Reading Between the Lines [Zoinks, A Gjaum!]

"No." She said it a little more strongly toward Riiko. She didn't want this story going around, especially if her father found out. "No, it really wasn't much of a fight. And it wasn't all that cool. Just some guys causing mischief. I don't even think they were students. I swung the sword at them, they disappeared and it was all over."

She was about to explain that she hadn't gotten any extra training. She was just lucky. So far she had been very lucky. No one had been seriously hurt, and the bad people left very quickly. She was just happy her school was still there. They could repair her dojo. And the home was still safe. Those were the places she lived, and she didn't want to see anything happen to them. They were her domain.

"Hello, Mister Arakawa. I am fine, and you?" The greeting was automatic, trained by her father for his business dinners when she was expected to make an appearance. He did seem a little young to be Riiko's boyfriend, and she turned to see how the girl received the announcement, with an inquisitive eyebrow raised. Then again, she had neve had a chance for a boyfriend, so she should probably be happy for her new friend.

"Thank you, nee-san. I appreciate your guidance," Hiro responds, bowing in turn, "W-what did you tell her?"

Riiko responds with a repetition of her story, and smiles, hugging Hiro.

"Little, little Hiro. You're so sweet. You know how Hiro and I met? I was minding my own business when a man grabbed me. He muttered something I couldn't understand, but then when he was done, he let me go, and I was much, much bigger! I had great pinchy things on my wings, and my feathers disappeared for pinkness! I got white down on my head, though. Then I found Hiro. He helped me, and he showered love on me. He's such a sweetie!" Riiko says, as Hiro reddens..

"Riiko! What're you talking about! Hahaha, that's nothing! NOTHING!" Hiro says, waving around. his arm nonchalantly.
E'Zane blew out a mighty cough, one harsh enough to wake the dead, as smooth, oval pill slid down his throat. 'Ah..just have to wait a bit till it kicks in...aaaahh...there we go...' He satiated his addiction for another 24 hours; now, he was ready for school. After giving Auntie Ling a quick peck on the cheek, E was out the door, walking to the rail-station, St. Francis Xavier's Academy the destination in mind. While on the train barreling down tracks, the boy looked around his compartment at the people gathered; the girls in particular. 'Too bossy. Too' E couldn't believe his eyes or his luck. Not one, was what he was looking for. Were there really no nice, thoughtful, ladies around? 'Q. Once again, I prove you wrong, and just find that this world is a pristine pile of crap.'

A sigh could be heard throughout the cart, as a loud voice boomed over the speakers, announcing that the train had finally arrived at "Spunky Hero" stop. He was late, but so what? 'Maki-Maki would just get me out with a slap on the wrist like usual. It's definitely nice having a teacher in your pocket, that's for sure.' Though not officially part of the gang, being a delinquent had gotten him in good, with some influential mooks, of the Jackal organization. With two hands clasped behind his head, E walked through the entrance gate onto school grounds, then immediately stopped. It was Tenzin and Airi, right in the middle of the courtyard, quarreling over god knows what. 'If only they knew about the existence of Overeds, bet they wouldn't be acting so high and mighty. One of us would be able to snap their necks in an instant.' Shaking his head, he could feel the virus working it's way through his veins, as a sense of extreme distaste permeated his core. Spitting on the floor with a look of disgust, E took a deep breath and tried to force his attention away from the bickering pair.

HP: 28/28

Encroachment: 35

Large Handgun x1

Weapon Case x1

Cellphone x1

Uniform x1

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While on his nihilistic walk-round, he encountered a sight he probably had not counted on: a brunette beauty, unkempt, and as tall as E, she stood (Heh) as a pillar of the ideal woman. Too bad that a all-too familiar face was haranguing her with a trio of lackeys.

"Oh, so ghost-neesan appears in the sun? And here I was thinking you'd evaporate or burn up," Kaneda says, laughing, smoking a cigarette. Upon closer inspection, however, the cigar is merely a piece of grass somehow on fire while in his mouth.

"I-I don't n-need your harassment, Yukimura. I'm warning you. Stop now," Tamako says, her brow hardening into her best attempt at a cool scowl.

"Oho~. She's serious, gents. What'll we do?" Kaneda sneers,"Please, what'll you do? C'mon, I mean, really?"
"**." There were two reasons the boy let those choice words slip from between his lips. One: it was Yukimura Kaneda. The Yukimura Kaneda; leader of the Jacks. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem coming face-to-face with him like that, but reason number two, is what turned things upside down. E's heart felt like it was being gripped in the palm of an invisible hand. The woman, drawing the brunt of the hoodlums' ire, was nothing short of perfect. At least, he really hoped she was.

'That shade of hair...that breezy and ruffled look...she's even the same height as me...god..I have this is what it feels like Q...' E's words were caught in his throat, realizing that there weren't just petty thugs harassing the woman, but the leader of Duwang's most notorious gang himself. 'Careful E. This kid is still the boss. One wrong move and your reputation will be out the window.'

Steeling himself internally, the drug-addicted delinquent, stepped up to the lively bunch, doing his best to put on an irritated front.

"Hey Kaneda! What are you and your boys doing, wasting time on this small fry?"

'I'm so sorry.'

"You know what I heard Himura the Hall-Monitor saying about you man? Some pretty messed up stuff! I don't even wanna say it out loud to you again, Kaneda. It would be too disrespectful. I don't know what his deal is, but you need to teach him a lesson. I like you guys; I like you Kaneda. And I don't want to see your name thrown in dirt like I just had to come tell you."

E closed his eyes, as if deep in thought. A moment later, his lids flew open as he spoke with even more gusto.

"Hey, you know what? Just let me handle little miss pathetic,"

'Please forgive me.'

"While you go have a chat with Himura. I'll rough her up real good-like. Promise. In fact, you don't even have to worry about her for the rest of the year. Let me have her to myself. I'll make her life torture.

So, what do you say, Kaneda?"

HP: 28/28

Encroachment: 35

Large Handgun x1

Weapon Case x1

Cellphone x1

Uniform x1

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Akiko shook her head in disappointment as one hand covered her eyes. "You don't need to embellish the story. It's was so much simpler than that." The girl just didn't get it. Every time she told the story, someone would figure out that she was using powers, and soon the stories of her being a monster would get back to the man that promised to kill her.

Plus there was still that thing that ripped the front of her dojo to pieces might be looking for her. She leaned over to speak quietly to Hinata. "Do you know her well enough to convince her to stop telling the story? Before it reaches the school newspaper? I don't feel right asking an upperclassmen to do that?" Hopefully Riiko didn't hear that.

"Pleased to meet you, Hiro-San. Your girlfriend is very friendly." She just hoped that his girlfriend would stop telling the story about her.
"Don't call me nee-chan, it creeps me out and makes me feel old." Yuuka sighs. Apparently there's another person in town with super-speed power, and she's not privy to this fact until at least the majority of the town folks are aware of it, which is how it usually is actually. She wonders if she's just kind of dense or just subconsciously avoid these kinds of rumors because of an unclear traumatic event in the past. At this point she'd probably take the first option for granted and would believe people if they told her that the second one is true, it's certainly consistent with whatever's been going on in her life lately.

"Anyway...I don't really want the nudes, no. I know lots of people who'd want to get their hands on them, though...I let you deal with them yourself since they're know, enthusiastic. What I want to know is information about this Super-Striker fellow. Like...when did he first show up? Who first spread the rumor about him? Do you know someone I can contact for information about him? That sort of thing."

"...In exchange I'll do a favor for you free of charge." She's already regretting that last decision, but perhaps it's going to be worth it. Perhaps.
Kotori's thought froze for a moment as she heard what was said on the other side of the phone. Tenzin in Tenzin in the in pictures of Tenzin in the nude. Kotori's face heated up as various thoughts about those sort of pictures entered her mind but she quickly shook them off, physically shaking her head for good measure. No, she thought to herself, Now is not the time. As the protagonist I have to remain pure towards my goals of world domination. I can't let hormones get the best of me! Resolving herself once again, Kotori made a mental note to track down Suzu and extract bloody vengeance upon her for taking those picture. And if that meant she had to confiscate those pictures then who was going to complain?

Mentally taking a step back to get her bearings, Kotori kept listening in to both of the conversations. While it was important that a US Senator was here in the city, for it meant her father was most likely meeting with him at some point, it was more interesting at the moment to hear about Yuuka's interest in Super Striker. Why was she so interested? Was it the blossoming of a Super Striker otaku or was she trying to hide something? Kotori tapped her chin in thought. Maybe she had powers? It would explain why she was involved with Tenzin and how he suddenly received them. But that would be silly, after all how many super powered individuals could a school have?

Looking between the two groups she was listening in on it, Kotori waited for them to wrap of their conversations so she could make her way inside. She wondered if she could drag Haruna into looking for Super Striker together with her. With that girl's knack for finding trouble, surly they would find something. Haruna would be her personal magical plot-finding mcguffin. It would be perfect.

Kaneda puts up his hands, and shrugs," Go ahead, tough guy show her who's boss," he says, as his toadies gather around him.

"You, too? I'm not familiar with you," Tamako says as her hair begins to stand on end, and a large orb that seems to devour all light around her emerges by her side," I won't go down easily!"

What will you do?


Riiko and Hiro's potentially illegal affections end when Hiro sees a friend.

"Oh! Haruna-neesan! Haruna-neesan! Do you have my Legendary Guts Fighter? Everyone, come meet my nee-san!" Hiro says, excitedly tugging Riiko towards Haruna, who is currently threatening a girl Hiro's age, all the while her shadow is dancing the monkey.

(Yuuka (And Kotori))

"Bweeeeeeh. Whatever, Yuu-obaaaaaaaa-san~! I heard about it from Tenzin himself a month ago. He may know more than he's letting on. I'd ask Akiyoshi Keigo, too, if you haven't. He's a veritable treasure trove of juicy info. Also, a favor, eh?" Suzu lets out a laugh unbecoming of a young girl, more appropriate for an old man remembering a dirty joke, until clearing her throat, and says," Alright, I'll remember, that. Thanks, Yuuka-san!" and hangs up.


As you snoop in, a trio of figures all walk by. the leader is a grizzled mnn, clearly an experienced individual who has seen much, and behind him are a duo of large, figures in coats and hats. Their collars and the brims of their hats are drawn low so their faces are hard to see, but they turn to one another and a chirp and a whistle is exchanged between the two.

"What? What do Koalas eat? Eucalyptus leaves. Why? I swear, you two," the man says, taking a drag on a cigarette, and expelling the smoke in a masterful circle, as a slight humming noise can be heard.

What will you do?
(When did my shadow become possessed by Johnny Bravo....Mother Mary how horrifying.)

"Then, I'll believe you for now. As for what that is, R-huh? Wait a minute, who exactly is your nee-san?" Before any cross examinations could be done, an unexpected voice called out to Haruna. Sparing a glance, it turned out to be one of the bomb brothers. The taller of which she didn't spy anywhere else, oddly enough. No, in retrospect the whole poisonous gas deal wasn't something to take lightly. She was hopeful that would eventually turn out alright for Urashima-san as well.

Patting Excel on the shoulder, Haruna turned her attention to her school bag. Rooting around, she managed to find the object in question without too much difficulty. Pulling out a rolled up version of Leap while smiling, she lightly tapped the youth on the head with it before handing it over. Included inside was the complimentary gift from her diner encounter.

"Right here, with something extra from Kishimei-sensei. I keep my promises, so the same is done with Urashima-san's request. Let him know when you see him, I was on the way to tell you both that. As well as guiding the transfer student excel-chan around. Second year student, Kobayashi Haruna. It's nice to meet you all...?"

Switching gears, Haruna moved her mind to recover from the surprise encounter. The task was finished relatively quickly considering what last night threw her way. Giving a polite bow, she noticed the dancing act out of the corner of her eye. Sending the best silent, "You cut that out" look she could Adapa's way, Haruna greeted the new challengers group approaching her. Meanwhile it was starting to get somewhat noisier on campus, or was that just her imagination?
E's mouth dropped open, as dark void appeared, hanging just above the girl's shoulder. 'Ugh.. So you're an Overed too?' Who would have guessed. Scrunching up his face, while going over the precarious situation, E turned eyes towards Yukimura, and his band of goons. 'Man.' All he wanted to do was get this kid out of here, so he could talk to miss darkness. 'Why does life hate me so, Q?..'

He stood straight, then took a long-drawn, deep breath in.

E'Zane Himeji has used <<Warding>>

When his lungs reached full capacity, the air was subsequently exhaled, sending a plume of human-hostile particles, into the surrounding atmosphere. Looking sideways, the double-crosser wasn't sure, if it'd knock out Kaneda or not, but he didn't wait to find out.

"Look, ma'am," he said holding up two hands, and walking backwards. "I don't know what the heck you are, but it seems as if I was mistaken. I just saw some guys bothering you, and wanted to come help. But obviously," a finger pointed at her floating orb, "you have it all under control. So please, pardon the interruption, and have a nice life. I hope we never meet again."

'Oh my God! Such a shame! Why do I always end up running into the freaks??'

HP: 28/28

Encroachment: 35

Has used <<Warding>>

Large Handgun x1

Weapon Case x1

Cellphone x1

Uniform x1


E's breath seeps around them, and the trio of goons by Kaneda collapse, writhing on the ground, while Kaneda himself seems unfazed. Tamako blinks, and, as E recoils from Tamako and her back hole sphere, Kaneda's eyes widen as a grin spreads across his face. Meanwhile, Tamako reddens and the Evil Eye disspates.

"P-p-p-p-protect me? I-I-I-I..." Tamako says, holding her face, and falling to the ground. However, there is a soft aromatic breeze behind the group.

Turning around, Tamako and E see Tatsumaki-sensei smiling there, with a coffee cup in hand.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just saw something interesting over here. You shouldn't casually waste secrets. Not out in the open here," she says smiling," Besides, who's to say who or what felt that?"

(Akiko, Haruna, Yuuka, Kotori and Ryuu)

"Thank you, wow! Kishimei-sensei did this? Amazing! That's Haruna-neesan for you! Riiko, this is Haruna, the one I told you about," Hiro says, as Riiko salutes.

"Nice t'meetcha! This is Hinata and Akiko. I just met 'em, but they're nice people!" Riiko says saluting, and then waving to Hinata and Akiko.

"Hellooooooo~, I'm Fujimoto Hinata," Hinata says," It's true. Akiko is a very nice gi--"

However, with that, Hinata and most of the students fell to the ground writhing. Riiko, Hiro, Excel and several others remained standing, as does the trio off to the side.

"Oh? Something happened?" the man said, "C'mon, it should be time soon," and tossed his cigarette to the ground with a flourish.

With this, a black limousine approaches the gate. It has twin flags on it, of the UN and the US on it.

What will you do?


Altered somewhat to make it more cohesive with @Kinesthetic's use of Warding. Sorry for any confusion.
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Warding always raised questions no matter how often you used or experienced it. One of them being, why you were still standing when humans collapsed? What did that say about you was another one that Haruna didn't like to dwell on for very long. Feeling it hit shortly before everyone began to collapse, her eyes adjusted again to see the particles of the magic floating around the area. She felt that if she stared long enough it would show her just how the thing infected people. Maybe for another time when she had the leisure to do so. There, from one of the two thugs surrounding a weak in the knees Tama alongside Maki Maki. After the previous eavesdropping it was difficult to tell for whom Tama was swooning over. Best not to look too deeply into that one.

A quick survey showed there was a surprisingly large number of people still standing. Far more than her scan of the grounds from yesterday would indicate. All of whom now knew she was among their ranks as she started marking them all down in her memory. So much for keeping this a secret from others at large. What was the point of all of this to begin with? When warding occurred, usually a fight or something unpleasant followed close after. Lowering one hand, she gave a halt gesture towards her shadow while monitoring the grounds.

The trio where warding occurred, the strange trench coat group using cigarettes, and the sound of a very expensive car pulling up. Those flags on the car did nothing to improve the situation. Why was a USA limo pulling up here, now of all times? Probably too late to feign being affected by the warding and waiting to see what happened.

"The cat is certainly out of the bag now. For the time being, lets put the questions aside and cooperate. No matter what happens, it's going to be a headache. For example, the trench coats over there in addition to the limo are two obvious issues."




Perception at the trench coats and limo respectively. 16 and 10. Using the hound's nose power to memorize the overeds present. Other audio antics simple powers are in effect as well such as rabbit ears and noon star.
The Limousine stops at the school, and a pair of men exit the vheicle. One is a man of average height with European features, wearing a black suit. The other is a monster of a man, well over six feet tall, and chiselled to fine perfection. With salt and pepper lining his hair, he is the epitome of the archetypal powerful man.

<What's happened over here?> the man asks in accented English.

<I'm not sure, sir? I'll call for clarification,> the shorter man replies, in more clipped English.

As Haruna directs her attention from the limousine to the trio of coated figures, she notices that the surrounding area is covered in Renegade material, along with E's toxic miasma. She can smell the sweat of anxiety of several of her classmates, the sweet scent of blood off Arika and Airi, and...various other things off Tamako. However, when she directs her tuned senses towards the trio, she notices that the joints of the figure who was smoking are metallic joints. There is a faint tangy smell of oil off of them, and a low whirring.

"Senator Schneider! It's been some time. Or, should I say that to your title; Chair of the UGN American Branch Oversight Commitee. I imagine you weren't born yet when I was cut off. The name's Koschei the Immortal," the grizzled man calls to the Senator.

"Koschei? What do you want from me, you criminal!" the Senator demands, as Koschei smirks.

"I have no gripe with you personally, but my employer needs you to die. Although, I suppose you might remember my old names? I was once known as Brass Tackle, Trouser Titan, El Cajones Grande, One-Eyed Monster, and various other names by your government, even as I protected THEM from danger. But, such is life. Time for your's to end," he says, raising a giant handgun, as the duo behind him toss off their coats, revealing them to be large, hulking humanoid automatons.

The trio all open fire with their firearms, just as a sudden burst of sound and wind erupts into the scene, causing Haruna to blink momentarily as a tune blasts through her head.


A whirlwind appears in front of the Senator, deflecting all of the bullets, revealing itself to be a young man in a costume not unlike the uniform of the Fukouka Softbank Hawks baseball team, wielding a shredded wooden bat, with a backwards baseball cap and orange shades obscuring his face.

"Get back, Sir! The
SUPER STRIKER will take care of this fiend" the man says, drawing a new bat out of a golf bag he's carrying.

"Oh? Will you?" Koschei declares, advancing and knocking him to the ground" You have good talent, kid, and ideals, too, but you need to temper those with experience. Too bad, though," Koschei sighs, emptying his gun into the Senator and his assistant, mulching them both.

"You monster! Justice will..." the
SUPER STRIKER manages, steadying himself with his bat.

What will you do?
"Alright, students. I understand that this is a bit of a trying time," Tatsumaki-sensei says, as Koschei proceeds to lay out Super Striker with a kick," But we need to act fast. I imagine we can save the Senator and his assistant; we have some supernatural characters with us today, but I'll need to ask some of you to divert that man's attentions while we do so. I know this is incredibly dangerous. I can't order you, but it would help me immensely."

"YES! This is my world of battle! Tatsumaki, I'll fight this man!" Kaneda says, his smile growing ever wider, and his flaming toothpick glowing bright blue.

"I will assist you with the Senator, Sensei," Airi says, as Arika nods.

"I'll help, too!" she says.

Well, what will you do? Or will you ignore Sensei's plan for something else?
Pure: Orcus

Encroachment: 43

Initiative: 7

Max HP: 27

Move: 12 / 24

Akiko followed Riiko and friend over to the rest of the group. She recognized Haruna from last night, but she hadn't seen her since. She was just about to bow to the group of people when people around her fell limply to the ground. Surprised at the sudden occurrence she simply stood with her mouth open wondering just what was going on.

It didn't ake much more than a few seconds to realize who had caused this. A few words were quickly spoken by others, of which she was going to add her voice when a car pulled up at the front gates. It was a moment of dread to be standing in the courtyard of the school with most of the students sleeping haphazardly across the square. It just made her stand out as one of the monsters.

But she was one of the good monsters, as evidenced by three men who shot the senator and his aides dead as they stepped rom the car. She didn't even turn to see who was shooting as she ran to the senator's side. Somewhere along the way she had dropped the bag she had been carrying. She knelt by the man with the small american flag on his lapel and placed a hand on his chest.

Whatever the man had been shot with had torn his chest apart. She wasn't sure if she could get the power back to heal the man. She had just healed someone else last night, and she knew that it would take a fair amount of time before she would have enough energy. Still, she was on her home ground, so she decided she would have to draw from the area around her.

She let the particles gather around her, swirling like branches around her before infusing the senator with everything she could gather. Each branch wrapping the senator in its limbs before they absorbed.

invoking Ygdrasil's Leaf
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(Rescue Team)

As Akiko runs over to assist the Senator, an aromatic breeze follows her. Without leaving any footsteps, Tatsumaki-sensei followed Akiko over. With Akiko's calling on the earth-energy to heal the Senator, he jerked up, blinked and sat up. His lower jaw is ruined, hanging gruesomely. However, his skin writhes, and several tentacles erupt from the mouth, grasping at air. One slides up Tatsumaki's arm, and she flinches, gasping in pain.

The tentacles retreat, and the mouth of the Senator expands, with an arm, and even a face emerging.

The face scowls, and says, <Thanks, but can you give me a hand? I'm kind of stuck right now.>

What will you do now?
E, ceased walking backwards, and closed his eyes, once he discovered Kaneda, was still standing. 'Uuuuuugggghhhhhhhh.' Why couldn't he catch a break for once? 'Whatever. Let me just get the hell out of here before anyone -'

That was when he spied Maki-Maki behind them, smiling, with coffee cup in hand.'Wow. Today is NOT my day!' So apparently, she was one of them too. Them? Didn't he mean we? Who was who, and who was on what side, mattered not to the boy, at this point. Leaving this mess, going home, and seeing his auntie Ling, was the only thing on his mind. "Wasting secrets? What? I'm sorry. What are you even talking about? Look, teach, you've got it all wrong. I have no idea what's going on here. I was talking to my pal Kaneda, and this girl here," he said pointing at Tamako. "Then a buncha kids, fall out of nowhere. It's crazy. Utterly insane. I must be losing it teach. It's hot out, I'm feeling sick, I haven't even got my homework for today. Just tell them I'm not --"

Shots rang out, as a group of men, stood by a limousine, that had pulled into the courtyard, minutes before. 'Did they just...oh my god. HERE?? AT SCHOOL? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE??' It was incomprehensible. All he wanted to do, was go to school. That was it. A plain and simple enough thing to do, right? Yet there he was, standing, as witness to a murder.

A nervous laugh could be heard, cutting the air, as E looked at Maki-Maki, incredulously.
"Um. Haha. What? You want us, to do what? Are you nuts? They could kill us. Put our lives on the line, for some Senator? You can't be serious?" A bright light, shone from the object, hanging out of Kaneda's mouth. E, feel the anticipation radiating off the boy. 'The buffoon. This is not a game. You can get yourself killed!' He then turned his attention to the void-user. She looked so frail. Hell, the girl damn near fell over, when he said he just came by to help. What would happen if she decided to be dumb, and rush over too?

"Maki. This is all cuckoo. I decline your offer. But if she goes, then I am too."

As the teacher ran off towards the limousine, he stood, staring at this girl, hoping she would make the right choice.
Akiko screams. Not that the man sat up, but because his jaw was hanging at the wrong angle. It just looked so wrong. But that was the best part. She screamed again as the tentacles erupted from the senator's mouth, scooting away on her backside. She was nearly horror struck at the grotesquely shaped face. For just the barest fraction of a second she thought it was over.

The screaming started again as an arm and a head emerged from the senator's mouth. She scrambled on hands and knees to get back to her bag. She wanted her sword, but more importantly she wanted to get away from the monster whose life she had just saved.

She clutched her training bag to her chest, hoping it would make a good shield should the monster attack her. And turned to face the monster, the scrapes and scratches on her knees brand new. She screamed again, not completely understanding what the monster in the senator's mouth was saying. She understood some English, but in this setting, this situation, she couldn't understand a thing that was happening to her.
(Rescue Team)

<I swear, is this the limit of Japanese Overeds? Pitiful. I nearly die, and my rescuer can't even help me. I don't think I'm that wounded,> the face says, lifting itself up and out of the mouth. It turns out the face belongs to an American woman of indeterminate age. Using her free arm to drag herself out of the remains of the Senator, she brings a tentacled limb up to her lips, as if signalling quiet.

"Shhh, ssssssh," It's alright, it's alright. My name is Harriet Schneider. I'm fine, and you will be, too. I'm an [Exile] Overed. I'm sorry if I surprised you, but my cover was kind of blown, and it's hard to move in there anyways," Harriet says in crisp Japanese, donning the remains of the suit her male persona was wearing.

"I can't really blame her, though. You acted like some kind of ghost there for a second," Tatsumaki-sensei said.

"Yes, well...I'll explain it later," Harriet mumbles, frowning.


Tamako looks to E and then to Kaneda, striding towards Koschei.

"I...I..I'm sorry, sir. You protected me, but," her hair rises dramatically, "I can't run away. I have to protect Mama, and all the little ones who can't protect themselves. Even the little boys who call me a ghost," she mumbled, as a black sphere erupted beside her," I have to fight!"
Confusion, revulsion, bewilderment, and more played on the emotional merry-go-round. For a time, her thoughts stopped as the brass casings echoed off the ground. Too much sensory input assaulted her heightened senses all at once forcing her brain to temporarily overload in the attempt to process it. Standing stock still she stared in blue screen mode until she was nudged back to awareness by Maki Maki's voice. Shaking her head, Haruna watched as one of the girls...Akiko, dashed off towards the senator. Kaneda went wild making his best charging bull impression towards Koschei.

The Russian mercenary. Hadn't she read up on him, after hearing from Samaritan that he was close by? So by skeletal appearance they meant he was some kind of cyborg. If the three of them were mostly machines then it would be hell if anyone used fire. Wouldn't take much to turn at least the two on the left into giant grenades when the oil ignited. There were too many bystanders who could take stray bullets or shrapnel. Unless it was over decisively this was going to result in a bloodbath.

"Hiro, use your ice to make improvised barriers in front of the unconscious. It won't be funny if they take a stray shot. Don't use fire on those three. Riko, I don't know what you can do so try not to get shot." Speaking at a rushed whisper, Haruna spared the two a nod before moving counter clockwise away from the others. Hopefully she could draw their attention away from the injured or downed. "If you can do anything to help, now would be a great time for back up, Adapa. I'd really hate to come down with a sudden case of lead poisoning." Offering a short request to her shadow, Haruna sucked in a breath of air to release the biggest shout her lungs could manage.

"WORTHLESS TSAR! When wife snatching didn't pan out you turned to assassination? Pathetic!"

As her bellow mixed with Akiko's scream, the area around Haruna began to shift. Rippling, dozens of mirrors appeared bending the light in surrounding space. Going as low as she could in a running sprint, Haruna fired one blast towards Koschei's weapon and arms. Keeping the trajectory high would avoid hitting the students, and hopefully put one of the three problems out of action.




Activating mirror coat and hand of light. Shoddy rolls but what can you do? At 46 encroach now.



Assuming still only highest result goes, just passed the check and now have encroach at 55
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Pure: Orcus

Encroachment: 69

Initiative: 7

Max HP: 27

Move: 12 / 24

Condition: Berserk (x2)

"Fear is the most primal emotion. Not like love, or sadness, or anger. Those will make you do silly things. Kissing a boy, crying at a party, striking inanimate objects. But fear... Fear will shut you down. You will do nothing. You will cower and cringe and let the world devour you."





The words were those of her sensei. Meant to keep her from backing down during a judo match. Some of the girls she faced were bigger than her, or faster. She couldn't just back down. But there was something else, deeper, when you saw a tentacled horror climb from inside a person right into your face.

She could slowly feel her mind catching on to what was happening. It was still confused. She knew that the people with guns were the bad guys. The senator was the good guy. But the thing crawling out from inside was wrong, so probably a bad guy. But would that make the guys with guns the good guys. And if they were the good guys, and the tentacled thing the bad guy, should she have saved the bad guy?

Things didn't make sense. She had no idea who the good guys were. Or the bad guys. And maybe there weren't any bad guys. Or any good guys either. The man from last night had said he would kill her, but he would try to help her first. Was he a good guy or a bad guy. And where was he. Shouldn't he be here killing the monster in front of her.

"GET" A wall of water formed directly between Akiko and the tentacled beast. "AWAY" The Wall hardened into a molecular crystal water. "FROM" Razor sharp shards grew from the wall, as the wall thinned and the shards elongated. "ME!" The razor shards moved in a flash, driving right at the monster that had erupted from the senator's skin.

RC = 5 opposed by target's Dodge

Damage = 4



Completely horrible dice rolls.
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Ryuu did not, in fact, stay with the group. First chance he was given the teenager was gone. Broken from the collective potential enemies and right into the den of uncertainty (read: classroom). Where he sat comfortably in the far back, disregarding the attendance rules. He was alone, surprisingly, with not a soul to be found. Ryuu was most pleased.

Propping his chin up with the palm of his hand, the other resting on the desk, the young man took in the lovely classical music. He was listening to Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries before class started with his rather large headphone set that he brought with. It made him feel slightly better regarding what had happened earlier. He hummed to the lyrics. Idly he fished out his phone, half remembering he'd received a message earlier and wanting to see what his friend wanted.

El Psy Congroo

A single drop of cold sweat found it's way down his neck. He froze in place, staring down at the scribbled message that had provided a single coherent line. His line. Slowly, as if his head had been turned by forces unknown, the young man found him-self gazing out the window. There were bodies everywhere.

He'd barely caught the glimpse of the limousine before bolting out of his chair for the door, phone and bag forgotten. He jerked the door open and ran out into the hall like a madman. Bodies as far as the eye could see. Students, teachers, even one of the janitorial staff had been caught. Gunfire rang out behind and below him.

(Paused to roll for Impulse)


(Sorry, Replay told me I screwed up the previous roll and redid it)

He had been so stupid. So careless. They had found him already. Eyes flicked suspiciously across the group of unconscious (or were they?) individuals on the ground. His eyes narrowed and his tongue clicked. He launched him-self down the hall, stepping over the bodies, and sometimes on top of them, to get his way to the staircase. Within moments he was down and heading for the backdoor. Ignoring the not corpses of not civilians, knowing full well they were trying to lure him into a false sense of security. But no! No he would not fall for it! Not again! He would make it out the back and he would be gone.

They won't take him back.

They can't take him back.

Never again.

WELP. "Fuck this I'm out." GM, left you some space here to work with him instead of him just getting on a motorcycle and driving off into the sunset.

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E'zane could hear screams, erupting from just beyond the limo; in the very same direction, one of his teachers, Tatsumaki Maki, was headed. 'Oooh man.' Judging by the pitch, it sounded as if it came from, one of the other students. A girl. 'Oh my god, what are parents teaching you now-a-days?? If you see danger, RUN! Don't get curious, and start trying to stick your nose into things! That's basic street 101! AH!'

Beginning to run off, in the direction of the shrieking; E groaned, as Ms. Fragile, got to her knees, spouting off some words about saving Mama, and running off towards the alleged gunmen. '..What? Protect mama? NOTHING IS MAKING ANY SENSE!!' From the base of E'Zane's spine, a warming sensation, could be felt, trying to wriggle it's way, throughout the tissues of his body. 'Ooh no...this is bad...'



With jaw clenched, he steeled himself, retreated into mindfulness, and mentally held back the oozing sensation, spreading from within.

'Ah..good.' It was a resounding success. 'Not today, buddy.'

Invigorated by his internal victory, eyes flew towards the battlefield. He was no Neumann, but he had ample experience dealing with threats, during his time in the streets. 'Okay, focus. The girl screaming, should be fine. As long as the gun-men aren't after her, it's all kosher. Plus, Maki-Maki, is headed there anyway. She should be relatively alright. Now, the problem...are these guys.' The area was suddenly illuminated, as a cascade of mirrors appeared, bending the light in surrounding space. E watched in awe, as beams of pure light, streaked towards the biggest out of the bunch. 'Oh ho ho! Never seen that one before! Huh. S'pretty amazing.' But he could save being enamored for another time, now was the moment for action.

"HEY, LIGHT GIRL!" He yelled. "WORK WITH ME AND KANEDA! THE BIG GUY IN THE MIDDLE RIGHT? GOT IT!" This begs the question, was Tamako, then, just chopped liver? In a sense, yes. E'Zane, vehemently opposed including her, in something so dangerous; at least, until she proved herself capable. But for now, he'd do his best to keep her out of harm's way. Which included running headlong, into the big-man's immediate space.

-E'Zane, has opened Weapons Case (Auto-Action)-

Reaching with his left, into a large pocket of his trousers, the boy, pulled a large handgun from it, while raising his right. Skidding to halt, in front of the man (Minor Action), E, let off a round, while simultaneously spraying the gent, with his own, a home-grown acid.

-E'Zane, has used Water of Pain/Shot Gun (Major Action)-

Perform an [Atk. Power: +LV]

ranged attack. If an attackthat

uses this Power deals at least one

point of damage, the Target will

receive the Bad Status Dazed.


All dazed characters receive a -2 dice

penalty towards all checks.

Opposed Check: 6

Damage if hits: 18 (12+5+1)




-E'Zane, has used Blind Sheep (Auto)-

Declare right before the Target performs

a check. That check receives

a - [LV
(3) + 1] dice penalty. This Power

may only be used once per Round.

Just for good
measure, E'Zane readied another batch of self-made chemicals, to blind the man, just in case the big lug was faster than he expected. If it turned out he didn't need it; well, at least it could help someone else's attack hit the mark. Inside, E, beamed at his handiwork.

'Awwwww yesssssss!'

Even if he had to take the man down all by himself himself, it really didn't matter. Because for the first time in weeks, things were actually going well.

HP: 28/28

Encroachment: 51

Has used <<Warding>>

Large Handgun x1

Weapon Case x1

Cellphone x1

Uniform x1
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