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Realistic or Modern Red Band Society|Characters

Gender; pronouns
Reason for being in Lakeview Pediatric ward
Romantic Interest
Quote or song that represents your character

I will like your reply if you are accepted!

Ashanti Bates.
Seventeen | Female; She/Her | Pansexual

Ashanti can be described in two words: passionate and fiery. She isn't the type to sit back and let people walk all over her. She will always stand up for herself. Looking in from the outside, she is seen as arrogant and hotheaded. However, those people don't know her. Yes, she is a very strong willed person, but she is also loyal and compassionate. She is more than what people assume.

Ashanti is a teenaged girl of African descent. She stands at 5'6 and has deep brown eyes. She has a slim and toned build with a round face. People compliment her a lot about her smile, and it is her best feature.

The reason she was sent to Lakeview Hospital is Anorexia Nervosa. It wasn't a major issue at first. She was simply dieting for her next big dance performance, and she began to skip a few meals here and there. When she began to see progress, she stopped eating completely and started to workout every chance she could. On the day of her big performance, Ashanti passed out in the middle of her routine from fatigue, malnourishment, and low blood pressure. She has been in the hospital for two months.

As of now, she has no romantic interest and is open to relationships.

"In my recovery, I have broken down walls. I defined, I designed. My recovery."
Name: Elise Abrahams (pronounced abe-rums)
Age: 18
Sexuality: h o m o
Gender; pronouns: female/she
Personality: to be RPed
Appearance: wavy blonde pixie cut with side bangs, green eyes, average build but curvy, 5'5
Reason for being in Lakeview Pediatric ward: hospitalized for OCD and depression
Romantic Interest: none yet
Relationships: none yet
Quote or song that represents your character: "will i ever care" by Velvetears

Flemming Niebuhr
Gender; pronouns
Masc-nonbinary, he/him or they/them
Flemming, lovingly addressed as "Flem" by some, is not your garden variety disaster. He's a big disaster. He's a tornado... Okay, that's an overstatement. Really, he's not harming anyone but himself with the way he acts. He's a spastic, abnormal child with a family who is, meh, pretty indifferent about it. With his gangly build and negative attitude, most people are turned off even by his presence. But, despite his antisocial behavior and aggressive nihilism, he can be a very good, albeit dry sort of friend. If you manage to make him crack a smile, consider him your friend for life.

He's very much the poster child for autism. Not the smart kid who's really into trains, or the dorky savant whose skills in mathematics are comparable to the greats, no, moreso the negative kind of image. He lives strictly organized and on a schedule, easily shuts down when things don't go his way, and only seems to be interested in a few select things. Hasn't put much effort into schoolwork in years, but damn if he can't recite the entire history of Weezer as if he's got their Wikipedia page memorized.

At nearly six feet tall, what Flemming lacks in weight he makes up for in height. Due to a combination of ARFID and sensory processing disorder, he doesn't eat much. His combined height and scrawniness have had people comparing him to the Slenderman in years past, a statement which only becomes more accurate when you see him in a suit. He has somewhat long, blonde hair that goes down just above his shoulders and eyes that fall somewhere between blue, brown and grey. (When asked what his eye color is, Flemming is known to respond with "barf".) He walks with a hunched back and usually looks tired, and has dry skin that breaks out at random intervals. He's very pale, and rarely smiles.

Reason for being in Lakeview Pediatric ward
A combination of severe autism symptoms, depression, eating issues and several symptoms of Marfan Syndrome. (Scoliosis, ectopia lentis, aortic dilation and many more! Yay!)

Romantic Interest
None yet.
Quote or song that represents your character
"If you ever need anything please don't hesitate to ask someone else first." -Kurt Cobain

I hope this won't be too confusing. Also WIP

Name: Jack Ward
Age: 17
Sexuality: Hetero
Gender: Male
Personality: Jack is host to a slew of characters called switches. Most of the time he isn't even aware of switches breaking through. Because of the disorder, Jack is often forgetful, has trouble with sleep disorders and sometimes can be violent towards others.
Reason for being in Lakeview Pediatric ward: Dissociative identity disorder.
Romantic Interest: N/A
Relationships: N/A
Quote or a song that represents your character: Of Mice & Men - Identity Disorder

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Brooke Morgan

age: 17
sexuality: pansexual
gender/pronoun: female; she/her
Reason for being in Lakeview Pediatric Ward: schizophrenia, paranoia, depression
Romantic Interest: N/A
Quote or song that represents your character:
"I am in blood stepped in so far that should I wade no more" - Macbeth


Her illness started in a private, personal spectrum, just like most illness do. A gentle whisper in her head, soft and fleeting like the morning wind. Incomprehensible. She didn't know when it exactly started nor how, but just one day in her class, she felt it. A tingle at the back of her neck, a shiver down her spine.

They were watching. When she walked down the road, they stalked her. Watching through the windows of her neighbours, through the eyes of passerby. Who were they? She doesn't know. They whisper, then they talk, then they scream. She can no longer trust her friends, her teachers, her boyfriend, but she remembered clearly the clutch in her heart when her eyes met her mother's on one fine day. She loves her mother, she truly does. After all, she is all that she has. But that wasn't her mother.

Now she locks herself in her room, her knees to her chest underneath the comfort of her blanket. How long has it been? Closing her ears won't do her any good, she wish she could just end it all. When did the gates of reality close for her, she didn't know. She wanted to end it all, but for some reason she knew that that alone won't stop things. There was nothing wrong with her, it was their fault!

A knock on the door.

They're coming. They're here. Brooke reached under her pillow, and pulled out a knife that would change her life.

Brooke remembered how to smile. At least that's one thing. She used to be rather cheerful, after all. When she smiles, her lips rise, but her eyes were dead. Now she's just drowned in constant fear. She gets occasional violent outbursts, yet she means no harm, really. In fact it's the complete opposite- she wants to love again, she misses the feeling. But how could she?

Brooke stands at the small height of 5'4, dark hair and bright blue eyes that shine when light brushes over. Her skin grew pale from lack of sun, thin from months lacking proper meal, unkempt hair and chapped lips.

Mi-Sun: Mi-Sun could be considered her first "friend". If not, perhaps a partner in crime, a get-away driver, or anything else Brooke might like to convince herself. She met the Korean girl around the first few days after transferring into Lakeview Pediatric Ward, after she escapes from whatever those white-clad people called "therapy" (after all, Brooke doesn't need any of that!). Stumbling upon her room and into her closet, Mi-Sun didn't blame her or anything- in fact, she was kind. Friendly. Warm. Brooke laid awake that night, for her expression reminded her of something that she had long forgotten. The room quickly became her get-away place, if she grew too scared of her own thoughts at night, or if she just needs to run away from medication (again). Brooke can't say she trusts her, but she was at least bearable; and that's a lot.

code by: s e v e n s e v e n

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Mi-Sun (Stacy) Yeoun



Gender; pronouns

Mi-Sun or Stacy as most call her is a very positive and happy girl, she's doing well as a stroke survivor and has a lot of passion to keep pushing forward in her life. She doesn't really remember what she was like before her stroke, though people said she was a lot different, colder and calculating. She loves to help other people and make good company and rarely does anyone see her express negative emotions, though deep down she thinks she's broken and ugly, she hates her legs, considering them useless ornaments that adorn her body for the sake of looking normal. Though she'd never tell anyone this.

Reason for being in Lakeview Pediatric ward
Stroke Survivor - Hemiparesis affecting her legs (Wheelchair-bound)

Romantic Interest


Quote or song that represents your character

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