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Okay my character is -

Name - Katrina May Rose

Age - 18

Gender & Orientation - Female, straight.

Persona - Katrina is a nice person, but if you get on her bad side then it's a differnt story.

Species - Human, and Pocessed.

Build - Tall, skinny and slender

Height - 5'7"

Weight - 129lbs

Hope this is okay :)

The moment Callum walked into school, the first day of Junior year, he couldn't stop thinking about what happened the previous night. Callum had been walking home from his friends, Gabriel's, house. They lived close to each other so there was no need for driving. Callum remembered checking his phone - the street lights buzzing above him - and checking his text messages. Before long, the street light above him stopped working. Darkness surrounding Callum. As he turned up the brightness on his phone, he remembered getting smashed in the head by something metallic. He had fallen to the ground, his head smashed into. Life becoming nothing more than a sheer memory.

Before he knew it, he had awoke to the sound of his mother, in his bed. She'd been calling him for a good five minutes, telling him to get out of his bed if it was the last thing he did. Now, he was walking into the school building. He checked his schedule on his phone. "AP English 11..." he mumbled. "Second floor, room B-18." Music was blasting into his ears, due to his apple headphones. He tried to stay focused on the school and on the music, but he kept on thinking about the previous night. He could have sworn he was dead.

After walking up the stairs, he found his classroom. A man with a small beard sitting at a desk, waiting for class to begin. Sighing, Callum found a seat.​

@Netball12345 (we've started)
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Katrina walked into school, covering her hand over her mouth since she was yawning. She was tired, she didn't get to sleep till 1am yesterday, her parents never knew, but if they did, she would be in trouble. These few past nights she had trouble sleeping, it was like something inside her was stopping her from going to sleep every night. Katrinas phone sits in her hand, as she looks for her class, so far this school seemed massive, much bigger than her old school. Katrina reads her time table, to find she has AP 11 English, walking up the stairs into class B18, she sees a teacher and another student, giving them both a small smile as she sits in a seat.
Callum had seated himself at the back of the classroom in the right-hand corner. From there, he could view everyone, have a look through the window, and notice the teacher - but also doze off when he got bored in class (without the teacher knowing). Callum pulled out a mechanical pencil and tapped it against the desk while staring out at the puffy cumulonimbus clouds outside. He tapped along to the song that he was listening to from his ear buds. Bored, he then turned around to view a girl enter the classroom. She seemed to be a half a foot shorter than him, wielding a phone in her hand. When the girl looked up, Callum made eye contact with her. He didn't recognize her before, but he swore he felt something creep along the back of his spine. It was something that suggested that she was more than she seemed.

Katrina looked behind herself, seeing the boy sat in the back corner. I reconised him from somewhere but couldn't quite remember where, maybe we used to go to another place together? Family friends? Katrina was unsure. She looks him up and down with a small sachharine grin.

Callum noticed the girl glossing over him; she was giving him a sweet look. Callum turned away from her and turned up the volume on his phone. Quickly turning away, he tried to pretend that he wasn't interested or in the least bit drawn to her. He began nodding his head to the song he was listening to, concentrating on only the white board in front of him. Callum hoped that she would join him in the corner, but he wasn't exactly the type to be drooling over a girl he'd first met (or any girl, for that matter).

Katrina moved seats, not immediately next to the boy but a bit closer than the previous seat. Katrina heard music coming from nearby earphones, the music sounded pretty decent. With her new iPhone in her hand, she places her earphones in her ears, with several piercings, listening to some old rock music from, Metalica, her favourite band. She had the music quietly down, so nobody could hear her music. She couldn't help but tapping her feet lightly to be beat of the music, which seemed extremely fast paced.

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Callum watched the girl move seats, taking pleasure in the fact that she was getting closer to him. As the rest of the students got settled into their seats, and the passing time warning bell rang, Callum couldn't help but catch a glance at the girl once again. No one that had gone into the class so far had taken any seats between the two. The girl was tapping her foot at a fast pace. Callum, smiling, raised an eye brow at her - still making eye contact.

Katrina turned around to see the guy smiling, Katrina, being the lovely person who she is, decided to return a small smile, as she turns off her music since her ears were getting sore from the upbeat music that had been booming in her ears for a few minutes, she placed her earphones and phone into her skirt pocket. Making sure they were safe, remembering what happened at her old school when her phone fell out of the pocket and got such bad cracks on the screen, that would cost hundreds to repair, which wasn't worth it considering how much the phone was worth.

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Callum watched as the girl threw him a small smile back. She placed her phone and headphones away, tucking them both inside the pocket of her skirt. Callum took one ear piece out of his left ear, still hearing music in his right ear. He had continued to tap his pencil against the desk, letting the beat of the song take over his body. Then, not before long, the bell finally rang and class officially began. The teacher walked towards the front of the room.

"Welcome to AP English 11!" the teacher started, heading towards the front of the glass. "I am Mr. Myers." He was nearly bald and had a shrill voice from old age. Callum would have kept his headphones in, but he didn't want hi new English teacher to dislike him straight away on the first day. English was his favorite subject, after all. "Because this is an AP class, you guys must know that you had to prepare by reading one of these three classical books and write an analysis on it: Pride and Prejudice, A Tale of Two Cities, or Jane Eyre." Carter pulled out the Jane Austin book he had read about a week before school started - it being assigned to the AP kids over the summer. He than pulled out an analysis sheet on all the characters and plot devices from Pride and Prejudice. He looked over at the new girl, checking to see if she did the assignment.

Katrina grabs her assignment with a small sigh, man this assessment was lots of work, especially since this was about classical books, she saw the boy with his assignment, she was nearly going to forgot his morning but remembered it at the last moment, Katrina sees Mr Myers shaking his head at the four students who forgot their assignments, but of course this was no surprise to anyone, these were the usual students who forget to bring their homework.

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Callum took note of the new girl when she took out her assignment. He was glad that she'd signed up for the right class; she seemed like she could handle it.

As Mr. Myers drawled on and on about the importance of classical literature and the similarities and differences about characters and plot devices in the 9th century compared to the 21st, the class eventually came to and end. They were assigned to start another classical book and annotate each page of the story. As the class began to assemble towards the door, Callum walked towards the new girl, feeling drawn to her.

"Is it your first day here?" he asked her.

Katrina gulps. "Yes it's my first day there" she says, "But this school seems pretty cool so far, way better than my old school" she adds, "And some people seem pretty cool"

Callum smirked at her when she added in how Oak Ridge High School seemed like a good school. Some of his social peers could act wild sometimes, and he didn't even want to mention how many guys in the school asked girls for nudes in the school. When she mentioned that some people at the school seemed cool, Callum couldn't help but wonder if she had been thinking about him while saying that.

"I'm glad you like Oak Ridge," he replied. "I'm Callum Belard."

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Katrina mean that the boy was cool. She was glad she meet him, "Nice to meet you Callum, I am Katrina Rose"

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Katrina Rose, Callum thought, repeating it a couple times in his head. "Cool name," he told her after a couple seconds. He then looked at the clock. They still had about a minute left; he had to make this quick. "So, um...what's your lunch?" he asked her, curious to know about her schedule before class ended.


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