Ray Ahmad Carter


drinks coffee and cries
Full Title:  His Royal Highness Ray Ahmad Carter, Crown Prince of Sakala, Heir to his father's Crown

Nicknames: n/a

Age: 18

DOB: Eighth of November

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual Grey-Aromantic

Position: Royal Heir

Country: Auga (Sakala)

Bio: Ray’s known civil war his whole life, the threat always hanging over his head. Up until the age of fifteen, however, he seemed completely unaffected by it. After all, he had a loving family, younger siblings to tease, and it wasn’t like he or anyone he knew was actually in danger. Or at least, that’s what he believed until three days after his 15th birthday, when an assassin took the queen out on a hit meant for his father. It left the family reeling, though everyone dealt with it in different ways. The king retreated into himself, leaving most of his duties to his son and only showing up for ceremonies he’d be dragged out of his chambers to attend. Ray, on the other hand, cut almost everyone off emotionally, his personality shifting drastically until he barely resembled the boy he had been, only cleaning up his act when needed to keep his land afloat. Only months before he and his siblings were sent to the academy did the king finally return to his work, though he offered no apology to Ray, and Ray has almost convinced himself that he doesn’t care.

Personality: “Nothing is permanent.” These are the words Ray seems to live by. A flirt and a player, Ray sports a devil may care attitude below a practiced veneer of formality and charm. He’s incredibly cool-tempered, and it’s nearly impossible to get under his skin, simply because he doesn’t care. This also leads him to being incredibly relaxed, although not really in a nice way, more in a “just get it done and get it done right I don’t care” way. Beyond this, Ray thrives on attention, which is good, since he’s definitely a people person. Not that he really likes most people, mind you. If he does start to like you, though, he can be almost nice, and his teasing and jokes switch from being made at your expense to something you’re expected to understand and laugh at, too. Besides all this, he has a definite soft spot for younger family members, as well as his twin sister; even as he teases them, he'd try to move mountains for them, and gods forbid you ever upset one of them, as this is one of the only ways to make Ray angry.

Appearance: Ray is the textbook definition of easy on the eyes. He stands at 6’5, a height that would have been made awkward if not for the almost graceful way he holds himself and the muscle he’s built up over the years. Thick black waves of hair are almost always grown out to a shaggy length, falling into coffee colored eyes, covering his ears, and generally being in the way. Under this you can see caramel colored skin, golden piercings in his eyebrows, lips, and ears, and an ever-present smirk that shows just how amusing he thinks this all is.

Weaponry: Ray favors swords, and can either fight with a sword and a shield, or a twin pair of swords.

Other: n/a
@Shmivian go ahead! the only real guidelines i have is the carter family is kind of paranoid, so unless you're going the slavery route the servant probably would not just be someone picked up off the street.
@Shmivian Go ahead! Just make sure his appearance and backstory match up with the others members, and that it's gonna have to be a boy so you fill the character requirements of a boy and a girl
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