Reality Sucks sentry and wllwtenn 1v1 Rp

Cecile put on the head set getting ready to start the game. She had been looking for a new mmorpg lately and not to mention this one was currently at the top of the charts. The closest to real reality there was and although they had turned down the rates for pain by quite a bit, something no one really enjoyed too much, she had heard it was still painful.

She would be lying if she wasn't scared of the pain, but she hated the thought of being weak. On second thought, making money in games was always something she liked to do. Turning on the visor, she was taken into character customization and she immediately started modeling after herself. It was just easier that way.

She sighed as she was given basic beginner clothes and started out. She looked around taking in her surroundings and looked at the basic knife they had given. On the bright side, there was the fact she could do what she wanted.
after getting out of school Joseph ran home with the mmorpg game he had picked up from the store. Once he was finished installing it, he put on the visor and turned it on. looking around at the options in the character design area. He chose to design his character after him. Clicking continue he was thrown into the starting city, after looking around for a little bit he approached the tutorial bored and selected a mission. A flashing red box came up saying he needed a partner for the basic item recovery mission. Looking around he saw a girl that looked like a newb just like him.Approaching her he waved his hand infront of her face thinking she was AFK.

"Hello, I'm Kiro i need a partner for a item recovery mission and was wondering if you could help me"
Cecile looked at the boy who suddenly talked to him and waved his hand in front of her face. She was allotting her stats before but looked over at him. "Lemme see the mission." She peered over it, the exp was good and the rewards were too. Why not? She thought it over and slowly nodded. "Sure. I'm Mirei." She gave a small smile and marked it on her map. "I just started this game like five minutes ago and it's already pretty cool." She gave a laugh flipping the knife with ease.
He looked at her and smiled

"Nice to meet you new partner"

He said bringing up his menu tab and equipping his beginners sword. after checking his stats he closed out the menu tab and activated the mission. he approached a spinning blue orb and excepted the missions area. he turned into a blue orb and shot into the air re-appearing in the mission area. once at the area he looked around too see that he was in a dungeon type map.

"well ill give this game points for graphics i wounder how good the combat system is"

he said drawing his sword
The girl whistled as they were instantly teleported and smiled. "Too true." She walked along the path looking around warily. Noticing around the bend there were guards standing, she hid behind the rock. "Okay. So, we either have plan A or plan B. Plan A is go in and charge their asses, or plan B sneak behind them. I think plan A is better." She smirked buffing herself up before running into combat immediately taking one of them out with a stab to the neck, double it by stabbing where the heart would ideally be next.
Before he even go the chance to say anything he saw her running into battle taking one of the guards not wanting to be shown up by a girl he charged and slashed the other guard with a downward strike then kicked his legs out from under him dropping him to the ground where he proceeded to finish him with a kick to the helmit.

"wow the combat system is amazing too"

he said with a victorious smile resting his sword on his shoulder
This boy wasn't bad, it was obvious he wasn't a newbie to this type of thing. She just stared not quite sure what to say though, and ended up nodding in agreement. "True, well it was voted one of the best games of the year." She took her knife back and started to go through the guard's pouch. She even took a look at his sword, but it seemed rusty and ended up leaving it where she was. The guard only had a few coins and potions but it was good. Passing some potions to the other she continued on.

"I wonder why this mission hasn't been taken if it's so good." She shrugged. Maybe it was available to everyone. That was a possibility. In that case though, she would most likely see other players. It was really strange.
Kiro looked around at the area's design and started to notice that they had been walking the same corridor ever since they killed the guards. he brought up the game map and all that displayed was a blurred picture.

"why is the map not working"

he shrugged and kept walking

(ooc-sorry for the short post)
Mirei started to flip her knife incessantly, starting to get kind of worried. They had been wandering for a long while now, but they hadn't been able to find anything else really. She clicked her tongue looked around carefully, "Maybe we missed something." She furrowed her brow as she looked over at her partner. She tried to open his map too, her marker had disappeared and her map seemed to be bugging like static.
Kiro stopped in the hallway and leaned up against the wall and tried to contact a mod.when he brought up the cantact list it was the same as the map nothing up static.

"what the hell is going on"

about five seconds after he said that he fell threw the wall into a dark area that had lines of computer code wrighting itself. he looked around for Mirei but couldn't see her.the only thing he could think of was try and walk forward in hopes of going into the hallway again.walking back into the glitch his head popped out and he looked at Mirei.

"hey come here i found something"

He said waving at her
Mirei was more than surprised when her partner suddenly disappeared in the hall way they were walking. She looked around for him unable to find him. "Holy...shit..." She cursed when she saw the other was just a head. She walked over and pushed her arm experimentally through, going in also. "What the hell? Was the code overwritten or something?" She asked furrowing her brow trying to read the speedy lines. "How do we get out then?" She asked trying to force quit, unable to.
he looked around and saw a blurred area of the glitch.he walked further into the glitched area. the closer to the blurred area he got he noticed his body was getting numb.

"what is this feeling"

he reached out and touched the blur it shot him back into Mirei. He rubbing his head he got off of her and drew his sword seeing that the blur taking a shape. he looked back at Mirei and helped her up.

"try not to touch it OK"
Mirei squeaked as the other bumped into her, not expecting this sort of thing. She rubbed her head taking the others hand and got up. She looked at it curiously. "Normally I would say to tell the GMs about it, but right now we don't have a choice..." She growled grabbing his knife. They couldn't log, they couldn't contact anyone, what else did they do but press on. She walked up to the blur, inches away from it. It suddenly grabbed her leg and she tried to cut at it, unsuccessful. It seemed to go right through it. "W-what the hell!"
seeing her attack fail, Kiro charged in and tried his luck. taking one swing at it as it just went threw it.

"Oh no"

the blur swung around and hit Kiro away into the void of the glitch. his Hp took a swift his too 1 and then 0. As his char laid dead he could only watch Mirei.


he yelled as he kicked the wall in his bedroom
Mirei panicked as the other had died within just a hit or to. She braced herself and it came, they both had wiped on the first mission they had gone in. She teleported away back to town in a beam of light as she held her head. Oh god that hurt, and now there was a pain in her head. She straightened up looking around for her partner.
after Mirei died he returned to the city and sat by the portal gate trying to figure out what happened. he brought up a second page and posted in the forums about what happened then closed it looking for mari. seeing her by the gate he walked over to her and patted her but.

"looked like we made it out"

he gave her a thumbs up
Mirei squeaked jumped and ended up stabbing the other. Realizing who it was, she withdrew her knife. "Don't do that!" She pouted face blushing slightly. She seemed to raise an eyebrow as the other gave her the thumbs up. What was that for? She sighed, "I'm gonna go grind or something..."
"i posted on the forums about what happened, I'll tell you if anyone gives me a reply"

he sent Mirei a friend request and then ported to the center of town where a guild board was set up. he clicked on the board and looked around for any good guild. looking down the list he found a clan named Kestral, he sent them a request then went to the custom mission board applying for another mission and sending a request too Mirei.

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