
Just a small Asian trying to live
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I like action, adventure. dont care for romance that much but sexy husbandos is highly appreciated.
I also like psycho twisted and dark anime.
gore and blood dont scare me.
gimme dat good good
1. "Castlevania" on Netflix
2. "Tokyo Ghoul" on Hulu
3. "Death Note (the anime series)" on Hulu (I don't think it's on Netflix, anymore...)
4. "Deadman Wonderland" on YouTube
5. "Devilman: The Birth" (not sure where you can find it, but try YouTube)
6. "Devilman: The Demon Bird" (again try YouTube...)
7. "Devilman: Crybaby" (Netflix)
8. "Ajin: Demi Human" (Netflix)

-- That should give you a great amount of gore and blood, for your horror anime fix. :)
ive seen all of those but castlevania, currently watching tokyo ghoul season three :P Devilman crybaby was awesome!
ive seen all of those but castlevania, currently watching tokyo ghoul season three :P Devilman crybaby was awesome!

Props to you, for watching almost all of them! And Castlevania is a gore fest with some good looking anime guys, in my opinion from my own experiences lol. :) But I'm glad you've seen such a variety of horror anime. That's cool! ^_^ Also, yes Tokyo Ghoul and Devilman are amazing...
It might not be gore and dark-themed but it's action filled with a deep plot that's easy to get into.


Elfen Lied

High School of the Dead

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kira

Corpse Party

Well they might not have the sexy hunks but they have blood, horror and awesome plots?
Have you seen Darker Than Black? If you haven't, I highly recommend it.
Ten years ago, an inscrutable and abnormal territory known as Hell's Gate appeared in Tokyo (as well as a corresponding Heaven's Gate in South America), altering the sky and devastating the landscape. The heavenly bodies disappeared, replaced by false stars. At the same time, people who possess various special abilities emerged. Kept secret from the masses, these individuals are known as Contractors. However, their abilities are gained at the expense of their humanity: they lack most human emotions, particularly a conscience, and thus have no overriding loyalties or aversion to killing. Various nations around the world use Contractors as spies and agents, often resulting in vicious, no-holds-barred battles for information. They're called Contractors because each has a remuneration or obeisance (called "the price" in the FUNimation dub) that their "contract" compels them to perform after they use their powers and because they have no loyalties outside the scope of their current employment.

The story follows Hei, a Contractor working for the Syndicate in Tokyo, as he performs various tasks for them while trying to discover what happened to his sister Pai, who disappeared five years before the start of the series during a war fought over Heaven's Gate.
A new anime called Goblin Slayer is out, I watched the first three episodes, they're good in my opinion. It's a dark anime, so expect those types of themes if you watch it.

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