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Fantasy Realm of Conflict | CS

Satanic Nightjar

reach for the stars and don't settle for the moon

Name: Soul
Age: 3,000
Gender: Male
Species: Angel demon hybrid
Likes: The Freakshow
Dislikes: The Shadow Brilliance
Past (optional): Just nooope.
Appearance: Soul has pale white skin, and he's bald. He has black veins running down half of his face. Picture provided except the normal skin color and no black veins.


Name: Icarus Fletcher
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species: Human Demon Hybrid (Daemonicus)
Likes: Coffee, conflict
Dislikes: Ignorance, cowardice
Weapons: Long Dagger, Bow and Arrows, Ability to temporarily raise the dead
Clothes: Dark, typically comfortable and casual or heavy to conceal his true nature.


Name: Adair
Age: 317
Gender: Female
Species: Elemental
Likes: Nature, fire
Dislikes: Freakshow, violence
Weapons: Bow and arrow, ability to control elements
Clothes: Blues and greens, typically smooth and lightweight


Name: Cato
Age: 134
Gender: Male
Species: Elf
Likes: Nature, peace, knowledge, art
Dislikes: Ignorance, conflict, Freak Show, Demons
Side: Shadow Brilliance
Weapons: Bow and arrows, limited ability to manipulate various objects
Clothes: Darker shades of natural colors


Name: Lightning
Age: 342
Gender: Male
Species: Angel
Likes: The Shadow Brilliance
Dislikes: Mix-breeds
Past (optional): I gotcha nose hah hah hah!
Lightning has white skin and works for the Shadow Brilliance.


Name: Predator
Age: 57
Gender: Female
Species: Mix-breed
Likes: the taste of blood
Dislikes: Diplomats
Past (optional): Derp
As a mix-breed, Predator looks like a wild animal from an alien planet.​

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