

Whiskered Writer
Hey there, all. (=u=)/

Some of you might know me and some of you (apparently) may have heard of me!

Up until recently (today, to be honest), I've been on a bit of a hiatus due to personal crap and lack of time management. But now, I'm back!

So, let me [re]introduce myself for any of the faces on RPN that might not have seen mine!

My name's Ben, but most folks know me as Mr. Grin, ActionGrinson or 'Hey, bearded guy!'

I'm a nearing-thirty year old dude from small-town Iowa that has a thing for writing, gaming, design, bearding and generally faking a decent social presence!

Despite all the talk, I'm just some idiot that likes what he likes. And one of those likes happens to be RP.

I've been roleplaying off and on for probably 10-15 years now, but I always find ways to improve and am by no means a 'seasoned professional' or anything.

(I can scribble out a good tale or character once and awhile, if I say so myself, but don't expect too much outta' me. Especially after a writing-less hiatus! Hah!)

I've been around RpN for quite a bit now, having joined Jan. 2, 2012.

Anything else, don't hesitate to ask! I'm a pretty approachable dude for basically anything.

Nice to meet you all! (or meet you again, in some cases)

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