Reece King

Kirito Kei

One Thousand Club

Basic Information


Reece King


Rook - This nickname has a double meaning. First, similar to the European bird of the same name, Reece shows an acute fondness of the color black. Secondly, Reece is known for operating under extreme pressure, using his skills to get the job done regardless of the obstacles. Many have equated this to chess piece known as the 'Rook'. 



:Birth Date:

September 13th, 1993




:Date of Abduction:

September 10th, 20XX



Psychical Information


(Reference picture above)



145 Pounds (65.77 Kilograms)


Dark brown




Reece has a lean, athletic build. He stays in shape by going through a extremely rigorous exercise regimen.

:Distinguishing Features:

Reece has a tattoo of a lion along his right index finger. He has never revealed to anyone why he has gotten this tattoo. He also has a plethora of scars all over his body from his time as a assassin.


Reece typically leans towards darker clothing.


Left Handed


African American

Mental Information


Reese is extremely pragmatic. He only operates on facts, and never rushes into a situation without knowing all of the factors. He has been know for his meticulous planning and his precise and clean termination of his targets. Yes, he puts everything he has into his job, but he also uses his occupation as a assassin to bury the thoughts of his past. (Sorry for the short description. I always have trouble describing personalities for my characters. I know how he'll act however, and will try my best to fill this out as the roleplay progresses.)


Untrusting - Reese generally distrusts anyone he initially meets until given a reason to suspect otherwise. Even then, individuals will be looked at with suspicion.


Seemingly Suicidal Bravery - All because he's a trained killer, that doesn't mean he doesn't look out for the innocent. He has been known to save and protect women and children who are not his targets. 


 Nervous Tap - Whenever he's nervous, he taps his finger on hard surface.

Hates Mayonnaise - Reese hates mayonnaise and refuses to eat anything with mayonnaise on it/in it.


Firearm Handling - From the time he was recruited, Reese has shown a acute mastery over the use of small arms of all kinds. One of the main reasons why he's so deadly as a assassin.

Cool Head - Reese keeps his cool in situations where others would crack.

Quick Thinker - Not only does he keep a cool head, but he is extremely adaptable in dangerous and compromising situations.


Firearms - Firearms and firearm accessories. 

Chocolate - Who doesn't like chocolate?

The Color Black - A obvious inclination.


People Who Gets In His Way - Death is plentiful these days.

Bullies - A side affect of his background.

Do-Gooders - He hates their unrealistic attitude.

Background Information

:During High School:Before he became a assassin, Reece was quite the ordinary child. Up until high school, Reece tried his best to live unnoticed. He felt comfortable being labeled 'normal', and tried his best to make sure things remained that way, even going so far as to purposefully get Bs in all of his classes. He never really had many friends, nor was he bullied. At home, his father, who was gangster, had abandoned his mother at childbirth, forcing her to raise him on her own. Despite the constant financial rough patches, Reece loved his mother and his mother loved him.

During his freshman year in high school, Reece got romantically involved with a girl named Isabella Chase. Now, this Isabella Chase wasn't just any ol' girl, in fact, she happened to be the cutest girl in the school. How or why Reece and Isabella fell in love isn't important at this moment. What is important is that the two loved each other very much and at one point, Reece was seriously considering spending the rest of his life with her. In a way, Isabella was a light in Reese's darkness. She prodded him to socialize and try his best at his school work. For a short time, Reece and Isabella were known as the power couple of their high school.

Everyone didn't like that however, particularly a clique of delinquents and bullies. One thing led to another... and, long story short, Isabella ended up paralyzed from the waist down. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Well that escalated quickly!", and you are right. Nevertheless, Reece, being the way he was at the time, wasn't just going to let the delinquents get away with what they did, nor was he going to let the legal system take it's course.

A few days after the incident, Reece 'acquired' a .38 Smith & Wesson Special Revolver, along with a switchblade and assaulted the delinquents, who had somehow managed to avoid the police up to that moment. Reece, however, was not as skilled at dodging the police as the delinquents were. 

Skip to Reece handcuffed, his clothes drenched in blood, in the back of a police car thinking that his life was ruined, on his way to a holding cell that he would perhaps be held in for the rest of his life.

Ironic, isn't it? Reece was undone by the very thing he had been avoiding his whole life. 

Reece's story wasn't over there, though, some would even say it was just beginning...


:After Becoming an Assassin:

While on his way to jail, Reece was abducted by a secret agency of assassins.

Reece trained under some of the most deadliest people in the world. For years, he spent every waking moment perfecting his craft. There was never a day he didn't spend perusing a target, or training himself for any possible scenario that he might encounter while on the job. Subconsciously, Reece has used his occupation as a way to erase his old and traumatizing memories. 

Now, however, a job is taking him back to his hometown, and forcing him to remember things he would rather forget...


Kevin Jones - Father - Location Unknown

Jessica King - Mother - Alive

Isabella Chase - Former Girlfriend - Alive

Kerrigan Stone - Close Friends - Alive


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