Literature Read me a story!

Tardy Grade

The Page Turner
Though I'm an ardent advocate for the written word and all that is penned, I must say there are times when I wish to see a good voice attached to a book I enjoyed.

Likewise I'm sure some of you may have entertained the notion of a perfect world where So-and-so read the book such-and-such resulting in an amazing audio-book you wouldn't hesitate on adding to your library.

So feel free to mention your choice of narrator of any one title of/or entire series of books.

I'll start off by mentioning the 'The Kingkiller Chronicle' by Patrick Rothfuss to be read by ...

Jeremy Irons.

Below is a sample of his narrative prowess.

Since the Kingkiller story itself has a narrative aspect by the main protagonist who's silver tongue and quick of wit I couldn't think of a better pick. If he was maybe a few decades younger then that'd be even more perfect.
I got a good read here for you. But it's a pretty short story, so I'll just tell it to you myself.


Once there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died.

The end.

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