

One Thousand Club


Males -

Hadley Larson; 18

Leonard Crownwall; 18

Xavier Jacrezz; 16

Females -

Louisiana Clark; 18

Emma Rose; 17

Delilah Kirilla; 17

Grace Parker; 16

Annabel Zero; 15-17 (actual age unknown)

Kelly Wandon; 19


Full Name:





Sexual Orientation:

(Doesn't have to be long, just descriptive.)

Bio: (Doesn't have to be really long, just detailed.)

Relationship Status: (Try to update)

Crush: (Try to update)

Friend(s): (Try to update)

Enemies: (If any, try to update)


Mental Disorder(s):

Physical Disorder(s):

(If any)

Piercing(s): (If any)

Usual Attire: (Description, picture, or both if preferred)

Appearance: (Description, picture, or both if preferred)

Song(s): (That best describes your character's personality, disorder, or perhaps is just their favorite) - this is optional, just something else fun to think about.


Other Information:

My Characters:

Full Name: Hadley Larson

Nickname(s): None

Age: 18

Birthday: March 31st

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Hadley grew up with loving, caring parents. His father was humorous and lightened the mood when his son was sad or upset. And his mother, well, she always knew just what to say - and in such a gentle, sweet tone - that would make you feel like the world was yours again. Hadley caught on to these traits as well. It's hard not to when you're raised by people like this. He was always taught never to turn your back on a friend in need, and more importantly, to never turn your back on a stranger in need because you never know - you may be the one to save them and neither of you know it. Hadley has tried to live by these rules of helping people, but his social anxiety gets in the way far too often. He constantly has conflicting thoughts running through his head and it is making him irritable and, quite recently, suicidal. He keeps that all hidden though, he bad side of him, because he's afraid that no one will care to help him. Hadley - who was once the loving, caring savior to friends and strangers in need - has become the frightened, self-conscious, suicidal young man who needs to be saved.

Bio: Hadley grew up just fine - two loving parents that made him feel welcome in this wide world. He had friends growing up that were always good to him - he was never once in a fight with any of them, for fear of loosing them as a friend. Then, when he hit thirteen he developed social anxiety. Of course, his parents didn't know why their son wouldn't leave the house to play with his friends anymore. They didn't know why he cried every time he was asked to make a phone call, or answer the phone. Then he developed selective mutism and refused to talk to anyone outside of his home. Not at school, not on the playground, not on the phone, no where. He would talk to no one but his mother and father. They never would have dreamed that he had what the doctors call a 'mental disorder'. So, naturally, they never took him to the doctors. Both Hadley's mother and father talked it over for many nights and assumed the poor boy was just going through a stage of shyness and that he would get over it sooner or later. Unfortunately, they never lived to see what happened to their son. When Hadley was just fifteen, both his mother and father were killed in a horrible car crash. They were visiting relatives in the next town and Hadley had stayed home - too afraid to see, or talk to, anyone. He realized laying in bed that same night at his Aunt's - boy, was she surprised when he wouldn't say a word all night - that if it weren't for his anxiety, if he had gone with his parents that night, he'd have been killed too. The thought haunts him to this day. He feel tremendous guilt over it - he figures that he should have died with them. Sometimes he wishes he would have.

Relationship Status: Single

Crush: Emma Rose

Friend(s): None right now

Enemies: None

Family: None, they died.

Mental Disorder(s): Social Anxiety

Physical Disorder(s): None

Tattoo(s): A Celtic sleeve tattoo (family heritage) on his left arm like this one:


Piercing(s): Labret piercing like this one:


Usual Attire: He usually wears clothing like the far left picture: (the whole 'vest with jeans' thing)




My Body Is A Cage - Arcade Fire/How Soon Is Now - The Smiths

1 Dog (Male Australian Cattle Dog 'Blue Heeler': Darby) and 1 Horse (Male Arabian: Faust)



Other Information: None

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Full Name: Louisiana Ireland Lennan Clark

Nickname(s): Lu, Lyra (a mix of her middle names, her father gave it to her)

Age: 18

Birthday: August 7

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Lyra is an all around happy person, despite what she suffers from. She's the type to suffer with a smile, at the beginning. One a good day, she'll go completely out of her way to make someone else smile, whether or not she has the time or energy. Lu lives for helping people, it's a major part of who she is. However when it comes to a bought of depression, she is likely to not be seen for days, either hiding in her room and emotionally self destructing or she's taken what she calls a 'vacation'. What that means is she'll go out on the forest trail with just enough to survive for a week, taking her dog and horse with her.

Bio: Louisiana grew up on a fully functioning cattle ranch in Montana, so she's been riding her whole life, which something that makes her who she is. She lived a pretty normal country girl life until her oldest brother turned 18 and joined the Marines. He was the one she was closest to, so him leaving was hard enough to deal with on its own. But the day that that dreaded yellow letter was delivered, something in Lu snapped. It was the one thing in life she never wanted to see and he was the one person that she would have gave up everything for just to have back. After about a week of her completely cutting herself off from the world, not eating, barely drinking, her parents sent her to St. Joseph. Surprisingly enough, just the change environment made a difference to her. Slowly she began to regain all the weight lost and even start talking to people. But it left her with occasionally unbearable depression, nightmares that would cause her to scream and the fear of getting attached to anyone.

Relationship Status: Single

Crush: TBD

Friends: Delilah

Enemies: TBD

Family: Roxanne [mother], Brandon [father], Jackson [deceased / older brother], Mark [middle brother]

Mental Disorder(s): Depression, Anxiety

Physical Disorder(s):Very slightly hard of hearing, knows sign language but has no need to use it unless communicating with the deaf.

Tattoo(s): "R.I.P Jack Semper Fi" in the copied style of her brother's hand writing on the back of her left shoulder with the Marine symbol next to it, "A day with out a song or dance is a day wasted" in cursive on her lower, inner right forearm

Piercing(s): Just her ears

Usual Attire: Clothes~ Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring, Her boots; Jewelery~ Pentagram necklace, Her brother's dogtags, Tiger eye ring, Paracord bracelet, Leather bracelet, Peace bracelet

Appearance: Hair Color~ Brown with red and gold undertones; Eye color~ Blue; Height~ 5'10"; Weight~ 120 lbs

Song(s): Ain't It Fun by Paramore, Just One Yesterday (feat. Foxes) by Fall Out Boy, Ready to Run by Dixie Chicks, Lose Yourself by Eminem, I See Fire by Ed Sheeran, Masters of War by Bob Dylan covered by Ed Sheeran

Animal(s): Mohawk Valley [Mo], Stallion, 6, 15hh, wild caught Kiger Mustang and Buckshot [buck], Male, 3, Bluetick Coonhound

Bedroom: Blue Accents

Other Information:

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I just want to let everyone know that we can start as soon as you want. I know there is only two of us (three when Crank can make a character/characters) but since this role play is going to stay open to new people I figure it doesn't hurt to start right away. Of course, it'll be more interesting when others join, but if you all want to role play now I don't want to make you wait. Then all new people that join and are accepted can just hop right in wherever they can.
Full Name: Emma Rose

Nickname(s): Em

Age: 17

Birthday: March 1

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Emma is an interesting girl, to put it shortly. She is quiet and reserved to most, but has a sweet and caring side to her if she opens up to you and likes you. Emma get scared very easily and always seems to be on edge. However, she is intelligent for her age. She finds refuge and solace in movies and music.

Bio: Emma Rose had a normal childhood as a normal little girl. She always looked on the bright side of life, and anyone who came across her couldn't help but smile as she seemed to radiate happiness. However when she was merely 8 years old, her mother remarried. Emma's step father corrupted and ended her innocent childhood years, as Emma became a victim of physical abuse from him. Around the age of 12 years old, she became extremely depressed and was sent to live with her Aunt for the rest of her teenage years. She has battled depression ever since then and is at St. Joseph's as her Aunt could not do anything to help her anymore.

Relationship Status: Single

Crush: None



She has a mother, a step father, and an aunt.

Mental Disorder(s): Depression

Physical Disorder(s):



Usual Attire:
Oversized sweaters and leggings. She likes to be comfortable.


Appearance: Long red hair and striking blue eyes. Skinny figure.


Song(s): How To Save A Life - The Fray, One Last Breath - Creed, Welcome to my Life - Simple Plan

Animal(s): A pug named Princess

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/upload_2014-2-16_19-24-19.jpeg.2b05d4cf9e1164129a08e969ced944cf.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13390" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/upload_2014-2-16_19-24-19.jpeg.2b05d4cf9e1164129a08e969ced944cf.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other Information:



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Full Name: Delilah Josephine Kirilla

Nickname(s): DJ

Age: 17

Birthday: March 10th

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Personality: Delilah is very bubbly, outgoing, and fun-loving. She will talk to almost anyone at any given time; as long as she likes that person. If she starts to dislike someone, she makes that perfectly clear to them. Delilah is usually quite sweet as well as compassionate but she can also be one of the biggest b*tches you will ever meet. She is a huge flirt and never holds back if you spark her interest. Delilah loves partying almost as much as she loves sex. She tends to get super wasted at parties and never really has any regrets; so she says. Delilah is laid-back and calm but if you get on her bad side she gets crazy and can be aggressive.

Bio: Delilah never formally met her father but that never seemed to bother her. Her mother was all she ever truly needed. Her mother married some man named Jason when Delilah was 10. Her mother and Jason had two kids together; the twins Josh and Julie. After only 3 years of being together, Jason left Delilah's mom to take care of her three kids alone. Nothing was really wrong with her family and she loved her younger half-siblings but Delilah always felt different some how.

When Delilah turned 15, her mother told her that Delilah was actually not hers but in fact her sister's. The reason Delilah never remembered meeting her father as because he, along with Delilah's real mother, died in a car crash when Delilah was only a year old. This news devastated Delilah. She felt as if she could never look at her 'mother' the same again.

From that day on, Delilah began getting into drinking and going to parties with older kids at school. She began sleeping around with various guys as well as girls and word spread throughout the school. Delilah was called many different names and was the victim of slut-shaming. She was depressed at first and even cut for awhile but eventually she let the rumors take over her. Delilah started acting out more and more and sleeping with more people. She couldn't help herself anymore and it became an addiction almost as intense as a drug.

Relationship Status: Single

Crush: n/a

Friend(s): Louisiana

Enemies: n/a

Family: Her mother, Melissa, as well as her two younger half-siblings, Josh and Julie.

Mental Disorder(s): Delilah is a sex addict and suffers from insomnia which has caused her to form a sleeping pill addiction.

Physical Disorder(s): Delilah has occasional panic attacks.



Delilah has her nose, belly button, cartilage, ears, and another place we won't mention.

Usual Attire: Delilah is almost always seen wearing shorts unless it is cold outside. She will wear dresses if she is feeling fancy but they are always quite short. From day to day, she just wears normal, simple outfits. Delilah will also occasionally wear a snap-back or beanie.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/outfits.png.69276396dc6bca31f13ac072dc867c13.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13389" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/outfits.png.69276396dc6bca31f13ac072dc867c13.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Dark Horse - Katy Perry


Other Information:



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Full Name: Grace Parker

Nickname(s): Gracie (Only by people she trusts)

Age: 16

Birthday: March 12th

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: Grace hates to talk, it's quite simple. If she stays in the background, unseen she's perfectly fine. Like in says later, she has severe anxiety which causes her to always worry. Worry about the littlest things and the biggest things. She's known to be very kindhearted in you get to know her. Many people don't really get to know her, they'll just saunter past her, like she's a piece of furniture. She always wants to make people happy. If they're not happy, she feels as if it's her fault.

Bio: Grace has a slightly rough past. When she was 4, she developed Asperger's Syndrome which gave her mom a very hard time. Being a single mom and having to raise 5 kids, along with one who already has a "disorder". She would often have to cook different meals for Grace. Grace would often feel horrible for everything her mom would do. As she grew older, she would often have separate meals prepared for her. Grace also took up writing. Since she loved reading, she thought maybe she should put her own ideas on paper. Her best friend, Anthony bought her a ukulele for her 13th birthday. After that, she also took up playing the ukulele and singing. Anthony being the only one being able to hear her sing.

On her 15th birthday, Anthony showed up to her house obviously intoxicated after capturing a bottle of Vodka from his father. He forgot to get her a birthday present. Being a year older than she is, he knew how to drive. Though Grace begged him to stay, he would disagree every time and would say that he was sober enough to go out.

He was wrong, he ended up crashing in a tree and passed away from the impact. Ever since that day, she's blamed herself for his death. If it wasn't her birthday, he wouldn't have to have gone and got her a present, then he wouldn't have crashed and wouldn't have died. Once she completely broke down and kept repeating that she killed Anthony. Her older brother Tyler tried to get her to stop crying and stop shaking. He ended up calling their mom and having her take Grace to her therapist. After that, she was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Though they're rare, she'll sometimes have those episodes again and will just need someone to calm her and give her, her medicine. She'll often have to take sleeping pills to help her fall asleep and stay asleep.

Relationship Status: None

Crush: None

Friend(s): None

Enemies: None

Family: A mother, Delilah Parker, two sisters, Victoria and Kaitlin and two brothers, Tyler and Greg.

Mental Disorder(s): Asperger's Syndrome, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Severe Anxiety

Physical Disorder(s): None

Tattoo(s): None


Usual Attire:


Song(s): Born to Die - Lana Del Rey, Give Me Back My Hometown - Eric Church

Animal(s): None

Other Information: Will often carry a notebook and pencil around with her or a book. She's left handed. Will often have her music in, not being able to hear you.
Full Name: Leonard Crownwall

Nickname(s): Leo

Age: 18

Birthday: June 9th

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexuall

Personality: Leo seems like a real happy gut, but he just hide everything he feels behind a smile, except when he gets angry; you don'y want to mess with him when he's angry. He loves sports, he's a sporty guy. He take everyone else in first hand, make sure everyone around him. At first he may seem a bit shy, but when you get to know him he can never stop talking! He doesn't easily open up and talk about his feelings. And you may see him like a bod boy and he smokes. He really is a sweetheart but the bad boy roll is just to hide his emotional side.

Bio: When he was five years old his father started hitting him. His mother didn't do a thing about it until Leo were 12 years old. He was put in a foster home. That's when thing started to get bad for him. He started to hang out with the "wrong" people. He started smoking, steal stuff, smashing stuff and when he got older he started to steal cars and then sell them real cheap. Also when he got put in the foster home he started to have nightmares. Sometimes he could wake up in the middle of the night and be cold sweaty or he could just wake up and scream. He started to get anxiety over a lot of things. He also started to get panic attacks. He started to hate himself and everything about him. Later he started to cut. Real badly. He has some scars on his wrist but most of it is on his thighs. But he has one other thing that take away all the pain and it's music. He has played guitar and piano sense he was six years old, he also sings.

Relationship Status: Single

Crush: -

Friend(s): -

Enemies: -

Family: His mom, Carolyn, his dad, Alan, his little sister, Tracey.

Mental Disorder(s): Anxiety

Physical Disorder(s): Panic attacks


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tumblr_mws1ukPces1qk9t29o1_500.jpg.d800f9e0e922be871569db5e714bc911.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13495" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tumblr_mws1ukPces1qk9t29o1_500.jpg.d800f9e0e922be871569db5e714bc911.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Piercing(s): Left nipple, 2 right eyebrow, ears (streachers), tounge and smiley

Usual Attire:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Cool-street-style-looks-for-men-27.jpg.4a84dea387110b363b055d79becdf245.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13496" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Cool-street-style-looks-for-men-27.jpg.4a84dea387110b363b055d79becdf245.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/images.jpg.d469322da5c02fb2aac22b2ebc298e54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13497" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/images.jpg.d469322da5c02fb2aac22b2ebc298e54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/The-Guide-To-Suspenders.jpg.c139b5159694f0af96959f93704f52fc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13498" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/The-Guide-To-Suspenders.jpg.c139b5159694f0af96959f93704f52fc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/4645.jpg.b17485c283f01614bf9f9dd66cc73410.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13499" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/4645.jpg.b17485c283f01614bf9f9dd66cc73410.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Chocolate - 1975 Gone forever - Johnossi Naked trees - Me like bees The feel good drag - Anberlin Do I wanna know? - Arctic monkeys

Animal(s): Charlie

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tumblr_lqcvsztRKx1qfxbwbo1_500.jpg.8787dd2b084122fd30d73cf4d881c15d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13500" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tumblr_lqcvsztRKx1qfxbwbo1_500.jpg.8787dd2b084122fd30d73cf4d881c15d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other Information:
His room

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tumblr_m944mxx0Rz1rbvjkao1_500.jpg.d6c9f255c162b946f307b10efab0f485.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13501" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tumblr_m944mxx0Rz1rbvjkao1_500.jpg.d6c9f255c162b946f307b10efab0f485.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Full Name: Annabel zero


Age:15-17 ish (no one really knows except her gang)

Birthday: april (they made it april 1)

Gender : girl

Sexual Orientation:
she doesnt really know. shes never gained any interest guess you could say shes bi

Personality:she doesn’t like crowded areas and has a tendency to hide. Zero doesn’t have many friends but once you’re her friend your stuck with her. when shes sane she likes to stay by her friends and watch what they do since she herself doesn’t have the functionality to do the activities herself. Most of the time she seems to speak nonsense though in reality their just riddles or clues to what she means . to people who don’t know ther suppose to solve them they end up getting quit annoyed with zero. Zero can easily be bribed with lightly sweetened desserts which is one of the methods on how to calm her when she has her episodes. One way she keeps herself down to earth is by music so she usually wears purple headphones, but it only works half of the time, another way is that she does anything to keep her hands busy which ends up with her haveing many skills though most dont notice. at times she makes animalistic noises which usually freaks people out .

Bio: before she was born her mother was mugged while she was still in the womb. The ordeal caused her brain damage due to blows aimed near her head when her mother was beaten. After she was born and only a few days old her mother left her at a warehouse with a note explaining what had happened to zero. A gang found her and raised her. After they found her the gang had stopped doing crime and adopted her as a whole new family. they all knew by the time she was 8 that something was strange with the child. Her imaginary friends never left. She moods would change and half of the time she cant see them or see them as other things. They all love zero and dote on her all the time but things start turning for the worst when old enemies come back. They sent her to Saint Joseph as a safety plan. Zero may not be able to take care of herself but she has been taught to fight so it’s a good and bad thing at times.

Relationship Status:single


Friend(s):many (their not real)

Enemies:"the rabbit man" (may or may not be real. Evidence shows that the rabbit man might be real), negative emotions

Family: her gang.

Mental Disorder(s): Schizophrenia

Physical Disorder(s):scratches and bruises appear on her with no reason. She is underweight on the account that she forgets to eat real food at times.

Tattoo(s):on her back . all her gang members have it

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tattoo_design_wings.3sxu4dxbsu84u8s4oc8w00o8g.b4qubkbf7m3xwcsck8skkocwg.th1.jpeg.48c4bd6fbc78ba7b5b6b48c365f39a82.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13503" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tattoo_design_wings.3sxu4dxbsu84u8s4oc8w00o8g.b4qubkbf7m3xwcsck8skkocwg.th1.jpeg.48c4bd6fbc78ba7b5b6b48c365f39a82.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Usual Attire:(usually wears a xxl black hoddie. She wears a white undershirt underneath and dark blue sweat pants)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/18548_anime_paradise_sad_anime_girl_by_danesse198-d6lr8x8.jpg.f381b71c2453f345e3baf8a356315b72.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13504" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/18548_anime_paradise_sad_anime_girl_by_danesse198-d6lr8x8.jpg.f381b71c2453f345e3baf8a356315b72.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(sorry couldn’t find a real pic that I liked)

Song(s):(cant think of anything at the moment)

Animal(s): all animals seem to like her on the account that she’s more animalistic at times.)

Other Information: none that I can think of at the moment 
thank! itll take me a while to post though . im reading all the posts before. :)



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Is it too late for me to join?

Full Name: Xavier Jacrezz

Nickname(s): None really

Age: 16

June 11

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Personality: Xavier is childish and carefree most of the time, smiling and joking until someone makes a comment or asks him a personal question. Then he gets extremely sarcastic and brutally honest to the point of being mean so people don't ask him about his life or emotions. He usually mellows out after, acting calm and talking pleasantly and honestly with anyone.

Bio: He grew up in a regular neighborhood with his mom and dad, living a somewhat normal lifestyle until his dad lost his job and became an alcoholic when he was a little kid. His mom left after that, promising to come back and get Xavier when he got older, but she never did. As his dad grew worse, Xavier spent more time alone, talking to himself and spending hours staring out the window to avoid his dad. When he was home, his dad hit him and would yell at him. Xavier fought back once, and it ended up with him in the hospital from a serious injury to his eye (his dad hit him with a busted beer bottle and it cut him across his eye) and his dad going to prison. When released from the hospital, Xavier's mom couldn't be contacted so he was sent to Saint Joseph.

Relationship Status: Single

Crush: N/A

Jack ('Someone' he talks to a lot)

Enemies: Azeel (Also 'someone' he talks to, but mostly arguing)

Family: None (He doesn't count his dad)

Mental Disorder(s): Mild schizophrenia and PTSD

Physical Disorder(s): Blindness in his left eye

Tattoo(s): N/A

Piercing(s): N/A

Usual Attire:
Xavier usually wears baggy blue jeans with a pair of old falling-apart-at-the-seams hightop converses, and whatever shirt he grabs out of his closet. He almost always wears a plain black hoodie, even if it's hot outside. He also wears a white bandage/eyepatch over his left eye even though the doctors say he's all healed.

Appearance: Xavier has pale blond hair that's long enough to hang in his face a little, but not long enough to look girly. His eyes are a crisp forest green that seem to get darker if he's having an episode. His skin is slightly pale with a splash of freckles across the bridge of his nose and cheeks, and he's just under 5'10". On his left eyebrow there's a faint scar that cuts through it, disappearing under the patch he wears.

Song(s): The Phoenix - Fall Out Bay, Mama - My Chemical Romance, Hands Held High - Linkin Park

Animal(s): None of his own, but he talks to the horses sometimes.

Other Information: Doesn't have a very good sense of judging situations and will not pause before jumping to someone's defense, even if they're a complete stranger or if it could start a fight that he'd lose.
Full Name: Kelly Wandon

Nickname(s): None

Age: 19

Birthday: 5th July

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Kelly Wandon is a kind woman. She respects others and is open about her sexuality. She respects most people and gets along with most.

Bio: (Doesn't have to be really long, just detailed.) Kelly Wandon grew up in a small town. She was born with very weak bones and her parents had to take extra care with her. She had an average childhood despite her condition and was unable to partake in any physical activities because of the high risk of breaking a bone. At the age of 13, she almost died after falling down the stairs at her school after slipping on a banana and went into a coma for an entire year. Her parents were very worried about her and considered homeschooling her but decided against it. At the age of 16, she discovered her sexuality after catching two of her friends showing their affections for each other. She came out of the closet a year later and was accepted by her parents. She failed to graduate from her school due to her condition causing her to worry about being in pain if she wasn't careful and was being picked on at the time. In teh space of 3 months, she broke her fingers, her arm and forearm after getting hit by her bully. She spent the next few years doing little and was sent to the refuge to help her deal with it.

Relationship Status: Single

Crush: Will update as the RP goes along.

Friend(s): None(will update as the RP goes along

Enemies: None(will update as the RP goes along)

Family: David and Lisa Wandon

Mental Disorder(s): None

Physical Disorder(s): very weak bones


Piercing(s): None

Usual Attire: Kelly is usually found wearing a miniskirt with a thin shoulder length shirt or a pair of shorts with a sleeveless shirt or a dress.

But with blue eyes.

Song(s): (That best describes your character's personality, disorder, or perhaps is just their favorite) - this is optional, just something else fun to think about.


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