
Elemental Son

Human, honest.
At the minimum, please include name, age, a physical description, and a brief background detailing how you came to the area you are currently in. Please flag at the top of your sign up sheet if the character is a secondary or subsequent one of yours.

Name: Joshua Michaels

Age: 18

Gender: male

Sexual orientation: gay




Mode of transportation:



Joshua was around 15 when the apocalypse started. He was just starting his sophomore year of high school. He went to school and everything was normal until around lunchtime. He was eating lunch with his friends as usual when a group of the "zoms" ended up on campus and started attacking his teachers and fellow classmates. He was one of the lucky ones, he was able to escape school and somehow find his way home without being killed or attacked by the ever growing numbers of them. When he got home he entered the house and found his grandfather dead on the floor with his head bashed in. His mother was on the floor in the tears with a huge chuck of flesh missing out of her arm. He tried to help her stop the bleeding. He did but that's didn't help. Soon she developed a fever and everything outside had gone to hell. His father came home to check on his family. His police uniform was covered in blood. He knew what was going on. When his mother turned Joshua's father put a bullet through her brain. The two of them survived for a couple months in a camp before that camp was overrun and they had to move on. Joshua's father taught him the rules of survival. 6 months into the apocalypse his father was killed by a group of marauders while the two of them where looking for supplies. Joshua ended up killing every last one of them. He was on the road alone for a long time using what his father had taught him. He kept going from camp to camp until he found a group where he felt like he belonged with. There at this camp was Jaime Donavan. The two of them hit it off and have been seeing each other since he joined the new group.


Name: Jaime Donavan

Age: 17

Gender: male

Sexual orientation: bisexual




Mode of transportation:



Jaime was an only child raised by his mother who worked in a traveling circus. His mother was a master markswoman who preformed crazy trick shots. She was the master with a bow and arrow and a few select firearms. When Jaime was old enough he was taught how to use a bow and to shoot. Because the circus travelled all the time he was homeschooled. He also learned a few other fun things. The acrobats taught him a few trapeze moves and he was taught how to breath fire and swallow swords by the magician. He was 14 when everything went to hell. Jaime watched the show from his usually spot backstage. He grew up around the same show but every night it fascinated him more than the last. He witnessed more coughing in the audience than usual. More people were sick, that seemed odd until he an audience member attacked another member in his row. This created a scream and an uproar and everything became hectic. People were getting trembled left and right and they where getting up in gross disfigured forms. They where dead. Jamie and his mother escaped the tent and survived on their own for a while. About a year and a half ago they got trapped in a connivance store by a small horde. His mother sacrificed herself to the zombies so Jamie would have time to escape. He found the group 4 months before Josh did. When Josh arrived Jamie started majorly flirting with him. Then Josh started showing interest in him and the two started seeing each other. Jamie is nervous about what the others will say if they knew that the boys were hooking up behind closed doors.

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Name: Olivia Kreed

Age: 19

Ethnicity: Caucasian


View attachment 67521

Olivia stands at a height of five feet and six inches, with a very thin and boyish body.

Her current outfit consists of a worn green zip-up hoodie, black shirt with sleeves to the elbow, old and torn jeans and a pair of brown boots a size too large. In her backpack, she simply has a blanket, matches, pair of black gloves, vet wrap and hydrogen peroxide. She carries an old crowbar as well.

Personality: Olivia can only be described as quiet and timid. She appears to not have much passion or energy. When battle is nearing, she typically does what she can to keep out of it, not having the confidence to believe she can be very useful. She'll confide her feelings to other people, but will be vague on the finer details or ignore them completely. With everything that's happened, Olivia is simply worn out and has viewed most people as someone she will see dead one day if she doesn't die first.

Background: Olivia was born and raised in Seattle prior to the outbreak, living with her mother and homeless uncle. While her life wasn't perfect for the times, it wasn't the worst she could've had. When the virus hit she lost her two family members and made her way out of the city with her long-time neighbor, Micheal Gunnerman. At the time, Olivia was a mere fifteen years old. The two were alone for some time before joining a group near St. Helens and managed to make do for only a year. When apart of this group, she befriended and bonded with the young David.

Micheal was lost during a scavenging trip, and a small horde took most of the group not a week after his disappearance, whatever survivors that remained had separated. Olivia left with David and the two have joined multiple groups since the ordeal, all of which have fallen to the vicious onslaught of the infected. Currently nineteen, Olivia made a pilgrimage with David over the Cascade Mountains, and the two are now heading for Yakima, where Olivia learned David's father had lived. While she holds little hope, there is no where else for them to go.

Abilities: She's a horrible shot. While she doesn't possess much physical strength, she's far more able with blunt and sharp weapons, such as shovels, bats and knives. Over the last few years, she's been taught various medical skills from former group mates, however.

Name: David

Age: 9

Ethnicity: African-American


View attachment 67522

David is tall for a child of his age, standing roughly at four feet and eleven inches. He looks like he'd be stocky, but the poor nutrition and little food has been weighing it's toll.

David wears a black coat, striped long-sleeve shirt and old jeans. In his backpack is his and Olivia's limited food supply, consisting of some cans and bags of food as well as his own blanket. He keeps both a pocket and long knife on him, much to Olivia's dismay.

Personality: An opposite to Olivia, David is fairly temperamental and will speak his mind, feeling as though his opinion should be as valuable as any adult's would be. However, he is not a rude child and seeks to become stronger, wanting to protect Olivia and the people they meet in their travels, especially after losing so many already. Having already spent half his life in the apocalypse, he has become numb to the zombies and doesn't look on them with much fear despite what he's seen and the warnings of Olivia.

Backstory: David was just coming out of his toddler years when the virus happened, and was with his aunt out on her farm during. He claims he can't recall what exactly happened, but the small community his aunt lived in banded together and survived for some months until David began to hop groups just as Olivia and Micheal did with an elderly man and pregnant woman. It's a wonder how the trio had managed to make it together to their next group in St. Helens.

He has told Olivia all he can remember is that his dad lived in a hot, dry and warm place. And after showing her a picture of the two of them, learned the city was Yakima. She later promised they would try and see if his father was still there, or if people who knew him were so they could reunite or gain closure. Having been skeptical at first, venturing over the mountains with Olivia has earned his complete trust to her, as she was the first to not lie about finding his dad.

Abilities: David has not been allowed to do much because he's a child, but has proven to be useful with sharp weapons.
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Name: Jack West – ‘Westy’ to his mates.

Age: 22

Background: Hardy and tactical, Jack is an Australian who was visiting the US when the world ended. He – so far as he knows – has parents, a little brother, and an on-again off-again girlfriend back home.

Jack grew up in Swifts Creek, a small town in Eastern Victoria. Like most of the kids in the area, he left school at sixteen to work in the lumber mill – pretty much the only industry in the area. As a result, while he can tell you half a dozen ways to strip timber or trap a kangaroo, Jack is not the guy you want to go to for research or any form of higher analytical thinking.

As soon as he could drive (at eighteen under local law) Jack joined the nearest Army Reserve unit, just to get away. Although no veteran, the basic soldiering skills he learned would prove useful in everything from first aid to picking a good camp location. However, these skills are somewhat limited in their applicability in the US – while Jack could lead you to water in the Outback or make you a painkiller from mangrove bark, in America he struggles to tell poison plants from safe ones. This sense of being environmentally foreign frustrates him, and makes him question his level of usefulness.

Just before his nineteenth birthday, Jack and a mate from his unit, Blake, decided to spend some of the cash they’d earned from basic training road-tripping through the US. They were getting plastered in a bar in Seattle when the outbreak hit. The National Guard cleared the area, and started pushing civilians (and tourists) East. After getting herded to a supposed evacuation point at Sky Harbour Airport, Sultan, Jack and Blake broke away from the remaining survivors as fights over rations became dangerously heated. They followed the number two highway South and East, trekking from stronghold to stronghold, until gradually, there were no living towns left. No National Guard outposts, no Salvation Army drop zones. By the time they reached Skykomish, they knew that being rescued was a pipe dream.

With little direction and hordes proving a constant threat, they decided to head for the National Park to the East, hoping to get into an area of effectively zero population. A roadmap showing that the highway skirted a river all the way there, so, assured of fresh water, they simply followed it. This continued once they hit the Park – chasing game and supplies further and further East.

Months had passed. A need for supplies sent them looking for towns again. Arriving at the outskirts of Wenatchee, they found an immense pile of bodies – from what they could tell, all zombies – doused in something flammable and set alight. Then all hell broke loose. Gunfire rained from rooftops and a horde materialized around them. Blake took off, heading North. As Jack moved to follow, the back wheel of his bike took a stray round, the bike flipped, and the world went black.

Some time later, Jack awoke alone – mercifully unbitten. There was no sign of the horde, nor the gunmen. More importantly, no sign of Blake. Injured and with little other choice, Jack snuck around the outskirts of town until he found a truck with the keys in the ignition, and half a tank of fuel.

Driving North up the 97 highway, just West of the Colombia River, Jack continued until the truck gave out, just on the outskirts of Chelan Falls. Knowing a good camp location when he saw one, he set up in the abandoned factory near the bridge, secured some supplies, and gave himself time to heal.

In time, others wandered into the area. As there was safety in numbers, they formed a small group. With no sign of Blake, Jack devoted his effort to securing the area. Eventually, his plans are to find his mate and hopefully, learn about the fate of his family back home.

Appearance: 6’ 2’’ and built like a ruckman - before the end of the world - Jack was a bit of a powerhouse. Dark hair and light brown eyes. His injuries, while no longer severe, do mean he is less quick on his feet than previously.

All approved. Want me to throw the first post up?
Thank you xD . First post up - it's a bit long, but it acts as an intro point, as well as a mission brief. After this I'll devolve into non-novel length posts, honest =P

Name: Bill Niles | Age: 64 |Height: 1.85m | Weight: Lean and trim

  • A Vietnam veteran
  • Hardened even before the outbreak
  • Cold and calculating
  • A dominant personality
  • Manipulative
  • Only in it for himself



2000 Chevrolet Surburban

This is actually Bill's own vehicle that he bought as new. It's been through some scrapes and seen better days, but it's as reliable as ever.


M16 A1 Carbine

Trained to use this to deadly effect, Bill has killed hundreds using this rifle and others.


Gerber MkII Combat Knife

Bill likes it up close and personal. He's had this knife from Vietnam and keeps it nice and sharp.


Bill Niles, war veteran, corrupt business owner and alpha type personality. After the war ended in 75, Bill was one of the thousands of veterans struggling to find their way back into normal society. Like many of his brothers in arms, Bill suffered from physical and mental issues that were never fully addressed. However, Bill possessed a rare personality trait that enabled him to have the drive and forethought to get his life back on track. You see, Bill only cares about himself and will use and destroy anyone to achieve his goals. Within a decade of leaving the Marine Corps, Bill had founded a successful haulage company that developed routes across the entire western half of the US.

As the company was starting to really flourish, Bill found love and married. Nicola Niles was five years younger than Bill and the marriage was one based on honesty and true love. They eventually had a son named Kyle. Their life was all Bill could have ever wanted even if his wife was often on the receiving end of Bill's dominant personality. In the course of developing his company, Bill would step on and bully local rivals for exclusive contracts and would stop at nothing to ensure his firm was the top haulage company in the Seattle area.

Bill mentored and tutored Kyle to become his successor and company CEO when he retired. Bill was ready to hand over the reins when all hell broke loose and the world ended.

His wife and son were killed within the first weeks of the outbreak. Bill who had now lost all that he had worked for these past 30 years fell back onto his ingrained Marine training. He locked away memories of his wife and beloved son in a deep, dark corner of his mind and set about doing what he did best, rebuilding his life. He moved from group to group, stealing and manipulating others to ensure his own survival. Within a month, he was leading a band of survivors across Washington, pillaging and murdering as they went.

After a brutal and bloody power struggle, Bill was eventually ousted as the group's leader and is now looking for a new group to infiltrate and take over. His goal in life is now revenge on those who ousted him even if that means forming a brand new group from scratch.

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I'm thinking of making Micheal a potential member later down the road if the group ever ventures out from Chelan Falls. Would you be alright with that?
Yeah, not a problem. The more people wandering around, the more we can do with this, with the caveat that they're reasonably realistic (which yours seem to be, so go ahead).
(I'm the person who reserved the three characters.)


NAME: Ariel Winters

NICKNAME: Mermaid, Ari

GENDER: Female

AGE: 19

S/O: Bisexual


--HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 5'1, 95 lbs

--HAIR: Long, curly, waist length blonde, almost silver hair. She keeps it in a french braid, but some pieces fall out around her face.

--FACE: Kind of round, shape wise, with dark blonde eyebrows and eyes that look either blue grey or green. In reality, they are blue, but since they have flecks of grey and green in them, they sometimes appear to be those colors. Her lips are natrually red.

--BODY TYPE: Skinny, hourglass figure on a petite frame. She has muscle, but nowadays, so does everyone

--ETHNICITY: Caucasion.

--CLOTHING: Black motorcycle boots, ripped skinny jeans with a dark wash, a white tanktop, and a black leather jacket. She has a dark grey henly for the colder months, and a blue parka.

BACKGROUND: Being around 15 when it all ended, Ariel had never had much experience with responsibility. After her school in Southern California was overrun, she made her way home to find her infant brother crying in his crib. Her parents were no where to be found, but there was blood splattered on the walls and on her brother's face and clothes. After cleaning him up, she looked further for her parents and found the body of her father lying next to the closet in which they kept their hunting gear. He was dead, but she didn't know how long that would last. So, with the sharpest knife she could find in the kitchen, she stabbed him in the head.

After moving the body, she packed a few bags. Food in one, weapons in the other, clothes in the last. After depositing the three bags in the back of her dad's old red 1998 Ford Ranger, she buckles Charlie into his carseat and drives.

The first place she goes is her sister's preschool. She was onky 4, but she was a good hider, and Ariel hoped she'd managed to do just that when she pulled up to the zombie infested sschool. After searching for a bit, killing quite a lot of the undead, she gave up and kept moving.

Ariel moved north, her only prority keeping her brother and herself alive. Years passed, cars changed, new clothes were needed and found. Now, with Charlie at 3 years, and herself at 19, they find themselves in Washington. Near the border of Oregan and Washington, Ariel and Charlie picked up a guy named Tyler. He saved Ariel while she was siphoningnfuel from his car. He asked to tag along, and Ariel accepted, cautious at first. She wouldn't even let him drive. They oon became friends.

PERSONALITY: Protective, cautious, and hopeful. She is kind, but not so overly kind that she wants to help everyone she meets. Her main priority is her brother, and she will do anything to keep him safe.


NAME: Charles Winters II

NICKNAME: Charlie, Kiddo

GENDER: male

AGE: 3


--HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 3'5, 47 lbs

--HAIR: He has shaggy blonde curls, the same color as his sisters.

--FACE: Still covered in baby fat. He has light blonde eyebrows, and dark blue eyes.

--ETHNICITY: Caucasion

--CLOTHING: He wears jeans, a long sleeved Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles shirt, and hiking boots.

PERSONALITY: Charlie is the sweetest kid you'll ever meet, and wants to help everyone and everything, including the walkers. He hasn't quite grasped the concept of the zombies wanting nothing but to eat him yet.


NAME: Tyler Masone


GENDER: male

AGE: 26

S/O: Straight


--HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 6'4, 158

--HAIR: Dark brown, straight, with a small quiff.

--FACE: Tyler has a strong jaw, with slight stubble. His eyes are grey. His lips are pink and full.

--BODY TYPE: muscular, nearly no body fat.

--ETHNICITY: Caucasion

--CLOTHING: He wears dark jeans, black motorcycle boots, and a red and black flannel with a black wife-beater style tank top underneath. He wears a pair of European dog tags.

BACKGROUND: Tyler was a model before everything happened. He had been in the US for a shoot; he's originally from Britan. Even then, he refused to take off his father's dog tags. They were all he had left of his old man, who had died in Service.

He had stayed in Oregeon, not wanting to chance leaving the only state he'd been too. Somehow, he had managed to survive by himself until he caught Ariel trying to steal his gas. A zombie was coming up behind her, and he bashed it's head in with his weapon of choice: a baseball bat.

PERSONALITY: He's nice, charming. Your typical boy-next-door... with a dark side. He has found a sick sort of glee in killing the walkers, and often goes out of his way to do it.
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[QUOTE="Elemental Son]Welcome; all approved. Having a young kid around is going to be a headache, so I'm glad you brought that in xD

i feel like if its post apocolyptic, there has to be a small child xD i dont know why :P I have a problem lol
[QUOTE="Elemental Son]It makes sense, given the human proclivity for protecting children. Feel free to throw in a post.

i am working on one right now. 

giraffesarebetter said:
i am working on one right now.
i also just realized that the actor i used for Tyler's face is also named tyler *facepalm* i fail

Amolia Mack


20 | 5'0" | 108 Lbs | Homosexual | Cuban-American




Bottled water x2

small bags of snacks x4

Bandages x6

Wire x2

Lighter x2

Flint x2

Lighter fluid x2



White tank top splattered with blood and various other stains, she carries two. And cargo pants, also carrying two pairs, then a pair of combat boots which the bottoms of her pants are tucked into.


Amolia wasn't one that had many friends, she believed you could never trust more than one or two at the time to really help and be responsible and care for you. She grew up in a big city, mostly alone while her parents worked constantly. She lost everyone, her girlfriend, family, favorite dog, everyone she cared about. Though it didn't seem to bother her much. She travels alone, very quiet and to herself. Though having fun isn't against her 'code' she doesn't mind having a nice conversation, a beer or joint, and hanging out.


? Quiet

? Timid

? Shy

? Loyal

I just want to say, every time I see Bill's name, I instantly think of Bill Nye. I can't help it.
He would be pretty useful to have around. Unfortunately, the only science that Bill Niles appreciates is bullet trajectories and knife penetration resistance.

Name: Helena "Hell" Daniels

Age: 17

Gender: female

Sexual orientation: straight



Mode of transportation:

Bio: Helena's father was a bit of a crazy he always thought the Apocalypse was coming one way or another so he wasted his life, his family, an his money on preparing for the end. A month before shit hit the fan Helena's pop kicks the bucket after the funeral she is forced to clean out all the crap that now belonged to her. She finds a key in his desk, a few questions and google later she finds thatit lead to a remote army warehouse bunker thing near some tracks. Apocalypse came and went and with luck she survived but not without going a little batty. She now follows the key in search of more gear. Her pup Sandbox fits in her jacket, most people call him "box"


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SiroVai said:
He would be pretty useful to have around. Unfortunately, the only science that Bill Niles appreciates is bullet trajectories and knife penetration resistance.
Your signature made me smile.

Bill, Bill, Bill!

I might make Olivia remark about this at some point. Just to see how he'll react.
Raneth said:
Your signature made me smile.
Bill, Bill, Bill!

I might make Olivia remark about this at some point. Just to see how he'll react.
You mean if he doesn't run off with all the supplies first. I think the last time Bill watched TV was in 1969.

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