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Fantasy REBOOT ~*{Nos Sunt Elementis}*~ (SPOTS OPEN)


The Kitty Soldier
Sona Govoni

He may have been one of the tallest within the group but Sona had felt like he was crushed and beaten like a punching bag by this Bardroy. The fire element, the most aggressive of them all, and the most dominating – probably – was of course the head mentor, and hosted by an equally aggressive and brooding male. As the man started walking away, along with the other mentors-to-be, Sona’s hazel eyes trailed along with him. I can already tell whoever has fire is going to suffer a shit load. A long but low sigh escaped through his lips before he uncrossed his arms – they felt like makeshift protection from any fire attack, or maybe it was to keep his cool – and started to walk. The tranquil space here made it easy to forget the mayhem back in Chronia or it could have helped the city was a few days travel from Mapulo. Right now, he couldn’t tell if it was distance or the full effect of the trickling water, tickling breeze, and twittering swallows and sparrows that soothed his anxiety. Damnit, he never felt like this before, especially since he was always in high demand and chaotic situations but being in a completely quiet area, mixed within a diversity of people created too much change. His mind swirled too much and he couldn’t grasp it all.

A breath of this fresh air helped my wounds but I’m mentally unstable from all this – crazy to admit that shit. We all are, I guess. Then that one red-headed chick said it first. She called them freaks…what does that make us?

His attention briefly went towards Leviathan, the Earth Mentor. Another equally large dude to match his immense strength. Even the female mentors made Sona feel lesser of a man and more like dirt. He was glad to see that these “legends” had survived all the war and all the peace. He had never heard about what happened to them; sure, the stories were told and everyone always shrugged the Elementalists off but little was mentioned about how they left. There’s a good question…As for now, he was content just taking time to walk amongst the group, staying close with them as to not straggle behind. He zipped his jacket up nearly all the way and fixed his collar down, brushing off extra dust that piled up along his shoulders. Sona coughed and waved away the dust, squinting a bit then stopped with the group, in front of the large white doors engraved with beautiful vine artistry. Each curve of the vines weaved gracefully within or around the others and they were raised just enough to look like the real thing, even the color was a dark green to match true ivy but thicker. The doors slowly, and quietly, opened revealing two other mentors inside. Bardory had spoken first, again.

Bardroy Bortz

“Fleur…Andric, nice of you two to join here with us.” He said then walked over to the head seat at the furthest end of the large meeting table. Bardroy had said this was the mentees’ dining hall area, specifically theirs but it was preferred for use so that he could familiarize them with their new home. “Everyone take a seat. As Levi said, we will answer your questions and explain ourselves, but I can’t go through a whole damn list from each of you. As you experienced yourselves, creatures demolished Chronia but retreated at the site of you. We don’t have much time to chat. I’d rather focus on training you all so that you are comfortable with fighting.” He paused and stood between his large wooden chair and the table end. His eyes scanned over their faces as they walked in. He had a special game he always did with himself: he would guess mentees’ elements just by analyzing their verbal cues and personalities from their speech. The hardest elements to differentiate were Anatomy and Creation, but that was just for Bard. He never saw much difference in those two elements’ hosts. Every group brought its share of uniqueness, however, so he would just have to wait and see what each of them said.

“We’re going to make this rather fast for introductions. The mentors will say their names and elements first before you folk. After they are finished, one of you brave souls can start us off. Say your name and tell us what your element is. If you don’t know, just tell us quickly what you had done during the beast attacks.” He said before taking a seat and scooting in close to the table.

I have this aching feeling one of the broad mouths is my student.

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As everyone began to follow after the mentors Alex made sure to keep up, keeping her hazel eyes fixed on the elementalists up ahead. The chirping of birds and light breeze made Alex begin to wonder what would happen if she lost control. The moment she thought that Alex stopped walking and looked over at the nature that surrounded Mapulo; images of the beautiful place burning bombarded her view. Nothing but destruction, again. Just the thought of being the one who caused a place like this to burn made Alex spin around on her feet and moved after the group when she realized how far away they'd gotten. Since gaining the element of fire Alexandra had to keep herself in the back and away from everyone, if she didn't interact with anyone it would be easier to keep herself in check.

When they finally reached a room with a large table and several seats but before she could take a look around the dining hall, Bardroy spoke to the two mentors who had been inside.

“Fleur…Andric, nice of you two to join here with us.” Alex kept her eyes on him even as he took a seat at the top of the table and continued talking “Everyone take a seat. As Levi said, we will answer your questions and explain ourselves, but I can’t go through a whole damn list from each of you. As you experienced yourselves, creatures demolished Chronia but retreated at the site of you. We don’t have much time to chat. I’d rather focus on training you all so that you are comfortable with fighting.”

“We’re going to make this rather fast for introductions. The mentors will say their names and elements again after you folk. Once you take your seats, one of you can start us off, and we’ll go in a circle. Say your name and tell us what your element is. If you don’t know, just tell us quickly what you had done during the beast attacks.” When Bardroy spoke Alexandra once again turned her attention on the other mentors.


Charma had zoned out on the way over to the dining hall and instead began to think of when there had a been a time that she had actually been afraid of water. It was because at the age of 11 years old Charma had gotten into a fight with a group of girls and in the process of it all, was almost drowned in the lake. Charma snapped out of her thoughts when Bardroy began to speak.

“Fleur…Andric, nice of you two to join here with us.” When Bardroy took his seat Charma took the one on his right side, plopping down and leaning back in her chair a bit. “Everyone take a seat. As Levi said, we will answer your questions and explain ourselves, but I can’t go through a whole damn list from each of you. As you experienced yourselves, creatures demolished Chronia but retreated at the site of you. We don’t have much time to chat. I’d rather focus on training you all so that you are comfortable with fighting.”

“We’re going to make this rather fast for introductions. The mentors will say their names and elements again after you folk. Once you take your seats, one of you can start us off, and we’ll go in a circle. Say your name and tell us what your element is. If you don’t know, just tell us quickly what you had done during the beast attacks.” After Bardroy finished speaking Charma waited a second before taking a small look around. Perhaps it would be better to actually show them her element? Showing off was never her thing but an example never hurt.

Taking a quick look around Charma tilted her head to the side and slowly breathed in and out. Closing her eyes for a moment she imagined mentally forcing water out of the air and when her blue eyes opened, about 15 little drops of water began to swirl out of thin air and into little liquid balls.

"Again, welcome to Mapulo. My name is Charma, mentor to element of water. Truly, I can't wait to see what sort of warriors we can make from this group of survivors," Charma's lips pulled up into a smirk while a dangerous look of curiosity crawled in the depths of her eyes that swirled with grays and blues. As Charma gazed at the new mentees she tilted her head to the side a bit. Survival has never been a joke to Charma because she herself had been forced to go through it. Even now Charma remembers the first time her element appeared and blood had been spilled. It had taken everything in Charma to not wallow in self-pity and instead strengthen herself so that the next time blood is spilled, its on purpose.

With a slight shake of her head and returning her attention to the water, Charma twirled a finger in the air. All 15 drops of water pulled together before making a small strip of water that began to spin itself into a circle. Figuring everyone got the gist of it Charma dispersed the water within seconds until each drop of water were separated and invisible to the naked eye. Charma's finger twitched a bit and the drops gracefully flew toward the potted plant in the back of the dining room only for it to falter and plop onto the petals of one of the flowers. Despite being able to pull water from thin air, Charma has yet to learn how to put it back but she didn't mind that. Just because she's a mentor didn't mean knowing how to do everything was necessary. With her introduction over Charma leaned further into her seat until it was practically standing one leg, her attention moved away from the students and went to her fellow mentor to see who would go next.
Clorence Drake

“Well, certainly I don’t want to harm my future students and friends…If you noticed earlier, I came in with a flash of light to see you all.” Clorence had said calmly with a slight quirk of his lips, crossing his arms after he took a seat beside Charma. He most definitely acted a little different than earlier - he guessed he was excited to know about young folk coming to Mapulo again. Then he saw how beat up they looked and it reminded Clo of what they were up against. I am still excited, yes, but I can't help but pity these kids. “My element is Light. I guess an example of my skills could be to dim or brighten the lights, something simple like that.” He shrugged but skipped showing them. Tampering with his element was much more troublesome to him when it didn’t include actual training. Bardroy shot him a look of equal annoyance but Clorence refused with his silence and looking elsewhere, “So, would someone else like to share?” His soft spoken “French” accent slipped between his small lips.

Clorence wasn’t trouble to his fellow mentors, nor did he care to be bothered by others but he honestly didn’t like showing off his element, especially since it could be too excruciating for these weak fellows’ and fellas’ eyes. He was gifted with an element that could blind and damage, and although that wasn’t a strong enough excuse to reject show casing his abilities to these new recruits since he could control it, he still avoided the process. It was a normal habit to just communicate to others what he could do and he preferred it that way. Clo had convinced himself long ago that his fellow mentors were able to better control their ability and easily “share” it with others whereas he was able but it would cause a sort of pain to the onlooker. ‘Let me put this bright source of light in front of you’ or ‘I could just flash in front of one of them again,’ he oft said to everyone. In fact, he thought himself dry compared to the rest of his mentors. They all had these magnificent elements that could do impenetrable abilities but Clo…he didn’t feel that way about his element. He could do plenty with it, and he would teach his mentee wonderful skills but he thought it would be too boring to show a small example that really didn’t help his case.

Nah, I won’t show them my weapons. I’d rather keep that fun part for training. Hopefully my student doesn’t shy away from using them.

Bardroy oft didn’t argue with him about his strong stand on telling the kids about his element, so the leader let the act slide and he went to the next mentor sitting by Clorence.

Marvelous, Bard is being a little more lenient.

Blake Steffensen

Blake remained standing even as the others went to take a seat at the meeting table. He was still tense, his nerves raw, as his instinct told him to stay on his toes, be prepared. Even though Bardroy seemed to have calmed down the atmosphere of the group had noticeably changed. It was all Blake could do to keep his hands from reaching for his guns every ten seconds. Now when he looked at the mentors, he wondered how many of them could clean his slate before he could blink. Many of them smiled and appeared to be at ease but he knew that was a lie – they were all powerful elementalists and always battle ready.

Clorence introduced himself again but unlike the other mentors, he didn’t give a display of his power. In fact the man seemed a little reluctant to use his power. Blake’s brow furrowed as he tried to gage the man that would be his mentor. The man’s reluctance could be for a number of reasons. Perhaps Clorence was afraid of his own power. Maybe the man didn’t have as good control over his element as he put on. Or perhaps the light element was too powerful to showcase simple parlor tricks. He sincerely hoped it was the latter – how could he learn from someone who couldn’t control their own power? He turned his attention to the other mentors as they introduced themselves.

Leviathan Milton

Levi decided to take the attention off Clorence and introduce himself again.

“Once again, I’m Leviathan Milton. While my element is earth, my specialty lies in metal.” He took a metal spoon out of his pocket and held it up in front of the group. Then, furrowing his brow, he focused intently on the spoon as if it were the most important thing in the world. At first it did nothing but then the spoon slowly started to bend. He kept at it until it was bent at a perfect ninety-degree angle.

“Tada!” He turned and showed his creation to the group. The room stayed completely silent and all he received were blank looks. If there had been crickets in the hall, they would have been the only sound. Bard did not look pleased.

Levi scowled – he had hoped to lighten the mood of the room but apparently it lacked a sense of humor. Fine then, serious it is. He crushed the spoon in his fist and it became a perfect sphere of metal. The metal sphere floated in front of him for a moment and then it rapidly started changing shapes. One moment it was a knife then an axe then a sword. Soon it became a blur of motion as its shape changed faster than the eye could see. Some shapes were as small as his hand, others as large as a man. Finally the whirling mass of metal came to a stop in the shape of the original spoon. Levi gave a small bow and stepped back among the ranks of the other mentors.
Welcome to Mapulo

Population: Three Million (Including Training Grounds)

City of Peace and Middling Folk

In a city, one day’s travel from Chronia – that is if you drive, however, it takes a few extra for walking – lies a forested area, quaint and tranquil. It appears to have been built hundreds of years ago, for moss and other lush greenery are infiltrating the buildings covering fine white marble. Clouds have been crafted to hide the large steeples. Does a King live here? Not quite but the secrecy of the Mentors hides behind all the green and grey.

The entrance area is filled with trickling water mixed with soft songs and twitters from sparrows and finches. They often nest right near the fish ponds, and having the trees surrounding the entire area, calls for protection from predators and pests. When one takes in a large inhale, there can be several scents: sweet morning dew, warm meals cooking, and/or fresh air crisp and invigorating. Ah, the smell is refreshing and makes you want to curl under one of the arches and read a book or catch up on your own thoughts. Oh, and then one can feel a soft chill every now and then but thankfully, Mapulo does not experience lots of rain, not like Aqua, nor violent gusts like Ventus.

The main path is concrete, a long road leading up to the castle like “city” of the training grounds. Here, the Mentors will reach their mentees, meeting them face-to-face, awaiting the adventures and fellowship. Now, mentees will have living quarters, comfortable dining halls, luxurious bathrooms individually placed in rooms, and a public study area. However, one of the best places to visit is the waterfalls which splash down into large warm pools where mentees can engage with each other and spend in languid time. Or there is the huge library before this peaceful area; hundreds upon hundreds of books, ancient and recent written for the use of training, learning history, and leisure. Enter whenever you please, and stay until the next training or meeting. Often enough, training will be every couple days at first, and soon increase or decrease depending on mutual agreement between mentors and mentees.

Let us again look back at this sight. As the students walk along, they will hear sweet calls of the birds from this paradise. They fly about freely while others, like the finches and sparrows, live amongst the humans here, in more solitude and freedom. They bring tranquility to a stressed mind. Even when the students are in the training areas outside, they can soothe the mind and support concentration. Trickling water from the fountains and waterfalls in the distance, soft rustling of leaves, and twittering of the birds brings peace which this world will yet cherish. Night time is the most luxurious moments one experiences in Mapulo – the beauty of the darkness how mysterious it is and revealing the glistening light from the deep sky overhead – the clouds lifting enough to still hide the castle.

Here is where their training begins, where they survive if anything was to happen to the surrounding cities, and where hardship will be overcome with triumph, endurance, and fellowship.




Finch Hawthorne

Supposedly it was the greatest of tragedies which forged the greatest of heroes. That's at least something which carried true in most fairy tales, of how some heroes were born from tragedy and unfortunate situations which riddled the backstories of the best of them on more than one occasion. Yet, such a plot device which seemed so common in literature across the ages was something much different in real life practice than it was when heard about in fairy tales. It was something which forged stoicism, something which allowed the hero to truly understand the concept of what true loss is. And Finch certainly did understand it. Their crimson stained clothing was ripped to shreds while they screamed in pain, some already long gone from the collapse. Everything had turned into what seemed to be nothing less than an absolute hell, and seeing so many familiar faces die right in front of him, Finch felt that if it were anyone less resilient, they wouldn't be acting so normally.

Finch supposed it was just because he was so resilient to witnessing messed up things, or maybe he just hadn't had the courage to particularly face his issues either. Either way he would have to think for quite a bit, about witnessing everyone die, and also try and get a grip on this whole weird 'immortality' thing with his newfound powers. He supposed that these powers would make him an Anatomical Elementalist, someone in the storybooks who could mess with biological makeup of other living beings and himself. Then again, it's not like any other kind of Elementalist could survive having what felt like a ton of concrete give their neck down a good bear hug while they passed out. Who even knew how long it took to heal, but one thing was certain, those firemen were in for a gruesome scene of a mangled up body, which started moving in the mortician's bag not much later.

"Some dinner would be pretty good right now.....meat and sweets....." Finch groaned, his stomach grumbling at the thought while they soon walked along the campus of Mapulo, only to find later on taht there were a group of mentors for him and the others, waiting there and going on about training and what not. As the non-Anatomical mentors took up their introductions, Finch just sort of spaced out, looking away and at the beautiful and tranquil scenery that Mapulo had to offer. Serene forests with babbling brooks made it yet again look like something out of a fairy tale, another detail which persisted that Finch's life was turning into nothing but a fantasy. But he was cool with that, rolling with the punches was sort of his thing anyway.

As the mentors began their introduction however, Finch took in the tranquil and calming rural scenery. Being a child from Chronia was still peaceful in its own way, but it certainly wasn't as....rural and charming as Mapulo seemed to be. Mapulo was yet another scene straight out of a fairy tale, convincing Finch that he really was becoming a cliche fairy tale character with a troubled past. A secret grove overgrown with shrubbery yet still alive with the light of hope and heroes....it was a dream come true! Though Finch wondered where he would be eating.....he was already a little peckish from the ride.

Sona Govoni

It seemed that the environment had calmed down a bit. Everyone seemed to be a little less tense once more of the mentors started to introduce themselves. Then Sona paid even closer attention to Leviathan's introduction - this would be the man that would train Sona for whoever knows how long in Mapulo. He was very excited to learn more about the Earth element, especially since it was possible to learn how to control Metal but would he be able to obtain that ability, too? He pursed his lips and crossed his arms, leaning back into the chair he sat in, watching as the Light mentor seemed to zone off into his thoughts. His attention went back to Levi, who was shifting the shape of a small amount of metal. Amazing, to think that everyone here can do something unthinkable just from their own body. How can this be possible that we are those legends that our parents shrugged off? I wonder if they knew what we would become...or even better, if our parents know that they are elementalists themselves?

He had plenty of more questions but remembered that Bard told them to keep questions until after they had heard every mentor's introduction. He thought that all of them had went, which was great, now everyone here would have to share what they are...what they did during that Beast invasion. Gosh, has it already been almost three friggin' days since those horrific few hours? Sona couldn't imagine he would cloud out any of those torn apart bodies, inflamed buildings, and demolished Chronia anytime soon, especially not when it sounded like all of them were going to face those creatures. The mentors knew what those things were, so where were they when this was happening? As heroes, they could have saved a lot of people by stepping in...However, Sona jumped the gun too far and realized quickly that there was an explanation for that. He shook his head a little then let out a slow exhale, watching as the other students stayed put, except for that one guy, the one with silver hair. I certainly would listen to Bard but you seem to just keep at it with this tough shit. I wonder what Element you are? Sona chuckled a little then looked back at Levi - in order to control Earth, one had to be broad in body and brains. Levi did not slack in showing he had complete control over his element. He had much to love up to and to learn. I'm in for it...I figure I won't sleep well for a very long time.

So, who's next?


Finch Hawthorne

"I'll volunteer to go first."
Finch replied, smiling as he stepped in front of the group. Of course, it was quite ironic to see Finch and know he had been a survivor of a catastrophic event such as the beat attack on Chronia. And from what his appearance gave off, nobody would guess either that he would be a person who could do something amazing with just the tool of his body, defying the basic rules of nature and being capable of great feats like any other elementalist present. "Hello~! My name is Finch, Finch Hawthorne and I'm 15 years old. I believe that I as an Elementalist drew the rather rare element of Anatomy, and my suspicions are confirmed by the fact that during the beast attacks, my element could be no other. I should've died because I was crushed under the rubble of my own school building. This was what actually saved me from an actual death by the Beasts most likely, as I was hidden and appeared dead, but I had just blacked out, and when local forces un-dug my body, I just healed and woke up in a body bag some hours later."

"I'm under the impression that I cannot die from a certain yet outrageous number of injuries, such as decapitation, gun shots and knife stabs, even to vital organs. And now, I'm here to hone my skills just like all of you."
he finished, nodding at the group before he went back and merged into the group, sighing contently at his little speech of introduction about who and what he was, as well as what he could do.
Sona Govoni

That boy looked no more a fighter than he did 15 and the fact this kid survived is very surprising but with someone that could heal on their side, that would be very helpful in the long run. Sona looked the boy's face over, seeing how fresh he looked, how clean he appeared compared to the rest of them - especially since some of them still had wounds but thankfully, they had a Mentor that could help them. It was hard to believe that someone could put themselves back together after being mangled by rubble, and even an attack from someone else. Too bad he couldn't see the evidence of that but surely enough they all would realize what Finch Hawthorne would be capable of in the days to come. Actually, it would probably be more like years to come; Sona couldn't imagine an end to this. Not until all these mystery enemies were gone for good. What was our enemy, anyway? Couldn't possible just be those Beasts. Don't think too much into, fool. What enemy could I possibly fight in the condition I'm in? I'd be lucky if I could even lift earth again like back at school. He bit his lower lip and watched as Finch continued to tell about his speculations of his abilities; to think he could get all that when Sona only realized he could lift Earth, and maybe not even do much more than that. Leviathan would be the key to learning everything about the earth Sona walked all his life, the very earth that everyone walks. Am I truly capable of becoming anything like him? Damn, I sound like my pathetic brother. He took his mind of the thought of his brother, as that would only bring him to think about what end he came to...so, he shifted in his seat, leaned his crossed arms on the table before him and sighed.

What if one day, we became Mentors?

A ridiculous notion but a certain possible one at that. If anything happened to their mentors, what's stopping the surviving ones from naming a replacement? In this dire need of heroes now, he believed it would be a hands down choice to pick out of someone fresh - a student mentor. Let's hope these mentors stay around for a very long time. I can barely lift a rock, let alone control one easily. What I did was accident, a freak accident. One that I wouldn't be able to recreate anytime soon. "I'll go then..." he stood up slowly and wiped his dirty hands off along his jeans gently, maybe more so a nervous type of gesture than a cleaning one, as he continued. "My name is Sona Govoni. I really don't know what else I can do but I protected some students back at the school attack and all I noticed was the earth shattered and lifted to crush the Beast from just lifting both my arms in a defensive way." It felt odd to proclaim he could do anything especially since he couldn't explain what else he could do just from that one time. He was also one of the biggest students here but he certainly had nothing much to show for it besides his height and size. He was one of the strongest elements yet he knew nothing about the power. He probably appeared pathetic, just like his cry baby of a little brother, and that was a lot to think about right now. He sighed then sat down and patted the table.

Damn, someone else go...

Levi McKnight

Levi sighed heavily as he walked along with the group leaning against his staff for support, his blue eyes watched his surroundings in awe at the natural beauty of it amazed him. 'So either I've died and gone to heaven or this place is actually real and I just got into a fight with a beast from hell and became some sort if elemental.'He sighed and banged his head against the bear carving on his staff "Well that's probably gonna be as sane as it gets, especially since nothing seems to add up right now..might as well embrace the crazy."

He watched as a few of the otherstragglers began arguing with each other but didn't bother getting involved since it was a female dispute and the other males seemed to keep their distance as well, their yelling seemed to disrupt the area around them but he slowly tuned them out just like he had done with his siblings many times. Speaking of which his mind slowly drifted off to what may have happened to them and soon the feeling of emptiness filled his heart which caused him to stop and turn looking down the path they came, he could turn back and go make sure they were safe..even protect them from the beast but at the same time getting his element to respond seemed like pure luck but at the same time haunting images of the beast devouring his family filled his head, even his dad was apart of his worries. 'Damn where do I go from here?'

Levi sighed and gripped tightly onto his staff and decided to leave it up to fate as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver coin and rested it on his thumb. "Heads I go.Tails I stay"He took a deep breath before releasing it up into the air and watched it spin, but before it could even hit the ground a black bird came and picked it from.mid air and flew off in the direction in which the others were walking and to make things worse the other birds around began cawing and chirping in a laughing manor.

"Damn birds." Levi cursed under his breath and sighed heavily before looking up at the sky'Gramps look out for them...please, I'll do my best to be strong and go back for them I promise.' Life had taken a whole different turn for them all it was no longer worrying about failing exams or who you'd take to prom, now it was all about living or dying in this battle against a foreign enemy to them all "In a land where fantasy becomes reality."

Soon the group met up with a few of the inhabitants of this very peaceful sanctuary, they seemed to be pretty normal, a little flashy with their powers but at least normal or as normal as it'd be from here on out. They all started by introducing themselves one at a time, a few of the mentors going first then some of the students. Levi watched as a few of the guys went first, one blonde who seemed rather eager to introduce himself as well as boast about his ability to cheat death. 'If only we were all so lucky..some nerve being happy while countless lives were lost.' He sighed to himself as another guy went but this one was more humble in his introduction and still seemed rather shaken up from the events and just wanted the attention off of him. 'I guess I'll help the poor guy out.'

Levi sighed as he stepped forward and began to speak. "I guess I'm next." He said while looking around the room at all the unfamiliar faces of his new allies from here on out. "My name is Levi McKnight. During the beast attacks I tried to save two kids from two of those beast, I know it sounds like a suicide run but somehow I did it by not only knocking one off its feet with a powerful wave but I also managed to get over some huge ass hole in the ground by using the water to surf over it..wait I can say ass right?" He asked while taking a seat across from Sonia, giving him a friendly nod before leaning back in his seat and setting his feet up on the table.

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