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Realistic or Modern Rebellious Contract: On the Set Day 1 / The Chosen - Kdrama/Thaidrama - MxM

Arabella Cauwell

Harry Potter and Asian Drama Ambassador
Rebellious Contract: On the Set Day 1 / The Chosen
Pasta and Arabella Cauwell
Genre: Kdrama, BL, etc..
Pairings: Actor Sam (Pasta) x Actor Pha (Ara), Director Ryu (Ara) x Actor (Pasta)

Place: An Entertainment company in Korea

Previous Thread: Realistic/Modern - Rebellious Contract: The Audition - Kdrama/Thaidrama - MxM
Summary: The Chosen actors for Rebellious Contract arrive at the set.



For a full week following what actor Phassakorn Anurak called, ‘the most humiliating and crazy audition he’d ever had in his life,’ which apparently included debut, Pha had refused to leave his house. His manager, who had been told to wait in the car wondered just how badly the audition could have gone. Then around the third day that he was expected to bring his client breakfast in bed he began to wonder if maybe the man had been forced to kiss another man. That would have certainly caused this dark haze around Pha’s head…which was somewhat literal considering he’d made sure his maid had outfitted his bed all in black.

Narong was a very loyal manager, who had been with Pha since the very beginning of the boys acting career. He knew Pha well enough to know that if the director had demanded a kiss and convinced Pha to actually do it, that could very well have been his first kiss ever. Pha didn’t talk about it much, but there was a definite reason that so many female stars wanted to work with him and called him a gentleman. That was because Pha always insisted on fake kisses and faking any level of skinship that they could fake. Narong had to give it to him, he really did make it look convincing, but nevertheless besides the most basic of things like arms over shoulders, hand holds (which actually he thought was a bit much), and hugs, Pha refused to do them.

Narong felt a bit guilty for pushing Pha so far, but he hadn’t lied. The company had not liked Pha’s refusal to even try, particularly since he’d gotten an invite, and would likely have cancelled his contract to make a point. They also probably would have signed him back on if they could since he was one of the most profitable actors in the company…but Pha didn’t have to hear that part.

Whatever the case it took a week and taunts of ice cream for Pha to come out of his funk, but soon he was back to his slightly arrogant, but happy self, which Narong much preferred over the sulky doesn’t get out of bed side of him. Unfortunately this happy spell did not last long, since two days later the company had called and delivered some very unexpected news to Narong, who listened with wide eyes and nodded as he got up to check the fax machine in his office.

Narong was baffled by pretty much every part of the news that the company had given him, but congratulations were certainly due. Grabbing the paper work and his brief case, Narong headed out of the office and got into the car, he dialed Pha and told him that he needed to see him right away. Pha happened to be at a spa at the time, so Narong drove to the address he was given and headed straight in with only a few short words to the staff.

It seemed to Narong that just about everything involving this Rebellious Contract show was going to turn out differently, including the way he was going to tell Pha, because by the time he found the other man, Pha was laying across a massage table, with nothing but a towel and inexplicably his sunglasses on.

“I hate to interrupt, but I have a contract I need you to sign.”

“Mmm?” Pha questioned sleepily as Narong tried again,

“A contract. Can you sign it or do you need some time?”

Pha shook his head and flexed his hands until Narong put a pen in one and the contract in the other. Without giving it much thought Pha signed and dated what he could see and handed it back to Narong telling him to use his personalized stamp for the rest of it.

Narong nodded, surprised, but proud about how well Pha was taking all this. Assuming he had read even just the title of the contract. Of course there was a chance that he hadn’t read about his actual role yet come to think of it. Narong decided it would be best to put the contract away before talking to Pha just in case the situation turned in some way. Once it was secured Narong breathed out,

“Well Pha I have some great news for you, but before I give it to you I just want to say a little something.”

Pha let out a slightly annoyed sound as he was trying to relax,

“Does it have to be now?”

Narong thought about it and answered,

“I suppose not, but I believe it’s best to tell things in the moment so you can see what people are genuinely feeling.”

“I’m genuinely annoyed if it helps.” Pha snapped, but was mostly teasing at the moment.

“Anyway, I just want to say that I know this is not your ideal role, nor your ideal genre, but I for one am glad that you’re becoming more open to opportunities in this field. With an addition like this on, if you pull it off, you’re bound to get tons of invites to all sorts of different parts. You won’t be boxed in and your career will last longer.”

“Narong I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Pha said rolling his eyes, although it could not be seen past the sunglasses.

“I’m talking about entering into this whole new world of acting that I know you’ve been very resistant to, but I think it shows tremendous growth that not only are you willing to try it, you’re also willing to be in a…I don’t want to say more feminine role, but not as masculine as your used to I guess.”

At this point there was no hope for his massage. Pha sat up, excusing the masseuse and staring at Narong.

“Seriously. What the hell are you talking about?”

Narong felt sweat begin to form around his neck and temple. He was beginning to get a bad feeling about Pha’s possible response to this. To help possibly soften the blow he decided that he should start with compliments. People generally heard better when they were complimented first,

“First of all the director absolutely loved you. He literally accepted all of your usual demands, paid way more than we would have even asked, and just kept on raving about how perfect you were and how he had to have you for his project.”

Pha tried to think about projects he’d gone out for recently, besides the project that shall not be named, as he was currently calling it…or not calling it for that matter. He didn’t particularly remember any in the last short while, so he was baffled, but still Narong went on.

“He said he couldn’t even imagine a better fit for the wife role then you.”

“Come again?”

“That part was a bit funny, because I thought you were going out for the husband role, but boy you fooled me. I had no idea that you’d be THAT open-minded to this new project, especially when you’re normally so against BL! What changed your mind?”

Pha blinked at his manager as his brain tried to catch up with what his manager was telling him. Two minutes later there was a huge screech of,

“What?!” that could be heard from that spot they were in, all the way to two blocks next door.

For the next week there was a lot of kicking, screaming, and why me’s, but eventually Narong figured out that Pha had really not believed he’d have the possibility of getting the job, particularly the wife role, after the audition that he’d given. Apparently, he had not been upset about that fact, but rather that he’d had to go in the first place, which Narong had kind of known, but thought that with a pride like Pha’s that the man would have been insulted by not being picked by someone.

But he supposed their were first times for everything.

It had taken all of Narong’s previous skills as a sportsman to keep the signed contract from Pha’s hands, as once he’d realized what he’d signed he’d spent that following week trying to get the contract back and rip it up. So Narong had to send it back to the company immediately at some point when Pha had passed out due to exhaustion.

It wasn’t that Narong didn’t feel somewhat bad for the guy, Pha really was innocent and as the one no longer leading how far the physical stuff went, there was a very likely chance that Pha was going to be experiencing some…new things on this set. But Narong also knew how much exposure this was and how big both his and his clients paycheck was going to be over this one. So he couldn’t just let him refuse. Not to mention how excited the company was about Pha’s sudden obedient behavior and their own cut.

Whatever happened now Pha was going to have to deal with it and Narong would help how he could.

On the day they were to start filming in Korea Narong had managed a lot of things. The Korean entertainment company that was funding this program had let him know that arrangements and daily budgets and all were on them thankfully. So Narong had mainly packed for Pha and sent his bags to the address that the company had sent along with some…helpful items to help Pha get used to his role. Those would be for later however, because the biggest packing was of Pha himself.

Pha had, quite stubbornly refused to prepare for this role, because ‘it must be a mistake.’ Not only would he not read the script, but he also refused to budge from Thailand. Or so he would have if Narong had let him. But Narong worked out for a very good reason, and so he had one of the company assistants send his own things along and only took his and Pha’s most important items in a satchel around his hip as he lifted up the Thai star and literally carried him most of the way on to the plane.

Pha had been somewhat mortified by it, which is why he had chosen not to fight it or argue about it when the airport staff had asked him if he was being detained against his will. Although he had wanted to say yes, even he knew that people would recognize him at that point and that was the last thing he wanted at the moment. With any luck he hoped this tv show would be a flop that never reached Thailand. So he waited until he was in a seat in first class to snap at Narong.

Narong ignored him, which further infuriated him, and it was Narong who managed to get Pha to walk out on his own into a rented car, to be taken to the studio.


Pha had never in his life felt so embarrassed to enter an entertainment studio as that day. This TV show didn’t even have a press release yet and he was already terrified of anyone recognizing him as the one who was supposed to play the wife role.

The only reason he’d gotten out of the car was that if Narong had carried him in this time, he’d never be able to live it down once they figured out what his acting role was to be on this set. They might even think that he didn’t have to act much to get it.

For now all Pha wanted to do was lay low, until he could meet with that idiot director and show him the terrible mistake he’d made. Clearly there must have been a name similar to Pha’s that he had really wanted to cast in this role, but he’d gotten it mixed up with Pha’s. Once the company was informed of that then the contract could be torn up and he could go home to beautiful Thailand where he could continue his normal, if slightly monotonous, role as straight romantic male lead. Everything would be so much better than.

But first he needed to find the bastard.

Keeping a low profile had never been one of Pha’s gifts in all honesty, even now he kept feeling like he was getting in the way as he tried to hide under his hat and sunglasses and ‘be one with the wall’ or rather blend into various parts of the studio that people were moving around. Soon he was tired of almost being run over by objects so he decided that perhaps it was best to wait the director out in the waiting room.

He asked a stage hand where he could find the waiting rooms and the man pointed to the director of the main rooms, but also mentioned he wasn’t sure which rooms were for which actors. Pha nodded that it was okay, before heading in that direction himself. On the way he thought he saw a man with a camera, which could have been press. Panicked, he didn’t bother looking up at what waiting room he was going into and merely jumped into one, hoping that the camera man hadn’t seen or been interested in him.

When he jumped into the room, he thought he might have accidently knocked into some one. He really needed whoever was in there to work with him or else he was going to have a lot of extra work keeping the possible press away. So as he turned Pha said to whomever it may be,

“I’m so sorry about that I didn’t mean to-”
and here he stopped, because he was surprised to see a recognizable face.

Considering how many people he felt were against him lately it was good to see a friend and an ally finally on the scene,

“Thank goodness! You have no idea how happy I am to see you!” Pha said as he put his arms out to hug one of his very few Korean friends, “It’s been so long and come to think of it why on earth are you here?”

Pha had many questions and goals at this moment in his life, but for now, getting reacquainted with a friend seemed to be the most important…until Director Kim Ryung showed up and the mans mistaken had finally been caught and he could go home. At least if this sick mistake had given him anything it was a chance to see his old friend. Indeed he had heard there were often rainbows after rainstorms. He supposed that this one must count.
Mok Hyeon Soo

Mok Hyeon Soo is a rookie actor at best. Most of the roles he receives usually side characters. Although, there have been a few times where he got the main role in indie films. This upcoming BL was going to be his first big drama and first drama in general. He wasn’t too new to the whole BL community; his first role was in an indie BL. Well, it wasn’t exactly a BL in his opinion; he thought it was too sad to be a real BL. It was more of a PSA to show what Korea’s views could do to someone struggling with their sexuality. If people ask if he’s ever been in a BL, he would probably reply with a hard ‘no.’ But since then, he had enjoyed his time in straight movies.

Because of his rookie status, he lived with his manager and two other actors. The manager had their own room while the three actors had to share a tiny room. Regardless, he was still thankfully even if they had to eat their meals on the floor, or his inability to afford an expensive smartphone. ”Our friendship keeps us going.”

The actors celebrated his “big” role with a cake and utensils. They all hoped the bigger role would help them upgrade their living situation. Larger roles meant more funding towards their home, and eventually, it would lead to them possibly getting their own abode. It would also bring them up in the public eye, and more recognition meant more roles.

To be completely honest, Hyeon Soo thought his audition was mediocre at best. But, maybe that was because he had a habit of criticizing himself to the last detail. The casting team seemed to enjoy his audition. Most likely they saw differently than him and saw potential. Whatever it was, he was beyond thankful.


The first day of shooting had finally arrived. Hyeon Soo had the same feeling in the pit of his stomach he usually got on the first days of a shoot. He had gotten situated in his dressing room (which he was ecstatic over receiving), and everything was going smoothly.

He flipped on the lights by the vanity and watched as the bulbs surrounding the mirror lit up before slowing stepping back to admire it. Just as he stepped back, someone busted through the door and into him. He narrowed his sharp and glared towards the culprit. But, his gaze softened when he realized who it was. His dearest and only Thai friend was on set with him. He felt relieved to see it was a familiar face and not some creep.

“Aha, you scared me,” He breathed out before returning the quick hug. ”Mmm, it’s nice to see you too.”

He tilted his head when the man asked why he was here. Was it not obvious? Did he not fit the role he was given? A soft frown appeared on his face, but he soon waved it off with an obvious sigh. ”Why do you think?” He asked with playfully before clasping his hands together. “Obviously I got a role, and I assume you got one too? Wow, I would’ve never thought you’d do something like this... You surprise me sometimes.”

”Did you get a main role?” A shock expression replaced his previous one as he came to the realization. He recalled reading somewhere that the director was looking for Thai males for the main role. All he did was connect the dots, and it made sense for him to get one of the roles. Arabella Cauwell Arabella Cauwell
Pha half forgot himself, happy at the crazy coincidence. He had not seen or even got to message his friend in a while, and had actually been annoyed that his manager hadn’t let him visit Hyeon Soo the first time they’d come for the audition. Although to be fair he wasn’t in the best of moods and had himself wanted the first flight back, but if they came a day or two earlier Pha could have invited the boy to his hotel, or asked him to show him some fun places in Korea.

At the mention of scaring his friend Pha rubbed the bridge of his nose ashamedly before saying,

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, I was just…well its probably best not to say. With my luck if I mention what they are they’ll pop into the room. Just know I didn’t mean to scare you. I didn’t even know you were here, but I’m glad I get to see you today. How are things?”

Being a particularly big star now, and perhaps some from being from a different country where they ran things differently anyway, sometimes Pha forgot what it had been like to struggle for work. At this point in his career he could really want for nothing…except maybe getting out of this particular part. But he was compassionate, especially to his friends, so when he noticed that sad frown and listened to the words he was sorry.

Of course he didn’t love all the words the boy said, but even he could be happy about his friend landing a somewhat big role…even if it did have to be on this cursed set. Although suddenly he was feeling a bit guilty about wishing the show would fail or be hidden. He supposed now that his friend needed it he’d only wish himself off of it.

“You got a role! That’s excellent! What one? Honestly I didn’t read that much of the script, but I’m sure whatever role it is you’ll be great. We should celebrate! Drinks are on me tonight and bring all your friends if you want. I can even rent a bar or club if you’d prefer.” He said brightly, wanting to make it up to his friend and he wanted to bless him too as he always felt that seasoned actors should help newer ones.

But Hyeon Soo was clearly thinking some terribly wrong things to assume that Pha would just sign up for something like this…well he had sort of, but he still felt he was tricked into it.

“Oh no, no I’m not doing something like this. You know me same old stuff keeps Pha a happy boy.” He said beginning to sweat.

Then came the words,

”Did you get a main role?”

“Not on purpose,” Was the response, which he realized pretty soon sounded odd somehow, so he decided to elaborate more just in case it was taken the wrong way, “I think the director accidentally mixed up my name with another Thai actor’s name and they called the wrong company by mistake. So I decided to come here to show the Director his mistake so that they could call the right person.”

Then since he didn’t want his friend to think he was arrogant or anything he added,

“I would hate it if someone who worked very hard on this role and was loved by the director didn’t get to perform it, because of a silly mix up. So once I see the Director he can break the contract and make up a new one as he figures out which actor was perfect for the role.” Pha said with a happy sigh, like he was ending a fairy tale.

He moved over and sat one one of the couches in the waiting room calling the other guy over and deciding that since all he was really there for was to correct the terrible casting mistake, so maybe he could use his time wisely and help his friend a little,

“So you can see that since that’s the only thing I’m here for I should have some time to hangout with you while I’m here. Of course I won’t mess with your set time. Speaking of which, how do you feel about the first day on set? Excited? Nervous? I have a trick for nearly everything.” Pha said cheerfully.

It was a lot easier now that he was alone with a friend and the cameras didn’t seem to be trying to sneak in. He could imagine that they were just comfortably in a park for now, to relax his nerves and make himself not quite as on edge. He was an actor after all so imagination came to him just in the form of the space that was around them. Finally he could just relax and have a normal conversation for once. It was bliss!

Soon everything would be set to rights…or at least that’s what Pha believed, with his overactive imagination.
Mok Hyeon Soo

Hyeon Soo raised his eyebrow when Pha said he didn’t purposefully get the role. He didn’t quite understand what his friend meant. He went to the audition with the main intention of getting the role, right? “Oh?” He questioned. Thankfully his friend explained further what he meant. Deep down, Hyeon Soo doubted the director made the mistake of mixing him up with another Thai actor, but it was plausible. Still, he couldn’t help, but feel that Pha had actually gotten whatever role they tried out for.

”Ah, I see… Would’ve been cool to worked on set with you,” He sighed. “But it’s good that you have the other real actor in mind.”

Hyeon Soo admired Pha for his humbleness -- which he was probably making up in his head. He had a habit of seeing only the good in people and leaving out their flaws. He also admired the actor for his large success in Thailand. He would never admit it, but it was almost an honor to be speaking with him now.

The actor followed his friend to the couch and sat beside him. ”Ah, but wouldn’t that mean you’d have to catch a flight back, like, tomorrow?” He asked as he leaned back against the couch. ”That wouldn’t leave us with much time to hang out.” He felt sort of disappointed at the assumption he had made; the feeling you got as a child when you realized it was time to leave of friend’s house.

But, his disappointment was soon to diminish as his friend brought up how he felt. ”I’m feeling a little nervous, but that’s normal,” He chuckled while making a small hand gesture at the word little. ”But I’m overall excited. I feel the same as I would on any set… Just, this one is a lot bigger and isn’t like any of the movie sets I’ve been on.” A smile appeared on his face. “And look, the dressing room has multiple mirrors. Even though I'm just apart of the side couple, it's still really cool.”

Shrugging, he reached over to grab his water bottle from the white end table on the side of the couch. After taking a quick swig of the drink, he looked back towards his friend. “So, what role did you accidentally get?” He asked, putting emphasis on the world ‘accidentally.’

Perhaps it was just him being blind, but he really believed Pha would get the husband role. The wife role was something he’d never wish on anyone which is pretty ironic bc of how ends up. He felt the media portrayed it a certain way, and there was a stigma around it. Besides, he could never really judge his friends in that way. Arabella Cauwell Arabella Cauwell
If Pha was being truthful to himself, he was a little upset that he could have been on a drama with Hyeon Soo. Of course, it didn’t matter if Angelina Jolie decided to join this particular cast, Pha refused to be in the wife role. But working on set with his new actor friend would have been a lot of fun.

New and seasoned actors were just so different. It was fun to watch the excitement and blossoming of a new actor. Seasoned actors people chose, because they had selling power and had already proven themselves, so unless they had taken on a very different role then their usual it was generally more of the same. But new actors were like babies just learning to walk for the first time. Their potential was hidden and they could very well end up being the brightest stars of tomorrow.

The best thing about watching a new Korean actor grow was that Pha didn’t have to worry about being competitive with him. Sometimes Pha would get nervous when spotting a new actor in Thailand, because every new actor has the potential of taking an older actors spot. After all hadn’t he inadvertently taken roles that five or ten years before would have been another actors?

Pha was at the height of his fame, which he was quite aware meant that eventually his career would tip one way or another. Either he’d raise to new heights and this time would cease to be the height, or pretty soon it would take a nose dive and he’d have to seek other employment, but occasionally be remembered in the streets or assumed to be remembered with talks like, “You look like that guy from that old TV show…what was it called again?”

It was a bit of a depressing thought when he stopped to think. Looking at Hyeon Soo, Pha realized he’d take the beginning again rather than the place he was now. To be excited about a side character and enjoy the rise of fame again.

“I would have liked to work on set with you, perhaps there will be another chance in the future.” Pha said fondly.

When Hyeon Soo asked when he’d have to go home Pha gave the other guy a fond smile,

“You don’t have to get rid of me that quickly,” he teased, ruffling the other guys hair, after all Pha was older than him and kind of felt like Hyeon Soo was like a younger brother to him, “since my company thinks I’m wrong about the mix up they’ve cleared my scheduale. So once I get everything all squared away I’ll be able to stay at least a week at a hotel….actually it might be safer to since my company will likely be pissed.”

Pha watched the other boy and nodded at the nervous and excited comments. Indeed it was normal. Pha couldn’t help but chuckle at the multiple mirror comment. That was exactly the kind of thing that Pha missed feeling, but he didn’t like Hyeon Soo putting down his role like that.

“Excitement is good, you don’t need a tip for that one, but what do you mean ‘even though’ and ‘only’ the side couple? Some people’s favorite characters are the side couples I’ll tell you! And do you know how many other guys you likely beat out for that role? Hundreds. How do you think those hundreds of guys would feel to hear you say it’s ‘only the side couple role’?” Pha admonished, but not unkindly, “Appreciate and do your best at every role you get and pretty soon you’ll be missing roles like this when you’re a big star.”

Pha watched his friend grab a water bottle and decided not to do so himself. He felt like if he so much as took anything that crazy director would pop out of nowhere and claim it as an acceptance of some kind of role on the set. He seriously believed that not even that level of crazy would have picked him after his non-audition. It really had to be a mistake, especially that it was the wife role. Then his friend asked him the dreaded question of what role he actually got and Pha became very still.

Could he actually say those words with his own mouth? Even if he didn’t believe that he was actually chosen, could he even admit that someone could have confused him for the wife role? Pha looked at his friend for about a full minute without being able to form words before unhelpfully saying,

“A main one.”

That was all he could get out, because he just couldn’t say it. It was so embarrassing. He was a Thai king of Romance Comedies, how could he suddenly be the one being romanced? The girl part. It was insane and this was exactly why he didn’t like BL’s and why he needed to clear this horrible mistake up.

Pha had to be in charge of any romance he was involved in, because the ‘husband’ was the one who got to decide on the pace and how far the physical stuff got. Pha kept the physical stuff to a minimum for his and the girls he worked with’s sake. He couldn’t trust that some guy who went out for the ‘husband’ role on this drama would be as much of a gentleman as he was. What if the other guy was actually interested in men and wanted to push the envelope? What if the director insisted? From what Pha had seen that last one at least was very likely.

Pha couldn’t deal with all that man on man touching. Hell he couldn’t even handle it with a women if the past was an indicator. Since he was feeling particularly vulnerable and since he’d previously mentioned something about giving tips before Pha grabbed his friends face to point them towards himself as he said,

“Since you’re going to be working closely with a female remember this Hyeon Soo, always be a gentleman! Most females in this industry are forced around like toys, but they have feelings and they should always be treated with respect and tenderness. They are to be protected. So while you’re working with them in practice and on the real thing you remember to always be a gentleman and ask before you do anything except on set while filming. I don’t care what this industry tries to say about it, females are not dolls or play things, they are serious actors who often have to do at least double what men do in order to get half as much.”

Pha had always felt this way actually. He was something of a feminist although he didn’t go shouting it through the streets, but ever since that audition when anyone questioned whether he was going for the ‘female’ role of the main relationship he was even more insistent on actors being gentlemen, and truthfully he had always been one on his sets.

Actually though he didn’t think he had to worry about that with Hyeon Soo. His friend was a very sweet and caring person. Pha supposed he was just extra sensitive since all of the things that had happened to him recently. Hyeon Soo was a person to be trusted, not like that insane skinship loving director or Mr. BL stud with something to prove. Pha really felt bad for the man who was really supposed to be the ‘wife’ between those two, but he supposed they had been the one to audition, so they’d probably chosen it themselves.

‘As long as it’s not my issue.’ Pha thought with a sigh, and then decided to chance the conversation with Hyeon Soo if he could.

“So have you met your co-star? Is she pretty? Cute? Kind?” Pha questioned his friend.

Women. Yes, that was a much better conversation to have. Pha could get behind that kind of discussion, as long as it wasn’t too misogynistic.

Mok Hyeon Soo

"A main one…” Hyeon Soo trailed off with a slight inflection in his voice. ”Doesn’t exactly answer my question, but okay.” He decided not to push it. Maybe Pha just didn’t want to claim the role as his own or even acknowledge it. It confused the rookie actor, but maybe it was something an experienced actor did when they were given someone else’s role? Whatever the reasoning was behind it, he wouldn’t push it.

Suddenly his face was grabbed by the actor, and he was given a speech about female actors. He didn’t pay attention to most of the things Pha was saying, only hummed to fake he was paying attention. He didn’t feel like he needed to hear the speech; he already knew to be respectful towards them like he would with anyone else.

”Never noticed that’s how it was,” He sighed. ”Usually they’re the main role. Is it really that bad?” He was only saying what wanted to hear at this point. Since he barely paid attention, he could only act like he did. ”Well, I’ll make sure to do what you said,” He added with a small smile.

Hyeon Soo felt a little relieved when Pha brought up his co-star. Not too long ago, he had actually bumped into her while looking for his dressing room. She was cute, but something about her screamed awkward and geeky. But, he was pretty sure that was the look they were going for. The character was supposed to be an awkward and intelligent college student with messy hair.

His small talk with his co-star ended up with them planning to go out to do karaoke together. Of course, only as friends. They wanted to socialize and understand each other. They had to if they wanted to be comfortable with being in an on-set relationship.

”Uh, yeah, I meant her a little over twenty minutes ago. She’s pretty and she fits the character description really well.” He felt awkward talking about her. Was he supposed to say something else about her? Confess his nonexistent attraction for her? ”We talk for a few moments, and I think we’ll become good friends.”

”Oh we even planned on going to a Karaoke place tomorrow, so I know we’ll become friends.” It was clear Hyeon Soo wanted nothing more than a platonic relationship with her. She wasn’t exactly his type and he doubted he was her type either. So, he didn’t realize it sounded like they were going on a romantic-date rather than a friend-date. Arabella Cauwell Arabella Cauwell
Pha was deeply grateful that Hyeon Soo let the name of the part go, he was already losing it as it was, he really didn’t need his friend to see what they’d accidentally made him. If any of his friends, family members, or fellow actors heard of this he could kiss his straight romantic comedy career goodbye. After all what female actress is going to respect a male actor that was classified by others as some other man’s wife? Even if it was acting it seemed like a nail in the coffin kind of role. Once dubbed the ‘wife’ you were very likely going to be stuck in BL wonderland for the rest of your career. Pha thanked himself at that moment for ruining any possibility of that. And yet here he still was.

Pha hoped he had gotten through to Hyeon Soo, but it was a little hard to tell. He was fairly good at Korean, as he had mentioned before, but not being native to the language he couldn’t be sure how much of what he meant to say translated to the other person. Judging by what the kid said he had gotten enough of the gist and Pha nodded about if it was really that bad,

“Women do get a lot of main roles, that’s true, but the ‘husband’ is always the one who gets to decide the pace and the level of intimacy, so it can be hard on them yes.

Pha felt he got his point across on that and Hyeon Soo was a good kid so he let it go there for now. He listened to Hyeon Soo’s rather clinical description of the girl. The other boy made it seem like he was discussing casting with the director with words like, ‘She fits the character description well.’ Pha wasn’t quite sure how to take that, but figured that meant the boy didn’t see her as anything much. But after what was likely a ten minute conversation he seemed to have invited her to a Karaoke place tomorrow?

Pha began to wonder how exactly the girl had interpreted that one. He looked at Hyeon Soo and wondered whether he should say something. For a minute he thought he might let it go, but as a friend he felt the need to warn him just in case,

“You two are going alone to the Karaoke place?” he questioned with an eyebrow raised, “so I know you’d like to become friends and get to know each other before filming and all…but although you may have the idea that this is just a fun, hangout kind of thing, women are different.”

He wondered just how much experience with women Hyeon Soo had come to think of it,

“Hyeon Soo, would you say you have mostly male friends?” Pha questioned, of course he was pretty sure that Hyeon Soo had worked with women before, but maybe not all that closely, “because inviting a guy friend to Karaoke alone and inviting a girl alone can mean two different things.”

Here he paused as he thought over the way the world seemed to be working lately and added,

“Well I guess it could mean the same thing, but people still don’t expect that kind of thing yet. The point is, unless you plan to get fairly serious with a girl make sure you do group things together or at the very least make sure to explain yourself every step of the way so you don’t confuse her. Imagine if a beautiful, single woman asked you to go to Karaoke alone, even if it was ‘for work’ can you honestly tell me you wouldn’t double guess it?” Pha said pointedly.

Pha had always made it a point to be very open and honest with women. If he invited one out he told her to feel free to bring friends or a significant other. He didn’t want her to feel trapped, nor like it was going to lead to a romantic interlude. He had saved himself a number of times doing it this way, although it had confused some. It was still better than actors who had to deal with scandals because they couldn’t keep the relationship on set or because there were big misunderstandings because of a lack of communication.

Speaking of a lack of communication, Pha really did need to see that insane director, and he highly doubted the directors first stop would be a side character’s dressing room. Unfortunately Pha was still nervous about a few things: One being recognized by the Paparazzi and having his face go viral for being ‘the wife’ before he had enough time to let the director view his mistake, Two, bumping into that BL crazed Sam-whatever the rest of it was and having to see his smug face, and Three, literally anyone figuring out he was even accidentally selected to be in the ‘wife’ role and making a big deal out of it.

He needed to find that damn director, but he also needed…a shield.

‘Yes,’ he thought deviously looking at Hyeon Soo, who was fairly tall, if a bit thinner than himself, ‘he may do.’

“Hyeon Soo?” Pha said in a coaxing voice, “you know what I think would be just a tremendous help? It seems as if you know this set fairly well, what with talking with an actress and all. Why don’t you and I go for a bit of a walk and look for the director? Surely he’ll be thankful to you for bringing up such an important issue as an accidental casting. It could give you brownie points.”

Pha figured that part would be true, although what he was about to say was actually for purely selfish reasons,

“I think it would be a great idea if we used an old Thai actor tradition though. Younger actors, such as yourself, get to shield seasoned actors, like me for example from the eyes of media, cameras, and paparazzi as they walk through the set. If they can do it then the young actor receives good luck for the filming of that show.” Pha said using his acting ability that very moment.

He did feel somewhat bad to Hyeon Soo, but he really needed the help and telling the boy why would lead to too many questions that Pha didn’t want to answer. Besides good luck was often a self-fulfilling prophesy. If Hyeon Soo believed his luck was good, then it would be. Right?

Whatever the case it was time to be on the way, so Pha got into a good position behind Hyeon Soo, with his hands on the back of the other guy’s shirt as if holding some kind of horse reigns, although to others it may have looked more like a girlfriend hold. As long as no one could see his face Pha didn’t care what it would look like.

“I hope you’re ready then Hyeon Soo.” He urged as he gently pushed the boy out of the room and stuck as close to his back as anything living besides maybe a Sugar Glider could.

Now they were officially out in the hallway, but it felt like they still had a long way to go.

“I’ll match your steps as best I can.” Pha whispered as he tried to follow the other males steps, he felt a bit like he was in some kind of Dragon Dance or puppet show, but it was better than getting caught.

He just hoped if Hyeon Soo ever figured out he had made up the whole Thai actor tradition the boy would forgive him. Pha wasn’t trying to be mean or evil or manipulative, but he felt this show brought him there.

‘I’ll make it up to you Hyeon Soo.’ He thought to himself as they began their journey, and truthfully he had every intention of doing just that…far, far away from this set.
Mok Hyeon Soo

A sigh escaped Hyeon Soo as his friend began to question his friend began to question the karaoke friend-date. His female co-star did agree to him that it was just a platonic outing. But, he didn’t blame Pha for thinking otherwise. He did neglect to leave out the part about them deciding it was platonic. ”If it was for work, I wouldn’t second-guess it. Besides, you don’t need to worry. I made it clear that it was only a platonic thing, and she said she wanted it that way,” He explained. ”I don’t even think we’re each other’s type.”

Pha was full of surprises; he even introduced him to a Thai tradition. But, the tradition sounded fake… He knitted his brows together as his friend continued to explain the tradition of Thai actors. ”Really?” He asked. Honestly, it made no sense, but he wasn’t a Thai actor, so he decided not to question it. But, he remained skeptical.

”Well, okay, if it’s a Thai Tradition and means good luck,” He muttered as he stood up off the couch.

He made sure to walk with steady steps, so he wouldn’t ruin his good luck. Well, if the good luck was real. Besides, this all seemed really important to Pha, and Hyeon Soo wouldn’t want to ruin it for the actor. But, that only made him wonder why they were doing this in the first place.

The whole thing seemed awkward and out of place; he did have a man hiding against his back. Hyeon Soo felt like a puppet that was being guided around by Pha to find the director. The director could be anywhere? Were they really just going to wander around until they found the director? Thankfully no one was walking by them, so they couldn’t see the embarrassing position.

”Pha, are you sure this is a Thai tradition? It just kind of feels like you want to hide from someone… I’ll have to ask another Thai actor to see if this is real or not.” He wouldn’t actually ask a Thai actor. It was just a tactic to get Pha to confess whether he was lying.

He halted in his tracks when he noticed another actor coming around the corner. ”Hello,” He greeted while only giving a small bow because he didn’t want to give away the male behind him. But, his attempt failed and the actor was already acknowledging Pha and questioning his motives.
Samyan Chaichua

As Sam predicted, he got the husband role. He even joked with his manager that his manliness saved him once again. Receiving the role also meant that Pha would most likely be his on-screen wife. Well, he could only assume that. The casting team’s reactions to Pha were very good, and it made sense.

He got a bad feeling about it though; Pha seemed to despise BL acting, and that could only mean he’d be uncooperative. From what he had read on Pha, it seemed he never did much real on screen touching. Sam didn’t know if the actor would survive on a BL set. Sam would describe BL as just plain rough. But, he just kept reminding himself that the actor would get used to it.

The duration of the plane ride, he was giddy with joy. He got to spread his image around South Korea, and gather more fans. The actor’s excitement began to affect his manger; the poor guy was having a hard time falling asleep while Sam practically talked his ear off. But, Sam could care less. He wanted to share his excitement regardless.

One thing he was excited about was traveling back to South Korea. Plenty of people in Thailand liked kpop and Korean celebrities, and Sam was one of them. He wasn’t obsessed, but he did take interest in the culture, language, and food. The country alone was one of the reasons he chose to try out for the role.


The first day of shooting had come rather quickly. Sam’s confidence was soaring higher than ever as he entered the building. He had forgotten all his worries from the previous days. All he could focus on was embodying the role of the CEO; strict, stylish and serious. Sam was more of a laid back type of person, so it was a major shift in his real-life personality. Thankfully after years of practicing, he had gotten used to embodying characters.

”Excuse me, do you know where my dressing room is?” He asked a young woman with frizzy dark brown hair. Their short interaction ended with him being pointed in the direction of a hallway lined with numerous dressing rooms.

Before he could get too far into the hallway, a male stopped in his tracks to greet him.

”Oh, hello,” He greeted before returning the bow. But, as he bowed, he noticed there were feet behind the stranger’s feet. ”... Is there someone behind you?” He questioned as he stepped around the tall male.

There was someone behind, and it was a very familiar face. It was a peculiar situation, and he couldn't even begin to fathom what was going on. ”You!” He said with a somewhat shocked expression. ”You got the role. I knew you would, Pha. Congratulations. It’ll be fun working with you.”

”But tell me, why are you hiding behind this poor boy?” He asked with a soft chuckle. Arabella Cauwell Arabella Cauwell
"Well that’s good then I suppose,” Pha said with a nod at Hyeon Soo’s clear planning, it looked like Hyeon Soo didn’t need as much advice as Pha thought, which was a little sad now that someone was listening, but better that he not make a mistake, “at least you’ve stated your boundaries. But come to think of it what is your type?”

Now that he thought about it in all the conversations Pha’d had with Hyeon Soo they hadn’t ever really talked about girls or relationships or any of that. He supposed it was probably his doing somehow as Pha didn’t even know what his type of girl was come to think of it. He figured it was because there were so many different options…and because he didn’t want to objectify them like the usual rabble.

Hyeon Soo seemed skeptical about his Thai tradition at first, but then decided to go with it. Pha didn’t see anything wrong with the position, but then again, he was the one on the hiding end, so he supposed it would be more embarrassing to the hider. But Hyeon Soo could always say he was made to do it. Pha did have a lot of packed muscle and thankfully his wrist was all healed since last time.

Unfortunately, at least in Pha’s definition of it, Hyeon Soo began to question things making Pha double guess whether to tell the truth or not. On the one hand he didn’t want to lie to Hyeon Soo, but on the other the truth was too embarrassing. He really didn’t want Hyeon Soo to go around asking any Thai person on set if this was a tradition…especially since Sam was likely the most obvious other Thai man around. But would Hyeon Soo still hide him in this way that seemed to make the other boy uncomfortable if he confessed? Unlikely.

It was during this internal debate that Hyeon Soo decided to greet someone and of course, because clearly Pha had used all of his luck in his previous glamorous life as Thai acting Royalty, now he seemed to have lost all of it, because it was Sam. And apparently Sam was the King of Hide and Go Seek.

And what an amazing way to be found as Pha had overheard the is there someone behind you and tried to turn Hyeon Soo in a circle to cover him, but the other actor was too fast. He had nearly jumped a foot into the air when he was called ‘You’ though as he had not been expecting such a strong reaction to seeing him, even from Sam, so at the same time as he heard ‘You!’ he yelled back,

“Me?!!” half in question.

‘Damn those BL reflexes.’ Pha assumed as he sent a bit of a glare to Hyeon Soo, who had decidedly not hidden him well. Then again,

“Assuming any good luck can be found on this cursed set, I suppose none of it is for me.” He said half to himself, half to Hyeon Soo.

Indeed, Pha was so miffed about getting caught by one of the most embarrassing people to get caught by on this set, at least for him, that he had actually forgotten that he himself had made up that good luck tradition.

In his surprise at being caught, Pha had nearly forgotten what else was said to him by Sam, but finally the other words caught up to his brain and he huffed at the other male, no longer minding being seen by Sam now that he’d already gotten caught, but still partially using Hyeon Soo as a shield against the other side of the set,

“What do you mean you knew I would?! How dare you say that?! And what do you mean by fun to be working with me? Even if I was working on this set how can one have fun with this sort of thing?” Pha questioned as if Sam had lost it, and he resented the comment about the poor boy, “And I’m not hiding behind a poor boy, this is my friend and up and coming actor Hyeon Soo, and he was just participating in an age old on set tradition, that you’ve ruined by the way.”

Pha didn’t know what it was, but it seemed like every time he met this Sam he felt defensive and humiliated somehow, but he knew just the cure for that, which was to get off the set as soon as humanly possible. In a week or so he could be back home in Thailand looking for his next project, but first…he really did have to find that director.

“Anyway, neither congratulations nor condolences are necessary, for you see someone made an error in casting, which is clearly the only reason I’m here right now. Actually you being here is good, you can vouch for how I didn’t even try out for the,” here he looked over at Hyeon Soo and remembered that he still didn’t know what part he’d accidentally gotten, so instead of adding the wife part he ground his teeth and said pointedly, “the part.”
His cheeks turned a bit pink but he forged on with his speech,

“The only thing I can think of is that there must be an actor that has a similar name as me that actually got the part and is now depressed somewhere about his amazing audition that led to nothing. I can’t live with that of course, and that man, where ever he is, is your true partner.”

Pha nodded at his own words as he thought he did a good job explaining his thoughts on that one, and helping whoever actually had gotten the role to fit in well with the rest of the cast. Pha would certainly not hold any grudges when he left. In fact, Pha was feeling pretty confident about this as he allowed his eyes to gloss over the surrounding area. Until he froze.

Thankfully so far he was the only one of the three of them that had seen it. He could tell because Sam wasn’t teasing him and Hyeon Soo wasn’t questioning him about it yet. But it did not bode well for his wish that getting casted was a mistake and it definitely solidified just how far the director was willing to tease his cast.

There, somewhat in front of him, was a dressing room door, that matched somewhat with the dressing room next to it in an interesting way. They were clearly the main star’s dressing rooms for the show, but surrounding the actual name on each of the door was a silhouette. Sam’s full name shown in the middle of a groom silhouette, clearly a tease on the husband role, so for Pha’s door it was, you guessed it, a bride silhouette with his name clearly spelled out in gold lettering, there for anyone to see.

Pha almost began to hyperventilate, but then as he thought about it, that would make the other two look around and further his shame. He couldn’t have that. Pha knew he wanted to cover it up, but how. He had neither paper, nor glue, nor tape, nor anything. Man though what he wouldn’t have given for a chisel in that exact moment.

Pha felt precious seconds ticking by when this horrendous sight could be seen if he didn’t think quickly, so he used the first things he could think of that he had on hand, which was, you probably guessed it, his clothes.

Taking off his shirt, Pha felt was a great distraction, because he could tell that both men had no idea what it was happening. Unfortunately for him he did still need something to tie the shirt with so he’d had to unbuckle his belt as well, which was probably an even more shocking decision than suddenly being in an undershirt on the set. But he couldn’t let anyone see the mockery that the director had made of his name

Had the director been THAT upset at the non-audition that he formulated this whole ruse about picking him and tried to emasculate him with such a picture surrounding his name? The director needn’t have taken this whole thing so personally. Whatever the case the picture and his name could not be seen so Pha all but launched at it using his shirt to cover a diagonal from mid to top of the doorframe, effectively covering the bride silhouette and his name and using the belt to keep it covered.

In case the other two were getting suspicious however, because seriously who wouldn’t after a series of strange moves like that, Pha commented,

“I don’t like this sets design so I thought I would spruce it up a bit to help you guys out of course, it’s not like I’m going to be spending most of my waking hours on this set, but I think a more college vibe will feel more hospitable.”

Yes, because that perfectly explained his attack on a door out of nowhere using his own clothes to define his artistic piece. Seriously though, as it was looking more and more like the director did not make a mistake, or was using his set as revenge, Pha felt he was moving further and further from reality. After all that door had to be that guys idea of a joke.

“That sadist.” Pha growled under his throat when he thought about the psychotic director who clearly had designed the door looks, but as long as his name was hidden he was happy for the moment.

Although looking back over at his friend and the Sam person, he was not quite sure how long he could keep the two in denial about the door. But he was certainly willing to try. After all his reputation was still on the line.
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Mok Hyeon Soo

Hyeon Soo was supposed to feel bad for not hiding Pha well enough, but he didn’t feel an ounce of guilt. If he was hiding, how was he supposed to spot the director? He couldn’t do it for him (because he completely forgot what the director looked like). Besides, Pha should’ve hidden himself better, Hyeon Soo couldn’t see what was going on behind him. Although the guilt wasn’t prevalent, the glare sent from Pha made him avert his eyes to the ground.

Eventually, he brought his attention to the pair of actors. So, the stranger thought Pha would get the role? Again, what was the role exactly? Hyeon Soo had many unanswered questions that would probably stay unanswered. Pha seemed to stay consistent with the claim that his casting was a mistake, but there was a big possibility it wasn’t. A casting mistake would be highly immature for a company to do. The bystander couldn't stop feeling skeptical.

His eyes widened as his friend began to remove his clothes. “Why are you undressing?” He asked a little too loudly as he squinted in confusion. He watched as the actor covered up a random door with his shirt, and the action was done because he didn’t like the set design. Was Pha always like this? He never knew he was so big on decor. “Oh, I guess it’s kind of boring,” He commented as he glanced at a few of the doors.

”I don’t think you need to cover it up though… Besides, don’t you need to find the director?” He asked as he gestured to keep moving. “The faster we find him, the faster you clear everything up, right?”

He turned his attention to the stranger to ask a few questions. The stranger looked to be an actor, and he wanted to know who he was. Gaining more actor friends would lead him to learn each and every individual trick out there. Not to mention, if Pha wasn’t there on set, he wanted people to rely on. ”You’re an actor, right? What role did you get?”

”The main husband role,” The actor answered.

”Ahh, really? That’s great,” Hyeon Soo smiled. For a few moments, he didn’t realize that it meant Pha had the other role, the wife role. But, once he came to the realization, his gaze was back on his friend. A grin spread on his face, and his eyes silently said ‘I know now.’ “Pha, you’ve been surprising me a lot lately.” He felt proud of his friend for trying out for a role so ridiculed by the media.

Samyan Chaichua

Sam narrowed his eyes as Pha get angry over a simple congratulations. He was just trying to be nice. But, he supposed Pha just didn’t even want to acknowledge he got the role. From the previous casting incident, he didn’t seem to really like the part. But, he would have to get over it soon. It was already the first day of the shoot, and he needed to become professional and work through it.

The talk of a tradition broke him away from getting annoyed at the rude response. A tradition? He had been on million of sets, and he had never seen a ritual like that. “I’ve never seen a tradition like that,” He commented before crossing his arms. The “up and coming” actor must’ve been pretty naive to fall for a trick like that.

But, even stranger, the actor stated that there was a casting mistake. How was that even possible? That was too immature for a company to make. ”You really think that? They filmed our audition, and they really liked your reactions -- maybe even more than mine.” He paused for a few moments as a smirk appeared on his face. “You just don’t want to admit you got the part? So, you’re just lying to yourself.” He slightly shook his head.

His eyebrows knitted closely together as soon as the male began to unbuckle his belt. “Have you lost it?” He questioned as he watched the male hurry to cover up a door with his shirt. It was one of the strangest things he had ever witnessed. The reasoning behind it didn’t exactly sit too well with Sam, and he saw right through Pha’s cover.

”Pft, that’s not why you’re covering it… There has to another reason. What’s wrong with that specific door? There’s tons of other ones.” He pushed further, embodying a detective, trying to find the right clues.

Thankfully, he was drawn out of the detective mindset when the new actor mentioned the director. So, the plan was to confront the director about a non-existent mistake? That would go well. “There’s no need to confront the director. I’m sure it wasn’t a mistake. You’re friend just doesn’t want admit he got the role,” He commented.

He turned towards the naive actor when he asked what role he received. “The main husband role,” He answered with a soft smile. The next thing that came out of the male beside him, confused him. Had Pha not even told anyone what role he had gotten? But, it made more sense once he thought about it. Why would you tell anyone if you didn’t like it, or was embarrassed by it.

”Alright, I think it’s time to step away from the door. You can’t stay there forever. Don’t you need to find the director and talk about the incorrect casting? That’s what I heard.” Arabella Cauwell Arabella Cauwell
Pha was quite often a smooth, attractive, reasonably gentleman, but this whole BL business seemed like it turned him into a whole new human being and it hadn’t even started yet. If Sam thought it was naïve of Hyeon Soo to believe in some random made up Thai tradition, he’d probably crack himself up over the fact that Pha, who had actually made it up himself, was now believing that somewhere they must do that. When Sam insisted he’d never seen a tradition on set like that, the recently disagreeable Pha just had to rebuff,

“Maybe they just don’t do that on BL sets.” Pha snapped.

He really had no idea why he was being this mean to Sam, except embarrassment from that audition. Sam really hadn’t done anything to deserve Pha’s anger, except get the husband role to Pha’s alleged wife role.

When Sam had ‘complimented’ him, saying that the company liked his reactions, even more than Sam’s, Pha almost slapped him. But then he realized that kind or response would be playing into the role he didn’t believe he was good at. So then he felt like it was a trap. He couldn’t punch him over such a light statement and be justified, but oh he wanted to. Instead he decided to glare at him as he listened to the other man insist that he was lying to himself and that he got the part.

Pha wanted to believe that the other man was just pissed at him and taking it out on him, but was there really a need to still be mad when the other guy had gotten the part that he’d wanted? Pha hated and feared BL, but even he had to admit that Sam was good at faking it. Hadn’t he himself been drawn into the belief during the audition, until the other man had whispered to him that it wasn’t real? That had been embarrassing, but it had been helpful.

Pha wanted to believe this was all a terrible mistake, but now Sam was planting seeds of doubt, seeds that Pha refused to let take root as he answered back,
“The only reason they filmed us was for you. You’re a big, hot shot BL stud right? They want to make sure that Korean women and whoever else there demographic is likes you. I was just a casualty since I was your…” he almost said partner, but that didn’t sound right, particularly given the situation so Pha ended it as, “stand in. And how could you say that I got the part? I didn’t even officially audition.”

Hyeon Soo seemed to panic and Sam suddenly got concerned with his mentality, when Pha took off some of his clothes, but thankfully the boy listened to his sudden obsession with décor. He really wanted to go home, but at least his friend and his adorable naivety was helping him while there. Although he didn’t love how loudly Hyeon Soo said it and how he’d had to try to hide behind the other boy again until some of the staff began to look away.

When Sam started to play detective Pha felt he was wrong about one thing. There was another door he wanted to do something about, since it was semi-matching his. Sam’s own door had a picture of a groom around his name. If Sam paid close enough attention Pha’s cover would be blown. But he didn’t feel taking off more clothes was the answer and he didn’t have a second belt, obviously, to cover the second door. But of course he had to give an answer to that, otherwise Sam would believe that he’d won, and Pha couldn’t have that now could he,

“I only have so many clothes Sam and that door was the first one to offend me. If I had more time on set I’d fix them all, but I don’t so that’s all there is to it.”

His friend Hyeon Soo insisted that it wasn’t bad enough of a décor to cover it up, but Pha just let that part go to agree with the second part of his statement. Indeed the quicker he found the director, the quicker he could clear this whole mess up and get off this humiliating set.

“You’re right Hyeon Soo, we really ought to find the director and fix this egregious error of his.”

Soon Sam was talking to Hyeon Soo about how he was sure it wasn’t a mistake and that Pha just didn’t want to admit he got the role. But even worse than that, when Sam and Hyeon Soo ended up talking to each other and Sam told him the role he got, so suddenly as Pha’s face turned twelve shades of red, Hyeon Soo was looking at him with a grin that bordered on a smirk. Pha began to shake his head to deny and dispel the talks as Hyeon Soo said,

"Pha, you've been surprings me a lot lately."

“Hyeon Soo it’s not like that,” Pha tried to explain, “it’s all a mistake. I didn’t audition for such a role. I didn’t even read the character bio on the ‘wife’ role. Hell I barely read the ‘husband’ role that I told my company I’d come out for. I only really came down because my company gave me an ultimatum and I wanted to make sure James didn’t get the part either. Although it turns out I didn’t need to thanks to the godfather of BL over here. James couldn’t have out acted this guy when it comes to being with men. But there are no surprises Hyeon Soo, I’m still the same old Pha.”

Pha was a bit suspicious when Sam tried to get him to step away from the door. Was the other guy trying to see what he did. But again he really did have to find the director as both Hyeon Soo and Sam had reminded him. Still he looked at Sam suspiciously and indicated for Sam to go first,

“I think you should not only come with us, but lead the way Sam. The director clearly liked you and it would be most advantageous for you to meet your ‘wife’ as soon as possible, to work on your chemistry or whatever it is you do when it’s two guys. Once the director remembers how difficult I am, he’ll realize his casting mistake and quickly figure out who he really had wanted for the wife role, fortunately. Which will help you get into the role soon enough. So you see, win-win for you.”

Pha had no problem leaving the door, but he definitely didn’t want to leave it alone with Sam. Particularly, because Sam was suspicious of it and already had acted like some kind of detective. It would also be best to bring Sam, because then he could prove to the man once and for all that everything was just a big mistake. Then the other boy wouldn’t be so cocky and talkative about it. Indeed, that would be the best way.

Director Kim Ryung was a happy man. The project that he had set out to do was going to start today and he had gotten everything and everyone he’d wanted for it. He’d even somehow secured Phassakorn Anurak, who he thought for sure was going to put up a fuss at getting not only the BL main role, but also the part of the wife.

The tests for the main couple had been through the roof. Showbiz people tended to be superstitious and err to the side of caution, but such a response was unprecedented. Ryu had no idea if either party actually got along in real life, but the two had chemistry on screen whatever they thought. Ryu planned to utilize that push and pull in the show. He’d already tweaked the script a bit to match Pha’s distinct type of adorable panic and Sam’s confident and calm teasing.

It was going to be beautiful and even better, profitable. That couple was a gold mine, or so Ryu believed they would be, based on his keen director eyes and the screen tests.

The side couple was also cute and newer actors. Ryu thought it would be good to give some newer, younger actors a chance at a straight side couple. They were adorable like, although their chemistry was not as palpable as Sam x Pha, but it didn’t need to be, because the point for the straight couple was young and cute. Sam and Pha were supposed to be the passionate and sexy couple, once Sam’s character wore down Pha’s a bit. Which would to a degree reflect life as he was sure that he and Sam were going to have to fight Pha tooth and nail to get what they needed from him. But at least he’d been willing he supposed.

Ryu had been on set for quite some time checking with the photographers, videographers, make-up staff, and a ton of other stage workers. Today he was going to tell the actors that they had a photoshoot, once they were fixed up by wardrobe and make up. The pictures were of course teasers for the show and would help with advertisements and whatnot. But now he had to find his actor couples as their pictures were the most important now that the set was ready.

Of course the most logical spot to find most of his actors would be by there dressing rooms. So Ryu headed towards the dressing room area and was pleasantly surprised to find three of the four actors he needed. With a bright smile he walked over and said,

“Good morning! It’s good to see you guys all here and ready to go.” Ryu said cheerfully looking at all three of them, before the shirt across the door caught his notice.

Ryu looked over at Pha and grinned when he saw the man with an undershirt on. Ryu had insisted on the silhouette’s to get Pha more comfortable with his role…and because he figured the guys reaction would be good, but he hadn’t expected this much,

“Why Pha, you didn’t like the personal touches I put on the door for you? I thought it would help you get used to your role a bit. You do seem a bit resistant to it, but I’m glad you signed the contract despite that. I don’t know who else I could have possibly gotten for that role. You are just too perfect for it.”

He looked over at the two other guys. He stuck out his hand for Sam to shake,

“A pleasure to be working with you Sam. I’ve seen some of your work and I have every confidence that you’ll be a tremendous help to me on this project, especially working with a stubborn wife.” Director Ryu teased.

Then he looked over at the lead of the straight couple, a relatively new actor, and smiled a bit. Now that he was seeing the boy closer, he was actually sort of cute. Of course once make-up and wardrobe got to him he’d probably look even better.

Ryu changed his hand direction to shake hands with this Hyeon Soo, by subtley turning the other guys hand once he had a hold of it and patting it with the other hand as he looked at him. The boy was cute, like a bunny, turned into a human. Ryu smirked a little at him as he said,

“Hyeon Soo I believe? It’s a pleasure. This is quite a big project for a relatively new actor. Do you feel up to the task?” Ryu breathed, moving slightly closer to the other boy so that he was entering the other’s space just a little too closely, “also do you have any idea where your partner is?”

From the corner of his eyes he could see that Pha was losing it over something, so he stepped back slightly from Hyeon Soo to engage Pha in conversation,

“Why whatever could you mean Pha? Of course the role is yours, I never even considered anyone else for it once you signed the contract. You’re perfect for it. The only thing that would make you better at it would be if you knew where the other wife was.” The Director said with a grin.

“Today we’re going to take some teaser / advertising photos. So as soon as we can find the other actress…I mean our actress, then you all can follow me to make-up and wardrobe and we can get this photo shoot started.” Director Ryu said matter-of-factly.

Although judging from Pha’s reactions he might have to call in security, to actually get that one done, but that was okay by Ryu, he loved the chase, even when he had no intention of doing anything other than working with one. Sam and Pha were a catch, and he wasn’t letting either get away until this project was done. Pha was just the more freaked out and flighty. Which is why Ryu had thought of ways to make him more pliable to work with, and although the actor was not going to like it, he’d eventually be worn down. Just like they all were.
Mok Hyeon Soo

A small frown appeared on Hyeon Soo’s face as Pha attempted to explain that there was nothing to be surprised by. He didn’t even have to try, and he might have gotten the role. It was amazing. The James comment stood out the most. If Pha was willing to ruin an audition for another actor, this James guy must be that bad. It made him curious to learn more about James. Maybe he’d look him up when he received the free time.

While the pair bickered forward, he noticed someone approaching. He assumed he was the director by the way he greeted them. Handsome. That was the first thing he noticed when the mail arrived. Maybe that was a little weird of him to think that, but he was capable of appreciating another man's good looks. He was comfortable with his sexuality, that was all.

The director’s reaction gave it away; Pha did get a role. He knew it. It caused a smile to appear back onto his tan complexion. He wasn’t smiling because it was funny, but because he got to work with Pha. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. It was rare for two different countries to be combined into one drama. Usually, it was just Thai with Thai people and Korean with Korean people. But, this was completely different, and they’d get to experience it together.

The vibe he received from the director was different. The way he greeted was a lot different from the other actors. The smirk that played across the director’s face intimidated him. But, maybe he was only welcoming him. The hand patting gesture seemed welcoming enough. “Oh, of course, I am. I always feel up to the task,” He answered.

He felt his face heat up when the male stepped into his personal bubble. A mixture of anxiousness and curiosity bubbled in the pit of his stomach. That was strange. Was anyone else noticing this? He was surprised when he brought up his female co-star. It was like Hyeon Soo thought Ryu would say something romantic. “Uhhh… I’d assume she’d be in her dressing room.” Thankfully, the director moved onto Pha. Hyeon Soo didn’t know how long he could’ve dealt with that interaction.

He switched back to being excited when photoshoots were brought up. He always liked taking photos. You got to play model for once, and it felt fresh. Now, if only that actress would show up…

Samyan Chaichua

Sam stifled a laugh as Pha tried to explain why he didn’t intend to try out for the role. It was amusing. There was no point in trying to fix it now. He got the wife role, and he had to accept. “You’re just making yourself sound unprofessional. You really shouldn’t be saying stuff like that to an impressionable actor.” Impressionable was a nicer way of calling naive. Besides, it was true. Rookie actors took notes on big actors behaviors and tricks.

”Lead the way…” He trailed off as he narrowed his sharp eyes. “And, I’m pretty sure I already met my wife. I’m looking right at him,” He teased with a playful smirk. “It’ll be so fun working with you, Pha. But, you just need to get over your ego first. I’m sure you’ll be fine after that.” Sure, he was being a little cruel with his comments, but he wasn’t entirely lying. It would be a joy to work with Pha. All the reactions would either be gut-busting, or captivating.

He glanced towards the end of the hallway when he heard a male voice greet him. They didn’t have to leave to find the director; he came to them. Perfect. Now, Pha had to stop hiding that damn door.

Even better, the director exposed what Pha was hiding for them. His door was grooms themed, and it would make sense for Pha’s to be bride themed. Now, that was a fun style choice and was a perfect feature to use again his co-star.

”So that’s why you were hiding that door.”

A smile appeared on his face as he was personally greeted by Ryu. “Ah, it’s a pleasure to be working with you,” He said as he shook his head. “Dealing with the stubborn wife will be difficult, but it’ll be done.”

He glanced over at Hyeon Soo when the director moved onto him. Their interaction seemed a little different from his, but he didn’t stare long enough to know why. Eventually, Sam turned back to Pha. “I told you, you were going to work with me,” He teased while crossing his arms. “Now, you can move away from the door, and we get to see that beautiful decor.”

The director was there to confirm Pha got the role, and that called Sam’s smirk to grow. It was all too perfect.

Teasers were quite fun to film. Although, they weren’t as entertaining as actually filming the drama. Photoshoots were only looking nice, while acting was truly becoming the role. Arabella Cauwell Arabella Cauwell
Pha didn’t know why he acted so immature around Sam, but it couldn’t be helped as it was a natural feeling and reaction, so when Pha told him to stop being unprofessional around rookie actors Pha stuck his tongue out at him,

“Don’t tell me what to do Sam.”

Pha really wanted Sam to go first, but Sam insisted he lead the way, which Pha questioned doing for two reasons, one since he really didn’t want Sam near the door and two because he wasn’t sure if Sam was teasing him with a ladies first type move. The already met my wife comment made him blush and feel nervous and Sam insisted it would be fun working with him, but that he needed to get over his ego. Pha resented that,

“Get over ones ego? That’s easy for you to say! You ended up with the husband role, so even though it’s BL there will be no stigma for you. If anything what does that mean? You’re a leading man, who’s so manly that you can even make another man your woman. Whoever your actual wife is will have a lot to deal with. You get to control the pace and physicality and they are told how to respond. Will anyone still respect that actor to play straight leading male roles if they like him as the wife? Doubtful. So don’t say something so irresponsible to whoever actually got this role. They may be giving up their career as they know it, or they may be using this as a lifeline to get into the acting world, which I hope is the case, because otherwise it’s unfortunate.”

Despite everything, Phassakorn Anurak had been excited and hopeful when the director had shown up. He had honestly believed even a crazy director like Kim Ryung would not have chosen someone so against working a character as to try to sabotage his own audition and even another’s. Pha had been purposefully unprofessional, so there was no way he could have gotten this role right?

But not two minutes into conversation Director Ryu was telling him that he’d made the door silhouette specifically for him to get used to the role and Sam thought it was funny and made comments. There was no mistaking the directors words, which hit him like arrows from a bow. “Your role,” “signed the contract,” “too perfect for it.” Pha could honestly not believe what was happening. It was like he was stuck in some kind of nightmare. How could he have gotten it? There had to be someone better, more use to it.

How could Pha even do it, he’d never really done any physical roles, least of all with a man? And if it was true that he had gotten the role and already signed the contract how was he going to keep this from everyone in Thailand. Pha was literally devastated. He hadn’t allowed himself to even imagine it must have been real. Suddenly his legs felt weak. So as Ryu was happily greeting Sam and talking about working with a stubborn wife, and Sam was saying it was difficult, but could be handled, Pha decided to sit on the floor. He hadn’t been lying when he’d spoken to Sam about his beliefs on what would happen to the wife role. He felt like this was the end of his old career and he was nervous about how physical they were going to make this role. He wanted to cry, but he didn’t want to give Sam or the director the satisfaction, nor wanted to look pathetic in front of Hyeon Soo.

His eyes were glassy and unfocused for a few seconds, but they cued in on the director’s sudden strange way of greeting Hyeon Soo. He watched suspiciously, also questioning if the Director was hitting on or going to hit on Hyeon Soo. Hyeon Soo seemed to inadvertently say something flirty back, insisting that he was always up to the task. Pha was beginning to wonder if BL sets had more bromance and man to man interacting behind the scenes as well, but instead of a pick up like the director asked where his acting partner was, which if Pha remembered right was actually a female…the lucky devil.

Pha decided he would not stay in this depressed, sad mode, because he was not about to let these people see him cry, for various reasons. Yes it was a devastating blow, but anger was so much better than sadness to Pha. People looked at sadness as weakness, but anger was generally seen as strength.

“How the hell did I get this role?!” he snapped at the director as he stood up again, who quickly answered him that it was because he was perfect for it. Boy was Pha tired of hearing that one.

Sam turned back to him and had the audacity to tease him about the beautiful décor. Despite now knowing he actually had the role, Pha still shook his head,

“No way am I moving from this door. If you want to see the décor so much then I’ll paint over the names and you can have this door.” Pha snapped at him. If he really did have to be on set he was going to personally destroy the silhouette himself, he didn’t care what the director or any of the rest of them had to say about it.

Soon the Director announced that today’s main point was taking photos for advertising. Pha wanted no advertising for this insane project, he didn’t even want to be on this project and if he could take back that signed contract he would. Maybe he could contest the signature since he hadn’t know what he was signing. There had to be a precedent for that right?

He also did not miss the subtle dig when the director had mentioned finding the ‘other’ actress. Pha glared at the director, who was clearly a sadist who enjoyed this. Well, let’s see if he enjoyed Pha refusing to go. Maybe if he was difficult now it would cause the director to break the contract himself since it would just be too difficult to film with him.

Pha looked over at Hyeon Soo, who looked excited, then at Sam who looked a bit interested, and then made his face defiant at the director,

“Well since I am not an actress so I suppose that means I don’t have to go, doesn’t it?” Pha sat down again at that and smirked at the director.

If the director thought he was going to be an easy mark that’s worn down by bridal silhouettes and subtle emasculation, he had another thing coming to him. Pha was a man and he could be stubborn like one and he would be on this project. If he couldn’t get out of it, he’d at the very least make the job ten times harder than it needed to be, for just about everything.
Director Ryu smiled back at Sam when Sam returned his greeting. He could tell that they were on the same page and that Sam would be an ally when it came to Pha, which would be very helpful. He wasn’t sure how the average Thai actor transitioned back and forth from BL to Straight dramas, but he couldn’t imagine it was normally as dramatic of a transition as Pha seemed to be acting to it.

“Good man,” Director said to Sam, and if Pha really was long term difficult to work with and Sam was able to help him get what he needed from the other man, then he’d certainly reward him, “your help will be properly rewarded as well.”

When it came to Hyeon Soo, Ryu desperately wanted to tease him, but he decided he would have plenty of time to do so throughout this project. Still he liked the other boys responses, the heated face, the pause before talking. He was just so cute, and the first response seemed to be egging the director on. Huskily Ryu responded to Hyeon always being up to the task,

“Always huh? I’m looking forward to testing that out.” He said with a wink, but he didn’t want to scare the kid off right away so when the other boy said that she’d likely be in her dressing room, Director Ryu walked across and knocked on it,

“Miss when you’re ready please come out and join the group across the hall for further instructions, thank you.” He said quickly, before walking back over.

Director Ryu came back over just in time to hear that Pha had been attempting to hide the door and apparently was still up to it. He even threatened to paint over his name and mix it with the others,

“Well that would be confusing,” Ryu said out loud, then he took out his phone and signaled to Sam, “no worries if he won’t show it to you directly, I took pictures of the doors.”

He scrolled until he found Pha’s door and aimed the screen at Sam, “See, I think it came out pretty, of course it’s a little vain to say so myself.”

Soon Ryu was essentially told by Pha that he wasn’t going to go with them. Pha was clearly unhappy at being called an actress, and Ryu had to admit to himself that he had done that purposely, but the director loved a challenge so without knowing it Pha was just feeding into Ryu’s private enjoyment.

“Oh?” Ryu questioned dangerously, Ryu debated the best course of action.

He knew he’d have to get someone to move Pha into wardrobe and make up, and possibly even onto the shoot, but he didn’t know who would be most effective. He could do it himself, he could ask Sam and see if he wanted to practice picking the other boy up since it was in the script a few times, or he could call his security and really embarrass the actor having him transported like an ancient Egyptian princess. There were so many possibilities that he felt a little gleeful, but also annoyed that he couldn’t do all of them at once. Well at least if Pha kept this up throughout shooting he could eventually enjoy all of them. He could only hope.

“Well once we have everyone, if you’re still feeling weak, we’ll make sure someone takes you where you need to go.” Ryu said to Pha, changing the reasoning for Pha’s refusal to move to suit his own purposes.

Most directors wouldn’t put up with Pha’s attitude and behavior. Most would hate having to fight someone tooth and nail to do anything, particularly on set when so much was to be done. But Ryu loved it. He loved the chase, the challenge, the possibility of results, the fight, and most of all winning against a stubborn opponent. Ryu was not like most directors and soon the whole cast would learn that.
Mok Hyeon Soo

Hyeon Soo glanced behind him when he heard one of the numerous doors open. Out popped a pale woman with messy red hair and cat-like features. A smile appeared on her face as she approached the four men. After taking a quick bow, she moved to personally greet Hyeon Soo with a wave, which he returned.

She looked over at Pha and confusion spread across her face. She turned towards her co-star as a way to indirectly ask what was wrong with him.

“He doesn’t like decor,” He answered, still not fully aware that Pha was just embarrassed. “So he won’t move at all.”

“Ah, why? I think it looks nice,” She asked as she glanced at a few of the other doors. The male-only shrugged before looking back towards the group of males. “See, the groom one is really pretty. Where’s the bride one? Oh, he’s blocking it.” She whispered to him as she looked around. “Ah, it’s probably so pretty.”

“Probably,” He replied with a soft nod.

Hyeon Soo glanced towards the rest of the group. Now that they had everyone else, they get finally get on with the photoshoots. It would go more smoothly if Pha just gave up, and left the door alone. What was that bad about it? He thought everything was going well. They got to work together and spent more time together, but Pha was hung up on some door.

He glanced towards the director when he changed the reason for Pha’s stubbornness. Weak? More like insane. He wondered why Ryu would change up the explanation. It was a little odd. Maybe it was to insult Pha, and make him step away from the door? He didn’t know.

Sighing he pulled a hand through his hair as he glanced back towards his female friend. But, she seemed busy staring off into space. For a moment, he glanced back towards the director, but he was boring, so Hyeon Soo’s gaze returned to the only entertaining person in the hall, Pha.

Samyan Chaichua

A sigh escaped him as Pha continued to refuse to step away from the door.” “You have to do your job. We have to do a photoshoot now. In the entirety of his career up until now, he had never seen someone so immature. It didn’t annoy him, but only fascinated him. He was so popular, yet so childish. Amazing.

Twisting around when he heard a door open, his eyes meant a woman. She was seemingly the wife in the straight couple. She fit well. He kindly moved to return the friendly bow before facing back towards the group.

He glanced towards the director when he offered to see the phone. A smile appeared on his face as he saw the decoration Pha was so adamant on hiding. Maybe it was a little emasculating, but at the same time, it was funny. He would have laughed if it happened to him. But, he supposed people had different types of humor.

“It did come out nice,” He complimented. “Rather see it in person though.”

His eyes rushed back to Pha when he stated he refused to go. Not surprising at all. He had a feeling he’d get used to that response. Pha was only making it harder for himself, and it was surprising he didn’t realize that. The director didn’t seem like someone that would fire you over not cooperating.

Pha mentioned an ultimatum from his company, wouldn’t that get to him if he got fired or left the set? Or, maybe that only required him to go to the audition. But, his company was bound to be angry if Pha all of the sudden decided to mess it up.

”We’ll make sure someone takes you where you need to go.”

Not only did the director switch up the reasoning, but he implied, most likely, security would come and pick him up. If that wasn’t a good reason to move, Sam didn’t know what else was.

”Ah, come on. Let’s just go. No one will make fun of you because of the door. There’s no reason to,” He calmly stated. “We know the door doesn’t reflect you personally. It only reflects your character.” Would that help coax Pha into moving? He didn’t know, but he was starting to think it wouldn’t.

“Besides, from hearing the whispering going on beside me, you’re depriving the only true wife on the set from seeing the beautiful decor.” Maybe the true wife comment would help Pha, or maybe it would just annoy him further. He didn’t mean to ease in the straight pair’s conversation, but he was right next to the girl. It was impossible not to. Arabella Cauwell Arabella Cauwell
Pha glanced up when a female joined him and instantly wanted to stand next to her to get rid of all of the testosterone surrounding him, but as a self-proclaimed gentleman and mentor he couldn’t just run up and hug a woman he’d just met, particularly after his speech to Hyeon Soo. It wasn’t that Pha was attracted to her, he just felt safer around women, more comfortable. They were easier to talk to and deal with, and best of all if someone misconstrued a relationship between him and a female friend it only served to better their careers and help his reputation. If he really was going to be forced to be on this set, he was going to need some friends, allies, and back up.

Hyeon Soo was of course his friend, but did Pha believe the younger actor could protect his reputation? Not likely. Hyeon Soo was a bit naïve and judging from this very day was not going to be much of a help to him. It would be nice to see him around, but it would only add to the embarrassment if Pha was forced to do anything…physical with Sam. For all he knew Hyeon Soo would right notes about it.

Pha overheard Hyeon Soo and the female actress discussing the décor and sighed. He hadn’t even met the girl and she was already at least slightly upset with something he’d done, but there was no way he was showing the door just for something like that. Never the less it was show time, not meaning that Pha was going to do the mature thing and just go when asked, but rather, he would put his communication skills to good use. After walking over to her Pha put out his hand and gave her a kind smile, doing his best to keep a proper but somewhat closer distance than he had most of the men,

Hello I’m Phassakorn Anurak, it’s a pleasure to meet you, and you are?” Pha questioned. It was a good way of getting her name and seeing how comfortable she was with male and female interaction. If she seemed resistant or fearful he’d stop at that, but he certainly had to try.

His attention was quickly brought back to the majority of the males present and Pha just wanted to glare at them. They seriously wanted him to do a photoshoot today? He hadn’t even believed he actually had gotten the role he’d gotten before two minutes ago, how was he supposed to be ready for something like that. He ignored Sam’s wanting to see the door since obviously it was just a continuation of a tease.

Soon the director was low key threatening him and his stubbornness, while Sam was seemingly trying to placate him in a kinder manner. Pha ignored the décor comment, since of course it didn’t reflect him, but the fact that it reflected his character was still urksome. But he did feel a bit happy when Sam had called the actress on set the only true wife. He even nearly smiled at the other actor, but stopped because he’d much rather glare at the director who was threatening to have someone take him. Plus Sam had still been talking about revealing his door, so it wasn’t a total win.

Well to be quite honest that wouldn’t be the first time he’d had that done just that day, but it would be embarrassing to be dragged to the photoshoot. Then again it would be more embarrassing to willingly go to a photoshoot where he was going to have to at least touch or be touched by another man. And suddenly his legs couldn’t move if he wanted them to.

How was he supposed to play this character when he knew nothing about him and it involved something he feared? If he couldn’t even get through this photoshoot, how was he going to get through a whole Television series taping?

“Where I need to go? Like home? That would be great, please do call in my manager then. Unfortunately for you I know nothing of this character, so it’s not like I could do much for the shoot or anything else. I never believed I’d have this particular role. It still baffles me how it’s even possible.” Pha said giving the director an annoyed look.

He was still stubborn, although even he could tell that in more important ways he was losing. At this point there was very little chance that he was going to be able to get out of this role he was given. But Pha could still dream and make the job as hard for the director as possible, so that is exactly what he did.
Between the actress’ entrance into the little group and Pha’s very dramatic reactions, Director Ryu found that his comments were not doing much for the young Hyeon Soo. Indeed, although he himself knew that Pha was quite entertaining to many different types of audiences, through reactions such as these, Ryu had always been someone people generally took notice of and fawned over or sucked up to. But Bunny-boy seemed somewhat oblivious to his advances, something the director would have to remedy when he had the time, but for now he actually did have to focus on moving Pha.

But he did spare a conspiratorial smirk at Sam,

“Well he has to leave this area eventually. I’m sure you’ll get to see it in person at some point.”

Then it occurred to him that his actress had not been in the room for his announcement, so he directed his explanation towards her,

“You guys can head over to make up and wardrobe where the artists and stylists will get you more into character.”

To Pha’s character comment Ryu added,

“Since the most important part of today is characterization we will be going over each character in the pictures right before the filming. Some of you have likely been working on your personas, but as for you Pha you’ll just have to follow direction and you’ll get through it. I’m fully confident that you’re up for the task if you actually try. Unfortunately I don’t have the time to sit here and argue with you about it, we have a shoot coming up in a few and you’re not even a little ready.”

At that Director Ryu sent a text to security,

“As much as I’d love to stay and watch what’s about to happen and your reaction to it, I have to make sure that the others are taken care of. See you in a few Pha. The rest of you, please follow me. I’ll show you which stylist and artist you’ll be working with and get you guys started first.” Ryu said, turning and heading towards the stars make up room.

He looked around and pointed to each actor or actress that had followed him and pointed to who would be taking care of them. When the three of them had begun the forth chair was noticeably without a star. Ryu looked down at his watch. There was still time, but it was something of a hassle.

Soon four security guards came in, with a very irate, but interestingly walking on his own feet Pha. Nearly every time one of the guards looked in his direction he practically bristled like a kitten, but at the very least he did eventually sit down and immediately his makeup artist half jumped him. Ryu smirked self satisfied when the hair and makeup styling was done, then he smirked even more evilly when Pha and the others were done and it was time to move on to wardrobe.

“Alright wardrobe for the shoot is next, follow me.”

The director led the way, but apparently security didn’t trust Pha to go alone, because they followed him a few feet behind as if he would run away at the first chance, and truthfully he just might. Ryu chuckled just thinking about it.

“We’ll go over the characterization after your dressed in the first outfit for your couple photo shoots, including the couple type and how each couple interacts so we can get some good teaser shots. But I don’t want to remind you too early in case you forget or can’t keep the role up off and on camera. Once you guys are done with this part you can meet me on set.” Ryu said being serious with them for a minute.

But of course he couldn’t resist temptation, so to Hyeon Soo he added,

“Unless of course you need my help in wardrobe.”

Well no one ever accused Ryu of being subtle. That was for certain.
Mok Hyeon Soo

Hyeon Soo glanced from the group, and towards his female co-star. The female beside him extended out her hand to shake with Pha. “I’m Jeung Hee Ji,” She introduced herself as she shook his hand.

While Pha continued to protest and complain, the rest of the group’s focus switched to the wardrobe. Ah, yes, finally, they were getting some progress on the actual shoot. No longer would they be forced to wait on the stubborn Pha. Although, at the same time, Hyeon Soo felt bad for his friend. Not only was he forced by this role, but he’d also have to be brought out by security.

But, that’s what he gets when refuses to work on set… right? Honestly, Hyeon Soo didn’t know. He had always been super cooperative on set. He had no reason to act out or refuse to do anything. All of his acting experiences had been fairly positive.

The actor gave sympathy smile to Pha before turning his attention back to instruction giver, the director.

They were directed to follow the director to the hair and makeup stations. This was probably Hyeon Soo’s favorite thing to do while setting. The hair was fine, but the makeup -- a disaster. He hated the sticky feeling of the foundation even though it was light and made to look natural. But it wasn’t natural, it was made to cover up every imperfection that graced his tan skin. The natural look was fake.

He took his seat in beside his given stylist and let her work her “magic” on him. Uncomfortable products were smacked onto his face, while the stylist and he made brief small talk. ‘The weather is nice,’ things like that; awkward, but comforting phrases.

Soon he had to bid his goodbyes to the friendly woman, and join the rest of the cast to speak with the director. He had a feeling he’d grow to love his stylist like a sister.

The wardrobe was another story. He loved seeing what the wardrobe people thought looked well on him. It sort of taught him how to look more stylish outside of the shoot. With the praise of the people working on set, he knew what and whatnot looked well on him.

Hyeon Soo’s mood was soaring until the director decided to say something. Something that caused him to just stare at the man in disbelief. It proved the man’s true intentions, and they were definitely not welcome him. Did anyone else hear him?

“What…?” He said dumbly, feeling extremely embarrassed. “Of course not.” He made contact with his female co-star, but she oddly looked away from.

Samyan Chaichua

A smirk appeared on Sam’s face as Pha insisted on calling his manager because he didn’t know the part. But the problem with that was he basically was the real-life version of that role. He didn’t have to know anything about the role because he couldn’t act it out regardless. So, his constant complaining was useless in the eyes of everyone around them.

Now he got what he deserved; security would have to walk him out.

“You don’t need to know anything about the role. You act like him anyway,” Sam explained. “You’re not getting out of it that easily.”

Sam adored hair and makeup; it was a free massage and at the same time, it made him look nice. While getting his makeup done, he didn’t talk much. He claimed it ruin the experience, and negatively affect the outcome of his makeup. Occasionally he’d laugh at something his stylist said, but never did he reply with more than a few words.

But, he did speak when he witnessed Pha being brought in by security. A soft chuckle escaped him as he eagerly watched. “Ah, finally you’re here. How does it feel to be brought in by security?” He teased before glancing back towards the front to let the artist finish. “Ahah, you look more like a baby than a bad boy.”

He stood up from the chair once the woman was done to regroup with the actors. A slight professionally smile graced his face as Ryu explained what would be done. Teasers were always fun, whether they were pictures or small clips. They hyped up the release as well as gathered plenty of fans.

The director caught Sam off guard when he spoke directly to the rookie actor. Maybe it wasn’t his business, but he couldn’t help it. They were a strange vibe from the pair all day long, and now he was finally getting a closer look. Ryu seemed to just be bothering this Hyeon Soo kid with suggestive comments. It was strange and unprofessional. There were so many unprofessional people on this set; it was shocking.

But, he decided he wouldn’t continue peeping in. He had to continue with his duties as an actor. Besides, he wanted to see the concept for him and Pha’s teasers. He supposed it would reflect their characters, so maybe something dark and mysterious? Arabella Cauwell Arabella Cauwell
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Pha shook the woman’s hand and then promptly let go not to scare her off. He did want to be in her vicinity though to calm himself and lessen the testosterone. Besides Hyeon Soo was standing near her and he gave off a kind of calming vibe as well, unlike the alpha male types of Sam and Ryu.

Pha did not love the directors comment that he had to leave sometime and he vowed that if he did have to stay on this insane and degrading project, he was definitely going to do something about the décor of his door so that Director Ryung would have to be called a liar. It was such a satisfying thought that Pha smiled thinking of it, while the Director instructed the rest of the group to head over to make up and wardrobe. He nearly relaxed thinking that the director had enough of him and had changed his mind, but soon his hopes were dashed yet again when the director and Sam said that he already acted like the character.

Pha’s eyes practically dropped out of his head on that one as he sputtered,

“Did I just hear you say that I act like a man that’s interested in other men? What could I ever have done to give you that impression?” Pha said shocked, not at all thinking of personality or anything, just about stubbornly trying to get out of having to be touched by another man or so.

And how did Sam know that Pha was not getting out of it easily? Then again that could have been a guess based on his track record so far that day, or anywhere in the vicinity of Sam and Director Ryung. But still, was that really something to say to him at this point?

But soon Ryung seemed to have thrown in the towel, although his words had not mirrored that fact, but he had gone with the others and Pha gave a sigh of relief as he stood up and began to walk towards the exit of the building. Unfortunately for him the security guards were on high alert and apparently they were also already told for some to bring Pha to make up.

“Mr. Anurak we’ve been told to escort you to make up.” The first security guard said, with a polite bow at the Thai star.

Pha looked at him, but then shook his head with a small smile, deciding to try to play it off,

“I’m sorry you have the wrong person. I’m Samyan Chaichua’s manager, I was told to get something for him out of the car.” Pha said without blinking, truly he was a pretty good actor, unfortunately for him Director Ryung was five steps ahead of him.

The head guard shook his head as he turned his phone so that Pha could see the messaged picture, which was one of the headshots his company sent out, with his name on the top, and everything. There was even apparently marker on either the original copy or doodled due to the latest of phone technology that said ‘Runner’ in a free spot near his name. Pha glared while the security guard tried again,

“Sorry Sir I’m afraid that won’t work on us. We have been told to carry you if need be, so this will be your last warning since time is money and we can’t have you holding up the rest of the cast. Do you plan on complying, or do we have to carry you?”

Pha growled angrily, but decided that no matter how confident he was he couldn’t take on four security guards,

“Fine! I’ll go!” Pha said throwing his hands up and walking.

“Sir, makeup is that way.” Another security guard said pointing backwards and to the right, as Pha had been continuing towards the exit.

Pha stomped his foot and turned, as one of the security guards got in front of him to allegedly show him the way, while the others went on either side and behind him. He did not like these security guards one bit and even though he was an actor he had never loved getting his makeup done and to make it worse he was in a room with Sam who teased him about being brought in by security and said that he looked more like a baby than a bad boy,

“Why should I be embarrassed about being brought in by security? It simply feels like I’m being protected by bodyguards from the likes of you,” Pha quipped, “and I do not look like a baby, nor am I trying to be a bad boy. I just want to go home.”

Soon he found himself sitting down and being jumped by a very enthusiastic makeup artist. Pha could only imagine what they would do to him in the makeup room to make him look like someone’s male wife. When it was over he was curious as to how embarrassed he should be, so he snuck a glance at himself in the mirror and decided it wasn’t too bad. Not that he would admit such a thing. Then soon enough the Director lead the way to wardrobe, with the security still following him, but not on all sides this time.

Pha for his part decided to play along for now. He wasn’t sure if he could manage to do so during the shoot, but while it was just the basic stuff he would comply, and since his goal was to get home, he figured the faster he completes what they want from him, the sooner he can escape this place and preferably never come back. So he’d play it by ear and do his best simply to get out of there.

Pha rolled his eyes as the director told them that he’d go over characterization and covered his face with his hand at the ‘couple’ photo shots comments. Although he did notice something, which on a normal set was one of his favorites,

“You forgot hair, which might be okay for the guys, but what about Jeung Hee Ji?”

Pha knew from a lot of his female co-stars that hair was very important to them, especially if they had long hair. Pha personally enjoyed the scalp massage and styling, although there wasn’t much people could especially due to his hair because it wasn’t particularly long.

The director admitted his fault and explained that the hair stations were next to make up so they could do both. Pha sat down where he was told to and his hair styling began. He was a bit miffed that he ended up, at least this time, with a male hair dresser, but the massage still felt good so he let it go. Soon his hair was styled and he was told to wait for everyone else to be done. When they all were done, they were brought over to the set.

Pha absolutely did notice Ryu’s comment to Hyeon Soo. He was glad he wasn’t to be the only one teased, but that was definitely way over the line and since Pha personally had no qualms ‘getting on the directors bad side’ he decided to say something about it,

“I don’t care what country you’re from, that is definitely sexual harassment. Joking or not, you’d better leave my friend alone, unless you’d like to end up in a court room.”

Having said that he gave Director Ryung one last glare, before being grabbed by a stylist and heading to get his clothes.

The stylist he got was a woman and Pha was very happy with that. He even smiled as she took his measurements, although she’d received some from his company, it turned out that she just wanted to check. She was friendly and handed him clothes that he was happy to say didn’t look too cutsie or girly, which was a relief. Once she gave him the clothes she ushered for him to change, but Pha began to tinge a little pink.

It was normal for actors and actresses to have to change quickly, especially if it was a stage play or something along those lines, but Pha had always been given a dressing room of his own in the past so that he could change in private. He wasn’t about to do that now,

“Is there somewhere more private I can change?” he asked the stylist, who smiled at him kindly and nodded.

“We have some curtains in the back if you’d be more comfortable that way.” She said.

What she didn’t say was that the curtains had mainly been set up for actresses that were uncomfortable dressing in front of men. But Pha didn’t have to know that and actually the stylist was pleased that he wasn’t going to be the creepy type, like some of the men who get great joy in not only changing in front of her, but watching her reaction to it.

“Thank you, and by the way, I’m Phassakorn Anurak, but you can call me Pha.” Pha said, extending his hand out.

The stylist smiled and shook it,

“Lee Jae Eun, but you can call me Joy, most of my friends do.”

Pha smiled at her at that,

“Joy it is then.” He said as he headed back and got changed behind one of the curtains.

When he came out Joy gave a little laugh,

“You’re a bit on the conservative side I see.” She said as he walked over and she came close to fix the shirt for the concept.

Pha had buttoned all of the buttons and tucked the shirt into the jeans he was given, which Joy had to say did show off the guys cute butt, however, that wasn’t the part that they would focus on in the shoot. She untucked his shirt as she spoke to him,

“Your character is a delinquent so he wouldn’t be this neat, we are also going to have to open like all of these buttons.” She explained as she began to unbutton his top button, but soon was stopped.

“That’s okay I can do it,” Pha said, a little pink from the thought. He didn’t want her to have to unbutton a grown man’s shirt for him, although it made him feel shy, “can I do it when I get on set instead?”

Joy frowned and shook her head,

“Sorry, I really have to see if the whole look fits the concept, it’s my job to do so. Plus you will have a few changes today since it’s a photo shoot. I’ve got to check each of them. If it’s because you’re not as fit as some of the others don’t worry about that. Your character won’t need to rely on strength or anything in the drama.”

Pha was a little offended that Joy thought he didn’t want to show his stomach because he was flabby or something, but he supposed he couldn’t blame her if guys normally just did whatever she said or had her unbutton them. With a sigh, bracing for embarrassment, Pha began to undo the buttons until they were all open. Once Joy fixed what she needed to fix however he was so going to pull one side over the other to hide it until the shoot.

“Wow, I was wrong, you look great what are you worried about!” Joy bubbled as she grabbed his sleeves and started tucking them up how she wanted, “there all done and I have a feeling that at least your Korean fan base is going up, you have a beautiful body.”

Pha blushed harder at that,


Joy smiled at him,

“Sorry I’m a bit straightforward, I lived in America for quite a while so sometimes I just blurt. I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“Its fine you seem like a very nice and open person. It’s not bad to be straightforward, in fact, it’s a bit refreshing.” He said as he heard a call to go over to the set.

What he deemed at this point as his own personal security team was waiting for him at the entrance to make sure he went,

“Well I hate to cut this short, but I have to go to the set. I suppose if we are switching outfits a few times I’ll be seeing you again today anyway.”

Joy nodded,

“Yep, good luck Pha.”

Pha gave her a little wave before following one of the security guys to the set.
The set was split into two, so it looked like both couples would be taking photos at the same time. Pha let out a sigh as he thought about how bad this photo shoot could become for him. And of course Director Ryu was on set. It took a few minutes for him to come over and all the while Pha was getting more and more nervous about what they would expect from him.

But soon Director Ryu came over. Everything was about to start and Pha thought he had better remember how to breathe properly pretty soon, because he was so nervous he thought that soon he might hyperventilate.
Being a director, and having one particularly flighty leading actor, meant that Ryung had a lot to do, which is why he had called hair and makeup, just makeup, but of course Pha was there to let him know of his mistake. Ryu nodded though as he had made the mistake,

“Hair stations are right next to make up, don’t worry we do have that much prepared.” He said specifically to Pha who seemed to doubt him.

Ryu watched Hyeon Soo’s face, a little evilly enjoying the guys embarrassment. He had been somewhat kidding about actually going in and helping, although if accepted he would certainly not take it back. But the young actor had responded quite nervously and resolutely, so that told Ryu he was going to be something of a challenge if he took up the task. Pha’s protectiveness made him want to chuckle a bit. Hyeon Soo was a grown man, so what was there to be concerned about by Pha. He decided to tease them both a little for their responses, but then he really had to get on set while wardrobe finished them up.

To Hyeon Soo he made a point of blatantly looking him over from head to toe, then saying,

“Well that’s a shame, but it can’t be helped.” He said to Hyeon Soo’s response.

To Pha he said,

“Why would you sue me for talking to another grown man? What are you his mom?”

A call came through on his cell phone so Ryu picked it up. He was needed on set,

“I have to head to set, security will tell you all how to get there.”

Ryu had decided on the split set forum. It would cost about the same amount of money or cheaper, despite the extra back screen and lights. Multiple cameras were always needed on set and more lights would be better, particularly if any happened to get broken. It was a time saver that he had been very happy to think up, but it also meant more work for him since he had to talk to each part of the set separately, particularly due to the different concepts of the couples.

Ryu checked over the sets carefully to make sure the backgrounds were what he had envisioned. On the one side the lights were set darker and more focused to where he planned the men to go. He hadn’t had to rent the motorcycle they were using, because it was his own and it still looked brand new because he rarely had a chance to use it. But it saved money and looked great where it was. For now the motorcycle was up on a makeshift stage, where the brighter lights were placed behind a homemade window to make it seem like it was sunny outside and dark in. The set looked a bit like a room. It was perfect.

When he was done with the main stage as he called it, since it was for the main couple, he checked the side stage. Since both characters were interns in the drama it was set up to look office life. He checked the long desk and made sure there were chairs and a photocopier in sight. The lights were set up to give it that more comedic look. Something felt missing and Ryu realized that there were not enough props given that they were in an office. So he made a call and when the objects came he carefully placed them where he envisioned them, until there side was perfectly done as well.

It had taken a little while, but he soon noticed his actors and went over to them. He was pleasantly surprised by the view of Pha’s body. He’d seen Sam’s in the BL’s he’d watched as research and was obviously also pleased with his, but Pha’s had been a surprise. Sadly Hyeon Soo was fully clothed so there was no getting to see that part, but he supposed he could write something in the script at some point to get to see. But first he’d have to see how many women clamored for it. That would not only be more professional, but give a good reason for a state of undress.

While the pictures would be taken around the same time, he did have to get one of the couples set up first, and of course it was going to be the main actors, partially because they were the main focus of the show and partially because Pha was going to take longer to get his pictures done and was the one that eventually Ryu was going to have to focus on since he had no way of cloning himself to be in two places at once.

He looked over at Sam to get started,

“Alright then, let’s get started. Main couple first. Sam you are Churai Kraiputra, who just came back from studying abroad in America. You have always been rich and got most of what you wanted in life, but when you get back your dad suddenly gives you an ultimatum: get married and take over the family business within one year if you want to see any inheritance money. You already have done a lot because you’re father told you to, including studying in America. But being in America and seeing the freedom that many Americans have makes you angry about your father trying to run your life. You actually want to take over the company so you don’t try to rebel there, you like the power and prestige, and you have a boss like personality. So when you keep bumping into Kamon Wirat, because of his three plus jobs. Kamon is everything your dad would hate: Male, delinquent, mouthy, etc… soon you decide that if your dad wants you to marry so much, this guy could be the answer, after all your father didn’t stipulate that it had to be a woman or that it would lead to grandchildren. Churai is confident, arrogant, sometimes mysterious, teasing, sexy, and at times playful, so that’s what your working with. In this photo shoot you want to come across periodically as arrogant, mysterious, playful, sexy, and interested in Ka.”

Once he felt that he explained Sam’s character well enough for the photoshoot he turned to Pha and simply hoped the boy would listen well enough,

“Pha you are Kamon Wirat, a delinquent with no money, but with morals. Because of your need for money and the fact that with three jobs many people see you at some point actual gangsters ask you to do an illegal job. When you refuse and the job goes south they declare that you owe them a debt ad that if you don’t pay it up they are going to hurt, possibly kill you. Already having a hard time, you can’t exactly stop working, so one day while delivering food for one of your jobs, a ridiculously rich and well dressed guy that you remember from bumping into a few times at your jobs, shows up and asks you to marry him, offering you an amazing, debt free, pampered life, if you do. At first you believe it’s a joke or a scheme, but soon Chu shows you that it’s not. Despite your delinquent appearance you are actually very pure and innocent, so when Chu makes moves on you, first in public for appearance, then eventually in private, you are freaked out and keep shooing him away. Ka is stubborn, innocent, kind, easily embarrassed, prone to panic but still tries to be brave, moralistic, desperate, and hard working. In this photo shoot you want to come across periodically as stubborn, innocent, cute, acting tough, surprising, mysterious.”

Here Ryu pointed over to their set,

“The set is over there. There will be a couple set changes and wardrobe changes throughout the day. The set will change over while you do, besides some breaks of course. This set has a motorcycle, because that’s what Ka uses for deliveries, so we will start there. The photographer is ready for you, so Sam take Pha over there and get started. I’ll come over to help direct the shoot after I get Hyeon Soo and Hee Ji set up.”

Once he’d finished with the first couple he looked over at Hyeon Soo,

“You guys have a different vibe than them when it comes to the couples. Where they are supposed to be the sexy ones, you guys are cute, comedy and eventually romantic. Hyeon Soo your character is Nae Ji Hwan. You are the cousin of Kamon Wirat, who is currently working in Churai Kraiputra’s company as part of your college work. You are a slacker who feels he’s hit the jackpot when the boss wants information and help with getting your cousin, so you give him information in exchange for not having to do a lot of work. While interning you meet Hee Ji’s character Ban Mi Seo, who is a workaholic, so your exact opposite. At first you find her work ethic crazy, but soon you respect her, start to fall for her, and eventually try to pursue her. Ji Hwan is lazy, conniving, laid back, enjoys nightlife, and is a bit arrogant, but eventually he changes due to love. For this teaser photo shoot you should look lazy, flirty, teasing, and that sort of vibe.”

Finally he was on to the last explanation,

“Hee Ji, your character’s name is Ban Mi Seo, you are a nerdy, workaholic type who doesn’t care about romance and wants to focus only on work. Your character has a lot of work to do and due to Ji Hwan getting off on having to do most of his work you’ve ended up having to pick up more. Your character is also interning at Churai Kraiputra’s company as part of her college work, and all she wants to do is get through and possibly turn her internship into a real job since she really loves this particular company, so she’s terrified of messing up. Ban Mi Seo is a workaholic, who at first hates the lazy Nae Ji Hwan, beyond having to do his work. She doesn’t understand or respect his ways. When he falls for you and starts to flirt with you, you’re very resistant. Over time he begins to wear you down, but your character eventually has to choose between putting her all into work or finding a balance between work and play. For this teaser photo shoot you should look overworked, annoyed, angry, at times smiling despite yourself, etc… Feel free to use the props like staplers and files to pretend to ward off Ji Hwan’s advances. I’ll be back and forth between the two couples throughout the shoot, but feel free to listen to the photographer’s suggestions when I’m not there.”

Ryu pointed over to their set, which was bright and office cutsie looking. It had a light, romantic comedy feeling,

“You’re set is right there with the props that will actually be in your interning office scenes, so you guys can actually get used to it, I’ll be over as soon as I can, and good luck.”

With that Ryu went over to the director’s chair at the main couple’s stage.

‘Showtime.’ He thought to himself as he began to watch in case he was needed, which he had a feeling he might be.
Mok Hyeon Soo

Hyeon Soo felt so uncomfortable; the director was terrifying and making working on set extremely difficult. He couldn’t even properly listen to his stylist. Her voice was going straight through him as his brain played previous events on repeat. Perhaps, it was some time of welcoming ritual or some type of joke. He hoped it was; he didn’t want to be chased by his boss. The young actor sighed as he stepped out of the stylist booth. He was thrilled to be on a larger set, but in the pit of his stomach, he had a feeling of dread. He didn’t want any, one on one time with the director for the time being; he kept getting weird vibes from him.

He felt like he looked like a 90s pop idol with a black turtleneck and leather jacket, kind of like Kim Seungjae.

He hurried to stand beside his female co-star. For a short moment, he stared at her messy hair and wondered if it was supposed to look like that. But, his question was answered as soon as the director explained their roles. He smiled to himself as he thought about the set. It was sweet and innocent, something he really needed at that moment.

It was so detailed, there was even stationary that fit Hee Ji’s character. ”That’s cute,” He pointed out as he picked up the pink stationary pad with little cartoon characters on it. Hee Ji suddenly tried to pull the paper from his hand and he heard the click and flash of the camera. She must’ve done it on purpose, knowing it’s something her character would do.

”Natural chemistry,” The photographer pointed, which caused Hyeon Soo to nod slowly.

”Method acting?” He asked Hee Ji with a warm chuckle.

”Of course, ever done that before?” She questioned, jokingly as she set the stationary down.

They listened to the photographer's demands, following them closely. ”Hyeon Soo, sit on the desk and mess with the supplies. Hee Ji, sit on the chair, look stressed,” A few, more detailed orders came out about facial expressions. They began taking pictures, but only a few because the photographer wanted to wait for the director -- to make sure the pictures fit his perfect vision.

Hyeon Soo understood that, but he wanted to get most pictures done before the director arrived. He hoped they would, and it made sense; the director had to pay close attention to Pha.

Samyan Chaichua

Sam scratched the back of his neck as he admired himself in the mirror provided for him. The outfit, in his opinion, was pretty classy; it matched the description of the character. As he stared at his reflection, his mind wandered off to some stubborn actor, and he wondered: how was it going for him? He chuckled under his breath at the thought. Pha was probably one of the most stubborn actors he had ever met. Never had he seen someone so unwilling to play a simple role to the point where they had to be brought in by security. It was riveting. Sam supposed it was due to pride. It wasn’t any straight man’s ideal to play a BL role.

Sam was never unwilling to play a BL role. His career was practically based off of it. One drama by one, he climbed to the top of the BL tower, becoming a famous face in the community. He never squeaked or squirmed when he had to get close to another male actor -- because it was only acting. He was always calm when it got to the romantic scenes, he wanted to make it as real as possible.

”This outfit,” Sam admired. ”Makes me look like an arrogant CEO,” He noted.

The stylists nod her head, her brown curls bounced up and down. “Isn’t it nice?” She asked as she peeked over his shoulder. Something about her face screamed WORRIED like she needed reassurance that the outfit was right. Rookie. She was sweet and Sam couldn’t even get annoyed with her for not being confident in her work.

”Oh very. It fits well with the character, doesn’t?” He asked. She nodded quickly and a youthful smile replaced her worried expression.

”Thank you,” He thanked the young stylist before stepping out of the styling area. ”I’ll see you again,” He mused as he glanced back.

He was able to group up with the other actors and actress, but only moments passed before they were given their character descriptions and shipped off to different sets. Usually, he’d be agitated at the lack of socializing with his costars, but he was distracted. The actor was extremely pleased by the sight of the automobile that stood in front of them. ”Nice,” He admired as he approached the shiny, motorcycle. ”Ah, this will be fun.” He dragged his hand along the leather seat.

Finally, he acknowledged his show wife and smirked. ”Pha, would you care to take a seat?” He teased as he stepped out of the way. But, in a way, he was being serious. He thought it’d be nice of either they were both on the bike or only Pha was on the bike. ”The manliest vehicle,” He pointed out. Perhaps that analogy would spark something in Pha? Maybe even make him feel better about his role.

”I know I’ve been teasing you for the entire time we’ve been on set -- because, let’s face it, you’re very teasable. You’re making it too easy.” He stopped himself for a moment. ”But, just remember that none of this is real and it doesn’t reflect how you are in real life. Don’t let it bother you, or you’ll have to be dragged in by security every day.” He couldn’t help teasing him one last time before they had to become their roles.

Sam only ever had to play the submissive role in a BL once, and it wasn’t that bad. Sure, it wasn’t as fun as the husband role, but it wasn’t terrible. The role didn’t represent him in real life, so he never worried. He was even able to watch the entire drama without cringing. But, Pha wasn’t like him. Pha was the lead role in straight dramas.

ooc: my old posts were bad and now im emo Arabella Cauwell Arabella Cauwell
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Phassakorn Anurak

Pha pretended not to listen to the director at first as Ryu went over first Sam’s part, then Pha’s. He still wanted to believe that this role was a big mistake or a terrible nightmare. It would be difficult to escape the situation he found himself in at the moment. After all he was being watched by security and was now known for being a runner, so making a break for the exit was not likely to work. Plus he was having a harder time being rebellious when he got on set.

Despite what he had been showcasing since he’d walked in for the audition just to throw it Pha was in all actuality a great, usually professional actor. It had been easy for him to mess around when he was off set, but on set he felt much more at home and almost calm. Of course that may all change once someone else touches him, but it was beginning to get harder to resist.

Looking at the facts objectively even Pha could tell that he was unlikely to get out of this situation. He was a master of denial off set, but on he could almost begin to feel himself start to adapt to his surroundings. The outfit, the makeup, the hair, the words the director gave him, everything seemed to begin to fall into place. The truth was Pha was not getting out of this first day. The contract had already been signed, the photoshoot was about to take place, and the prep work for filming would begin that day. Once photos were taken it would be exceedingly hard for Pha to deny his role. Not to mention certain aspects seemed to match up to his recent behavior, and although he didn’t like getting the wife role he couldn’t help but feel a bit excited by his current wardrobe.

Most of Pha’s roles were sons of Ceo’s, Student Council Presidents, Doctors, and Prince-like, fairytale romantic leads. Of course he had played cold characters and warm hearted ones, but he had not played any ‘bad boy’ types. The Korean style make up looked good when mixed with the Hip hop like outfit he had on. It gave him a certain level of confidence for the moment, although he thought the outfit would make more sense if they gave him a leather jacket to go with it.

When he realized what he was doing Pha tried to shake his head to clear his mind of such thoughts. Why on earth was he thinking about additions to wardrobe when he should have been thinking of ways to escape? But he couldn’t help it. Pha actually really loved modeling and besides the romantic inclinations, from what he was told his character was an easy fit and he had always been interested in motorcycles. They were too dangerous for him to go on a lot, considering how freaked out it made his company the few times he wanted to do so recreationally. But with this part they couldn’t exactly tell him not to…not that he was excepting the part, but it was a valid point when looking at the bright side of things.

Pha wanted to feel the leather of the seat underneath his finger tips, but held himself back since one, he didn’t want anyone thinking he was giving in, and two since Sam was already doing so himself. From Sam’s positive reaction it seemed that he also was something of a fan of motorcycles. Before Pha could pretend not to hear Sam talk to him, Pha looked at him. It really would be much harder acting up with so many people around and although the other man had clearly enjoyed messing with Pha not even Pha could blame him. It wasn’t like he had ingratiated himself to the other. If anything he’d probably been something of an annoyance or hindrance to the other, which actually went to show that the other guy was not so bad. Not that Pha was going to trust him all things considered, but even he could see that at least the other guy had patience.

Pha looked down at the motorcycles seat debating what to do. He actually did want to take a seat, but he didn’t want to look like he was taking orders from the other actor. He listened to it being called the manliest vehicle and nearly smiled at that. Indeed the set made him feel calm. It wasn’t like he could be attacked on the set in front of so many people right? Judging from his previous behavior Pha figured that Sam would probably assume that he’d turn down the offer and snap back at him, so to give the other boy a bit of a shock, and because he really did want to feel the leather seat, Pha moved forward and gently slid onto the seat.

Pha ran his fingers gently over the handles as he admired the motorcycle pretending to rev it since the key wasn’t in it. It really was a beautiful piece of machinery. He tried to ignore the fact that cameras were preparing and clearly pointing at him and the man across from him. He was beginning to get a feel for the character through the characters precious object, but still wasn’t ready to admit as much. Thankfully the character had his own form of resistance so he didn’t need to freak out. There was still no touching of humans so he was still okay. He tried to think of soothing thoughts like the fact that his friend would be playing his cousin and that the demon director as he was considering calling the other guy had to divide his attention so it wouldn’t fully be on him or this coupling. Should he just play along to get it done and get out of there? Could he?

His eyes shifted to look into Sam’s as the other man explained that he enjoyed teasing him, because it was easy. Pha was about to snap at him when suddenly the other actor did something kind or at least kindish. He tried to reassure Pha that it was all just an act. Different actors had different ways of acting. As a professional Pha could tell that Sam was the natural kind. The kind of actor who could slip in and out of roles easily. That kind of actor probably really could do his job and not worry about any false feelings or emotional ties. That was probably why the other man didn’t worry about being in BL films. Then again the ‘husband’ didn’t have to worry as much as the other option.

But Pha’s acting was something closer to method acting. He wouldn’t say he would completely become the character so to speak, but he did get emotionally involved in some ways. He generally tried to understand his character well enough to respond as them in case of adlibbed scenes or events. It had gotten him a decent amount of fans in the past, but he was not sure he could accommodate this new public obsession. There were quite a few things he wasn’t sure he could handle about all of this. But it was nice that despite his unprofessionalism, the other actor was still trying to reassure him…if in between teases.

“Did you just refer to me as easy?” Pha said feigning some level of indignation to attempt to slightly mess with the other guy, before letting out a sigh and saying, “judging from your statement I’m assuming you are the natural born actor type.”

He wasn’t sure if the other man would take that as a statement or a question, but it was something he felt the need to ask.

Director Ryu clapped his hands together to get there half of the set’s attention. Despite himself Pha looked over at the Director defiantly as the director gave directions to the camera men and photographers. There was a pause where Pha was sure that the director and perhaps even Sam wondered what he was going to do next. While making a run for it sounded appealing it was impossible and annoying, expected. Pha refused to be that predictable at the moment. So when the director asked if they were ready Pha let out a sigh and said,

“Let’s get this over with then.”

He turned to Sam as he lifted his legs and placed them crossed straight over the bike’s handle bars. With a look that was part resigned smirk and subtle threat Pha warned,

“I’m playing along for now, but try not to get too in character and watch your hands.”

Pha certainly would be. He had more to say, but he decided for now less was more. Pha had been outright told by the Director that his character was a resister. If Pha had to he could always use that to his advantage …particularly for now.

OOC: Pssh your posts are fine, have more confidence and just enjoy ~ ^^ PS I love the little vids in the posts as well <3 so cute!
Kim Ryung

“Okay!” Ryu yelled beginning to direct the scene for a few minutes explaining the different types of pictures necessary, after seeing that Pha was not putting up as much of a fight as before at the moment.

Still he didn’t trust Pha enough to leave this side of the set just yet though and began to run through some possible photograph ideas. As much as he wanted to see how it was going on the other side of the set the main couple was the main point of the series obviously and the biggest difference, so the teasers had to be compelling. But of course he also had to go at a slower pace due to his staffing choice.

Pha was already at his limit before he even began, and this small window of opportunity where he wasn’t fighting back couldn’t be wasted, but he also couldn’t scare the guy off by going from zero to 100 either, so it was going to be a bit of a challenge to create that balance. If it could be managed though it was going to be now through this director and the experienced co-actor Sam.

“Let’s start with Sam at the front of the motorbike looking flirtatious, while Pha resists, and go from there. Feel free to feel out the situation and pose as you believe the characters naturally would.” Ryu began, before waiting to see how the actors would work out this particular feeling and just how much Sam would push and how far Pha would comply.

These pictures were important after all, but so was the continued chemistry between the characters. He believed that the two before him were the best possible choices and that if Pha could wield his passion for good then the chemistry between the two could be palpable. He could only hope that he could be the director to bring this out of them and showcase it and prove himself to not only his father, but to the majority of South Korea as well. In the end it would all be up to his efforts and to fate. And he thought to himself,

‘Bring it on.’
Samyan Chaichua

Sam was the natural born actor type indeed. It was incredibly easy for him to switch in and out of a role. Some people would say it’s just raw talent, but he believes it spans from his childhood skill of lying and manipulating. He once convinced his entire 2nd-grade class that he was related to the popular Korean singer, BOA and it even got him a girlfriend. Of course, he stopped those antics by the time he reached high school, but his lying still haunts him to this day.

Friends still bring the time he lied about fighting poltergeist that killed his little brother -- which he never had in the first place. His mom ratted him out after finding out about her son lying about the death of his nonexistent brother

”I am, actually,” He answered. He opened his mouth once more to say something else but was cut off by the director approaching them. He was wondering when the set dictator oof would come in to direct their photos. It was an interesting concept, and he wanted to know what he had in mind for the promotional photos.

As the director directed them, he found the positioning of Pha rather odd, but at the same time, it amused him. He knew it probably put the other actor way out of his comfort zone. Maybe the director was seeing how far he could push Pha before he broke.

The words that came out Pha’s mouth caused him to exert a quiet chuckle. ”Yeah yeah, I won’t,” He whispered. He’d push his limits as much as he could. The actor wanted the pictures to be realistic and natural. Pha’s warning was just white noise. ”Don’t get too hot and bothered,” He teased.

He positioned himself to lean forward against the front of the bike. His once, sparklingly, bright eyes turned dark and lustful while his lips tugged into a smirk. He leaned as close as he could to Pha’s face without it ruining the shot. For a moment, he thought about where to place his hands.

”Watch your hands,” Played in his head and his felt his smirk turn as little devilish as he reached to place his hands on Pha’s hips. He wanted to return the challenging behavior. It was like a game for him. How far could he push the panicking actor before he broke? He knew it was quite sadistic, but he couldn’t help it. The other actor was making it terribly easy. The whole day he’s been trying to ditch the set; the fun was just beginning.

He wanted to have fun all while keeping it professional. This was all for promotional photos. Pha’s character had to resist and had to be uncomfortable. Method acting, wasn’t it?

Let the games begin then. Arabella Cauwell Arabella Cauwell

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