Literature Real World Superman.


Quintessential Badboy
I rarely post here nowadays. But I love this community... Which is why as soon as this particular thought popped into my head, my instinct was to post here of all places. I love you all. And that's not to cheaply flatter you. It's sincere...

I understand how some of you may think of this as a clickbait because I never meant a literal, real-world Saitama or Goku. Rather, I refer to Nietzsche's renowned "Ubermensch", mentioned in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, translated as Superman. He never meant a demigod-like being with supernatural powers. His idea is actually very down-to-earth, ironically, since the word doesn't suggest it. In evolution, it's not over. We, as we all are, are but a stepping stone to the next era of humans. Now, let me make a distinction. I'm a Christian at heart with a firm belief in the historical aspect of the book of Genesis. However, I am a student (being self-taught) of philosophy and history. And in philosophy, the theory of evolution is very relevant. So I'll leave my faith for now and indulge in this discussion. Just pretend I'm an evolutionary biologist despite my novitiate status.

I'd like to pose this question: What do you think is the next step for us in evolution? It's what Nietzsche calls superman, but in your view, what does this person look like? Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Describe him (or her)...

I will give my own uneducated opinion.

I think the true essence and power of the human animal is sheer intellect. There is a theory floating around that what made us become the dominant race in the world was our opposable thumbs and the inevitable ability to create tools out of it. But this is really just a tiny aspect of the whole thing. It's our brains that made us dominant. It is our ability to reason. That is hard to deny as it is evident in all aspects of modern life. Every achievement we've attained as a species was contingent on our superior intellect. How else can we defeat a silverback gorilla? With a goddamn shotgun, that's how, which itself is a product of the human intellect.

The greatest expression of this intellect of ours, on matters which is practical for our survival, is our ability to socialize. We invented politics and ethics. We formed tribes and organized armies to achieve our ends. Where lesser primates still had their lizard instincts, we rose above it and invented civilization. So I conclude that the superman that will soon become the new evolved human is a man (or woman) with superior intellect in the arena of social intelligence. This can manifest in many forms, which include becoming charismatic politicians, great parents, and humble celebrities.

Now it's your turn. What do you think?

Sounds like a solid conclusion.
There is also evidence that man is getting taller and a bit stronger. Houses compared now a days to houses back in the 1600’s a re a lot smaller then they are today. Many world records are being broken as well

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