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i'd sell u to satan for a cornchip
Thank Heaven! the crisis—The danger is past, And the lingering illness, Is over at last—And the fever called “Living,” Is conquered at last.” -Edgar Allan Poe "For Annie"

You are told that you only have one life, so you have to live your life to the fullest otherwise, what's the point? Why sit and watch other people create stories, when you can create your own? That is sort of what happens when you die. You are reborn into the Twilight Saga, whether you were a diehard fan or someone who did not really care for it, it didn't matter because you had no recollection of the life you once lived. However, you have a strong sense of Deja Vu as you meet new students, certain events unfold, and superstitions turn out to be true. You are unsure if you can handle this all at once, and one night as you feel like you are about to break, the computer that once belonged to Bella dings with a new message.

Every character within this story is fiction and nothing else. You shall do best to keep that in mind as you continue on with your story, as you gain trust from these characters and are granted new powers along the way. With all of that said, will you fall in love with one of the fictional characters? Or kill them before they can kill you?

  • Let's Get to Know Your Character!

    Age: (16-18)
    Face Claim: (Must be realistic)
    Cause of Death:
    Bio Before Death:
    Family in Twilight: (Can be on the reservation, with Charlie, Jessica, etc.)
    Bio during Twilight:
    Crush/Favorite Character:
    First Power Gained:
    Second Power Gained:
    Third Power Gained:
    Fourth Power Gained:

    Have fun, and remember: resistance is futile.

Name: Kaline Wood
Nickname: Ghost
Age: 16
Face Claim: Sharon Dubois
Cause of Death: Self-inflicted (suicide)
Bio Before Death:
Before her death, Kaline was a part of a happy, full family. Three siblings, parents who stayed together, the general "how do they do that?" family. But one look at inside the many journals she kept, one would wonder what on earth was going on. Bored in her classes and thus taking the hardest she could, being pushed to get perfect grades by her parents, and feeling like she failed herself constantly, finally had enough. Her family was too busy to really talk to each other, and her death seemed sudden. When she was alive, she danced in technical ballet, but felt like she was under her sister's shadow. Quiet to those who don't know her, seeming to tell all and yet nothing, her attitude was loud but not really saying much.
Family in Twilight: Charlie Swan
Bio during Twilight:
Even as an only child, Kaline hasn't changed much. Moving at the beginning of her freshman year, she's stayed quiet, shy, nervous. She had always hated dance, anyways, and so even though she retains the skill, she never cared for it. Instead, she prefers to stay a more silently deadly presence, never really admitting to her inner emotions, except to her journal, and occasionally to friends- still the tell all, and nothing type. She doesn't care, continuing to excel in her studies. The one different thing about her is she's actually quiet now, staying away from people.
An emotional wreck, preferring to stick to the quiet side and fight her battles with her words. If one does happen to cross her beyond those limitations, however, they can expect some horribly passive-aggressive revenge, either that or a good ol' shouting match. Occasionally, physical violence gets involved, though off of school property.
Crush/Favorite Character: Edward Cullen
First Power Gained: Power over water
Second Power Gained: N/A
Third Power Gained: N/A
Fourth Power Gained: N/A
Alliances: N/A
Friends: None at current

Enemies: The majority of the school.
//it's fine! i completely understand! let me get my form over to this thread, but if you want you can go ahead and start!
(What's your preferred posting length? I don't know if I'm missing it or if you never said- was a problem once in an rp before, so just checking)
God, Kaline hated the class- not for the subject itself, nor the teacher, but it was a small town. She ended up in the class with a bunch of morons who preferred to scream rather than write. She had already finished her essay, revised it, and turned it in. The day before. So, maybe she was an overachiever. She just wanted to get the hell out of this town, go to a decent college, and get a job that paid enough to keep her out. Her father was kind enough, but he wanted nothing more than the simple life he led.
Kaline could never have that kind of a life and be happy, not if she tried until her dying breath.

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