[Reality Asunder] John Jacobs


Catalytic Diplomat
John Jacobs is a many of quite a few talents, and yet somehow never a master of any of them. It has been that way for all of his life, bouncing from one project to the next and diving headlong into all that there was to it; only to drift away after things no longer were interesting. He acquired many skills this way, and learned about many things that were atypical for a person to learn. All the same he was the guy that people went to time and again for answers to their own situations as he was also a very insightful and creative guy.

John moved through school almost effortlessly, at least where academics were concerned. He always had trouble understanding people, even as he somehow could become the life of the party and get people out of their shells. It was this knack, as well as his gift for looking into the souls of people, that got him through school virtually unharmed or unharried by the usual concerns of school life. Sadly enough this left him with many acquaintances and very few true friends.

Adult life was very similar when it came to people. He did a stint working with the National Guard learning to work on computers and systems. He was still the go-to guy for fixing issues, whether technical or emotional, but rarely got invited to parties. He often heard about great this event, or that party was after the fact; with people hollowly apologizing to him for forgetting to tell him about it. He moved on to one job after another, sometimes fired, sometimes quitting, and usually because of his problems with focusing on things or keeping to a project.

Some things remained a constant in his life though, well, as constant or consistent as was possible for him: martial arts, the occult, and computers. Over time he would always find himself coming back to these subjects to some degree or another. He gradually got better at learning his highs and lows and how to use them to his best advantage. And because of thse "constants" he was eventually able to secure a decent job at systems administration and tech support, usually working at home, and making a decent salary at that. This allowed him time to go to martial arts classes more often and regularly, as well indulge his secrets interests in pseudoscience, supernatural things, studies of the mind, and more.

John has a fondness for motorcycles, although he has yet to learn how to focus long enough to work on one. If given a choice between driving in a car or riding his motorcycle he will choose the latter time and again unless the weather is truly that bad.

And a few people know John has a beautiful singing voice, with the ability to sing operatic, old 80's, theatrical, and romantic-style songs. He has a gift of being able to regulate his voice in such a way to do imitations of celebrities, singers, and even cartoon characters. And being a bit f a goofy sort at times most people learn about the impressions, but rarely the singing. When usually alone he has been known to sing a song that is going through his head, usually surprising people that happen to catch him in the act.
Henry Jacobs: (Father, Age: 54)

A retired navy enlisted man, a cop. He's a man of mostly black and white views on his opinions, coupled with the wisdom of his experiences and age to be able to temper in some occasional grey. He stands 5'11" with broad shoulders and barrel-chest, much like his son. And much like his son, a bit more so though in Henry's case, he is a little heavier set. He has the kind of gaze that intimidate or let you know that he's aware that you're lying. His once black hair and goatee are now a distinguished salt-and-pepper. These days he works with a telecommunications firm doing investigations and coordination with potential customers.

Mary Jacobs: (Mother, Age: 52)

One of the nicest people you will ever meet that truly enjoys being in the kitchen and cooking amazing meal after amazing meal. She stands at about 5'2" and has the body of a matron. She has an ever ready smile for people, as well as plenty of opinions of what to do or not to do. Despite her nice persona she originally came from a much tougher childhood, as well as through teenage years, whether from a mean mother, or due to exes that drank a bit too often. Yet looking at her you would never know that she could turn to cold as ice when you truly pissed her off. Thankfully that was a rare situation, so very few realized it existed at all. All the same she loves her family and is ready to support them and help them out whenever they need her.

Benjamin Jacobs: (Brother, Age: 23)

Benjamin is the strange one in the family, strange in the sense that he has been able to stay on track in a career and succeed. Great with finances at an early age Ben learned to increase his understanding of laws, business, and investing. He's been a banker, an insurance salesman, a lawyer, and finally a CEO of a large corporation highly-regarded for its business and financial consulting. And ever job Ben has had he has been a success. Surprisingly enough Ben somehow has been able to keep a level head and not let success turn him into a heartless bureaucrat. In fact, John is fond of calling him Wayne after the Wayne family from Batman and their philanthropic ways. Family is still important to him, so keeps up with his family regularly. Beyond that he is known as a bit of a desirable bachelor, but rarely able to keep a long-term relationship for whatever reason.

Sifu Lawrence Vogel: (Sifu/MA Instructor, Age: 42)

A successful martial artist and businessman, Lawrence Vogel heads at least 10 schools that teach Choy Li Fut Kung Fu and Chen style Tai Chi Chuan. His students love him for his positive attitude and his devotion to them, the schools, and the martial arts. He can be serious when necessary, but it is a rare thing to catch him without a smile upon his face. He's an accomplished martial artist and one the higher ranking individuals in county and beyond. He has no immediate family, instead he has the many students that he has taught, whether directly or through one of his own students. His passions also include rock-climbing, surfing, and exploring new places.
Character Sheet<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_11/JohnJacobs_pdf.d112e69efd864d12b4741afdd579b882" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23862" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_11/JohnJacobs_pdf.d112e69efd864d12b4741afdd579b882" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Exalted character sheet<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_12/JohnJacobs_pdf.8fe6182a2742920010ffe3dcd8f3f9db" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23892" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_12/JohnJacobs_pdf.8fe6182a2742920010ffe3dcd8f3f9db" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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