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Fantasy ~Rebirth: Rise From Discord~

Galatea regarded the thin, light-haired girl who had spoken to her. The girl's point about a gathering made the most sense; why else would a handful of them be drawn to such a secluded and abandoned place as this shrine?

Tanaka kept an easy stance as he heeled next to Galatea. She released the small tension on her bow string and kept pointing the arrow to the stone floor. There was no reason to trust this girl, yet there was no reason not to trust her. She relaxed her posture while still keeping the bow and arrow in hand.

"I don't control an element," Galatea replied, "but I do have an unusual affinity for nature – plants, really more than anything else. I'm guessing that you were drawn here as well?"

The wolf's nostrils flared wide as Tanaka caught a scent in the air that almost imperceptibly drifted through the large room. His ears twitched and he looked over toward another entrance to their room.

"Perhaps there are more of us than I had realized," Galatea surmised.
Del watched the girl frivolously bend air to her will, and glanced down as she mentioned that she had been floating this whole time. To which he'd simply release a disappointed sigh, "Oh...guess not then" he'd mutter, entirely dejected and distant in his tone. Deep down it was crushing, this wasn't another destroyer, if anything this girl was creating things with the powers she had been given. Del winced a bit, unable to express the twinge of anger that burst from within him, though it was soon abated, replaced with the words of Mulani. Temperance not temper Dillo he'd say, and the words echoed through his mind as he tried to himself calm, embracing the cold air as his skin caused a brief influx of heat to grace the surface of the air.

The heat felt good, warm against his skin, and his teeth would stop chattering for a moment. He'd stop shivering and feel good, though oddly at odds with himself. Though as he let the anger go, that comfort left him, a feeling he wasn't sure he'd liked. Perhaps it was easier to be angry and warm, than cold and miserable? But he'd quickly dash those thoughts away, determined not to burn anyone new. "that's....good for you" he'd say solemnly, a little depressed now that she hadn't the sort of quarrels with using their powers as he had. He'd keep walking now, towards the inner chambers alongside her when he'd spot a woman and a wolf up ahead. But perhaps that was just the shadows? They did after all love to play tricks on him, though something in his stomach told him that wasn't it at all. Had more come to find him!? Had this all been a trap!?

he'd think nervously, his mind racing and his body anxious to follow suit. If so he'd take them down with his fists, no need for fire, no need for it now he'd think, trying to keep himself calm, always working against himself in order to feel in control.

He smiled half heartedly as if to put the girl at rest, and continued walking, so very unsure of what he might find.
Auria gave Del a worried glance as she sensed the disappoint and slight anger that mingled in the air. She floated slightly behind him, opening her mouth as if to speak before closing it once again. She wondered what she had said or done that would have upset him. 'Maybe he doesn't...like my element?' Auria thought, feeling a bit dejected. She shook her head, wiping the negative thoughts aside and cleared her throat with determination.

"I..." But just as she began talking, a shadow seemed pass out of the corner of her eye. "Ah wait" Auria whispered. She placed a hand on Del's shoulder to stop him and silently leaned over his side. She recognized two of them as the ones she had come across before but the other ones...
Aisha tilted her head slightly. No element? Perhaps she had yet to discover it? "I see. Well... I was drawn here to some extent..." She muttered before noticing movement of the distant auras coming closer.She couldn't it so much as feel the difference of the energy in the room. She looked past the archer noting a wild red aura brighter than even the others, pulsing erratically. "Well... that's new..." She muttered under her breath not really sure what to make of this development.
Xander just sort of stood there out of the way, taking everything in. He had a small, contented smile on his face, as if the gathering of people subconciously made him happy. Consciously he really didn't care either way, although the stuff his mentor told him, about saving the world and bringing back balance, did seem pretty important. He decided to go out to where Aisha was, see what was going on there. Throught the darkness he could see the faint impression of people, though he wasn't exactly sure what to do with that knowledge. He tapped Aisha on the shoulder.

"I just saw people over there."
Norman forced his way through more snow, still feeling the pull. He knew he was close, though how much farther he had to travel he did not know, he simply knew he was close. A massive hill loomed in front of Norman, covered in snow, ice, and weighed down as he was, this hill was a daunting task. Though Norman knew that if he dropped his Stoneskin he would likely freeze to death before long, so better to be heavier than dead.

Norman calmed his mind, focusing on a single point, a single memory, and gathered his power around that until it was tangible. With a burst of movement from Norman, steps sprouted out from the hill, not big ones, but enough to avoid the snow. Norman began the long, slow, treacherous climb in front of him.

Not paying any attention to the happenings of the world, or his surroundings, Norman crested the final hill and before him stood the remnants of an ancient temple. This MUST be it, I need to go in there! Norman though to himself as he thinned out the Stoneskin just a touch so as to move faster, and he took off at damn near a sprint. What would have exhausted most men, barely fazed Norman. He constantly walked around in Stoneskin to train his body so a small sprint was nothing, he was only slightly winded.

Norman slowed down as he approached the massive arched doors that were open. Strange, these should not be open, better armor up. Norman slammed his fist into the ground and pulled up one of his tower shields made of earth and thickened his Stoneskin in preparation for battle. Norman, despite being heavily armed and armored, stalked the halls looking for who or what had opened the doors. His mastery over earth allowed him to soften the earth to absorb most of the impact, effectively silencing any sounds he would have made otherwise.

Norman turned a corner and heard some voices drifting down a corridor, he could not make out the words, but he had a feel for the conversation. There did not seem to be any fighting, arguing, or general conflict, the conversation seemed rather surprised actually. Norman moved in the direction of the voices, still very cautious. He turned a corner and saw a small group of people gathered around what looked to be a ceremonial pool or fountain of some sort. Strange gathering of people, though they don't look all that intimidating, better to be safe than dead. Norman eased his way farther into the corridor and slammed his shield on the ground. "I don't know who you people are but if you are here to harm this temple I WILL stop you!" Norman yelled out
Del stopped glancing at the girl suspiciously, why had she stopped him? And even more why had she saw fit to alert him? The thoughts echoed through his mind, getting dreadfully close to a revelation as he too noticed the shadows of the strangers coming into view. He'd eye them, staring them down as if enemies, though knowing not if they were in fact so inclined. All the same his mind began to flash to the worst possible scenario, and at that provocation his psyche flared, flashing from red hot anger to soothing words within his mind to calm himself.

That back and forth, though momentarily intense, would all the same dissipate as his mind picked up on the gentle touch of the girl, whom now leaned against him, her slight weight pressed down upon his shoulder as she peeked across his side. He'd stop in his tracks now, no longer moving towards the prospective doom that these strangers represented, the very same doom he so much feared.

Del would take a deep breath, several infact, in an effort to calm himself as the shadows seemed nearer. After all it had been only minutes earlier that he'd thought he was all alone in this place, and now he was to accept that strangers just happened upon it!? After all the effort he'd taken to ensure his isolation, this seemed doubtful, heck even suspicious, and he'd be lying if he said that the notion that these newcomers were bounty hunters didn't cross his mind.

All the same, he'd continue to take those deep soothing breaths, and close his eyes for a bit to alleviate the ever growing shadows of these still fairly obscured strangers. Deep down a voice would tell him to let loose, to break free and burn it all down, truth be told it'd be simpler, it'd be easy, but he'd hold fast, repeating Mulani's sayings over and over again in his head as he stood motionless in the light of the flickering torchlight. Remember Dillo, sometimes we need people, we can't afford fires when we need food, okay? he'd remember those words clearly, remembering Mulani's face with a faint smile, he'd open his eyes and breathe out a calm breath of luke warm steam. His eyes would trace the meek cloud nervously , though ultimately the exchange was more a byproduct of the cold, than his heat.

He'd turn toward the girl, opening his eyes now that his temper was well under control, "friends of yours?" he'd ask as calmly as he could muster. He'd wait patiently at for the girl's response, keeping his attentions focused on her, and away from those strangers whom were liable to throw him into a nervous, fear fueled, tantrum. Of course that was the mature thing to do, the best course of action, hell the healthiest action Del could muster what with his fractured psyche, fiery temper, and nerve induced hair trigger.

But unfortunately, despite his best intentions, the universe had other plans in store for Del. For it cared not how broken he was, or how hungry or cold he'd become, or even that he'd finally taken strides towards trusting another despite his horrid years of solidarity. No fate was cruel, and fate was everything but fair, and so fate saw fit to see a crash and a declaration burst forth from an entrance not far behind young Del.

Of course what came next was no doubt part reflex, though whatever else comprised it could only be described as rage, albeit immediately bridled rage, but rage all the same. As the man shouted, and slammed his shield down, Del's well kept calm vanished. His eyes would quake, at the sound, the tone of confrontation, after all he'd done nothing but obsess as to how these strangers would attack, how'd they hunt him, or hurt him, or force him out into the cold, and now here was a man bursting forth armed to the teeth with stone and gusto, throwing out accusations and tossing his heft about in an arrogant declaration of war.

Harm the temple!? He'd been here first! He'd think to himself, his gentle palms already forming tight fists as he let the words wash over him for a moment, not bothering to look back towards the man, nor his sudden display. His eyes though quaking, so very scared before, now narrowed. "I-I mean we did singe the ceiling behind the statue where we were sleeping, b-but we couldn't help it! Agni thought he saw monsters, an-and I had nightmares...I-I always have nightmares these days" he'd say, his voice transitioning from harsh low mutterings to bold proclamations. " ......that....that's why I came here! I got away! I left the city.....dammit!" he'd curse, his voice rising, as he turned to face the newcomer that had been so bold as to shout at his back. "I left the forests even, I left the lakes, the rivers, I left it all for you Bengal-yeks! (Devilish folk)" by now his words seemed to get darker, and his tone more furious as his gaze intensified, now staring a hole through the rock covered stranger.

For a split second he'd glance at the white haired girl that'd accompanied him this far into the temple, she'd be sure to notice his gaze was different, as if his eyes had been replaced with some insatiable beast. "Get behind me..." he'd mutter in a voice so different from the chattering nervous one that came before. Perhaps he had redeemed himself, or in the very least matured, given that he'd managed that final bit of peace of mind with which he warned her, though thoughts like that would have to wait.

For now a beast was awakened, and with it came claws and fangs aplenty. Del walked forward slowly, his left eye twitching ever so slightly as his anger betrayed him. With it came the popping of his knuckles, and the gritting of his teeth, and of course the same monotonous echoes of footsteps as he got nearer to the man that had been so bold as to threaten a temple full of strangers with no provocation. He'd note the shields, and the armor of earth, his disposition unfazed, his mind so set on destruction. To him even this great defense seemed little more than another obstacle to be beaten down. As he finally stood before the tall man, his mind would think of Mulani, always urging him to use his mind, and fight with the forms his father and family had passed onto him.

Del would wince, his mind conflicted as to how to fight this foe, though his body all the same reacting to his rage. The torches in the corridor were now raging, flames spewing forth from them as if bursting forth from a dragon's maw. The fire's licked at the temple's ceiling, burning away intricate murals, as Del's hate went unabated. Meanwhile his body was burning up, hotter than a boiling pot, the air would sizzle around him, steam burst forth from the variations in temperature, creating an all too sinister trail wherever he walked. As he stood before this man, now quite enjoying the heat that washed away his chills, he'd shake away the memories from his years with Mulani.

"Alright Agni, you win, let's play games!" he'd shout, baring his teeth in a sinister grin as he'd break out into a full fledged charge towards the large shielded man, his right and left arms bursting into unbridled flame as he picked up speed. Sooner than later, he was upon the stranger, mere feet from his rather impressive shields, he'd smile savagely and thrust his still burning hands down into the ancient cobbled stone that paved the floor before him. The flames burst, colliding with one another in an impressive torrent, the likes of which sent Del up above the height of the man, just high enough to see over his shields and into the whites of his eyes before he'd fall onto the shield unceremoniously, and ungraciously. There he'd grab the top most edge of one, hanging onto it for dear life as he'd begin to furiously bludgeon the construct.

And so fate saw fit to see the young man holding onto hope erased, for this was not his story, no, instead of that innocence and trust these newcomers would be witness to a monster, a monster fueled by rage, misunderstanding, and lest we forget, fire...
To say that Auria had been startled by walls suddenly exploding would have been an understatement. But instead of screaming or yelling like any normal person would have done she froze like a block of statue, hands hovering on the side of her ears as if to block out the noise of the breaking rock. After the worst was over she turned to see a strange man surrounded with what seemed to be large shields of Earth. 'Earth elemental!' she thought before a smile slowly spread across her lips. Now she knew two that had special abilities, making her giddy and excited. She turned to celebrate the good news to Del but the words seemed to catch in her throat as she saw the dark expression on his face. He began to mumble words filled with such malice that Auria unconsciously flinched back. It was then that he told her to get behind him to which she obeyed with slight confusion. She extended an a hand out towards him to ask what was the matter but he had already walked past her.

Auria looked on, her brow slightly furrowed with concern as Del continued to approach the man. It was when the surrounding torch lights flared did the realization dawn on her.

"Del wait!!" She exclaimed but it was already too late. He had already leapt up in a fiery spiral of fire on top of the man's earth shield, clawing and punching at it like a wild animal. Auria knew that he was far too gone for her to be able to reach him with words but at the same time didn't have the heart to attack one of her fellow elementalists. Especially the one she had first met. So instead she flew over and managed to fly in between the open spaces of the shield, wincing as the heat of the fire turned the little space into a sweltering oven. Auria willed the winds to swirl against the on coming flames like a shield of her own before turning towards the stranger.

"You have to get out of her now!" She yelled before a racking cough tore through her body. Her lungs were used to fresh air and the continues amount of smoke was foreign to her body.
A voice bellowed throughout the temple which seemed to issue a challenge to those assembled near her. Galatea turned to see what the girl was looking at behind her just as a loud roar of fire seared the air in the temple. Tanaka charged toward the fray where a person, enshrouded in flames, set about another who appeared mostly unfazed by the onslaught.

"Tanaka!" She called out to her companion. "Kakato!" The wolf skidded to a halt and turned around to face her as Galatea raised her bow and came to a half-draw. She didn't know exactly what was going on down the corridor, but she intended to shoot whichever one charged at her first. "Kakato!" she commanded again, and the wolf jogged back to her side.

"There's no reason for us to get involved in all of that," Galatea said to the light-haired girl. "Maybe one of them will take the other one out, and we'll only have to deal with the victor."
Jadus was walking to Galatea, hoping to start idle chatter. More cute women? This was just getting better by the minute.

"Greetings, how nice to make of your acquaintance. It is nice to see more people here, turns out the place isn't as abandoned as I originally thought upon enteri-"

His talking was cut short by the the sudden fight.

Ridiculous, why are they suddenly fighting?

Jadus pinched his nose and shook his head. And sighed. This was just getting silly.

"I apologise for my gender. Some are a bit...hot-headed. They seem to revel in slugging each other out like brutes at a tavern. Let's leave them beat out the hot air in their brain and hopefully they'll come to ttheir senses."

Although he said this, is one of those males started being hostile to the rest of their just-gathered troupe, he would fire lightning at them. If the guys want to have at it, they can do that. They shouldn't ever harm women though.
Galatea briefly took her eye off of the melée down the hall and glanced at the guy who was apologizing to her. Her lip curled an a smirk at his words, but they rang fairly true insofar as her experiences were concerned. She returned her grey eyes to the fight as she warily prepared for whichever combatant would next attack them.

"Aye," she agreed with him. "Boys and their toys, right?"

Tanaka snuffed the air and looked suspiciously at the fellow who was addressing his companion. The wolf took no aggressive posture toward him as he sensed that Galatea didn't consider the young man to be a threat. Yellow eyes regarded him, however, as Tanaka's demeanor spoke a warning to the man to not press too closely.

"In the interest of time," Galatea continued as she maintained her focus down the hall, "might I suggest we all give some insight as to our collective abilities should ... whatever that is down there decide to work its way up here? I'll start. My name is Galatea, and you've all already met Tanaka. As I said earlier, I don't possess any particular ability with any elements, but I am able to work well with natural things – plants in particular – and have been known back home as a novice herbalist."

She grinned and added, "Tanaka, here, is ... well, Tanaka. He and I travel together."
Norman kept his battle posture and waited for a response, though none was forthcoming. Suddenly, however, the male by the fountain burst into a rage and started throwing around curses, accusations and spitting nonsense. Nothing the man said made any sense to Norman so he simply stood there, still covered by his shield.

Norman saw the man preparing some sort of attack, of what kind he did not know, and braced himself behind his shield. Feet squared, both arms holding the shield, and braces of earth reinforcing both the shield and Norman, he was ready now for any attack. I do love controlling the earth. Norman thought as he peeked back over his shield just in time to see the man start his attack and ducked back under to avoid it.

Norman waited, but when the attack never hit he dared a chance to peek back over, only slightly. Yet, it was enough to view the scene in front of him, a massive blast of fire coming from the man towards Norman, yet a small woman blocked it. Norman could only assume that she either controlled air or fire as well, though he was not sure as to which it was.

The woman's voice barely reached Normans ears over the roar of the inferno that was being launched at them, and Norman's Stoneskin. "No, he means to kill, that is all the conviction that I need. Though he is of Fire, so this should be a good fight!"

Norman moved his free hand away from the shield, doubled the Stoneskin on it, dropped the braces, and rushed pass the woman holding back the onslaught of flames. Norman, using the power of earth, jumped a good 15 feet into the air and slammed his fist into the ground, shooting out several dozen shards of earth, stone, and rock flying towards the man of fire. "Let's dance shall we?" Norman called out
Jadus cautiously approached Tanaka and attempted to go in to stroke them. More than anything, he attempted to show them respect or similar, which is something he felt wolves would like.

" "Boys have their toys, gentlemen their tongue." Is what my father sometimes said. I prefer not to go via a messy approach such as this, though I suppose machismo is a great catalyst in these kinds of matters."

He gave a kind smile and eyes. While the males here seemed rather ridiculous, it looked like the rest of the group did have some sort of sensibility.

"My name is Jadus. I have control over electricity to use in multiple ways. Both my parents are doctors too so I have quite some medical knowledge, though lesser of the typically practical kind. It applies to my power though, so I'm not fussed."

"Tanaka, hold still and relax if you may. I know you don't entirely trust me, reasonable too, but I mean no harm."

He attempted to use the electricity on the wolf of a minor scale while petting. In his parents studies they found that animals have similar neurons in how they work. He applied it to some of the few points on the wolf body he actually knew of where they release endorphins of the pleasant kind. He had no idea where the ones that function most organs are though, just some muscle and touch related ones.

He was confident he'd get this right though. It won't be a shocking feel to them, more of a soothing variety.

Tapatalk is being used for this post.
Tanaka snuffed suspiciously at Jadus' approach. His yellow eyes passed from the man and back to Galatea for some sign. She was focused on the fighting down the hall, but from her peripheral vision watched as Jadus reached toward Tanaka.

She didn't think that the electric mage would harm her companion; still, she was uncertain in this strange environment with strange people. The wolf growled and bared his fangs, but calmed when Galatea commanded, "Tanaka, odayaka," while she split her focus between the fight down the hall and the mage's touch on her companion.

Tanaka calmed and allowed the touch. The electrical impulse that eased through his body was unnerving, but gentle. He sniffed at Jadus' hand and gave it a quick lick before he returned his attention to where his companion was looking. It was as much acceptance as he was willing to give with danger to Galatea being so near.

"He's really a vain wolf," Galatea remarked with a sly grin. "It seems that you two will get along royally, once we determine what in the Seven Hells is going on with fight down there." She nodded toward the hall where the fire and earth mages were dueling.
Aisha jumped slightly at the rather loud entrance of yet another person then chaos. The sounds of crashing stone and fighting echoed of the temple walls lacking it hard to just ignore it. Her eyes remained glued to down the corridor at the brightly flashing auras of bright red and buddy green clashing in the other room, between them some silver trying to push between the other two forces. She shifted her gaze to the other girl who had entered the room "uh... I'm Aisha, I control energy." She looked back to the corridor as another clashed echoed. "...I'm not one to intervening in conflict... However allowing them to simply fight might put this temple at risk for collapsing... That or draw attention to this place." She spoke up 

Just beyond the entrance of the temple a dull thumping could be heard faintly among the howling wind. The blizzard which raged winds whipping around wildly carrying its icy breath inside the open temple gates. The temperature dropped dramatically and howling increased to a near deafening degree, the stone walls only echoing the sound further. Ice formed along the edges of the temple entry way slowly creeping its way along the walls little by little.

After a few minutes the thumping became clearly audible, a thunderous sound of stone crushing against stone gew louder and closer to the temple. Nothing could be seen past the wall of white windblown snow and ice which obscured the entryway to the temple leaving it a mystery as to what could be making such a ruckus. The pounding silenced for a tense moment before something crashed trough the front of the temple creating a large hole in the stone wall. A blast of icy air filling the first room and whipped its way through into the corridors leading out of the room as well.

From the large gaping hole in the wall the source of the thumping made its self known as an enormous creature composted of Ice and stone.


With a fearsome screech the creature set its sights on those who were closest to the temple entrance and swung its massive fists in an attempt to crush them.
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Galatea's eyes widened at the introduction of the ice beast. "Ok, so what in the Hells is that?" she asked those nearby as she maintained her stance and began to consider this new threat. The creature seemed to take no sides as it appeared to focus its attention on the combatants down the hall.

Her initial assessment of the ... thing ... told Galatea that mere arrows wouldn't suffice. For this, her and Tanaka were seriously out-classed. Had it been just the two of them, they would have run for cover and hidden themselves from the ice beast until it moved on to find more suitable fare.

But this time, there were others in danger. "Ok, you guys take care of ... that, and I'll see to the others," she shouted as she replaced her arrow in her quiver and sprinted down the hall toward the fight.

"Tanaka, hogo," she called over her shoulder back to her companion, and the wolf with yellow eyes halted its pursuit of her. Tanaka froze and looked back at the others who remained in the room with the frozen fountain, then whined as he watched his charge running head-long into the fray.
Auria's eyes flashed a bright blue as she soared upwards into the air to avoid the on coming attack. She still felt a bit light headed from the lack of fresh oxygen but nonetheless kept a strong front. She quickly assessed the situation from the varying positions of the monster to other two near the right side wall. Auria knew she was relatively safe in the shadows of the temple ceiling but others were going to get the worst of it if she didn't do something.

"Gratis...fly for a bit, okay?" She mummered, letting the nightingale take off towards the entrance. Once the bird was out of sight, she swiftly flew toward the towering ice beast and rapidly threw balls of concentrated air towards its lumbering figure. It only chipped small pieces of ice from its body but overall damage wasn't what Auria was focusing on. She was only interested in capturing its attention and to create a diversion while the others would either run or prepare their attacks. It seemed that her plan had worked as the beast slowly turned around to face her and swung its gigantic fists into the air.

Auria swiftly dodged the attack, letting its frozen limb pass by her with little to no difficulty. It looked like the monsters ultimate weakness was its sluggish movements...and the heat.
As the strange white haired girl interfered, the air would burst, swirling around and dispersing stone and flame all before a strange silence would wash over the scene. Del would wince, part reflex, his eyes instinctually protecting themselves from the debris of earth and ash that scattered along with the newfound winds. Though the other part, was no doubt surprise, as he watched the girl do her best to get between the two. He'd watch her cough and choke on the smoke that seemed to be coming from the now burning blanket he wore on his shoulders.

Of course Del was too far gone, too far from himself, and so far away from rationality. He'd watch her warn the other man, the crass man, the attacking man, the one who was so presumptuous, so self righteous as to go about shouting accusations and throwing his weight around. He growled, there was no other word for it, somewhere between scoffing and angry grunting as he pushed himself back and stood ready to strike once more. "So you are the enemy" he'd mutter under his breath towards Auria. "Fine then you too" he'd say right as the large man broke into a stride and leapt into the air.

"Kill? Okay then, if you insist!" he'd shout, as his hands instinctually burst into flames, and his feet now began to glow hot red as well. As the man's momentum shifted, going from up to down, the torches that lined the ceiling burst. Blasting flames at the falling man as he fell to meet the ground, the air was a foolish place for a man that drew his power from the earth, how could he dictate the fight when he couldn't dictate his own direction?

Though of course the man's heft carried him through the flames, Del didn't care, it wasn't like he had directed the torches, rather he'd simply grown angry and the fires reacted in response. The fires always knew, they always reacted, it wasn't a matter of choice, or training, fire went with rage and rage with fire. So when the man's shards of earth did come, Del was already upon him, he didn't have to think, he didn't want to, as of that moment he was instinct, he was flickering flame, and red hot hate.

The rocks and earth sent hurtling towards him, they were fairly simple affairs, for a boy with no thought left in him they were dodged by his body rather than his mind. Though all the same, he'd leave himself open to the smaller ones, the less obvious, less perceivable bits that tore away at his exposed flesh, leaving scratches and drawing faint traces of blood that'd immediately dry as they seeped from their wounds. This only sought to further enrage the boy, as the smell of burnt blood wafted through his nostrils, and the pain shot through his flesh.

His feet were now torrents of fire, flickering as each new step met the ground. Around his ankles the fires seemed to leak out, starting at the tattoos that made crude circles around them and pouring over his feet. In truth the ink he'd covered his ankles and feet with was not like the rest, it was Taattano, an ink reserved for the cruelest of criminals. In the days of old his people had given the Taatano tattoos to prisoners to describe their crimes before execution. Then they'd light them on fire, setting the flammable ink alight, and burning the men from beneath their very skin.

In truth Del had given himself the tattoos to describe his own crimes, burning his feet the sins of everyone he had hurt, if nothing else but a reminder to never truly let himself go.

Perhaps that was the reason, the ink that very pain, the reminder of his past,that caused the Rona boy to stop right as he was upon the man. His feet now fully engulfed in flame, were standing on small cushions of flame, thrusting him forward, and burning at the souls of his feet when he stopped. His right arm was now burning brighter than any torch, any flame, and his fist would stop right before the shield. Even then the heat caused the stone to turn a faint orange, and as Del stood there a second silence followed.

Though it was not to last, as the cold washed over the room and the giant made his presence known, he'd merely glance over to acknowledge its presence. Of course he'd cringe as the thing screeched, if only as a silent tribute to his ears before he'd glance back at the man. "You are next, dancer boy" he'd assure the man a second before he'd leap onto his shield and jump off of it, propelling himself as far away from the man as he could manage before the mighty blows of the beast came down upon him. He'd land thirty or so feet away, catching himself on a layer of flickering flame, before he'd stand to size up the new guest.

"You want some too!!!?" he'd shout enraged beyond a point of repair, of course it did, they all did, why wouldn't they!? They were all like the rest, everyone was looking down on him, and now this giant freaking thing came out of nowhere to quite literally look down him too!? No, that wasn't happening. Del's feet now burned, raged, and trembled like infernos, he'd look down at them ignoring the pain, and using it to fuel himself further. Of course with pain came his thoughts, and as incoherent as they were he'd land on just the right idea. "Okay then....take some" he'd mutter, a second before he'd pull his hand out before him, watching as all the torches in the corridor began to sway towards him. Then came his other hand, trying to pull them from their roosts. It'd look like he was straining himself, concentrating, gritting his teeth, angrily cursing in bizarre tongues in hushed breaths all the while the flames refused to budge until.

There! He'd feel it, the heat, the rage, the real fuel to these fires, he was it! And so he'd stop, placing his arms down at his sides as he fueled all his rage into his glare. Staring down the monster, with those eyes so filled with hate. The fires would seem to stare as well, burning brighter and harder than ever until each one over flowed from it's container. Seeping out and over the torches, up into the rafters, and down onto the ground. Every torch the whole temple over began to quake until, the flames all left their homes. Bursting forth and joining a river, a tempest of flame that all seemed to head over the heads of everyone and towards one target. This was it, true dragon's breath, a whole temple's worth of fire, no longer lighting the way, no longer helping, no, the true purpose of these flames now seemed apparent, both to the world and Del. For these flames were always meant to burn someone, and now, they'd seem to grow in glee as their purpose was upon them.

The fire that was those flames would collide with the big monster, following the glare of a much smaller one. The small monster wanted no excuse, and no apology, only destruction, and perhaps in this regard the two were alike. Yes, perhaps the only difference was, this would one day change for the small one, while the large one, would never see another day to know. For even if the current of steady roaring flame, seemed too little for the beast, there was no doubt more on the way from those other fateful folk...
"My aren't they getting rather into it."

Jadus withdrew his two ball-chains and span them in a dance. As he spun, electricity built up from what he was generating and the chains and ball started to crackle visibly and audibly with lightning.

Electricity by itself was very tolling on his body. It is close to pure energy in that regard. Well, he had heard one scientist say it is a form of energy like heat is.

As the chain-balls spun, the pyromaniac went off one and full on charged them. He should probably think what he is doing first, but each to their own.

Jadus assessed the giant, looking them over.

Then it came to him.

The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Jadus almost slung the lightning out of the chain balls. With a spin of one he shot out the lightning to the knee....whatever is a cap on that and with the other chain did the same to the other.

The travel, being lightning, was near instantaneous. It shot across the air, crackling in a dazzling show. Not to mention the extreme heat that lightning had.

"Adiós legs of a giant. Kiss the floor begging for mercy."

Tapatalk is being used for this post.
Galatea skidded to a stop as the room virtually erupted in fire. She threw her hand across her face as the heat from the inferno pushed her back. "Hells!" she swore as she squinted into the smoke and flames, but couldn't see any of the other mages and the ice creature was hardly visible to her.

Jadus appeared next to her and swung his ball-chain apparatus as he assessed the beast. Then, white-hot searing bolts of lightning fired out and struck the thing.

Galatea took a few steps back from Jadus. She was clearly out matched as none of her fighting skill or nature talent could compete with the display before her in this arena. She crouched against the wall and waited for ... well, something to happen that she could affect.

"This will be my last trip into the arctic zone," she muttered with disappointment. Galatea glanced back toward the fountain room, and true to her command Tanaka remained as he guarded the girl.
"AAhh!!" Auria screamed as she was hit aside by one of its on coming attacks. She landed with a bone cracking thud against the right wall and fell to the ground in a broken heap. Blood dribbled down the corner of her mouth before she coughed up even more, coating the floor with red liquid. But even with her obviously haggard state, she managed to pull herself up and onto her feet. She swayed slightly but remained stubbornly up right and even gave a smile as she saw the others working together to defeat the monster.

'I've got...to keep helping too...'

Slowly, she limped forward and thrust out her uninjured arm to her side. The air swirled and converged just a few inches from her fingers until turning into a colossal drill made entirely of pure, raging winds. She thrust it at the beast, skewering its side as its legs were broken right from under it. It bit into its stomach and large mounds of ice were completely chipped off its body. The drill disappeared and not a second later Auria dropped to her hands and knees. A fresh wave of blood spurted out her mouth. That was it. She had put all her energy in that attack and could only hope that it was of any use.
Through the roiling smoke and flame, Galatea watched with awe as the creature struck the wind mage girl. The impact of the attack flung her against the wall where she landed more roughly than her body could take. Galatea winced as she knew the girl was dead.

To her surprise, the girl dragged herself up and unleashed her element on the creature in what seemed to be a last, final attack. Galatea could see the blood on her lips and knew that the internal injuries were severe.

Finally! Galatea thought as she had found a use for her talent after all. She slung her longbow across her shoulder and prepared to launch herself toward the fallen wind mage.

"Tanaka, tame watashi!" she hollered back to her wolf, and the animal immediately sprung into action. As he ran at his top speed toward Galatea, she in turn ran at her full speed toward the injured girl.

Galatea slid on her knee and leg as she skidded to a stop next to the kneeling girl. She put her hands around her shoulders for support and then tried to ease her to her feet. Tanaka continued his frantic bounding toward them.

"Come on," Galatea coerced. "You're done here. Let's get you out of the way and let the rest of them handle this thing."

Tanaka guarded their flank. His hackles were raised and his yellow eyes stared defiantly toward the ice beast. He lowered his ears and issued a guttural growl as he dared the creature to try to pass him to get to his human friend.

Galatea lightly, gingerly tried to pull the wind mage back toward the sanctuary of the hallway. As they moved, Tanaka stood his ground.
Aisha s shuddered at the icy wind that blew in from the gaping whole in the wall. "What on earth..." She muttered having never seen such a creature before and not really knowing what to make of it. She contemplated going in to help with the attack but with so many elements flying around the creature it was incredibly difficult to even get close with in catching some damage. She noted how one of the fighters was injuries and Galatea started to bring her back to the hall. Aisha quickly rushed over to help get the silver haired girl to the hall were it was safer.


The ice golem hallowed and screeched as it was pelted and attacked by the smaller elemental. The ice surrounding its body was chipped away by the wind and electricity, melted too an fair degree from the flames as well. Despite this the creature still stood, its stone core standing firm against the abuse. The golem flailed it's arms to swat away the beings which attacked it focusing most of its attention at the brightly burning flames which had melted most of its ice. With an ear piercing war-like screech came an intensely cold blast with whirling winds near blinding snow as the blizzard started to invade the first room. Refreezing most of the room and water which had accumulated on the ground. A small bit of frost covered the exposed rocks however it paled in comparison to the thicker ice which was left in tact.
"Thank...you..." Auria managed to say in between the racking coughs. She heavily leaned against both of the girls shoulders, barely able to support her own weight. She had just began to feel the effects of her injuries and it felt as though her entire right side had been broken into various places. Auria struggled to keep conscious as the pain began to slowly overwhelm her.
Xander stood there awkwardly, unsure exactly what to do. He wasn't exactly that great in combat, he only knew the practical uses of his ability, but he knew learning by doing was always good. He saw that the golem was ice, but couldn't seem to manipulate it, so he instead took from the waters around them, following up lightning boys idea of knocking it down. He put massive amount of random, useless, blocky ice on its shoulders and torso, making it extremely top heavy and susceptible to falling. He simply did what he could without actually fighting, which he had no clue how to do.

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