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Realistic or Modern ⋆✩ ☆ Reach for the S t a r s

Same. Sorry I never posted *sweats* but this is the week before the week before finals and I'm busy right now writing an essay, needing to study Spanish, catching up on readings... orz so on and so forth. Definitely when I have free time LOL.
Ooooh, I think my last final is on Wednesday? I should be able to get my post up not too long after that.
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Finals don't happen until the next two weeks for me. Thankfully the last post is currently mine so hopefully that means when it's my turn to post again the exams are over yay
Just keeping the thread alive here! Hopefully everyone is done with finals or on their last round. Good luck guys! ;D
Sorry, my laptop charger broke for a while just as I was going to try to shake off some rust. 8') My laptop charger's back in and I haven't forgotten about this.
hEY sorry that lit too an entire month but the deed is done

lmao basically i wanted to reply this whole time but it had been so long since i last wrote something and i wasn't feeling confident and i didn't want to write something shitty for this roleplay ugh ugh


Welcome back, uh... @Piña ? Wait, so all along it was Pine as in cone and not tree? My perception of the universe is so challenged right now. Either that or my memory of the little Spanish I know is diminishing and Google is messing with me by not pointing out my mistakes.

I decided to go at re-read the entire thread I was at it just for the sake of doing it, and it's incredible how much of everything up to this point is just everyone being "I just woke up and I'm very confused". Also, how does Saul manage to be so hostile and so likeable at the same time? Teach me.

How's everyone been doing recently?
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hahahahahahaah fuck i forgot i did that last night

well u see

first i was pineapple

then no one wanted to type that all out

so everyone started calling me pine

now they will all know my hispanic terror (and piña is totally pineapple lmaoo)

that statement kind of sums up my life tbh

But aaaaaaah I'm glad you think so about him that means a lot omg. Alright so first step you have to just really really want everyone to show you some common courtesy and then if they don't afford you that then well you plot their demise but like in a polite fashion.

lOL i've been doing alright

just been doing that summer thing

working again

and my feet are killing me wheEZES but otherwise i'm well

hbu? 8'))
Pineapple? So my perception of the universe is wrong and I messed up the Spanish. Excellent.

Also thank you Saul for the excellent advice

I've been doing alright in general except that 1. I messed up my sleep cycle and consequently my food cycle (as in, like, the time meals happen? Is there even a word for that?) 2. I sit in front of my desk way too long for it to be healthy. I think the main reason I like programming is that if you do it right you can make outrageous mistakes without any permanent consequences really you know, unlike life. Ugh.

What's happened to your feet though?
tut tuts

i don't think a meal cycle is a phrase per se but it should be

LMAO tho yeah that's so true

but in my experience with html u fuck up once and it's a huge mess to clean up 8')

what kind of programming?

basically my shoes are two years old and apparently having to stand in them for five to eight hours hurts like hell lmaO

i don't know if the fact that i might twirl a little while making sandwiches for people has anything to do with it

and also having to stand on the tip of my toes because there's this huge sign that's in the way of when i first start dealing with customers

mind, i'm not short

the sign is just THAT inconveniently placed and i hate it
Meal cycle yeah. Is there also a term for the regularity of the content of one's meals? Like, a descriptor that differentiates a good, healthy, balanced diet with two meals that are both pizza and take place at 10AM and 10PM respectively?

Then I realized that the distinction is moot because pizza is totally a healthy diet.

All kinds of programming. Okay, I exaggerate, but for reals I mess with just about everything excluding the stuff that lies at the very bottom. Most recently I've been experimenting with some more recent web thingies (webGL in particular.)

Well there's always version management? Mess up, roll back; just remember to push changes regularily. And then experience the amazing revelation that version management is something that can be messed up in its own right. Rejoice.

I spoke of risk-free programming mostly in comparison with when you work with actual physical systems though? I've long gotten into the habit of just coding something in without much thought and going "okay let's just run it and see what it does", and taking it for given that the worst that could happen is for the program to metaphorically blow up when it runs in which all I'll have to do is stop the execution and try again. But a few months ago I started playing with an actual motor wired to the computer and only then did I realize things blowing up here may be non-metaphorical. (Yes, one out-of-control rotor is hardly life-threatening, but that doesn't mean it doesn't sound like it is. Now I've acquired a flinch reflex whenever I run anything because the terror)

Just hearing about standing five to eight hours a day sounds painful already, ugh. Take care! Hope you find a way to alleviate the feet pain soon. Also, the placement of that sign is incredibly silly.

In a desperate attempt to demonstrate that I'm not derailing the OOC intentionally Incidentally, any word on how everyone else involved in this is doing? Last I've heard from Nessie and FirePolaris they were both struggling with finals and I eagerly wish to find out whether they've survived.
Tomorrow is my last final! And then I have summer school but let's not speak of that sadness. I'd also like to point out that I haven't heard from Nessie in a while. :( I think she's on a trip or something.
Just posted everyone, I hope it's good enough.

My finals are finished and I'm a week away from summer holiday. ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ
Hey guys! Done with finals! Got a little bit sidetracked watching the Shadowhunters but I believe it's my turn to post. ;D I'll definitely get one today or tomorrow!
Gosh dang it, I'm super sidetracked. Alright, I'm going to get something up tonight or tomorrow. I need to reread the post and feel Klara's personality again. D; Sorry for the delays guys! How's your summer so far? ;D
@Sasil Actually, let me know if you want to get a post in before I go. I realized that I might be skipping your turn if I went head and post. :)
Mmm I spent an hour yesterday on a hammock type thing outside yesterday but it was fucking hot but I was determined to get to the end of Wikipedia's article on dog communication. We also celebrated Father's Day early yesterday so I got to watch Central Intelligence, which was surprisingly good. *sweats* I should probably look into getting him a gift or something today tho but idk what LMAO.
@FirePolaris You can skip me if you would like. I will have to re read everything because I forgot a lot about my character (I think his name was Ben? LOL)
Pine said:
Mmm I spent an hour yesterday on a hammock type thing outside yesterday but it was fucking hot but I was determined to get to the end of Wikipedia's article on dog communication.
You...what exactly? I read through this at least five times and think I understand every component but am not sure I comprehend the meaning at all.

Sasil said:
(I think his name was Ben? LOL)
I sincerely hope you manage to recall Ben. He's way too precious to be forgotten.
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LOL. This is what happens when we go away for too long. Alright. I'm going read everything again and post tonight! Expect a time skip from me and I need to remember what our plans were lollls.
Pine said:
Mmm I spent an hour yesterday on a hammock type thing outside yesterday but it was fucking hot but I was determined to get to the end of Wikipedia's article on dog communication. We also celebrated Father's Day early yesterday so I got to watch Central Intelligence, which was surprisingly good. *sweats* I should probably look into getting him a gift or something today tho but idk what LMAO.
It's so friggin hot. I'm dying. ;(

But yay for celebrating Father's Day! I just hung out with my friends since my dad wanted to sleep and not be disturbed at all LOL.
And done! I totally forgot about the interviews. LOL Feel free to control any interviewer, ask any questions to anyone. If it's easier/more fun, I could randomly post a question to the next person replying and you'll control the interviewer to ask that question. We could discuss what questions to ask whom and such. Let me know if you guys have any cool ideas for the interview. ;D

Quick announcement that Nessie is still alive and we can expect her return on the 7th of July! :) She's currently on a trip to Europe.
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