or because of some kind of chip on her shoulder, but because she’s normally hidden from view. She prefers to stay out of the way of most people, but when reading or playing around with illusions formed of manipulated light she can be quite talkative. Hobbies include reading, music, and bringing joy to those around her using her illusions. Once she’s angered, however, she’ll either explode in anger or freeze it so she can use the anger for the sake of making the offending party pay. It is rare that she holds a grudge, but when she does… the results can be devastating.

History: Her family had died at a young age, and so, she grew up alone. Their money, and her being put in the care of a distant relative, ensured she was raised with little to no interaction with children of her own age. Or even older than her. When her powers surfaced they came to be known, to her, as a way to live out books and fantasies… and her family memeber? They freaked out, and as soon as they were able sent her to Toulou House of Refinement as soon as possible. She didn’t have a bad past…. just one devoid of human interaction. Not shy, but unknowing of how to interact, she’s the girl who’ll watch her fellow humans interact, until someone becomes interested in her. In her spare time as a girl, of which there was a lot, she practiced with bows, swords, and her relative’s gun, so she came to be able to do at least the basics of all of those, though untraditional at best. She brought with her a katana and a bow, but keeps them wrapped up well and out of sight.


Lumokinesis- power to generate and and manipulate light

Hydrokinesis- ability to manipulate water vapor.

Crystallokinesis- Ability to manipulate crystals (EVENTUAL)


She has a pet kitten, one she’d found and rescued, and brought it with her to the school.

Theme Song-


(With an intro and translation)





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((alright saph last thing you have to do is find a pic of a dorm room and put it up in the map section))
@Mintsong @Timmy Turner See which powers are avaliable in the powers tab please!

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